Chapter 914

Alien fire, this is something that anyone can master.

"you recognize"

Lingyun's eyes shot out a cold light, and asked the King of the Mountain Storm.

"Oil rat, the current king of the demon clan. Apart from him, I can't think of anyone in the demon clan who masters this kind of strange fire."

The King of Storm Mountain said hurriedly.

"King of the clan, before the demon mouse attacked, Xiao Zi fought with the demon mouse king in order to protect our demon fox clan."

Venerable Demon Fox said.

"Boss, Mei'er is trying to save me, that's why I sucked the strange fire from me. You must save her."

Little Zi Python knew Ling Yun's ability, if even Ling Yun couldn't save Hu Mei'er, then Hu Mei'er would be dead.Hu Mei'er could sacrifice herself to save him, which was enough to show that she really liked him.

"The clan king, I beg you to save Mei'er."

Hu Rou also begged.Although she knew very well that Hu Mei's current situation, even if the oil fire was taken out, it would not be far from death.Her demon core has been damaged by the oil fire, and the desire to restore it has never happened in the history of the demon race.

"Hey, the power of the magic core has been burned out, how could it be possible to save it. It's a pity that such a kind and righteous little beauty. The oil rat was killed by the gods, and there were not many peerless witches in our demon race, but it was destroyed. One, it's nasty."

The King of Storm Mountain said with a sigh.

"I will definitely save her."

After Ling Yun checked Hu Mei'er's body, he used a gold needle to seal her meridians, and then sealed her up with spirit power to keep her in this state.

"Boss, can this be saved? It's a lie!"

The King of Storm Mountain asked in a low voice.

"As long as the oil rat's magic core is obtained, she can revive her magic core with the power of its magic core. Secondly, it will take a thousand years of blood essence and a thousand years of keel to recreate the fox tail."

Ling Yun said solemnly.Of course, he didn't come up with this method, but Yuzifeng.

"Make a fox tail, boss, are you kidding me?"

The King of Storm Mountain screamed.Ling Yun's treatment method is really amazing.It sounds scary to take the oil rat's core, doesn't it mean that the devil is going to be killed?

However, Baowangshan knew how powerful this oil rat was. Anyway, he was not the opponent of the oil rat, and he did not dare to provoke him easily.As for making fox tails, even the Demon Fox Clan have never heard of them. There are still people in the world who can make fox tails.

"Who are you kidding. Xiao Zi, take the medicine pill, and immediately go to the Dragon Palace to get the Wannian keel. Rouer, send someone to the Demon Palace to ask for the thousand-year-old blood essence."

Ling Yun said.Ten thousand years of keel, between heaven and earth, only the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea has it.As for the thousand-year-old blood essence, there is only the Celestial Clan.

"Ah, these two things are the treasures of the Dragon Palace and the Demon Palace, can they give it?"

Hu Rou stared at Ling Yun with wide eyes.The same is true of the King of the Storm.The Ten Thousand Years Dragon Palace was left by the dragon whose longevity reached the end, and it was still a supreme-level dragon, and at the same time, it needed to die normally.

As for the thousand-year-old blood essence, it was transformed by a drop of blood essence left over every thousand years on the side of the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, and it was extremely precious.It can improve the bloodline of Celestial Warcraft.

Generally, the Celestial Clan would never give away the blood essence of these thousand years.

"Whether it is the Dragon Palace or the Demon Palace, it will definitely be given. The King of Storm Mountain ordered in the name of the Great Demon God of our Earth Clan, and this seat must be free from mice."

Ling Yun's voice became very cold, his eyes shone with trembling and killing light, and his body exploded with suffocation.

"Ah, yes, boss"

The King of Storm Mountain was startled.Ling Yun wanted to kill the Southern Realm Demon Rats, it was too ruthless.As soon as this order came out, I was afraid that the entire Demon Race would tremble.

It has been a long, long time in the Demon Race that no Demon Venerable has done the feat of extermination.Of course, in order to issue such an order, in addition to requiring the Demon Venerable to speak, one must also have a position.

Otherwise, other Demon Venerables would most likely intervene.

The Great Demon God of the Earth Race represents the king of the Earth Race Demon Race, and is recognized by the Demon Temple.That is to say, the order he issued, the Demon Temple would not interfere, and other Demon Venerables would take action, that is, to be the enemy of the Great Demon God of the Earth Race.

Equivalent to a traitor.

The King of Storm Mountain released his true body, and in the prestige of Demon Venerable, he ordered the monsters in the entire Linghu area to hunt down the Demon Mouse Clan, and at the same time let his Demon Bear Clan participate in it. .

Devil's Temple

"Something happened."

Yuhe Demon Venerable hurriedly entered the Demon Temple.

"Old Crane, what's going on, look at you in a hurry"

Lei Ying asked with a sloppy look on his face, ignoring him.Demon Lord, Demon Star is a little curious, it can't be a rebellion from the Earth Clan.

"That Demon Fox King has made a big move."

"What a big move"

Mo Xing got interested and was picked up.They had been waiting for Ling Yun to make a noise.

"He ordered the killing of the Demon Rats."

"What, what's going on. How did that guy from the Oil King provoke him to make him so crazy."

The Demon Lord was surprised.They thought that Ling Yun would cause a storm among the Earth Clan, but they didn't expect that it would be a storm of extermination, which would be too crazy.

To exterminate the clan, even the Lord of the Demon Palace would not dare to give such an order lightly.This is not cruel, but cruel.It is easy to arouse the disgust of other races.

"It is said that the guy from the Oil King led the Demon Mouse Clan to attack the Demon Fox Clan and severely injured the Lord Demon Fox. Therefore, the Demon Fox King was furious and issued a killing order in the name of the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan. By the way, the Demon Bear Clan join in..."

Yuhe said.He is the angel patrol of the Demon Temple, responsible for searching for information about the Demon Race.

(End of this chapter)

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