extreme dog days

Chapter 915 Rat eradication

Chapter 915 Rodent Control ([-])

"Well, isn't the King of the Storm Mountain missing? Could it be that he was subdued by him?"

After the King of Storm Mountain was subdued by Lingyun, the Demon Temple has not received any news yet!Lingyun, the Great Demon God of the Earth Race, subdued the Earth Race Demon Venerable, which was not a good thing for their Demon Temple.

Because once Ling Yun successfully subdues the Demon Venerables of the Earth Clan, it means that Ling Yun will have the strength to compete with their Celestial Clan for power.

"Hey, it looks like we all underestimated him. This guy is in some trouble."

The magic star said in a deep voice.


The Demon Lord also nodded.

"Demon Lord, what should we do about this, whether to stop it."

Neem asked.

The Demon Mouse Clan has always been attached to their Celestial Clan. When the Celestial Clan seized power, the Demon Mouse Clan was the first to jump out to support their Celestial Clan, and they were also the most loyal lackeys of their Celestial Clan among the Earth Clan.

Now that the newly appointed Great Demon God of the Earth Clan wants to exterminate the Demon Rat Clan, if their Demon Temple stands by and does nothing, this is obviously unreasonable.


Mo Xing said first.

"Well, why. The Demon Mouse Clan has always been attached to our Celestial Clan. If we don't pay attention to this matter and want to conquer the Earth Clan in the future, it will be difficult."

said the devil.

"The Demon Lord is very right. The Demon Rat Clan has always been attached to our Celestial Clan, and the entire Demon Clan knows it. Now is a good time for our Celestial Clan to pull the Longdi Clan."

Lei Ying followed suit, and Yu He naturally nodded.

"If the Demon Fox King just killed the Oil King, then we can naturally come forward. But if he wants to exterminate the family, the situation will be different."

Mo Xing shook his head, his face was bitter, obviously very embarrassed.Because Ling Yun dropped a big bomb on them.

"What's the difference."

"Yes, Master Xing, what are you selling at this time?"

"You said that the Demon Mouse Clan has always been attached to our Celestial Clan, but have you ever thought that the Demon Fox King is now attached to our Celestial Clan. If I come forward to stop this matter, once he does not agree, it will be equivalent to breaking with us. Once he breaks with us, he will be the real Great Demon God of the Earth Race."



The reason why Lingyun chose to slaughter the Demon Rat Race was not only to be angry, but also to block the Demon Temple and prevent them from interfering in this matter.He wished that the Demon Temple would intervene, so that the other Earth Race Demon Venerables would naturally come to him and fight against the Celestial Race with him as the leader.

As for hunting the oil rat, it would not be too late to kill him after the war.

Of course, Ling Yun expected that the Demon Temple would not interfere, and as long as he successfully killed the Demon Rat Clan, he would be even more intimate with him.Because this can make him hostile to other land races.



The Demon Lord and the others all gasped, feeling like they had lifted a stone and hit their feet.

"Don't we just ignore it?"

Yuhe asked.

It is impossible for the Demon Temple to pretend not to know about this matter.After all, such a big thing happened, if the Demon Temple responsible for the management of the Southern Demons didn't know anything, then what else would the Demon Temple do.

"Of course we can't ignore it. We not only have to take care of this matter, but also participate in it. The Demon Rat Clan is disobedient and disobeyed the orders of the Demon Temple, and they should be punished for their crimes."

Mo Xing said coldly.

This is to stand up directly and openly support Ling Yun.

In this way, it is equivalent to tying Ling Yun, the Demon Fox King, to their Demon Temple.

The devil's plan, the devil thought again and again, and finally agreed, and the devil gave an order, agreeing that there will be no mice in the world.And the Demon Rat Clan has always been distributed all over the Southern Territory, so the entire Southern Territory has been turned upside down for a while.

Before Lingyun gave the order from the Demon Palace, he had already killed the large area where the Demon Mouse Clan was located.He has long known the decision of the Demon Temple, unless the Demon Temple is a fool, otherwise he will not stop him from slaughtering the Demon Rat.

The large area is extremely broad, and this piece of land is all the territory of the Demon Rat Race. There is no second Demon Race here except for the Demon Rat. Who makes the number of the Demon Rat Race so large?

If other monsters dare to step into the big area, they will end up being eaten up by the Demon Rat Race.Moreover, the Demon Mouse Clan was the first to rely on the Celestial Clan, so they had the Celestial Clan as their backing, but they have always been a blessing.

The other earth tribes were quite dissatisfied with the Demon Mouse Race, but they had the support of the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan, and even the Demon Monkey Race in Wuzhiguo Mountain would not dare to do anything to the Demon Mouse Race.



Ling Yun swept his sword across the ground, and the sword energy hit the ground ten feet. The ground was instantly dyed red, because the ground was full of demon rats.

"Bold, who are you, you dare to run wild in our big area."

Several demons of the Demon Rat race rushed out and shouted sharply.

"Let the oil rat come out and die, otherwise every three breaths, one person will be beheaded."

Ling Yun said coldly.


One of the demons shouted, but in the next second he was already dead.

"Ah! Hurry up, inform all the venerable... hurry up..."

"Come on, inform the Venerable, inform the clan king"


The devil's cultivation base is naturally equivalent to the heaven-level realm, and it is also the tenth-level monster.The opponent easily killed one with one sword, indicating that the strength is far superior to them.

And dare to directly kill their Demon Rat people in their large area, they are definitely not ordinary people.




Every time Lingyun counts to three, he will strike a sword, and with every sword, he will kill a demon, and those who escape will die faster.At this time, he has not released his aura, because once his aura is released, there are some demons and demons who are far away from here, and the Venerable will not rush over.

When we say genocide, we must annihilate it.

(End of this chapter)

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