extreme dog days

Chapter 916 Rat eradication

Chapter 916 Rodent Control ([-])

With Ling Yun's current strength, those sages of beasts are like ants in front of him.As long as he is willing, a sword can kill a large area.The reason for killing one by one at this time is that they don't want to let these guys run away.

Genocide is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult to do.

After all, once the demon beasts become demons, they can leave the body of demon beasts, and those with high bloodline can completely transform into human beings when they reach the tenth rank.As long as the above are hidden well, as long as they don't meet the powerful human race in the supreme realm, they can't tell whether they are human or demon.

So at this time, if you let these demons of the Demon Rat Race, Venerable, escape, it will be difficult to kill them again.

"This person is not weak, everyone should be careful."

The venerables of the Demon Rat Race arrived one after another. They saw Ling Yun killed only one Demon with his sword, so they naturally guessed that he was just a Venerable Demon Race like them.

Venerable, no matter how strong the opponent is, there are more than [-] Venerable Devil Mouse present here, and one punch can beat him into meat sauce.

"You are the venerable of that clan, why did you come to our Demon Mouse clan's territory to make trouble."

One of the Demon Rat Venerable asked.

"you guess!"

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, smiled and said.Looking around, he let go of his soul sense to investigate the surroundings, he was looking to see if Venerable Demon Mouse was coming.

"I'm stuck, arrogant!"

"It's crazy! It's ignoring us..."


Those Venerable Demon Rats stared at Ling Yun like they were looking at an idiot.It was the first time they had encountered such an arrogant demon lord.There are 37 Venerable Demon Rats present here, even if the Venerable Demon Rat descends, they must speak well.

"Damn, do you dare to tease me?"

The previous Demon Mouse Venerable shouted.

"You said yes! Are you all here? Don't waste my time."

Ling Yun found that there was no Venerable Demon Mouse coming here, so he could prepare to do it.

"It's crazy enough, I can't take it anymore, let me come, I'm going to kill him... Disha Six Swords..."

It was the Three Venerables who took action.The six earth evil swords are his own unique skills, and at the same time, these six swords are also magic swords that he has spent many years forging for himself.

The Demon Rats are good at digging into the ground, so in addition to collecting a lot of treasures left over from ancient times, they also found many strange ores.Generally, after breaking away from the body of a beast and becoming a demon, most demons will choose to refine some strange weapons for themselves.

As soon as the six earth evil swords came out, it was to use six magic swords to attack at the same time.

"Playing with a sword in front of me is really a 'sword'!"

Ling Yun laughed, and when the three venerables attacked with two magic swords, he waved his hand, and the two magic swords were immediately transferred away.

"I'll go with you, what's the situation..."

"What's going on... Is it possible that the magic sword can still be turned against."


The other Demon Mouse Venerables all screamed.

The three venerables had even more incredible expressions on their faces. He knew very well that the two flying magic swords were completely out of his control.Facing the attack of his two magic swords, he subconsciously used the other four magic swords.

As a result, the other four magic swords also lost control and stabbed directly into his body. The other two magic swords made up for it. He stared at him, not knowing what was going on.


"Damn, how could this be..."

"It must be the ghost he made, and they killed him together."

"it is good"

The other Demon Mouse Venerables came back to their senses, all of them sacrificed their weapons and rushed towards Ling Yun.The weapons of the Demon Race have always been of various kinds. Some of them are said to be swords, but they look very strange and seem to be of poor quality.

This is because the demons are very rich.

It's a pity that no matter how embarrassed, the strength is not good, it is just a vase, it is not useful.


Ling Yun smiled, he had already sensed the breath of the oil rat. This guy was in his underground palace before, and he wanted to sleep for a while, but the devil rat came to report it, so he rushed over.

Here comes the oil rat, then he can start.

Extreme Sword Qi

With a single swing of the sword, 36 of the 21 Venerable Demon Rats died, and most of their weapons were cut off directly.

"Ah! Rewind, Demon Venerable"

"No, that guy is Demon Venerable..."

Apart from Demon Lord, is there any other Lord in the world who can kill 21 Lord Demon Rats with one sword, and make them unable to even react.

Of the remaining fifteen Venerable Demon Mouse, more than half were scared to pee.

"Gee! Bold, who are you, why are you killing my people?"

When the oil rat arrived, he saw with his own eyes the scene where the 21 venerables of their Demon Rat Clan were killed.

"The clan king is here, the clan king is here, you are dead. Our clan king is the third master of the Earth Clan Demon Venerable, let's see how you die."

When the oil rat arrived, Venerable Demon Rat, who had been scared to pee, immediately became fatter.

"The clan king, he, he killed the Great Venerable and the others. Please kill him and avenge the Great Venerable and the others."

"King of the clan, kill him. Let's find out his demon clan and kill him in pieces."


"Who are you? What kind of grievances do you have with my family?"

The oil rat glared at the Demon Mouse Venerables, he thought it was the Venerable Demon Mouse Clan that brought such a Demon Venerable to their Demon Mouse Clan.This Demon Venerable is not so easy to mess with.

Even if the oil rat is very confident in its own strength, but being able to defeat the opponent does not mean that it can kill the opponent.If you can't kill it, it is a huge hidden danger after all.

(End of this chapter)

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