extreme dog days

Chapter 917 Old Gopher

Chapter 917 Old Gopher

Therefore, it is naturally the best if it can turn battles into jade and silk.As for the other party killing twenty-one Demon Rat Venerables, what is it?If he can pull Long to win the other party, he will have an additional right-hand man.

"Aren't you looking for this king? Now that this king is here, he asks who this king is. Oil rat, you really deserve to die."

Ling Yun said coldly.This guy almost killed Xiao Zi Python, which means he almost killed him. How could Ling Yun let him go.

"You, you are the Demon Fox King. No wonder I can't see where you came from. Demon Fox King, you are throwing yourself into the net. This king wants to see what you are capable of, the Great Demon God of the Earth Race."

The oil rat responded.Who is he looking for recently, isn't it the Demon Fox King?Moreover, the demon fox clan is good at illusion, so that other demon clan cannot see its true body, which is reasonable.

"Extreme Sword Qi."

Ling Yun snorted softly, the sword in his hand broke through the air, and appeared in front of the oil rat with a swish of sword energy.The oil rat easily avoided, and then sacrificed a big seal, which was his magic weapon.

It is also a treasure handed down from generations by their Demon Rat tribe.However, it was refined by using a large number of Xuan Jinbao ore and ancient god stones, and there was also a breath of god soil.

Therefore, it is called the magic seal of turning over the town.


After the oil rat avoided the sword qi, he pressed the seal of turning the ground and suppressing the magic towards Ling Yun.The reason why he can become the third strongest among the Earth Race Demon Venerables is precisely because of this seal in his hand.

This seal, in addition to locking the opponent, can also become larger.

"Turn the earth to suppress the devil... The devil fox king, let this king die. I will crush you into meat sauce. I am the great devil god of the earth tribe."

click, click

The oil rat screamed very arrogantly.Yunzu's strength was overwhelmed, and the magic seal of turning the ground expanded a hundred times, like a hill.Ling Yun forcibly supported it with the strength of his flesh, and the ground on which he was standing kept sinking.

One foot, ten feet, one zhang, two zhang,


"The treasure of the demons, there are indeed some ways. If you don't need qi and soul, you can only use that trick. You can also get the guy out of the ground at will."

This was the first time Ling Yun had seen the power of the Demon Treasure.Ling Yun stimulated the body and used the secret skills of the body's profound meaning.A fist smashed on the Demon Seal of Fendi Town, and a powerful anti-shock force made cracks appear in the Demon Seal of Fendi Town.

The oil rat narrowed his eyes, then spit out three mouthfuls of blood, knelt on one knee on the ground, and fell to the ground.

"how is this possible…"

The oil rat looked at Ling Yun with an incredulous look on his face.He has already injured his internal organs, and he has no chance to release the true body of the beast.

"It's over! I'll let all the Demon Rat accompany you. You can still be king."

Lingyun walked in front of the oil rat, his voice became extremely cold, as if it came from Jiuyou.

"No, don't kill me, I surrender to you. I admit that you are the Great Demon God of the Earth Race."

The oil rat really didn't want to die. If it died, there would be nothing left.

"no need."

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and said.

"Ah! You, you can't kill me. I'm the devil rat king from the devil temple. If you kill me, the devil master will not let you go."

The oil rat is in a hurry now.Do not surrender, he is a Demon Lord!

"Really? If I guessed correctly, the Demon Temple will soon join the ranks of the slaughtering rats. By then, there will be no more existence of your demonic mouse clan on the entire southern land."

"Genocide. Why."

Hearing that Ling Yun wanted to slaughter their Demon Rat Clan, and the Demon Temple agreed, how could the Oil Rat not panic.

"Ha ha…"

Ling Yun laughed grimly, and stabbed the oil rat with his sword, he needed the magic core of the oil rat.Because in this world, only the magic core of the oil rat can save Hu Meier.

She really likes Little Zimang. As a symbiosis of Little Zimang, when she sees Little Zimang meeting a partner who can truly entrust her for life, how could Ling Yun not help him.


An old voice came from under the ground of the big area.

"Ancestor, save me. Ah! No!"

The oil rat reached out and grabbed Ling Yun's sword, but now that he has all the meridians and all his internal organs, how can he be able to hold it.Seeing his demon core being dug out by Ling Yun, he died with hatred.

"Finally willing to come out?"

Lingyun put away the oil rat demon core, and then looked at the ground.He had known for a long time that there was a huge devil mouse hidden in this large area, but the devil mouse had been sleeping all the time before.

Just now, when he smashed the Demon Seal of Earth Town with the secret technique of his fleshly body, he was awakened by shock.

The ground was completely overturned, and an old gopher with a height of more than two hundred feet stared at Ling Yun fiercely.This old gopher is the king of the previous generation of the demon rat clan. Because his lifespan is approaching, he has been sealed and slept in the ground.

This is the Supreme Perfection, and he is waiting for the Shinto era to come.If he hadn't been awakened by the huge earthquake just now, he would never have appeared.

"You are so daring, you dare to kill me the King of the Demon Rat."

"More than killing it, I also want to destroy your demon rat race, including you... the ultimate sword qi"

Ling Yun swung his sword and stabbed at the old gopher.


The old gopher swiped over with one claw, and the powerful force knocked out the extreme sword qi.Ling Yun was directly overturned, and when he flew upside down, he opened the bow and immediately cast the sky-shattering bow, smashing out the soul of the mysterious turtle.


When the mysterious turtle qi soul smashed on the old gopher.The old gopher immediately rolled over and rolled, this combat experience is obviously very old-fashioned.

"Red Gold Flame"

The mysterious turtle spit out flames, and the large area turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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