extreme dog days

Chapter 919 The Dragon God's Skeleton

Chapter 919 The Dragon God's Skeleton

The Rock Snake also belongs to the Earth Clan Demon Venerable, but the Demon Mouse Clan was the first to jump out to attach to the Celestial Clan, and even helped the Celestial Clan suppress the Earth Clan.

You must know that the Demon Rat Clan is in great numbers, and they join forces with the Celestial Clan, which is to form a land and air force, so that other Demon Clan have nothing to hide.

"Grandfather, this time, it's not the order from the Heavenly Clan of the Devil's Temple, but the newly appointed Great Devil God of the Earth Clan."

Tongtian Wang said.He knew that the Rock Snake had been unable to sit still for years because he did not want to listen to the orders of the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan.Although this old thing is not evil, but he always remembers the pride of the Earth Clan in his bones, and is unwilling to succumb to the Heavenly Clan.

"What, the Demon Temple actually created a great Demon God of the Earth Race. It's too abhorrent. That Demon Race is so stupid to be used by it, it's just an idiot, looking for death."

Yan Snake was furious when he heard that there was a Demon Lord who had inherited the position of the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, and was canonized by the Celestial Clan.

"It's the Demon Fox Clan, and he issued the order that there will be no mice in the world. According to news, he has killed the oil mouse, and the Demon Bear Clan has surrendered to him."

"Destroy the family. This is impossible. The deity remembers that the Demon Mouse Clan has an old gopher from ten thousand years ago. That guy is very strange. Could it be that the Demon Mouse Clan has a heart of repentance and is known by the Celestial Clan?"

The rock snake pondered.

He is one of the 6000 years ago demon kings, and his age is over ten thousand.Naturally know the existence of the old gopher of the Demon Rat Clan.

"I have been monitoring the Demon Temple, and I have never seen the Demon Venerable from the Celestial Clan take action, but just now I received news that the Great Territory has been overturned, and the fire is soaring to the sky. Grandfather, the Demon Temple made a The Great Demon God of the Earth Clan came out, this is obviously his plan to completely rule the Earth Clan, what should we do?"

King Tongtian's ambitions are not small, but now even the Demon Mouse Clan has been wiped out.Therefore, if he wants to seize power and become the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, he must obtain the support of his grandfather.

"The Demon Fox Clan was the clan in the back of the temple. The queen died tragically under the Heavenly Clan Demon Venerable. The Demon Fox Clan didn't want to take revenge, but they surrendered to the Heavenly Clan of the Demon Temple and did genocide to the Earth Clan. The Great Demon God of the Earth Race, hum..."

click, click

The rock snake was very angry, he moved, and the whole mountain shook.

"Grandfather, calm down, the reason why the Demon Temple brought out an Earth Demon God is obviously to use his hand to rule the major Demon Races of our Earth Clan. According to my grandson, we should unite to seize this position to prevent They were all defeated by him. It's just that although the grandson is the king of Panlong Mountain, his mighty virtue is limited and it is difficult to make alliances, so he came here to invite his grandfather out of the mountain."

Tongtian King is very self-aware. It is not impossible for him to pull up allies among the earth tribes to deal with Lingyun, the great demon god of the earth tribe. The question is how can he be the leader of the alliance with his ability?

If you can't be the leader of the alliance, after overthrowing Ling Yun, the Great Demon God of the Earth Race will not have his share.

"You bastard, don't think that this old man doesn't know what you're thinking. You want to be the Great Demon God of the Earth Race, right?"


The mind of King Tongtian was seen by the rock snake, and he immediately squatted on the ground.

"Forget it, although you are attached to the Demon Temple, you haven't done anything harmful to the Earth Clan over the years. You are better than the goddamn Demon Fox King when you come to be this Earth Clan Great Demon God. In my name, unite with others. The land clan formed an alliance to overthrow the new great demon god of the land clan. After the alliance was formed, we directly proposed to the Demon Temple that our land clan should elect the great demon god on our own.”

Rock Snake said.He is the Demon Venerable of the older generation, and his strength is very powerful.Among the Earth Race Demon Venerables, he is currently number one.With him appearing, the position of the leader of the alliance is of course none other than Panlong Mountain.

And the rock snake has no business, as long as the Coiling Dragon King becomes the leader of the alliance, he will become the Great Demon God of the Earth Race in the future.

Qingqiu Mountains

The little purple python took the Wannian keel from the Dragon Palace, and it was still a whole pair.It took out the [-]-year-old keel, and all the Demon Fox clan were stunned.

Even the King of Storm Mountain was dumbfounded.

When did Dragon Palace become so generous?In the past, the Demon Palace had asked the Dragon Palace for a keel, but even if the Dragon Palace gave it, it was only a small portion, and the Demon Palace had to pay a huge price to exchange it.

"Master Ming, are you robbing the Dragon Palace? No, the Dragon Palace is not so good for robbery, stealing, and it's not right. As long as the gate of the Dragon Palace is not open, no one can enter or come out.

The King of Storm Mountain looked at the little purple python with an incredible look on his face.This whole pair of keels is of great value.Even if their Demon Race Venerable saw it, they would be moved.

The Demon Dragon Race can fly in the sky, run down the ground, and swim in the sea. This is the triathlon of sea, land and air!

The demons recognized that their whole body was a treasure, especially the dragon bones, which were the most precious things besides the demon core.Not only can it be used as medicine, but it can also be used to refine weapons.

"You just robbed. I'm taking it, do you understand?"

Little Zi Python glanced at him, how could he be called robbery when he was taking things at home?After returning to the Dragon Palace at that time, he said that he wanted to use the Wannian keel to save people. His father asked him to get it himself, but his father did not expect that this guy would bring his grandfather's skeleton.

"Hey, fuck, stealing things can be said to be so righteous and awe-inspiring, I'll take it. Master Ming, tell me, this keel belongs to the Demon Venerable of the Dragon Palace."

The King of Storm Mountain did not know that Little Zi Python was the Prince of Dragon Palace.Of course, even for the Prince of Dragon Palace, it would be very wrong to take out his grandfather's keel.

(End of this chapter)

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