Chapter 920

It's outrageous.

"I don't know, anyway, the auxiliary keel is the freshest when I see it. There is a word 'empty' next to his keel, which seems to be his name."

Xiao Zi Python recalled and said.

"Kong, could it be that Ao Kong has taken up the post of Dragon God. I'm going to restrain myself..."

The King of Storm Mountain shouted.

"What, no wonder the old lecher fainted when he saw me taking this pair of keels."

At that time, Zitian had explained to the little purple python that except for this pair of keels, other keels could be taken.Who knew that the little purple python took a fancy to this pair of keels, so he took it and ran away.

Zitian fainted from anger at the time, it was his father.No matter how dissatisfied he is, it is his father.

Thousands of years of blood essence, according to what Ling Yun said, Hu Rou sent the Demon Fox tribe to the Demon Palace to ask for it, and the Demon Palace gave it to them without saying a word.Because the Demon Temple misunderstood that the Demon Fox Lord who was injured by the oil rat was Hu Rou.

Hu Rou is now recognized as the Demon Fox Concubine. The oil rat injured her, and the Demon Fox King was furious and cut off the Demon Mouse Clan. It is not too much to say.

After Ling Yun came back, he used the oil rat's demon core to make a fire pill that melted into Hu Mei'er's demon core, revitalizing her demon core.It's just that although her magic core has recovered, she has become a Sleeping Beauty because of the exhaustion of Nanao.

Ling Yun only needs to help her create the eighth tail and use the eighth tail to inspire the other seven tails, so that Hu Meier can fully recover.

Of course, making a fox tail is an act against the sky.The fox tail was just completed, the sky and the earth changed color, and the world-destroying thunder swept the entire Qingqiu Mountains. If it wasn't for the little purple python and the king of the mountain to block the world-destroying thunder, let alone the demon fox family here would not survive, even if it was Qingqiu. Mountains will cease to exist.

The little purple python blocked the thunder and told it that it was a matter of eating and drinking, but the King of the Mountain was different, it had lost its skin.

Can't help but sigh the horror of Destroying the World.

"Alive, alive, the Lord is alive."

"Your Highness is alive. Woohoo"

Seeing that Hu Mei'er woke up, the members of the Demon Fox clan all screamed in surprise.

"woohoo, Ang"

"What's the matter, how did I become like this?"

The eighth tail can transform Hu Meier into a dragon fox.This is the effect brought by the ten thousand year keel.

"Little Zi Python, which Dragon King owns the Wannian keel you brought."

Ling Yun was surprised.He wondered if the keel fox tail had such a good effect.This should not be the case, unless the bloodline of the keel was very advanced.

"My grandfather's."

The little purple python said proudly.

"No wonder, what, your grandfather's, you brought the keel of the Dragon God, does your father agree?"

Ling Yun was taken aback.To be able to become the Dragon God of the Dragon Palace, there is no need to say much about the bloodline.The problem is that the last Dragon God was the father of the current Dragon God Zitian.That is, the grandfather of the little purple python, isn't this guy too embarrassed?

"who cares?"

Can Zitian agree to this?

"You are so cruel, remember, after you go back, don't say that I asked you to go back and get it."

Ling Yun was speechless.

The keel left by the Dragon King is not easy to take, but to take the keel of the Dragon God, it is strange that Zitian is not angry.

Little Zi Python's face didn't matter, so he wasn't afraid of his father?If you have the ability, don't get into his mother's bed.

Hu Mei'er came back to life, and after getting familiar with the eighth tail, she ran to Ling Yun to apologize to him, and then left with Xiao Zi Python. I don't know what they were doing.

"I can't believe that the Demon Rats have hidden so many things. It's incredible."

Ling Yun had nothing to do and counted the things he got from the Demon Rat.He was surprised when he saw the large amount of natural and earth treasures, as well as the dazzling array of treasure mines.

There are many treasures from heaven and earth. He wanted to look for them before, but he couldn't find them, because they were too rare.There are many more treasure mines that he cannot name.

Yu Zifeng couldn't help but shouted when he saw it.

Who made the Demon Mouse clan so powerful and good at digging through the ground and traversing the mountains?This is incomparable with other demons.Almost the entire ground and underground of the southern border were collected by them, so not only the treasures of heaven and earth, but also all kinds of precious treasures left in the ground in ancient times, they also have them there.

These things are now cheaper for Ling Yun.

There is also the magic seal used by the oil rat before. Although it was damaged by Lingyun, it has so many precious treasures, and it is not difficult to restore it.

Over the years, Ling Yun has also learned some ways to refine weapons. Maybe he can't refine any powerful weapons, but repairing weapons is still no problem.

"Kid Ling, why is your life so good! One breath of divine soil, this is the ancient divine soil, the things that the gods will be mad at when they see it, and this mysterious yellow stone, damn it. Even if these things are in the realm, It is also something that is about to become extinct. So many treasure mines are in the hands of a layman, it is too wasteful. The old man suggests that you can really learn the means of refining weapons. Maybe one day you will be able to refine magic weapons yourself. Come."

Yuzifeng suggested.

Lingyun has collected a lot of rare ores over the years, and these ores from the Demon Rat Race are enough for him to learn the art of refining.

Artifact refining is similar to medicine refining, and it is also about comprehension, but Yu Zifeng believes that with Ling Yun's ability, there must be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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