Chapter 954

Ling Yun guessed that the magic hunter should have locked their positions.

As for locking their positions in this way, the problem should be the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf.

"You're not stupid. Haha, the three-eyed wolf has been in my hands for 6000 years. During the past 6000 years, I tried my best to force him to tell the whereabouts of the treasures of the Earth Clan Demon Palace, but he didn't say anything. But how could he I never thought that I would stay in his demon body with a trace of demon soul attached."

Demon Hunter said proudly.


The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf thought that Ling Yun had betrayed them before, but now it seemed that he was right.

"It's cunning enough, as expected of an old monster of the ancient demons."

Ling Yun said with a sigh.

When he was helping the three-eyed demon wolf before, he checked the body of the three-eyed demon wolf, but he did not find a trace of the demon soul left in the body of the three-eyed demon wolf.

In fact, this is where the devil hunter is cunning. His devil soul stays at the wolf tail of the three-eyed devil wolf. The wolf tail has never been injured from the beginning to the end, and it belongs to the hidden place of the devil wolf. Therefore, Lingyun Gang The three-eyed demon wolf healed, so naturally he wouldn't pay attention to the wolf's tail.

"Haha, human boy, hand over this ancestor's unworldly giant halberd, and spare you not to die."

Demon Hunter Tianpeng said.The last time he lost to Ling Yun on purpose, the purpose was to let Ling Yun save the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf, so that the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf could come to find the treasure of the Earth Clan Demon Palace.

It's just that he didn't think that his Unworldly Giant Halberd would be shot down by Ling Yun.

"Are you stupid? You gave me a giant halberd last time, and I expect you to give me something else this time. Do you think I'll leave?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

At that time, he guessed that the demon hunter did not use his full strength, but he also did not use his full strength, so Ling Yun was not afraid of the devil hunter.

"Looking for death...then the ancestor will fulfill you. Come out..."

The Demon Hunter didn't come alone.He went to the Tianluo Empire but borrowed two Supreme Realm powerhouses from Yin Guang.This is also the reason for going to the Tianluo Empire.

He wanted the treasure of the Earth Clan Demon Palace, and he didn't want to share it with other Heaven Clan Demon Venerables.Therefore, I can only ask Yin Guang for help.

Because although he is a devil hunter, his devil pupil can only deal with one devil at the same time. After all, his current realm is only the supreme realm. No matter how powerful the devil soul is, once it is exposed, it will trigger the seal of the fighting world. of rolling.

"Ah! Great Demon God, what should I do now?"

The three-eyed devil wolf suddenly changed his face when he saw the two Supreme Humans who suddenly appeared.If it was only the Demon Hunter himself, he would just leave it to Ling Yun to deal with it.

As for the Tianpeng Warcraft brought by Demon Hunt, although there are more than a dozen Demon Race Venerables, they have hundreds of 'Meteor Shooting Demon Crossbows' here, and they can kill them in minutes.

He didn't even need to do it.

"How has your strength recovered now?"

Ling Yun asked.Although besides him, there are still two Demon Venerables on their side, but the problem is that the Three-eyed Demon Wolf has been injured, and his current strength should not have recovered much. Her strength is really not that great.

The two Human Race Supremes found by the Demon Hunter were both in the middle stage of the Supremes. If Hu Rou faced any of them, she only needed to be captured alive.

"Twenty or three percent, it's still okay to deal with one of them."

The three-eyed wolf frowned.At the time of his heyday, he was at the peak of [-]% of the Supreme Being, and even if he has only [-]% or [-]% of his strength left, it is not something that ordinary Supreme Beings can provoke in the mid-term.

"That won't work. I'll leave both to you. Rou'er can only assist at most."


The three-eyed wolf couldn't help but scream.It's too obvious to protect the short!Although Hu Rou's strength is not very good, it should still be possible to hold on for a while.

This directly allowed him to take the middle stage of the two Supreme Human Races. Isn't this killing him?

When Hu Rou heard that Ling Yun just asked her to assist the three-eyed devil wolf to deal with the two human race supreme, she was moved in her heart and almost rushed over to give Ling Yun a long-lost kiss.

"Do you have any opinions? If you want to deal with the demon hunter, they will leave it to me."

Ling Yun knows Hu Rou's strength very well. Strictly speaking, her strength is only a little stronger than that of ordinary people below the Supreme Realm.If you encounter those Daluojing masters with leapfrog challenge strength, Hu Rou may not be able to beat them.

"I'll try it! You explain the witch hunt as soon as possible."

Let him deal with the demon hunter, doesn't this make him die?I'm only afraid that a face-to-face demon hunter can KO him.

"I want, too"

Ling Yun responded.Is this demon hunter so easy to deal with?If he hadn't reached the tenth floor of the Daluo Realm now, it is estimated that he would have only escaped for his life when he encountered an ancient demon like the Demon Hunter.

It is really whimsical to want to solve the demon hunt in a short period of time!

"Go ahead, you catch the three-eyed wolf alive for me."

The Demon Hunter looked at the two Human Race Supremes and said.

"That witch, give it to me."

One of the Human Race Supreme said.In fact, the two of them have been staring at Hu Rou.Although they had seen many beauties and witches, it was the first time they had seen a witch as beautiful as Hurou.

"I also want."

"Okay, take her down, she's yours."

The Demon Hunter sighed in response.He is not interested in Hu Rou.In his eyes, there is only the treasure of the Earth Race Demon Temple.

"Damn... the bow of the sky. I smashed"

When Ling Yun heard their conversation, the one who asked for Hu Rou first, because his eyes showed greed for Hu Rou, and he seemed to be fantasizing about something.

(End of this chapter)

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