Chapter 955

There are some things that are the bottom line, especially those who want to make Ling Yun's head glow green, Ling Yun will not tolerate it.

Xuan Turtle smashed out, because the other party had no defense at all, and it was too late to defend, so his forehead was directly smashed, and he fainted on the spot.The blood flowed all over the place, and the brain plasma almost came out.


When the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf saw that the Clan Supreme Realm was knocked unconscious by something, he was startled suddenly, too mighty.


The Demon Hunter had seen Ling Yun's mysterious tortoise spirit, and naturally knew that this was what Ling Yun did.Now one of his two helpers has been knocked unconscious by Ling Yun first, and that guy may not be able to wake up in a short time.

If he doesn't take action again, it is estimated that the other one will be taken by Ling Yun.

Without the Supreme Realm blocking the way, with the Celestial Clan Venerables he brought, I am afraid that the three-eyed devil wolf and the others will not be able to be stopped.This was confirmed in the next second.

"Launch the Meteor Shooting Demon Crossbow."

Hundreds of Demon Fox clansmen were already ready to go, just waiting for the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf to give an order.


It's not the first time that Demon Hunter and Ling Yun have fought against each other, both of them have some knowledge of each other.Of course, on the humanoid body, the demon hunter was swept away by Ling Yun.

This time is no exception.In less than a hundred strokes, the Demon Hunter had already been knocked off five times by Ling Yun.Flesh, speed completely dominates, so every time the demon hunter is knocked flying by Ling Yun, he is accompanied by a fat beating.

"Yeah, roar, damn it. I can't spare you."

Demon Hunter was once again forced to unleash the true body of Warcraft.

In the duel between the human body and the flesh, he could not compete with Ling Yun at all.

"You said it, but what happened?"

Ling Yun smiled and said sarcastically.

"Hmph, I want you to die without knowing how to die, Sky Light Technique, dazzling"

After the demon hunter turned into Tianpeng, Tianpeng emitted a dazzling light like the sun, which made Ling Yun unable to open his eyes, and at the same time there was a buzzing sound in his mind, which made him unable to react.

soul attack


Ling Yun screamed in agony and withdrew again and again. He never imagined that this Demon Hunter Tianpeng would still have such a strange soul attack technique.

"Close your eyes and you'll be fine! Split Soul Flash"

The Demon Hunter sneered.

A ray of light flashed, Ling Yun felt as if his soul had been slashed by something, screamed in agony, hugged his head and flew out, his face instantly pale.

Before Ling Yun could react, a strong light struck directly through Ling Yun's body, almost hitting the central vein.


Ling Yun vomited blood and put his right hand on the ground.

"I didn't expect you to be able to use Soul Attack."

Ling Yun came to understand, the way the devil hunter hides is the means of attacking the soul, but it is the talent of the devil hunter, and it can also be said that it is the magic skill he has cultivated.

"Not bad, boy, how is it. My Heavenly Light Magic Art is not bad!"

Seeing that Ling Yun's body had been pierced, Demon Hunter seemed very proud.It's just like eating Lingyun.Soul attack technique, that is recognized as the most bizarre technique.

Soul attacks are hard to guard against, and the soul is also one of the most vulnerable Achilles' heels of cultivators. Once the soul is severely injured, it will die in most cases.

"It's really good, it seems that your trump card is this soul attack, right?"

Ling Yun covered the wound with one hand, and used the light and dark magic art to refine the poison of the light soul that was on the wound. Only then did the blood get stuck, and when he moved his body, the wound was also healing quickly, but Ling Yun covered it with his hand, so the magic Hunter did not see.

"Hey, if you hit my light soul, you can bleed to death."

Demon Hunter said very proudly.The wound on Ling Yun's body passed through the body. This blood flow was not only necessary, but also the power of his light soul existed on the wound, and it was difficult to seal the acupoint to stop the bleeding.

"Is it!"

"Fuck. How is this possible!"

Seeing that the wound on Ling Yun's body had actually healed, the demon hunter couldn't help but curse.

That is the power of light, and the general Supreme Realm has no ability to expel this power of light in a short period of time, unless it is a person who practices the light system.

But the light system and the dark system can only be cultivated by those who possess these two kinds of physiques or qi and soul.

"What, is it surprising?"

"Wow! Damn, how dare you attack me?"

While speaking, Ling Yun launched the Yin-Yang Soul Slash on the Demon Hunter, immediately causing the Demon Hunter to scream and hug his head back.

"The opportunity has come..."

fist bump

Lingyun seized the opportunity and went straight to the Demon Hunter Tianpeng.Punched out, punched the world.

bang, bang

"Ah! what"

It was too late for the magic hunter to react, and the fist hit the sky and the earth directly broke all his defenses, severely damaged his magic bones, and at the same time knocked the magic hunter to the edge of a hundred miles.

"Cough, cough, damn, how can it be so powerful. Careless, careless. This guy is hiding such a terrible close-up killing move, your sister's"

The demon hunter regretted that his bowels were blue, who made Lingyun too close.Knowing that the fist hits the sky and the earth, with the eyesight of a demon hunter, it is impossible for him to not know that the attack range of the fist hitting the sky and the earth is relatively short.

If he kept using the skylight magic skills to attack Ling Yun at first, then he might still win, but unfortunately he was courting death, and he actually flew down in front of Ling Yun, giving Ling Yun the opportunity to use this melee killer move on him.

Now, most of his demon bones have been blown out with one punch, and it is too difficult to recover in a short period of time.If he fights with Ling Yun again, it is estimated that he will be beaten to death by Ling Yun in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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