Chapter 963

"Uncle Panshan, you are really useless."

The man in purple robe is Zitian, the Dragon God of the East China Sea.Panshan has some friendship with the previous Dragon God, so it is reasonable for Zitian to call him uncle!Of course, Zitian is not a good person.

The reason why he appeared here this time was because of the entrustment of the star python.It was just to save the Coiled Mountain Rock Snake casually. If he saw this situation in normal times, he would directly take away the magic core.

Perhaps the magic core of the Panshan Rock Snake is not as good as the magic core left by the ancient demon gods, but it can definitely allow a corresponding Warcraft Venerable to easily break through the Supreme, and it can also greatly increase the strength of a Demon Venerable, and even make its Warcraft The defense of the real body becomes stronger.

Because all the abilities of the Coiling Rock Snake come from his talent.

Zitian recaptured the magic core of the Panshanyan Snake from Snake Tongtian and beat it back into the body of the Panshanyan Snake.The magic core returned to the body, and the Panshan Rock Snake, which had lost its vitality, gradually recovered.

If it is later, and all the vitality disappears, then even if the magic core is retrieved, it will be useless.

"Purple, Zitian."

Mo Xing sensed Zi Tian's breath and was immediately startled.Zi Tian is not only the number one expert of the Demon Race in the East China Sea, but also the number one expert of the Demon Race recognized by the Dongzhou Continent.

Compared to the Earth Race Demon Lord Xiaoyue Tianlang six thousand years ago, it is only stronger or weaker.

The most important thing is that as Zitian is the Dragon God of the East China Sea, doesn't his presence here mean that the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea will intervene in the dispute between the Earth Clan and the Celestial Clan in the Southern Demon Region?

"Jin Mingbird, I haven't seen you for a thousand years, you are a lot more domineering. Hehe"

Zi Tian looked at Mo Xing playfully.

The real body of Mo Xing is Jin Ming Tun Xingwu, some people call him Xingniao, and some people call him Jin Mingwu.The magic star once represented the magic palace as an envoy to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, but when he saw Zitian, he did not dare to send one.

"Zitian, this is a matter between our Demon Temple Heavenly Clan and Earth Clan, what are you doing here?"

Mo Xing's face turned gloomy.

Zitian appeared here and took action to save the Panshan Rock Snake. Does this mean that he wants to intervene in the dispute between the Heavenly Clan and the Earth Clan in the Demon Temple.Although the Celestial Clan has always wanted to order the Demon Clan in the world, and their background is no weaker than that of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, they also dare not provoke the East China Sea Dragon Palace easily.

Strictly speaking, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea belongs to the sea clan among the demons. It is not only the master of the East China Sea, but also the leader of the four major oceans in the world.For example, the demons of the North Sea, South China Sea, and West China Sea will obey the tune of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

If the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea summons the demons from the four major oceans in the world, there is no force on the mainland of Dongzhou that can compete with it.

"Does this deity still need to report to your bird? Take your flock of birds and get out immediately!"

Zi Tian said domineeringly.

All Heavenly Clan are birds.

"Hey, Zitian kid, this is not your East China Sea Dragon Palace. Others are afraid of you, but this seat is not afraid of it... suffocating thunder."

Lei Ying is the god of war of the Demon Temple Celestial Clan. He has always wanted to find an opportunity to challenge Zilong, but the Celestial Clan is almost unfamiliar with water, and his strength in the sea is greatly reduced.Therefore, he has been forbearing, and has not gone to the trouble of looking for Zitian.

Now that Zitian left the East China Sea and ran to the territory of their southern demon clan, he would naturally be rude.

Lei Ying was born with the thunder system, and created his own magic art, then condensed the suffocation, and used the suffocation as the thunder water, so that he could exert his lightning talent to the extreme.

At the same time, the thunder water transformed by the suffocation can also intensify the suffocation of others, so as to assimilate the suffocation on the opponent's body as fuel to kill the opponent.

hum, hum

"Very good. Ang"

Zi Tian smiled, he didn't even use the real body of the dragon, he just opened his mouth and inhaled, directly inhaling the suffocating thunder water into his body.

"how is this possible?"

Lei Ying was taken aback, that non-thunder-type demons could directly devour his thunder water, which completely subverted his cognition.

"Don't you think that this deity can eat thunder? Didn't anyone tell you that the dragon queen of this deity is a purple electric silver python."

Zitian laughed.He himself does not have the thunder and lightning attributes, but his wife is a purple lightning silver python, and when he cultivated with her, he obtained her demon soul mark, so the power of thunder and lightning can't hurt him at all.

Purple lightning belongs to the mutated lightning attribute, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a throwback.

"Damn, the heavens and thunders."

Lei Ying came to understand, used his magic power, turned into a huge suffocating thunder eagle and shot straight into the sky, and then led the sky to turn into a thunder and went straight to the purple sky.

The power of thunder and lightning raged around, and the ground instantly ignited thunder fire.

"Tips for carving insects."

Zi Tian said dismissively, stretched out his hand, a purple dragon claw appeared in mid-air, and Po Kong grabbed Lei Ying's true body.


The dragon's claws pierced deeply into Thunder Eagle's demon body, and used its strength to break down its lightning defense and explode itself.

"Yeah, Shattered Star Fist"

Seeing this, Mo Xing immediately called for help. They were not competing by martial arts. Fighting alone was just a joke.Mo Xing knew the power of Zitian, so the moment he made a shot, he exploded the power of the fourth punch.

"hold head high"

Shattered Star Boxing scattered the purple dragon claws to save Thunder Eagle.At the same time, Zitian's demon soul manifested a dragon roar, causing glass-shattering cobwebs to appear in the surrounding space.


"Ah! What a Zitian, worthy of being a Dragon God. Today, this seat will give you a face, if you insist on being an enemy of our Demon Palace Heavenly Clan, then you will wait for our Heavenly Clan's revenge. Withdraw!"

Both the Demon Star and the Thunder Eagle were overturned.This dragon yin alone is enough to prove that even if the two of them join forces when they are in their prime, they are definitely not Zitian's opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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