extreme dog days

Chapter 964 The Dragon King of the South China Sea: Crocodile Over the Sea

Chapter 964 The Dragon King of the South China Sea: Crocodile Over the Sea



With the order of Mo Xing, all the Demon Venerables immediately left the Qingqiu Mountains, and the other Heavenly Clan Demons and Venerables also withdrew immediately after they left. In less than thirty breaths, there was hardly a Heavenly Clan Warcraft around. The presence.

As for Snake Tongtian, he escaped as early as after he was sent flying by Zitian.

When Zitian appeared, the situation on the scene was directly reversed, and there was no suspense at all.

"Thank you Lord Dragon God for your help."

"Thank you, Lord Dragon God."

Ma Zun, Lu Zun, and Ye Zun came over and quickly thanked Zitian.Although they knew that the East China Sea Dragon Palace would lend a hand to help them, they did not expect that the East China Sea Dragon God would come here in person.

Of course, Zitian ignored them at all, and the three of them were suddenly embarrassed, but no one dared to say anything more.

"I can't solve your poison. Maybe that kid can help you."

Zitian went to lie on the ground, and just woke up from the Coiling Dragon Rock Snake.He tried to help him extract the poison of the Meridian Devil Devouring Vine, but found that the poison had penetrated deep into the body of the Coiling Rock Snake and could not be extracted at all.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I didn't expect to see you again."

The Panshan Rock Snake looked very tired, but when he saw Zitian, he felt relieved.With Zitian here, it wouldn't matter much if the land race was gone without him.

"Don't talk, I don't want to chat with trash!"

Zitian glanced at Panshanyan Snake, his tone was quite domineering, but also contempt and provocation.Ma Zun and the others couldn't help but their faces darkened, Zitian ignored the Panshan Rock Snake, which was tantamount to ignoring their tribe.

Of course, in the face of this mighty guy, they still dare not let one fart.

It didn't take long for reinforcements from the East China Sea Dragon Palace to arrive one after another.In addition to the four dragon kings of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the South China Sea Dragon King Crocodile Bahai also brought the two great devils of the South China Sea.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea is not a pure Demon Dragon clan. His real body is a dragon crocodile. Originally, he did not have the qualification to inherit the Dragon King of the South China Sea, but because he was Zitian's younger brother, Zitian helped him win the title of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Boss, is this guy the Panshan Rock Snake? How did he become such a ghost?"

Crocodile Bahai looked at the Panshan Rock Snake.The power of the Panshan Rock Snake is outstanding, and he belongs to the same generation as the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the South China Sea.In his era, whether it was Zitian or Crocodile Bahai, they were only small people, and it was estimated that they had not yet formed into a demon.

"Leave him alone, go and have a drink with me."

Zitian couldn't save the Panshan Rock Snake, and naturally he wouldn't spend it with him here. After glancing at him, he walked over to the side of the boulder to drink while admiring the beauties of the Demon Fox Clan.

"Hey, I have long heard that the Demon Fox clan is rich in beautiful women. It's not true, boss, you look like you don't want to accept another Dragon Concubine!"

The Demon Fox tribe is dominated by witches, and most of the Demon Fox tribe are witches.And because the Demon Fox Clan was born with a talent for illusion, the witch of this Demon Fox Clan was particularly attractive.

At the same time, their looks and figures are all top-notch.Therefore, there have always been rumors in the demon clan that the demon fox clan is rich in beauties.It's just that after the big change in the Demon Palace 6000 years ago, the Demon Fox Clan rarely went out, and it was difficult for others to see a Demon Fox Girl.

And most of them will be swept away by other demons once they are discovered.

"Forget it! Sad!"

Zi Tian looked very helpless.At this time, Ziyun was not around, and he really wanted to find another Dragon Concubine for himself.Look at the witches of the Demon Fox clan, all of them are beautiful women.

Although it is far from being comparable to his Dragon Queen, for the Demon Race, if you want to see so many Demon Race beauties in other places, you really can't find it.


Crocodile Bahai laughed inwardly, he knew that his sister-in-law must have warned Zitian before he came, otherwise, how could this guy be so good and didn't tease the magic fox beauty.

"Wow! Big, big beauty. This is mine, boss, don't argue with me."

An hour later, the three-eyed demon wolf and Hu Rou returned to the Qingqiu Mountains with a hundred demon foxes and demons carrying Earth Clan killers.When Crocodile Bahai saw Hu Rou, his eyes immediately straightened and he stared straight at Hu Rou, unable to move away.

His saliva filled the glass he just drank.

"Uh! There is such a beautiful witch in this demon fox clan. Could she be the fox girl Xiao Ming said became the concubine of Ling Yun's kid!"

Zi Tian was amazed by Hu Rou.But before he came, Xiao Ziman told him that he was not allowed to hit the idea of ​​his boss, the magic concubine.It is precisely because of this that Ziyun specifically explained to him that this time he is not allowed to mess around.

Purple mica son knows Zitian too well!


Hu Rou had just arrived at the Demon Fox Clan, and she hadn't had time to get in touch with the other Demon Foxes, but she felt very uncomfortable.This is the feeling of being stared at, and it belongs to the kind of possession.

The Earth Clan Demon Venerable and the Earth Clan members who were present knew her identity. Even if they saw her, they would not dare to attack her, and they would move immediately after looking at her.

But at this moment, the four dragon kings of the Demon Dragon Clan, Crocodile Bahai and his two Demon Venerables from the South China Sea were all staring at Hu Rou, as if they were about to rush over and hug her.

Of course, with Zitian here, the four dragon kings would not dare to mess around, as was the two Demon Venerables in the South China Sea.

"Magic Fox Supreme, this king is the Dragon King Crocodile Bahai in the South China Sea. I'm very happy to meet you. You will be my Dragon Queen from now on. Your Devil Fox Clan will be covered by my South China Sea Dragon Palace from now on."

Crocodile Bahai came to Hurou and stretched out his hand to take her into his arms.However, although Hu Rou's strength is not very good, her reaction speed is not slow at all.

(End of this chapter)

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