Chapter 970

The first-generation three-transformation soul elixir is far from comparable to other three-transformation soul elixir. Since then, no one on the earth of the Dou World can refine the three-turn gold elixir that surpasses this one. Dan has it.

This will be the myth of the soul of the fighting world.

"Xiao Ming said that he can make gold pills, and it's true. If I take this pill, maybe my demon soul may be improved. Should I grab it or not?"

Zitian is like a star python, and the demon soul has long been promoted to become a demon soul, but his demon soul is not comparable to the star python.If he takes this three-transformation soul elixir, even if he can't raise his demon soul to the second rank, he can at least take it to a higher level.

This is his feeling.

However, he knew very well that this kind of golden elixir was definitely something that could be met without seeking it. It was definitely the pursuit of an alchemist all his life, and he was afraid that he could only make such an extraordinary golden elixir.

Therefore, this golden pill, the alchemist attaches great importance to it.If he takes action, I'm afraid Ling Yun will fight him desperately.Although he had some prejudices against Ling Yun, and even said some hostility.

But not his enemy.So Zitian finally resisted and didn't take the shot, and even if other Demon Venerables shot, he didn't want to interfere, if the golden core finally fell into the hands of a Demon Venerable.

Zitian would definitely grab it without hesitation, and would never return it to Ling Yun.

"Dan Jie is here..."

The voice of Youzi Peak fell, and among the lightning and thunder, several thunders fell from the sky and smashed into the valley, and the sea of ​​flowers in the valley instantly turned to ashes and a sea of ​​fire.The holy-level pill furnace that had burst in front of Ling Yun was torn apart at that moment.


Ling Yun instantly backed away, waved his hand to bounce off the fragments of the pill furnace that flew towards him, and then looked at the rising three-turn golden pill.Just when the golden core flew out of the height of the valley, all the Demon Venerables couldn't wait to take action.


Ling Yun smiled, and the figure disappeared in place.The next second he appeared in front of Ma Zun, and he was blasted out with a punch.Before the other Demon Venerables could react, they were all stunned.

They all focused their attention on the three-turn golden pill, and their hearts were too eager to get the golden pill.

It was precisely because they did not guard against Ling Yun that they were easily killed.

"Oh, a bunch of idiots. Do you know what a mantis is catching a cicada, and the oriole is behind?"

Crocodile Bahai has long considered that this suddenly appeared golden core has a master problem, so he waited for the other demons to take action before he started.Just waiting for the master of Jindan to deal with other Demon Venerables, he took the opportunity to take advantage of the fisherman.

Too bad he was wrong.

"Broken Sky Bow..."

"Wow! Damn..."

Xuan Turtle smashed over, and Crocodile Bahai was startled immediately, took it with all his strength, and flew out involuntarily.

"Great Demon God."

"Is this the elixir made by the Great Demon God?"

After Ma Zun and the others were repelled, they saw Ling Yun guarding next to the third-turn golden core, so they didn't make another move.However, the four dragon kings of the East China Sea Dragon Palace looked at each other and turned into dragons at the same time.

Although this pill belongs to Ling Yun, this pill is in the process of transcending the calamity, and their shots are also counted in the calamity of this three-turn golden pill, so this is called the right thing and not the person.

If Ling Yun can keep this pill, then this pill is destined to belong to him. If he can't keep it and is acquired by others, he can only say that this pill has a fate with him and has nothing to do with it.


"Young Master Ling, I'm offended."

The Blue Winged Dragon King spoke first, and the dragon's tail swung towards Lingyun.When Lingyun avoided his dragon's tail, he calculated the position, and the dragon's claws immediately stretched out to the three-turn golden core.

"Qingyi, do you want to swallow it alone?"

"Let me go, Lengtouqing, you, this pill only has one, don't take it alone, what do you want me to do? Don't you want to take it alone? Don't you think you can give me a share if you get it."

"Okay, I'll give you a share, get it, let you lick it, or twice"

"Go away, I'll let you lick it three times?"


The Blue Winged Dragon King and the White Dragon King quarreled while fighting.Brothers who have been for many years, fighting for this golden pill, it is really desperate.

The other two Dragon Kings and the two Demon Venerables from the South China Sea rushed over and were also pulled together. The six Demon Venerables used the real bodies of Warcraft to form a ball in mid-air.

"Three eyes, you look so fascinated, you don't want to fight for it!"

Seeing the three-eyed devil wolf staring at the three-turn golden pill with greedy eyes, the Panshanyan Snake looked as if it could not wait to rush up to fight for it.

"This pill is really amazing. I feel that if I get this pill, I will be able to restore the demon soul to its peak in the shortest possible time, and even take it to a higher level. What a pity!"

The value of the three-turn golden pill is there.The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf believed that if this pill was placed in the Shinto period, it would also attract the power of the Shinto and Demonic practitioners.

Ling Yun would never give this pill away easily.

"Are you worried about angering the Great Demon God?"

Panshanyan Snake smiled, and when he saw the three-eyed wolf nodding, he continued.

"Hey, old man, do you know what a pill robbery is! Haha, you know that you old wolf has no culture. Do you think that pill robbery is as simple as being struck by lightning?"

The Demon Snake Clan has also been brilliant. At that time, there were Demon Clan among the Demon Snake Clan who knew the way of alchemy, and even the supreme alchemy way appeared. Therefore, there were a lot of alchemy scriptures collected on Panlong Mountain.

The pill robbery is not just a thunderbolt from the sky, but all kinds of mutations that occurred when the pill was formed are included in the pill robbery, so no matter who shot at this time, it is only the first-generation third-rank golden pill.

(End of this chapter)

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