extreme dog days

Chapter 971 I am waiting for a horse

Chapter 971 I am waiting for a horse

Not Ling Yun!Of course, if you wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ling Yun, the situation would be different.

"Uh, what you mean is that even if I take the pill, the Great Demon God will not blame me. I have no culture, so don't cheat on me."

The three-eyed wolf asked weakly.

Does he really not know about this?He thought that the three-turn golden pill was refined by Ling Yun, and that it belonged to Ling Yun, whoever robbed it would have trouble with Ling Yun.

"I have culture, so I won't cheat on you. Since the Great Demon God can make such a miraculous elixir, I believe he must understand the truth. The problem is! beat."

The strength of the three-eyed demon wolf is really good. If it hadn't encountered a demon hunter back then, it wouldn't have been captured.However, Ling Yun's strength is not weaker than he was back then, and now his strength has only recovered by [-]-[-]%.

When facing Lingyun at this time, what will happen to him, just think about it.


After listening to the words of the Panshan Rock Snake, the three-eyed demon wolf swallowed and finally chose to hold back.

The Seven Great Demon Venerables attacked. If they were targeting Ling Yun, Ling Yun would only have the chance to escape, but they were targeting the Rank Three Golden Core, and each had a ghost, giving Ling Yun a one-on-one chance.

Even if they cast the real body of the beast, they couldn't hold Ling Yun's ultimate body.In the end, Ling Yun managed to keep the rank three golden pills, and the Seven Great Demon Venerables were all beaten up by him.

"The Great Demon God is too powerful!"

"Fortunately, we quit in time, otherwise, the end is estimated to be miserable."


Among the seven great demons, Crocodile Bahai was the most injured of course. Because he hated Ling Yun's injury to him earlier, he wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge for severely hurting Ling Yun when he was competing for the Rank Three Golden Pill.

Who would have thought that Ling Yun's reaction was too fast, a punch hit the sky and the ground knocked him to the ground, and he hasn't fallen asleep yet.

The first-generation third-turn Jindan Lingyun was finally guaranteed, and this matter naturally ended everywhere. After all, I am afraid that except for Zitian, other Demon Venerables can't beat Lingyun.

Half a month later, the Three-Eyed Demonic Wolf's injuries have recovered about [-]-[-]%, and the King of Dogs and King of Storm Mountain have also received the first, second, and third rank Jindan. All higher.

"Great Demon God, now we have almost recovered, and all the earth race beasts and demons are ready. I don't know when we will attack the heavenly race."

Because the injury is almost recovered, the three-eyed devil wolf can't wait to get justice for their devil wolf clan.

After nearly a month, the Earth Clan has successfully assembled, and there are at least [-]% of the Earth Clan Warcraft. The demons have come to report and are ready to fight the Heavenly Clan for life and death.

It has been 6000 years, and the earth clan has been oppressed by the sky clan for a full 6000 years. In the past 6000 years, not only all the demon kings of the earth clan are almost out of breath, but also those monsters of the earth clan who have opened their spiritual wisdom are also complaining.

Now there is a chance to fight with the Celestial Clan, although if you lose, you will die, but if you win, you will have a good life, so as long as you have the Spiritual Wisdom, the Earth Clan Warcraft will come to respond.

"The morale of our earth tribe is high now. As long as we give an order, we will definitely push the demon city with a dash of energy. Great Demon God, please give your order!"

The Giant Tai Ape-Man also followed suit.Although the Demon Monkeys do not eat blood and like to kill, they are very warlike.He was caught by surprise twice before by the Celestial Clan, and suffered heavy casualties.

He even killed two Demon Monkey Clan Demon Venerables in a row, but he was always thinking about finding the Heavenly Clan to recover his blood debt.

"and many more!"

Ling Yun shook his head.Although he is not good at marching and fighting, he understands the power of the Celestial Clan.Moreover, the morale of the Earth Clan is high, could it be that the morale of the Celestial Clan is low?

I'm afraid that the Celestial Clan has long been waiting, and the Earth Clan wants to go to the Demon City, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

"Boy, what are you waiting for, it's been more than half a month. Don't waste your time, okay?"

Zitian has an opinion.He has been here for more than half a month, and he has almost faded out of the water since he hasn't seen his all-powerful dragon queen for half a month.If it wasn't for Zi Yun and Zi Xing's repeated orders to him, everything would obey Ling Yun's arrangement.

If the local people didn't act for a long time, he had already left.

The dispute between the Earth Clan and the Celestial Clan had nothing to do with their East China Sea Dragon Palace. If it wasn't for Ling Yun's blind interference, he wouldn't be bothered to care about it.However, he also knew a thing or two about the situation in the world.

So he didn't want to sit and watch the Celestial Clan dominate, which is why he personally came to help the Earth Clan.Secondly, he has another purpose here, that is, he wants to see the Demon Hunting Tianpeng.

"Wait for a horse."

Ling Yun said without thinking.

"I'll go, isn't it there?"


Ling Yun was waiting for a horse, and almost everyone looked at Ma Zun.Ma Zun's face immediately blocked everyone.

Horse, what kind of horse, Lao Tzu is the Demon Venerable of the Demon Horse Clan, that is not comparable to ordinary Demon Horses

"The horse I'm waiting for, he can't compare."

Ling Yun replied.

"Okay, you great devil, what do you mean. Are you trying to provoke me and use it as a mount for you?"

Ma Zun was furious and stood up directly.

There is no Demon Venerable rank in the world that can be used as a mount for people, at least he has never heard of it before.Even if their Demon Horses are often domesticated by the Human Race as mounts.

(End of this chapter)

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