extreme dog days

Chapter 972 Divine Dragon Second Horse Zun

Chapter 972 Divine Dragon Second Horse Zun

The Demon Venerable is equal to the Supreme Being, and the Supreme Being is the top group of people in the world. Which Demon Venerable would be willing to be the mount of others?

"Well, you think, I still don't want to?"

Ling Yun shook his head, got up and left.

What he is waiting for is the Shenlongma, which belongs to the ancestor of the magic horse, a different species in the world.With its cooperation, Lingyun's strength can be greatly increased.Especially when using the Canglong combat skills, he has the power of the dragon, and can exert the power of the Canglong combat skills beyond the pattern.

At this point, ten Ma Zun can't compare.


"It's not good, Lord Ma Zun, you demon horses have rioted."

A Mozu Venerable hurriedly ran to Ma Zun and said.Riot, what does this mean, you can understand without explaining Ma Zun.The so-called riots refer to the riots of monsters.

Generally speaking, only low-level Warcraft will riot, mainly due to the influence of the natural energy of heaven and earth, making them frantic and blood-devouring.The monsters of the seventh rank and above are highly intelligent, unless there are demons of the tenth rank or above, or the natural gas of the heavens and the earth will not affect them.

And the tenth-order and above belong to the Demon Race, and the Demon Race is almost no different from a human being, so how could there be a riot?

"What's the situation... Matthew, Ma Hou! What are you doing..."

Ma Zun rushed over and was dumbfounded when he saw the demonic horse race.All the people below the seventh rank could fall to the ground, and all those below the tenth rank bowed their heads.Of the dozen or so demons from the Demon Horse Clan, Venerable released all their true bodies.

At the same time, all the Demon Horses have a tendency to soar to the sky, and it feels as if they are going to fight.

Facing Ma Zun's question, the two leading Demon Horse Clan Venerables did not respond.

Just at this moment, a red fierce horse passed through the forest, and the speed was as fast as time, and within a dozen breaths, it came to the outside of the Qingqiu Mountains.


As the red fierce horse let out a neigh, all the demon horses resonated in unison, and the sky-high momentum on them suddenly erupted.

All the monsters around the tenth rank and below, no matter what type they are, all retreated in fright.

This is the power of the divine dragon, isn't that red fierce horse the divine dragon horse?

"What is the situation, how can I have the urge to resonate."

Ma Zun was stupid. When he heard the resonance of all the demon horses, he felt an urge to resonate from the bottom of his heart. If he hadn't been suppressed by his powerful demon soul, he would have made a joke. .


The Shenlong Horse walked over slowly, and all the magic horses gave way. After it passed, they lined up and waited behind it, as if soldiers were waiting for the commander-in-chief to give orders.

"Who are you and why are you manipulating my clan?"

Ma Zun asked.


Shenlongma can't speak human words, but Ma Zun can understand what it says.It says it's not manipulation, but they worship me and you should worship me too, get down!

"Bastard! This dignified devil horse is supreme, you actually want to let this seat down, do you think this seat is the mother?"

Ma Zun is out!Let him lie down, this means surrender!However, it is not an easy task to make him surrender to such a supreme-level Demon Venerable.Usually there are only two ways, one is to respect the strong, and the other is to take the lead.

The leader refers to the person who leads the way, helping him become a demon, or even reach the level of a demon.

The dignified Demon Horse Clan Supreme was ordered to surrender by a foreign demon horse, which was a challenge to his bottom line.It's a pity that Shenlongma is too flexible, and its speed is too fast. It can move at will as fast as wind and like lightning.

After Ma Zun shot, Shenlongma had already moved behind him.

"What the hell! How could it be so fast!"

Before Ma Zun's voice fell, the geese had already fallen.The ass is in close contact with the ground.



"I'll go with you!"

Ma Zun manifested his true body, but his true body was suppressed immediately.What suppressed him was the power of the dragon.

"What's the situation! Niu, where did this guy come from, how could he be so imposing."

"This aura seems to be released from the Demon Horse Clan. How could such an aura appear in the Demon Horse Clan? I didn't know it before."

"Terrible! How did he do it? He turned the fictitious into reality with the momentum of the Demon Horse Clan, and in turn restrained Ma Zun."

"Hey, the old horse was trapped by his own family."


After all the demons in the Qingqiu Mountains sensed the imposing manner of Shenlongma, they ran out one after another, even Zitian.Because the imposing manner of Shenlongma is so special, they have never seen it before.

As soon as he came out, he saw the scene of Ma Zun being suppressed by the power of the dragon.


Ling Yun let out a cry, and Shenlongma immediately ran to his side.

"Uh, this, isn't this the horse that the Great Demon God is waiting for!"

Seeing the dragon horse running to Ling Yun's side, and with a docile and well-behaved appearance, all the Demon Venerables also remembered what Ling Yun said earlier.He was waiting for a horse.

"Great Demon God, he is..."

Giant Tai Ape Man couldn't help asking.Their Demon Monkey Clan and Demon Horse Clan have deep roots, so he also has a certain understanding of Demon Horse Clan.It's just that he has never heard of a magic horse like Shenlongma.

Because the long-sighted dragon horse is like a red fierce horse, but it has red dragon scales when seen up close.

"It's called Shenlong."

"Well, you said he was from the Demon Dragon Clan."

Zitian was stunned for a moment, and carefully looked at Shenlongma.Although Shenlongma has dragon scales similar to those of their Demon Dragon Race, he did not sense the Demon Dragon Spirit of the Demon Dragon Race from Shenlongma.

As for the momentum, there are some similarities with their Demon Dragon Race, but the essence is very different.

(End of this chapter)

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