extreme dog days

Chapter 976 Demon Evolution

Chapter 976 Demon Evolution



The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf successfully killed a Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, but the Sunbird saw through the reality and launched an attack and flew out.

"I'm careless, this damn Sun Wu is hiding nearby"

"Haha... The sun is really slashing"

The Sunbird can be invisible through magic arts under the sun, and it is difficult to find the same-level Demon Venerable, and his strength is not weaker than that of the Three-Eyed Demonic Wolf at its peak.

The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf tried his best to kill a Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, but he didn't want the Oriole to be behind.

"Three eyes open to the gods..."

In the face of the Sunbird's attack, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf knew that he was unavoidable, and could only do everything in his power to block it, otherwise the Hurou behind him would be in danger.

The strongest power of the three-eyed magic wolf is his third eye. Although this eye is a magic eye, it does not have the effect of restraining the demons like the magic eye of a demon hunter.

It's just that his pupils can be charged, but they can only be used once.

"Senior Three Eyes, Wanmei Fox Shadow"

Hu Rou burst out and tried to help the Three-eyed Demon Wolf to interfere with the opponent again.

"Ah! Hurou, hurry up, your charms won't work on him."

The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf successfully blocked the Sunbird's attack with his pupils, but he could only block it once, not the second time.

"Haha... If you want to leave, no one can leave."

Sunbird knew that Hu Rou was Ling Yun's magic concubine, and naturally would not let her go. The flapping of her wings sent a white light to the three-eyed devil wolf, and then went straight to Hu Rou.

"Sun Wu, did you finally show up? Take a punch from me"

"Damn, giant ape-man, damn it."

Sun Wu also countered.Giant Tai ape-man hid behind Hu Rou, because they calculated that as long as Hu Rou appeared, it would definitely attract the attention of the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable to her.

And Hu Rou mastered illusions and hid by her side, just so she could hide from the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, thus protecting Hu Rou and sneaking up on the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable who wanted to attack Hu Rou.

The Sunbird took a heavy punch from the Giant Tai Ape-Man, and involuntarily made a few circles in the air, almost being beaten stupidly.

"Go, kill him"

The three-eyed demon wolf shouted.

"it is good"

The giant Thai ape-man rushed to the head of the three-eyed demon wolf, and the three-eyed demon wolf immediately jumped high.


The sunbird just woke up, and it was too late to avoid it, and was thrown by the giant Thai ape-man and fell directly from the air to the ground.If it weren't for the body of the twelfth-order demon beast of the demon level, it is estimated that it would be possible to kill it alive.


Giant Tai ape is also injured!A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Step aside"

After the three-eyed demon wolf got up from the ground, he shouted loudly and rushed at the fastest speed.However, he was intercepted by another Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, and he collided with it and suffered both losses.



The giant Thai ape-man reacted and wanted to give the sun bird another blow, but it was already a step too late, and the sun bird pulled away in time to rise into the sky this time.Avoid his attacks.


After the sunbird flew into the sky, the beast changed suddenly, with a huge claw in front of it, in addition to the body becoming three times bigger, the tail also became longer, and the wings were more than doubled.

The shape is very different from before.

"The evolution of the demon body, bad, the three-legged golden crow"

The giant ape-man screamed.

"What, the legendary Golden Crow of the Celestial Clan. The Sunbird is actually a descendant of the Golden Crow"

The three-eyed wolf was also startled.The Three-legged Golden Crow has always been a legend from the Celestial Clan, but since ancient times, it has never appeared on the earth of the Dou World.

"Haha, that's right. Giant ape, Three Eyes, this is your burial place today."

The Sunbird only has a drop of the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow. He uses this form to consume a lot of himself, so he rarely uses this form.


The Giant Tai Ape Man and the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf said at the same time.Now they have no way out.If they can't stop the Sunbird, then the Earth Race Killer will definitely be destroyed by him.

Of course, there was the King of Storm Mountain, and the King of Dogs was also guarding the Earth Clan Killer, but although they received Ling Yun's help, their strength was greatly increased, but even if the two of them joined hands, they would definitely not be able to defeat the Sunbird.

And at this time, he was also entangled by two Celestial Clan Demon Venerables.

outside the magic city

Ling Yun used the power of the dragon to display the Canglong combat skills, and the Canglong flew into the sky.

"God is above..."


"How can the Demon Horse Clan have such power. Why we didn't know it before."

"What power is this"

The magic horse clan was summoned by the divine dragon and horse, and all the heavenly clan demons were unheard of. If it is said that the three-legged golden crow is the myth of the heavenly clan, then the power of the dragon hidden in the magic horse clan is the myth of the earth clan. .

"What a powerful force. This is Canglong, the Ling family of Canglong in Zhongzhou"

Kaikong exclaimed in surprise.With the help of the oppressive power brought by the power of the dragon, the sky above made all the demons below the demon in the demon city fall to the ground.All the Heavenly Clan Demon Venerables were startled.

bang, bang

"Damn, yah..."

Mo Xing tried his best to burst out all his power. He knew very well that if he couldn't stop Canglong's attack, then he would have no choice but to die.Therefore, he could only burn his life to forcibly resist the Canglong, but unfortunately after resisting the three breaths, he was still suppressed by the Canglong to the ground. He was attacked by the Canglong, the demon soul was shattered, and his vitality was destroyed.

"Master Star..."

"What...Magic Star"

The magic star was smashed.

(End of this chapter)

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