extreme dog days

Chapter 977 The Demon Lord Opens the Void

Chapter 977 The Demon Lord Opens the Void

"Damn, the Demon Fox King accepts his life"

When the cracking sky saw the magic star landing, it exploded immediately, and used magic power to hit Lingyun.

Ling Yun didn't have time to collect Mo Xing's corpse, so he swung the blue dragon with a carbine and mobilized the magic power to block the cracking sky.

"The Lord of the Devil's Temple, that's all."

Ling Yun Shengsheng swallowed a mouthful of blood, wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly.

"Damn! I want you to die without a burial. Roar!"

Split the air to release the real body of the monster.It belongs to the magic eagle, but it has the void talent.Back then, he couldn't beat Xiaoyue Sirius, but after 6000 years of training, his strength was not weaker than Xiaoyue Sirius back then.

Maybe his demon soul didn't break through the magic way, but his magic power could threaten the first-order powerhouse of the magic way.Even in the years of Shinto, ordinary first-rank demon masters encountered him, I'm afraid they would have to retreat.

Void Fissure


Cracking the air, the eagle claws swiped towards Lingyun out of thin air, and each eagle claws can directly tear a trace of the void, but the world has the ability to heal itself, and if he destroys it to such a degree, the world can recover directly in less than a breath.

It's just that other things are hit, and it can't be recovered.

"Well, this is a move that can actually open the void."

Ling Yun couldn't help being surprised.

With him, Shenlongma can completely avoid the attack of the crack, but the other magic horses can't do it. They were brushed by the eagle's claws and died on the spot. They didn't know where they were hit. not.

The scene seemed extremely bloody.

"Kid Ling, you have to be careful, this kind of magic is too domineering, once you get hit, no matter how powerful your body is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover."

Yuzifeng was also taken aback.


As the magic horse was continuously killed, the power of the dragon became weaker and weaker.

"No, this guy wants to kill the magic horse and break the dragon's momentum. Shenlong, speed up to avoid the void eagle claws..."


Ling Yun reacted and found the purpose of splitting the sky.Crack Kong had already seen that the reason why Ling Yun was able to kill the Demon Star in seconds was all because of the divine power within the Demon Horse Clan.

That is, the dragon that appeared over the Demon Horse Race at this time.

As long as he destroys the Demon Horse Clan, the divine dragon will naturally disappear.

Lingyun informed Shenlongma, and Shenlongma immediately exploded with all the power, as fast as time traveled, and instantly transferred to the back of Crackong, so that Lingyun had the opportunity to counterattack and prevent Crackong from continuing to kill the magic horse.

"God is above"

"Well, damn it, so fast... Void fissure, open..."

Crack Kong never thought that the speed of Shenlongma could be so fast. Compared with teleportation, the space flash was much faster, otherwise it would not be able to avoid the blockade of his void eagle claws.


The fissure of the sky ripped apart the heaven and the earth with all its strength, opening a huge void crack.


Canglong went straight to the crack, plunged into the crack of the void, and was directly crushed by the void.

"Haha, Demon Fox King, whether the master is a human or a demon. No matter what today, you have to die... Come in!"

The cracking sky became crazy, and the void he tore up produced a huge suction force. Once the surrounding rocks were sucked into it, it immediately turned into dust, and all the trees were uprooted and sucked into the void.


As the suction of the void is getting bigger and bigger, the power of the dragon seems to be unbearable, and magic horses are constantly being sucked into the void.


The Shenlongma also seems to be very labored. Once it can't bear it, it will be sucked into the void together with Lingyun, and there will be no ballast at that time.

"No, this guy seems to have been prepared for a long time. If this goes on, I'm afraid I haven't waited until his power is exhausted, and I have already been pulled into the void."

The cost of splitting the void to use the void magic power to forcibly open the void is difficult to estimate.However, Crack Kong was already prepared, and he stored a large amount of demon soul power in his body.

Otherwise, before Ling Yun was pulled into the void, he would have exhausted his soul power and fell.

"You can only fight for one fight. If you succeed, you will be able to kill him. Shenlong, life and death are all in one fell swoop, don't worry about other things, and fully mobilize the potential of Shenlong."

Ling Yun found through his soul eyes that Kai Kong seemed to be struggling to support him at the moment, but his body was still full of soul power.

At this time, he couldn't use other moves, and could only use the dragon's power to use the dragon's combat skills.And the eighth change of Canglong's combat skills.Heaven has eyes.It's just that no one in the Ling family's eighth change of Canglong's combat skills has been able to perfect it.

Even if it is refined, it cannot be displayed.

This move seems to be taboo.

"Hey, Ang!"

Shenlongma knew very well that once it gave up resisting the suction of the void, then it and Lingyun would be sucked into the void and shattered in a few breaths. However, even if it continued to forcibly hold on with Lingyun, it would not last long.

Out of trust in Lingyun, Shenlongma chose to obey Lingyun's arrangement and fully mobilized the power of Shenlong for Lingyun's use.

"Haha, Demon Fox King, have you given up? Then go die... Haha!"

Crack Kong saw Shenlongma and Lingyun give up their resistance and were attracted by the power of the void, and suddenly laughed. As long as Lingyun and Shenlongma entered the void, they would surely die, no matter how fast they were, no matter how strong their bodies were. will be turned into powder.

"Oops, the Great Demon God is in danger..."

Panshanyan Snake took Ma Zun, Ye Zun, and Lu Zun first to kill near the magic city. When they saw the void opened by the crack, they were shocked.Some Earth Race Warcraft ran too fast, and broke into the range of the suction of the void at this time, and they were all sucked into the void and turned into bursts of blood mist, leaving no bones.

(End of this chapter)

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