extreme dog days

Chapter 978 The sky has eyes

Chapter 978 The sky has eyes

"Damn, what should I do. This void is crazy, and everything outside the magic city will be destroyed once the void opens."

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid the Great Demon God won't last long. Patriarch Panshan, what should we do..."


Ma Zun and the others looked at the Panshan Rock Snake anxiously.Although they had heard of Sky Splitting's ability, but after all, they had never seen him perform this move, and even Ling Yun was struggling to support it at this moment.

They don't think they have the ability to compete with the Void Magic Art of Splitting the Void.

Now I can only pin my hopes on Panshanyan Snake, hoping that he can come up with a way to rescue Ling Yun.

"This... hiss, it's not good."

Panshanyan Snake's face was bitter, and he couldn't think of a way for a while.At this time, Ling Yun had given up his resistance, and was being quickly pulled into the void together with Shenlongma.


As the dragon and horse tried their best to summon the dragon, the huge dragon roared around Lingyun and disappeared into his body.

"Ah! Canglong's eighth transformation, the sky has eyes."

Lingyun burst into full state, at the moment when all the power erupted, he used the power of that moment to madly dance the divine weapon of punishment, evolve the battle technique of the sky, and display the eighth variation of the battle technique of the blue dragon.

The eighth change, Canglong transforms into the eyes of the sky.


The blue dragon circled and turned into a huge black and white eye.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths

The entire area of ​​the magic city is under the surveillance of this one eye, and all power has been suppressed, including the void opened by the cracking sky.

Three breaths, the eyes of the sky appear only three breaths.

"how so…"

Crack Kong looked at Ling Yun with an incredulous look on his face.At this time, the eyes of the sky have disappeared.All the magic horses who were lucky enough not to be sucked into the void fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

Some of them fell to death because they were too far from the ground and were in a coma without any defense, and some were unlucky, became the backs of other magic horses and were crushed to death.

Only Lingyun and Shenlongma stood in the air, Shenlongma looked very tired, and Lingyun's face was extremely pale, the move just now consumed almost all of Shenlongma's power.

At the same time, Ling Yun's vitality was greatly damaged.

This scene was too late and suddenly, almost everyone could not react.

"What happened to that eye just now?"

"Eyes, how can one eye appear in the air?"

"Demon Lord!"

The two-headed dove and the others recalled the previous eye, and they all shuddered, and at the same time they all looked at the cracking sky subconsciously.

At this moment, cracks appeared all over his body, and white lights rushed out of his demon body.He was stared at by the eyes of the sky just now, and a white light entered his body.

"No! I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled... roar"

bang, bang

Crack Kong screamed hysterically. He frantically wanted to stop his collapse, but found that he couldn't do anything, and he couldn't do anything. After he let out a loud roar, his demon body exploded and turned into a little white light.

"Hey...Kai Kong is dead."

The Panshan Rock Snake stared, as if he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

"Hey, what did you see just now? Is it an eye?"

Ma Zun looked at Ye Zun and Lu Zun, expecting confirmation from him.It's a pity that Ye Zun and Lu Zun couldn't fit in with his mouth wide open at this time, so how could he answer this question?


"Why are you hitting me?"

Ye Zun was inexplicably slapped by Lu Zun, his face was hot, and he looked at Lu Zun angrily with his face covered.If it were normal, he would have been fighting with him for a long time.

"Are you in pain?"

Lu Zun looked at his hand and then at Ye Zun.His hand hurts, but he's still not sure if it's real.

"Nonsense, you, sister. You let me give me a slap!"

Ye Zun was furious.He slapped him for no reason, and even asked him if it hurt.If it wasn't for the fact that he just came back to his senses, it probably wasn't the pain, but that he was directly scared to pee.

"It hurts, it's not a dream. Khikong is dead. He really died! The Great Demon God killed him!"

Lu Zun believes it now!exclaimed excitedly.

Crack Kong was really killed by Ling Yun, this scene was too breakthrough, too unbelievable.Crack Kong clearly had an absolute advantage, but he was killed in the blink of an eye.

With spikes, it is obviously indescribable.

"Kid Ling, the eye you showed just now is what happened. Why does the old man feel that the eye is so terrifying, like a master. The old man was almost killed by that eye."

Just when that celestial eye appeared just now, You Zifeng looked at him, and his soul immediately trembled, creating an unprecedented terror that almost disappeared.

Fortunately, he just looked at each other, and he immediately took back his soul, otherwise he would probably be finished.

"I don't know either. No one in the Ling family has ever used this trick before me. He also didn't know that Canglong would turn into an eye, and that this eye would be so powerful."

Regarding the eighth change of Canglong's combat skills, the records of the Ling family are very vague.It only said that Canglong transforms into the eyes of the sky, but did not specify it.Canglong's combat skills are left over from ancient times.

The ancestor of the Ling family has only cultivated to the seventh transformation: Heaven is above.Based on Cangtian's inference, he came up with Canglong's Heavenly Eye, but he didn't know what the Heavenly Eye looked like.

Lingyun just used the power of the dragon to cast the sky above, he felt that he might cast the eighth transformation, so he took a risk.

In the situation just now, if he can't use this trick, then he is afraid that there is only one way to die.

(End of this chapter)

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