extreme dog days

Chapter 984 Ancient Tianpeng

Chapter 984 Ancient Tianpeng ([-])

In the face of the Celestial Clan, no matter how tragic this is, they are not afraid, because at least there is still a glimmer of hope.But the appearance of this ancient Tianpeng directly destroyed their hope.

"Old Ancestor. Ancient Tianpeng. Our Celestial Clan is saved."

"Ancestor, save us, destroy the Earth Clan"

"Haha, the bastards of the Earth Clan, you are finished. The ancestors tore them up. Show off for our Celestial Clan..."


All the demons from the Celestial Clan, including the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, were all excited. The ancient Tianpeng seemed to belong to the Celestial Clan. Isn't this the ancestor of their Celestial Clan?

They just think too much!

The ancient Tianpeng was ferocious by nature and devoured him.In his eyes, all living beings are enemies and food in their belly.


The ancient Tianpeng let out a loud cry, and he told the action to all the Celestial Clan, don't recognize him as a relative, we have nothing to do with each other.

"Ah, old ancestor, don't!"

"Do not…"

Two Heavenly Clan Demon Venerables flying in the air in their real bodies, one was swallowed by the ancient Tianpeng, and the other was caught by the claws of the ancient Tianpeng, struggling desperately there, and broke after a while. vitality.

Now all the Celestial Clan will wake up.

"What's going on? Then why did the ancient Tianpeng kill each other?"

"Yeah, this is the play! Which side is he on?"

The local people were also stunned.Although seeing the terrifying strength of the ancient Tianpeng, he directly killed the demon of the Celestial Clan, but he was completely stunned by his actions.

"You old man, do you know what's going on?"

Ling Yun asked through voice transmission.

"Here, it is rumored that the ancient Tianpeng is one of the three evil demons of the demon clan. He has always been ignorant of his six relatives and has a ferocious nature. He does not distinguish between the heavenly clan and the earth clan. How did this ancient Tianpeng phantom come to be?"

Yu Zifeng's voice seemed to tremble a little.

"Ah! Could it be summoned by the Demon Hunter Tianpeng?"

Ling Yun guessed.The Demon Hunting Tianpeng belongs to the descendants of the ancient Tianpeng, but the bloodline is too low to compare with the real ancient Tianpeng.However, when he was killed by Zitian, he used all his strength to condense in his blood to form a drop of ancient Tianpeng blood essence, which was used to summon the ancient Tianpeng phantom.

The purple figure that was knocked away by the ancient Tianpeng just now was Zitian.

At this moment, all the Celestial Clan have panicked, and they all understand what the ancestors are, that is a fart.This kind of deadly ancestor, whoever wants to recognize it.

"What are you still doing, kill it together, or you will all die. Ang, dragon-shaped phantom"

Zitian came, and at the same time shouted loudly, using the unique skills of the Dragon Palace to attack and kill the ancient Tianpeng.

One after another purple shadows turned into purple dragons and rushed towards Gu Tianpeng.Didn't Zitian use this move to seriously injure Lingyun?However, although this move is powerful, it obviously does not have much effect in the face of this ancient Tianpeng.

"Swallow, let's shoot together, roar"

The Panshan Rock Snake reacted and released his magic power, and the surrounding rubble condensed to form a huge rock snake that shot straight to the ancient Tianpeng in the sky.

"Boss, I'll help you. Roar"

The Dragon King Crocodile Bahai of the South China Sea used his whole body to slaughter the past with his demon body. He wanted to bite the neck of the ancient Tianpeng, but unfortunately he underestimated the power of the ancient Tianpeng.He was hit by his wings and fell directly from the air.

"Lord Dragon King. I fought with you. What a shit Tianpeng, give me death... The amount of sea water, cover the sea"

Nanhai Demon Venerable saw Crocodile Bahai being smashed and flew out, running the magic power to form a sea area, and the tide of the sea rushed over.


Seeing the sea water, the ancient Tianpeng looked very angry. He flapped his wings directly to disperse the sea water with strength, and then swooped over, instantly appearing on the top of Nanhai Demon Venerable, and stretched out his claws to grab him into the sky.



The Demon Venerable in the South China Sea screamed and was directly captured by the ancient Tianpeng.


All Demon Venerables were startled, this power was too terrifying.Just now, the ancient Tianpeng killed two Heavenly Clan Demon Venerables in seconds. It can be said that they were completely unprepared, but this Nanhai Demon Venerable is completely different.

In addition, the ancient Tianpeng was attacked by Zitian and Panshanyan Snake, and he directly killed him.

"What a powerful force, what are you still doing? Do you really think he is the ancestor of your Celestial Clan?

The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf saw that the Nanhai Demon Venerable was killed, and after feeling the unparalleled power of the ancient Tianpeng, he understood that the power of the Panshan Rock Snake and Zitian alone could not help the ancient Tianpeng.

Even if the remaining Earth Clan Demon Venerables and the other three Dragon Kings of the East China Sea were to take action together, they might not be able to deal with him. Right now, they can only unite the Heaven Clan Demon Venerables and this ancient Tianpeng to fight to the death.

The Heavenly Clan Demon Venerables are not fools either. At the moment, apart from joining forces with the Earth Clan, I am afraid there is no other way to escape, can they escape?At the moment when the ancient Tianpeng appeared, this place has become a dead end.

Everything is covered by the power of the ancient Tianpeng.

Several Celestial Clan Venerables tried to escape, but they were all hit by the bright light from the ancient Tianpeng, and they were directly actinized without even slag.


The ancient Tianpeng exploded its power and emitted a dazzling light, which not only smashed the huge rock snake, but also lightened the purple dragon shadow and broke the dragon-shaped phantom of Zitian.

Before Zitian could attack again, he was knocked out of the cloud by the ancient Tianpeng.

(End of this chapter)

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