Chapter 985


"Damn! How can it be so powerful."

Zi Tian said gloomily.The power of the ancient Tianpeng was completely beyond his expectations, and it has far exceeded the power that the Supreme Realm can have.

"Fist to the sky"

In the face of the ancient Tianpeng, Ling Yun naturally did not dare to melee him directly, so the first shot was his strongest attack.The fist slammed into the sky and locked the ancient Tianpeng.


Ancient Tianpeng seemed to sense that this move was very powerful, so he used his wings to protect himself and blocked Lingyun's attack.


Ling Yun was recoiled by the force, and flew down from mid-air with a scream, and at the same time was greeted by the light of the ancient Tianpeng.

Extreme Astral

Ling Yun swung out a sword, but it only weakened the power of the light. When it was hit by the light, it smashed a big hole on the ground.


Ling Yun's body was extremely powerful, but when he was hit by the light, he felt like he was about to fall apart.

"This guy's power has clearly exceeded the seal of the fighting world, why is it not restricted?"

Yu Zifeng exclaimed.All the demons at the scene shot together, and the power generated made the heaven and earth space tremble, but there was still no way to get the ancient Tianpeng, and at this time, it was not the aura that covered the place, but the world of the divine way and the demonic way.

Isn't this a power that clearly belongs to the devil's way?

"No, his power itself did not exceed the seal limit of the fighting world, but it became so terrifying after absorbing the power of light."

Ling Yun said.He practiced the light and dark magic art, and he could naturally sense the source of the ancient Tianpeng's power.


Yuzifeng obviously didn't understand something.

"Heavenly Punishment, can your power destroy him?"

Ling Yun communicated with the divine weapon of punishment.The thunder of the divine way that punished the divine soldier this day also belongs to the power above the supreme realm. With Lingyun's current vision, he cannot determine whether the thunder of the divine way can destroy the ancient Tianpeng.

Although at this time, his body would not fall to the ground directly and faint from the thunder of the divine way as before, but it is bound to be as badly damaged as the eighth change of Canglong's combat skills just now.

The ancient Tianpeng is not easy to provoke, what is the meaning of revenge, if someone hits him, he will definitely hit him with a crit.If he can't kill the ancient Tianpeng with Shinto thunder.Under the serious injury of vitality, he was targeted by this guy, and he was the one who died.

Even if Zitian wanted to save him, they couldn't.

Therefore, Ling Yun had to be cautious and directly wake up the God of Punishment to inquire.Now his strength has almost been recognized by the God of Punishment.

If he can step into the Supreme Realm, it is even possible that he can directly use the Shinto Thunder?

"No. His power exceeds mine, unless you can directly control the thunder of the Shinto, you may still have the power to fight with me."

Heavenly Punishment gave a very clear answer.If it was before, he would only reply the word 'can't' at most.


Ling Yun sucked in a breath of cold air, his face darkened on the spot.

"You still have a terrifying magic soldier in your body, why not use it. It's more than enough to kill him."

The God of Punishment can sense that there is a more powerful weapon in Lingyun's body, that is, the Holy Sword of the Devil's Way.It's just that Ling Yun couldn't summon it at all.

People are much more arrogant than the God of Punishment, and after entering Ling Yun's body, they are completely silent.

I'm afraid that even if Ling Yun steps into the divine way, people will ignore him if he fails to grasp the light and dark.

"I'll go, if it can be used for me, I'm still invincible!"

Ling Yun shouted in his heart, feeling like he wanted to cry.

"Dragon God, Tianpeng avoids water. Use sea water to deal with him."

Panshanyan Snake shouted, his snake tail was hit by the ancient Tianpeng, and now it has become a tailless snake.And at this time, several Demon Venerables have been killed by the ancient Tianpeng.

Although the ancient Tianpeng was also injured, it seemed that if the ancient Tianpeng could not be restrained, then even if all the demons here were dead, he might not necessarily die.

"Uh, summon the Dragon God of the East China Sea, ordering the East China Sea, Wanlong goes out to sea..."


Zitian responded.Tianpeng is naturally averse to water. If it encounters water, Tianpeng's power will disappear.Therefore, Zitian used the power of the East China Sea Dragon Palace to summon the water of the East China Sea.

This is the innate ability possessed by the Dragon God.

This move was rarely used by dragon gods in all dynasties.

The water above the East China Sea formed a water dragon and rushed out, heading straight for the magic city in the south.

When Zitian used this move, the East China Sea Dragon Palace was naturally shaken, and the Demon Dragon Clan, Dragon Queen, Little Purple Python, and Xing Python in the East China Sea Dragon Palace naturally knew it.

"Wanlong goes out to sea. What's the matter, how could the Dragon God dispatch this move?"

Qinglong Supreme's face became heavy.This move is not the strongest method for Zitian. If it is the previous Dragon God, when they use this move, it means that they have encountered a strong enemy.

And Zitian's strongest means is not weaker than this one.

"Dragon mother, will something happen to Ah Tian?"

Ziyun is very worried about Zitian.Because she also knew about the witch hunt.

It is precisely because of the existence of demon hunters that Zitian went there in person and never brought the Four Great Dragons with him.What he was worried about was that the Demon Hunter avoided him and dealt with the Four Great Dragon Lords.

"Don't worry, with A Tian's strength, no one from the Heavenly Clan and Earth Clan is his opponent."

Star Python said with great certainty.

"But, isn't there a demon hunter in the southern border?"

"Oh! Demon hunting is not terrible for Ah Tian. Because he has a symbiotic contract."

Star Python said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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