Chapter 613 Return to Chang'an

Chapter 609

Wei Hao and Li Lizhi returned to the mansion after having dinner outside. There is nothing important to do at the mansion at the moment, the rest is to prepare for the New Year.
However, the number of guests at Wei Hao's house also began to increase. Many people in Chang'an, such as Cheng Chuliang, would also come to Wei Hao's side. Wei Hao also entertained them at home. If there were too many people, Wei Hao and the others would also come playing cards and chatting,
Soon, it was New Year's Eve, and Wei Furong also rushed back last night. Early in the morning, Wei Hao and the others sacrificed to Chang'an, because they couldn't go back to the Chang'an Ancestral Hall to worship, so they could only worship here.
After the worship, Wei Hao was also busy with family affairs. Now he is in charge of the family, not his father, so many things need to be arranged by himself. Of course, most of them are arranged by Li Siyuan and assisted by Li Lizhi. I've been busy listening to this,
When it was getting dark, the family was also sitting in the living room. Every woman was holding a child. Among them, Wei Furong was holding Wei Zhili. Seeing Wei Huimin, this is his eldest daughter, they sat there and had a tight meal together.

After eating, those women took their children to take a bath. Tonight, those children also need to change into new clothes, and Wei Furong also wanted to give them lucky money.

But Wei Hao didn't care, he was sitting in the study, leaning on it to sleep, he still had to keep watch at night, and tomorrow morning, he had to go to the palace to pay New Year's greetings, it would be impossible if he didn't sleep, it was almost midnight when Wei Hao woke up , asked Wei Furong to go to bed, and he was sitting in the living room, holding a book, drinking tea, reading a book, and all the female relatives also went to sleep.
Early the next morning, Wei Hao opened the gate of the mansion, and the house was about to welcome guests.

After Wei Hao finished his breakfast, he went to the palace. He needed to pay New Year's greetings to Li Shimin and the others. Now in Chang'an, there are two princes, one is Li Shen, the other is Li Zhi, and the other princes, All in Chang'an.Wei Hao knelt down and saluted together with the ministers, and then was taken to the greenhouse of the palace.

"Master, drink tea!" Li Shen poured tea for Wei Hao first, because there were no other princes around, and Li Shen and Li Zhi were grown up now, so they were also called over to entertain Wei Hao.

"Yeah!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, eat dim sum!" Li Zhi also came over with a plate of dim sum at the moment, and Wei Hao also nodded with a smile. There are several princes here.

"Come on, sit down. Last year, in general, my Tang Dynasty was in good weather, and the achievements I made were huge. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. It is very good. The merits of the ministers are here. I thank you all. And this year, the court is also There are many plans. Of course, the most important plan is to go on an expedition to Goguryeo. This country can no longer stay. It has been constantly invading our borders. Now it is sending envoys to seek peace. Why did you go before? After the spring, the army will Get out!" Sitting there, Li Shimin said with a smile,
The other ministers also nodded. This is already in the plan. The army has been dispatched a lot in the past. Now it is time to see when it is appropriate to fight. Then Li Shimin chatted with the ministers about the current situation around the Tang Dynasty. Hao also talks to everyone from time to time,
At noon, Wei Hao and those ministers had dinner in the palace,
In the afternoon, Wei Hao also went straight to Li Jing's mansion. When he arrived at Li Jing's mansion, Wei Hao and Li Jing chatted for a while, and told them that he was going to Chang'an tomorrow to visit his grandma and the others. In addition, he also needed to go to his grandparents' house Walking around, I haven't been there for several years, and at night, I also had dinner at Li Jing's mansion,
After dinner, Wei Hao went to Wei Chen's residence. Although Wei Chen was Wei Hao's subordinate, he was also Wei Hao's elder brother.

"Brother, I wish you New Year's greetings. Where's my sister-in-law? Where's my aunt!" Wei Hao walked in with a smile, and saw Wei Chen rushing this way.

"Haha, hurry up, come in, it's all inside. I just came back. I went to sit at your mansion in the morning, and I also went to sit at other duke's mansions!" Wei Chen said to Wei Hao with a smile. Everyone is busy, there is no way.

"Yes, I'm going to Chang'an tomorrow, so I'll come to your place overnight!" Wei Hao said with a smile, just when he arrived at the living room, he saw Qin Su'e helping the old lady come over.

"Auntie, sister-in-law, happy new year, Shenyong wishes you a happy new year!" Wei Hao said with a smile as he cupped his hands.

"Hey, come on, come on!" The old lady said happily, Wei Hao also went to help the old lady, the old lady was so happy, she was helped by Wei Hao to sit next to her, and the servants also sent Wei Hao Qin Su'e took the tea and put it beside Wei Hao.

"I can't help it today. I originally planned to come tomorrow, but tomorrow I'm going to Chang'an, so I came here at night. Auntie, please forgive me for being rude!" Wei Hao said to the old lady with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Forgive me or not. I'm happy whenever you come. I'm happy to see you all grow up and become talents!" The old lady said while pulling Wei Hao with a smile.

"That's right, Auntie, from now on, you will be in Luoyang, and this place is also very big. You are in Chang'an, and my brother is also worried. Do you think it's okay? If it's all right, my mother can still come here to see you, you You can also walk around in Luoyang City!" Wei Hao said while looking at the old lady with a smile.

"Yes, Jinxian told me that I will be in Luoyang this year. It's fine. I can do whatever I want, as long as I'm with them!" The old lady said with a smile, and Wei Hao also nodded happily.

"Come on, Shenyong, have some snacks!" Wei Chen came over with a snack and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, good!" Wei Hao nodded, then chatted with them for a while, Wei Hao also left,
Back at the mansion, at this moment, the mansion is also preparing things for Wei Hao to go back early in the morning. Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan are also at Wei Hao's study.

"Everything is ready, how long will you stay there?" Li Li asked over there.

"There will be a two-day delay on the road, and a trip to Grandpa's house. Including the elders in Chang'an, it will probably take about six days!" Wei Hao looked at them and said.

"Okay, just pay attention to safety on the road!" Li Lizhi nodded and said.

"It's a pity that these boys are too young. Otherwise, the grandmas would be so happy to see it. I guess the grandmas will be disappointed if I didn't take them back this time!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile, and he also knew The old people wanted to see something, but it was too cold, and with such a long journey, it was too much trouble to bring children.

"It's okay, the grandmas will understand. When it gets warmer, I'll take those children back and let the grandmas have a look!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, I want to show them to the grandmas. Now I guess, they don't know how many gifts they have prepared at home!" Wei Hao thought with a smile, the grandmas are also very kind to him, not ordinary Well, I made mistakes as a kid and used to hide behind my grandmas so I wouldn't get spanked,
Early the next morning, Wei Hao, Wei Furong, and Mrs. Wang got into a carriage and rushed to Chang'an. On the way, Wei Hao also saw many carriages passing by, many of which were loaded with goods.It can be seen how many people are transporting goods on this straight road every day,

In the afternoon, Wei Hao also arrived in Chang'an. The first thing he did was to go to the house on the old foundation in Xicheng. The house in Xicheng has been rebuilt, and now those old ladies live there.

"Old master, old lady, the master is back!" Wei Hao and his carriage had just arrived at the square at the entrance, when the servants of the mansion saw it and shouted.

Wei Hao and the others also got off the carriage and entered the old house. At this moment, Wei Hao's three grandmas were still sitting in the conservatory, basking in the sun, and some of them were still wearing the soles of their shoes.


"Grandma!" Wei Furong and the others shouted loudly after they entered.

"Hey, whoops, my son, my grandson!" The three grandmas were so excited when they saw it, but at this moment, Wei Hao went over, knelt down immediately, and kowtowed to them three times.

"Hey, my treasure, come on, get up, get up, but the Duke is still kneeling?" The second grandma immediately went to pull Wei Hao up, and the third grandma and fifth grandma also went to pull Wei Hao.

"Hey, you are elders, what is the Duke?" Wei Hao said while supporting them with a smile.

"Where are the dolls, didn't you bring them? Don't bring them back in such a cold day. They are all treasures at home, so don't catch a cold!" Second Mistress asked, holding Wei Hao's hand.

"No, when the weather gets warmer, we'll bring them back and let the grandmas see them, and they're disobedient!" Wang Weihao smiled and helped them sit down.

"Nonsense, you can still be taught. My baby is not naughty. Besides, be naughty, you were naughty when you were young!" The third grandma said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey!" Wei Hao also laughed, and then Wei Hao sat there, chatting with them, talking about those children,

When it was time for dinner, Wei Hao also helped them to the living room. Wei Hao packed meals for them and served the three grandmas. After the meal, Wei Hao and the others needed to go back to Xia Guogong's mansion. After all, they must go back. Yes, Wei Hao made an agreement with those grandmas to come over for dinner when they are free.

After arriving at Xia Guogong's mansion, Wei Hao also took a look. They were all very good. Those servants in the mansion were all old men in the mansion, and they knew what to do!
"Shen Yong, it is estimated that there will be heavy snow tomorrow. Look, it is not cold now. I am worried that I will go to your grandmother's house and encounter heavy snow. If I can't come back, I will be in trouble. Otherwise, I will go two days later and wait until the rain is over. Let’s go again in the snow?” Mrs. Wang came to Wei Hao’s study at the moment, and said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded. Of course, you can go anytime. This is not important. The news that Wei Hao returned to Chang'an spread quickly. They originally wanted to visit, but they learned that Wei Hao was going to the old house. Over there, they also thought of it. Wei Furong didn't go to Luoyang before, just to take care of the old people living in the old house. Now Wei Hao went to the old house, probably to pay New Year's greetings to those old ladies, so he didn't bother.

At this moment, on the side of the East Palace, the East Palace also received the news that this year, Li Chengqian lived very comfortably, and basically he had the final say on matters in Chang'an. Every time he wrote a memorial and asked for instructions, Li Shimin would act according to Li Chengqian's wishes , which made Li Chengqian feel that he is still a little bit safer now, not so dangerous.
In addition, the income of the East Palace this year is also good. In addition, now that Su Mei is in charge of the harem, she has matured a lot. No matter what kind of concubine, prince or princess, or those princes, they are treated very well. Say hello to Samui.

"Your Highness, I just heard that Shen Yong is back?" The Crown Princess came in from behind at this moment, looking at Li Chengqian who was sitting there drinking tea and asked.

"Well, I'm back. I went to visit his grandma as soon as I came back, so I didn't go to other places. I heard that he will go to his grandparents' house when he comes back this time. I guess he will definitely come here. This time I have to have a good chat with him!" Li Chengqian sat there, nodded and said.

"Well, for his grandma, I also sent someone to send some small gifts, not many, after all, there is no better reason to send them, so I sent some supplements for the elderly." Su Mei looked at Li Chengqian and said .

"Well, yes, that's fine! It's okay, Shen Yong can understand!" Li Chengqian nodded and said, still looking forward to seeing Wei Hao soon, to see whose house Wei Hao will visit first tomorrow.

Early the next morning, when Wei Hao just woke up, he found that there was heavy snow outside.

"Mother, mother!" Wei Hao yelled when he got up and went to the living room.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Wang came out of the wing room as soon as Wei Hao called her.

"It's snowing heavily, are you still going to grandpa and grandma's house?" Wei Hao asked as he stood there looking at Wang.

"No, you are busy with your own affairs, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Mrs. Wang said to Wei Hao, Wei Hao nodded, and after breakfast, Wei Hao went to the East Palace,

As soon as Wei Hao left the house, many people knew about it. Some people were happy and some were disappointed when they learned that Wei Hao had gone to the East Palace. Li Chengqian is Wei Hao's brother-in-law, of course he has to go to the East Palace first.

Wei Hao was still on the way, and the East Palace knew the news. Su Mei was very happy, and Li Chengqian was of course even more happy. Following the notification from outside, Li Chengqian quickly walked towards the door.

"Shen Yong, happy new year!" Li Chengqian immediately called Wei Hao with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, Happy New Year, New Year greetings to you!" Wei Hao said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"Haha, let's go in and say, it's snowing heavily!" Li Chengqian said while patting the snow on Wei Hao's body.

"Your Highness, please!" Wei Hao said to Li Chengqian with a smile. Li Chengqian pulled Wei Hao and walked inside. As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Su Mei calling for the maids to arrange the melons and fruits.

"His Royal Highness, Happy New Year!" Wei Hao said to Su Mei.

"Well, Shenyong is here, come in quickly!" Su Mei also said with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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