Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 614 Wei Hao's Reminder

Chapter 614 Wei Hao's Reminder

Chapter 610

After Wei Hao arrived at the East Palace, Li Chengqian and his wife were very enthusiastic and greeted Wei Hao to sit down.

"Did you come back last night? Is the emperor okay over there? What about the queen mother? How is the queen mother's health? Did you not commit any old problems?" Li Chengqian asked after sitting down. Wei Hao felt that Li Chengqian was much more sensible when he heard it. At least it is much more mature than before.

"Very good, my mother's qi disease has never happened. The mother's mother basically doesn't go outside. The imperial physician has explained it before, so as long as you go out to do things, you will hand them over to the people below. Father is still the same, every day in the palace Find someone to chat with inside, you have dealt with a lot of things here, and the father has nothing to do, so I found someone to play cards, and now the skills of playing cards are good." Wei Hao said to Li Chengqian with a smile.

Li Chengqian nodded, feeling a little more relaxed.

"By the way, Shen Yong, my father is going to fight Goguryeo this year. I am worried that the Western Turkic side may take action at that time. I still need to remind my father of this matter. Of course, I also wrote a memorial to my father. , Of course, our army of the Tang Dynasty can defend against the attack of the Western Turks without any problem, but if things happen unexpectedly, they will be caught off guard." Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Father knows about it, and we talked about it before. If the Western Turkic side is going to send out troops, then even the Western Turkic side will take care of it. Don't worry about this, Your Highness. Now all places are rectifying their armaments. Next In the past few years, our army in the Tang Dynasty has to completely resolve the affairs in the northeast and the north, and the affairs in the northwest can be steadily advanced, but our territory in the Tang Dynasty still needs to be expanded!" Wei Hao sat there and smiled. All at once, he said to Li Chengqian.

"That's good. Anyway, there is no shortage of money for war now. Shen Yong, I still have to thank you for this. Without you, the father and us would not have such courage. Even now, the population of various places has increased a lot, and there are not enough officials. Oh, yes, wait a minute!" After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he went to the place next to the memorial, took out a memorial, and handed it to Wei Hao.

"This is a preliminary statistic of the population increase in various places last year. According to the general statistics, the new population of Datang exceeded 500 million last year, and the trend is accelerating. I predict that in at most ten years, the population of Datang will There is a breakthrough of [-] million, and it is even possible in five or six years.

In the past few years, my Tang Dynasty has not had large-scale battles, and the population has not decreased. In addition, Chang'an and Luoyang have attracted a large number of people. Just in your house, 20 new children have been added!congratulations! " Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, that's normal. In fact, the population will definitely exceed tens of millions in the next five or six years, so now I'm also staring at food. Originally, I wanted to go to war this time, but my father didn't allow it." , In addition, the left and right servants of the court, as well as the ministers, disagree, and the generals also disagree, so I have nothing to do." Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"That won't work, and I won't agree, and you can still go to war? It's not that there is no one in the Tang Dynasty. Even Gu can go to war, but you can't. With you, the Tang Dynasty will have a pillar. Even if the Tang Dynasty I was beaten into poverty, and with you here, Datang can continue to grow stronger, this is not a joke." Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao seriously.

Wei Hao smiled when he heard this, and then said: "Your Highness, I am not that important, but you have matured a lot, Your Highness."

"Ah, ha!" Li Chengqian was taken aback when he heard what Wei Hao said, and then smiled.

"Very well, Your Highness, this is the demeanor and thinking that a prince should have. Your Highness, you have to remember that this world belongs to you. What you have to do is to benefit the world. If you let the people live and work in peace, This position is not easy to sit in, the crown prince can't have his own hobbies, you know, those hobbies of the emperor are almost taken care of by Wei Zheng!" Wei Hao continued to smile and said to Li Chengqian.

"Yeah, unfortunately, it's a bit late to understand. I really didn't understand before. I thought that with the support of my mother and uncle, I don't worry that this position will be really replaced, but now I understand, there is nothing wrong with it." For sure!" Li Chengqian nodded emotionally and said.

"It's not too late to understand, Your Highness, it's very good, but you need to be more careful with Uncle, and now I don't understand Uncle's side, anyway, as long as it involves Tubo, you have to be careful. In addition, I have to tell my father, don't hide it." Wei Hao looked at Li Chengqian and said.

When Li Chengqian heard it, he looked at Wei Hao and nodded solemnly. Wei Hao couldn't be groundless, this was a reminder, if he didn't remember it, he would be a fool.

"Well, there's nothing else. It's fine now. As for whether your position is dangerous, let me tell you. As long as you keep going like this, it is impossible for the emperor to move such thoughts, even if he With such thoughts, other ministers will not allow it!" Wei Hao continued to remind Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Understood, thank you Shenyong!"

"Shen Yong, how about eating here at noon?" Su Mei looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Maybe not. I'm going to go to my grandparents' house tomorrow. I also want to spend more time with my grandma when I come back this time. I haven't seen each other for a year. I don't dare to delay because of the Luoyang incident. I still have to go to other homes, I guess, I will only be in Chang'an for three days!" Wei Hao stood up immediately after hearing this, and said to Li Chengqian.

"Ah, are you so busy?" Su Mei asked in surprise after hearing this, and couldn't help feeling a little worried. If she didn't eat in the East Palace, what would happen if there were bad rumors from outside.

"I can't help it. I will delay a day on the way, and I have to go to my grandfather's house. I will be on duty on the eighth day of the eighth day. It's not good that I, the governor, are not in Luoyang. So, I can only say hurry up and walk around!" Wei Hao smiled. He said to Li Chengqian and the others.

"Okay, don't delay your business, you are busy too, it is definitely not as convenient in Luoyang as in Chang'an, if you have time, come to the East Palace, we two have a drink!" Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, you can drink tea now, come, Your Highness!" Wei Hao said to Li Chengqian with a smile, holding up the teacup.

"Come!" Li Chengqian and Wei Hao clinked glasses, and after chatting for about an hour, Wei Hao left the East Palace. Li Chengqian and his wife stood at the gate of the palace to send Wei Hao out of the East Palace.

After Wei Hao left the East Palace, Li Chengqian stood there smiling.

"Your Highness, does Shen Yong still have an opinion?" Su Mei looked at Li Chengqian and asked.

"No, don't think too much, Shen Yong is not that kind of hypocritical person, he is indeed busy, just think about it, how many princes, how many princes, and eight sisters are there in Chang'an now, and they still have to go to grandpa and grandma's house, He still has this time, if you don’t believe me, just watch and see how long Shen Yong can stay in each mansion, and where will he eat at that time, I guess, it’s either in Xicheng, or in his Those sisters' homes!" Li Chengqian said confidently to Su Mei.

"That's it, if this is the case, it's nothing. The concubine is just worried. If the emperor finds out that Shen Yong came to Chang'an, we didn't entertain a meal, and he would be dissatisfied with us." Su Mei looked at Li Chengqian and said, thinking Also relaxed a little.

"No!" Li Chengqian said confidently.

Although Wei Hao didn't say much just now, the meaning behind it is very clear. Wei Hao still supports Li Chengqian and hopes that Li Chengqian will continue to sit in this position. With these meanings, there is no need to say anything else.

After Wei Hao came out of the East Palace, he went straight to Li Xiaogong's mansion.

Li Xiaogong is the old prince, Wei Hao needed to sit down, sat at Li Xiaogong's mansion for about [-] quarters of an hour, Wei Hao left, and did not eat at Li Xiaogong's mansion.

Then I went to Li Daozong's house, sat for a quarter of an hour, went to Li Tai's house, stayed for a while, and then went straight to the elder sister's house. Wei Hao planned to go to the elder sister's house for dinner, and he had already sent someone to inform the elder sister up.

The eldest sister’s family is busy, and Cui Jin stared at those people killing chickens at home early in the morning. They were going to pay New Year’s greetings to Wei Furong today, but Wei Furong told them not to come. Hao is very busy now.

"Sister!" Wei Hao shouted loudly when he reached the gate of Wei Chunjiao's gate.

"Oh, my kid!" Wei Chunjiao was very happy when she saw Wei Hao coming, and immediately went to hug Wei Hao. The two of them are siblings, and their relationship is of course the best.

"Hello brother-in-law!" Wei Hao shouted with a smile when he saw Cui Jin coming out of it.

"Quick, come in, it's cold outside!" Cui Jin was also happy, now he is living very comfortably in Luoyang, no one dares to provoke him, even in the school, no one dares to make things difficult for him, everyone knows, His brother-in-law is Wei Hao, the founder of this school.

"Well, sister, are you okay?" Wei Hao said to Wei Chunjiao with a smile.

"Is it okay? I just think about those nephews, and you too, who went to be the governor of Luoyang. It's so far away. I want to see those nephews but I can't see them. After a while, your brother-in-law and I will also go Take a look at Luoyang, go and see my nephews!" Wei Chunjiao said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, come at any time!" Wei Hao said with a smile, and then went to the living room. Just after arriving in the living room, he found that Cui Jin's elder brother Cui Xian was also there. Cui Xian is now Wei Hao's subordinate, serving as a county magistrate under Luoyang.

"I've seen the governor!" Cui Xian stood up and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, I've met my brother!" Wei Hao replied with a smile.

"Come on, please take a seat!" Cui Xian immediately asked Wei Hao to take a seat, and Wei Hao was not polite, if he didn't sit up, no one would dare to sit up.

"Shen Yong, come, drink tea, I look forward to your return!" Cui Jin said to Wei Hao.

"Well, how about being in the school now?" Wei Hao asked.

"Okay, the Ministry of Officials came to select people before, and wanted me to serve as a county magistrate in the local area. I won't go, I won't be an official, and I won't. I still teach honestly, and now my family's income is also good. There is no shortage of food and clothing, and besides, if I become an official, I will bother you, there is no need, this is fine!" Cui Jin thought about it, and said to Wei Hao.

"No, I'm envious of my second brother, for being so free and easy!" Cui Xian said with envy in his eyes.

Wei Hao laughed when he heard it, then looked at Cui Jin and asked, "How do you feel in Luoyang now?" Wei Hao looked at him and asked.

"Okay, that's great, every day is different, and we in Luoyang are really rich. Roads are being built everywhere, and this year there will be roads. The income of the people is also high, and there are few people who commit crimes. Everyone is thinking about how to make money. Well, as long as you have the strength, you don't have to worry about not making money. Therefore, there is no such thing as stealing, just developing the local economy well.

I'm in the county right now, and I've set up a few inns, and some teahouses. Not to mention, the business is very good, and those top-notch customers have also brought a lot of benefits to our county!The common people also smiled a lot, this is also thanks to you and Bie Jia, you two have planned this Luoyang very well! "Cui Xian immediately said his thoughts to Wei Hao.

"That's good. If we plan well, we need you to build well!" Wei Hao said.

"Shen Yong, the food is ready soon! Come on, do you want some wine?" Wei Chunjiao came in at this moment and asked Wei Hao.

"No, I have to go to New Year's greetings in the afternoon, and to eat at the second sister's house in the evening!" Wei Hao said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Okay, let's go to the table, brother, let's go!" Wei Chunjiao said happily.

"Hey, where are my nieces and nieces?" Wei Hao suddenly realized that he didn't see those children.

"I went to your house early in the morning, and when I learned that grandpa and grandma are back, I made a fuss to come back!" Wei Chunjiao said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, I haven't given them any red envelopes yet!" Wei Hao said with a smile, and then went to the dining room to eat.

After dinner, Wei Hao stayed at Wei Chunjiao's house for a while, and then went to Li Ke's house.

When Li Ke heard that Wei Hao was coming, he came to pick him up in person.

"I've met His Highness King Wu! I wish you New Year greetings!" Wei Hao said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"I wish you New Year's greetings too, hurry up, please, can you eat?" Li Ke said.

"I ate at my eldest sister's house!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Come, this way please!" Li Ke was very polite, and soon arrived at the living room, and then saw a young man in a python robe, who was Liang Wang Li Min.

"I've met His Royal Highness King Liang!" Wei Hao said, cupping his hands.

"Well, here?" King Liang said expressionlessly.

"Well!" Wei Hao was displeased when he saw him like this. This kid was not like this before. He was a very arrogant person, but now he has no expression on his face.

"Come on, Shen Yong, sit down and talk, I'll make you tea!" Li Ke pulled Wei Hao to sit down, he was afraid that if the two of them continued talking, something would happen.

(End of this chapter)

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