Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 615 Stop shouting

Chapter 615 Stop shouting

Chapter 611

Wei Hao came to look for Li Ke, and Li Min was also there, and he also ignored Wei Hao. Wei Hao was a little unhappy at the moment, but he was dragged to drink tea by King Wu.

"Well, is the matter over? As soon as you left, Father and Queen asked me in front of me. I said we will handle this matter, and Father doesn't need to worry about it." Wei Hao sat there, looked at King Wu and asked .

"The man is dead, and all the other things have been cleaned up for him. Don't worry about that!" King Wu said in a low voice as soon as he heard him say this.

"That's good, I'm also worried that if the emperor continues to question, it will be troublesome!" Wei Hao said and looked at Li Yin, but Li Yin didn't look at Wei Hao at all.

"Shen Yong, don't worry about him, I will persuade him slowly if he doesn't understand anything, please bear with him if he offends you." King Wu immediately persuaded Wei Hao when he saw Li Yin like this. .

"Okay, anyway, you can make up your own mind, don't let this matter come out." Wei Hao nodded and said.

"What are you afraid of finding out? Those armors of mine are for my personal guards, so why can't I prepare armors?" At this time, Li Yin was not happy, and said to Wei Hao angrily.

Hearing this, Wei Hao frowned.

"Presumptuous, you said that what you prepare for the personal guards is for the personal guards? You need to prepare the armor of the personal guards, which is issued by the Ministry of War? If you make armor weapons privately, that is a capital offense!" Li Ke stood very unhappy. He got up and shouted at Li Yin.

"Capital crime? I don't believe that Father would give me a capital punishment for such a thing!" Li Yin said still dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, don't make noise!" Wei Hao laughed at the moment, and suddenly felt that there was no need to be angry.

"What are you laughing at? If it wasn't for you, Yang Xuelong would have died? It's all your fault! What do I have to do with you when I prepare the armor?" Li Yin was furious at the moment and shouted at Wei Hao. At this time, Li Ke slapped him In the past, it hit Li Yin in the face.

"You bastard, what do you know? You walked around the gate of hell by yourself and you don't know, right? Shenyong saved you, and you are still like this. Why do I have such a stupid brother like you? Huh? All right, you go and talk to him yourself. Father said, look at how father will deal with you!" Li Kehuo shouted at Li Min,

Wei Hao stood up, pulled Li Ke away, and looked at Li Yin calmly.

"Well, if you want to say that, I can't help it. I've dealt with this matter for you. Just don't commit it in the future. If you commit a crime next time, I won't help you. The reason why you help me is because of your sister. And your third brother's face, as for me, I am also the son-in-law of my father!" Wei Hao looked at Li Yin and said.

"Hmph, do you have the face to call Father Emperor? What are you? You are just a son-in-law, who will give you face!" Li Yin looked at Wei Hao with a sneer at the moment.

"You bastard!" As soon as Li Ke heard it, it's okay, he said all this, if his father found out, he wouldn't have to live anymore.

"Forget it, it's unnecessary, since you said so, I'll just stop shouting!" Wei Hao said while pulling Li Ke.

"Shen Yong, don't listen to his nonsense!" When Li Ke heard this, he became even more frightened, Wei Hao stopped shouting, and if the emperor knew about it, he would have to kill him.

"It's okay, it should be. Not everyone can shout, father, don't worry, I won't shout!" Wei Hao looked at Li Yin while talking, and walked to the door after speaking. Li Ke hurriedly chased after him, thinking To pull Li Ke.

"Shen Yong, Shen Yong, listen to me, don't be as knowledgeable as him, I will make him apologize to you!" Li Ke held Wei Hao and said anxiously.

"It's not necessary, and there's no need to apologize, King Wu, we have no conflicts, I won't be here today, anyway, I'm here to give you New Year's greetings, and I have to go home, time is tight!" Wei Wei Hao smiled, looked at Li Ke and said.

"This!" Li Ke was very worried. If Wei Hao really stopped calling Li Shimin his father, then Li Shimin would definitely tear Li Yin apart.

"It's okay, I'm leaving first, you go back!" Wei Hao waved his hands with a smile, and then left Li Yin's house,

Li Ke was so angry that he rushed into the living room and slapped Li Yin across the face.

"You bastard, are you looking for death yourself? Do you think you are a prince, don't you? Father has more than a dozen sons, and now there are still princes born. You are a fart! You wait by yourself, if you don't personally Go to Shenyong's mansion to apologize, just wait, return the lord? Whether you can keep your head is another question!" Li Ke was so angry, he had already made an agreement with Wei Hao, but this bastard was still not convinced , the other is Li Yin, who must die for Wei Hao.

"Hmph!" Li Min was still unconvinced.

"Get out, get out, don't come to my house in the future!" Li Ke shouted at Li Yin,

Li Min angrily turned around and left, not staying here anymore, Li Ke sat down helplessly, and Yang Xuegang and the others all saw this scene.

"Your Highness, don't be angry, it's better to solve it!" Yang Xuegang said to Li Ke.

"What do I care, this bastard, does he understand? We helped him, but he thought we were harming him? Do you know what he said just now? The emperor trusted Wei Hao so much, Wei Hao also helped Datang, helped What does he say, a bastard who has loved Father So much? Ah? He is not qualified to be called Father yet?

Not to mention that the emperor father will punish him when the time comes, is Li Zhi able to let him go?To slap Shenyong in the face is to slap Li Zhi, to slap the crown prince and King Wei, and even to slap the father. Does he still want to live a good life? "Li Ke pointed to the door and said to Yang Xuegang,
Yang Xuegang also nodded helplessly. As soon as this sentence came out, he didn't know how many things would happen later.

"Your Highness, it's better to go find Concubine Yang. You take him to see Concubine Yang together. That's good. Unfortunately, Empress Empress and Concubine Wei are not in the palace now. If they were in the palace, this matter can be handled easily." Some." Yang Xuegang suggested to Li Ke,

Li Ke sighed and said, "Do you think he will go? Huh? I still have to beg him, and he will hate me too."

"This!" Yang Xuegang didn't know what to say.

After Wei Hao left the Wu Palace, he smiled. He actually didn't take what happened just now seriously. It was very simple to deal with him.
Besides, such a prince is useless at all. Li Shimin has many emperors, but few sons who are really valued by him. Wei Hao will go to other princes' mansions next, the first one is of course Fang Xuanling's mansion , until the evening, Wei Hao came to the second sister's house to pay New Year's greetings. The second sister was also very happy, so Wei Hao hurriedly said,

It wasn't until evening that Wei Hao returned to his mansion. Just after arriving at the mansion, he was informed that Li Ke was waiting for him in the living room at home. When Wei Hao heard this, he knew that he was still here for the daytime business.

"Well, His Highness King Wu, is there something to do?" Wei Hao walked in with a smile and asked.

"Shen Yong, I didn't bother you! I know you are tired after walking outside for a day, but hey!" Li Ke saw Wei Hao coming in, stood up immediately, and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, it's okay, or for his business?" Wei Hao stood up with a smile, and asked Li Ke.

"Well, I can't help it either, a brother with the same mother, he is not sensible!" Li Ke said with a wry smile, Wei Hao nodded, and then said: "Come to my study and talk about it!"

Wei Hao walked to the study as he spoke, and immediately the maid came over with water and brought melon and fruit snacks at the same time. Wei Hao sat there and began to make tea.

"You want to persuade me not to take it seriously, right? But if I don't take it seriously, he won't take it seriously. Back then, I didn't want to talk to him about Li You's side. Later, he sent someone to kidnap Lizhi. Are you serious about this matter?" I know, now that he is like this, you say, what if he retaliates against me? I helped him, and he obviously has a big opinion." Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and asked,

When Li Ke heard it, he didn't know what to say. He couldn't guarantee it, and there was no way to guarantee it.

"That's right, you can't guarantee it!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Shen Yong, give him some time, give him a chance, okay?" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao and begged.

"Why don't you persuade him to give me a chance and let him let me go?" Wei Hao stared at Li Ke and asked back.

"This!" Li Ke was stunned speechless.

"Your Highness, there is no need to say more about this matter. There is no need to say it. If I knew it earlier, I should have stabbed it, but if I did, you would have no chance. Those ministers are staring at you brothers. If King Liang committed such a thing, they will think that you may also commit such a thing,
So, His Highness King Wu, how to deal with it is up to you to decide. As for me, I will never call His Majesty Emperor Father anymore. Since he has objections, I will just stop calling him. " Wei Hao smiled, looked at Li Ke and said.

"I know, we are sorry for you in this matter, don't worry, I will ask him to come to the door to apologize in the past two days!" Li Ke became even more anxious when he heard Wei Hao say this.

"No, the apology is all fake. Besides, he won't come to apologize. Now he is very arrogant, and he will control me as a duke of the country. What do you think I am a duke of the country?" Wei Wei Hao smiled and waved his hand and said,
Li Ke was anxious in his heart, wishing he could beat Li Min to death, but now even he couldn't enter Liang Wang's mansion.

"Okay, let's not talk about him, tell me what you mean, now you are still working on the Overwatch Council, and you have some achievements, but you still need experience in governing the local area.
In this regard, you are not as good as King Wei. King Wei now has a very good reputation in the capital. I'm afraid of you, so you should also find a way to go to the local government to serve as a governor or governor. Of course, you have also served as governor of several places, but you know how well you manage those places, so , should focus on the people. "Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said.

"Yes, I'm thinking about this too, but it's too far away, and I can't reach it." Li Ke looked at Wei Hao and said distressedly.

"Taiyuan is fine. Taiyuan is the land of Longxing. If this place is well managed, it will be very good!" Wei Hao reminded Li Ke and said, Li Ke immediately looked up and stared at Wei Hao, and then looked at Wei Hao. Wei Hao cupped his hands and said, "Shen Yong, are you willing to help me find the governor of Taiyuan?"

"Well, I can mention it to Your Majesty!" Wei Hao nodded.

"Shen Yong, why don't you call your majesty? If you call your majesty, your majesty will probably even punish me." When Li Ke heard that Wei Hao actually called his majesty now, it would be terrible.

"It doesn't matter, how could His Majesty blame you? I will tell His Majesty at that time. You should pay more attention to Taiyuan and take care of it." Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said,

Li Ke nodded, feeling very worried, worried that Wei Hao would really yell like that in the future.

"Thank you Shenyong, but I will let him come over to apologize, don't worry!" Li Ke still wanted to persuade Wei Hao, but Wei Hao waved his hand to signal him not to say anything.
After chatting for a while, Li Ke went back. Before going back, he went to Prince Liang's Mansion, but he still couldn't get in. Li Ke was so angry that he kicked the door, but the inside wouldn't open. Li Ke had no choice but to go back to his own house. the palace,

The next day, Wei Hao and the others packed up their things and prepared to go to grandpa and grandma’s house. The snow fell heavily yesterday, but it was not bad, and the road was still open, so Wei Hao and the others had to go first, get ready, Wei Hao and the others set off. From Wei Hao's house to grandpa and grandma's house, it would take more than an hour to ride a horse.

If it was by carriage, it would take more than two hours. It was close to noon when Wei Hao and his carriage arrived at his grandpa and grandma's house. At this moment, someone had already notified them, so Wang Zhenhou and the others hurriedly made preparations. Such a big person, that's okay,

Wang Zhenhou even sent his servants to clear the road and shovel all the snow on the road. At the same time, all the snow in the house should be cleaned up quickly. When people in the town saw their house like this, they knew it was someone from Xia Guogong's family. Well, in the past few years, Wang Zhenhou and his two brothers have also started to make a fortune relying on Xia Guogong's family. Now they have bought a lot of land, and the house has also been expanded.

"Come, come, sir, come!" A servant rushed into the mansion and shouted to Wang Zhenhou who was still directing the work.

"Oh, hurry up, open the middle door!" Wang Zhenhou said hastily, and Wei Hao's grandfather Wang Fugen and his wife also walked to the door of the living room, but they were supported by those granddaughters-in-law and refused to let them out. In such a cold day, what if they were If something good or bad comes out of the cold, it will be troublesome.

Wang Zhenhou and his two brothers stood outside the gate with their sons.Looking at the mighty procession in the distance, Mrs. Wang went home wearing the clothes of Mrs. Gaoming, and Mrs. Gaoming and the Duke of the State went out, and there were rules of ceremonial guards.

"Here, I saw my aunt, and my aunt poked her head out of the carriage!" Wang Fu said happily at the moment.

"Well, here we come, here we come!" Wang Zhenhou also nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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