Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 616 Angry

Chapter 616 Angry
Chapter 612

When Wei Hao, Wei Furong, and Wang arrived at Wang Zhenhou's mansion, there were many people around to see it. It's rare to see a prince from the small town. Last time Wei Hao was still a lord, and he came here at that time It had been several years since Wang Fu and his brother's legs were broken, and now it finally came again.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Wei Furong came down first, looked at Wang Zhenhou, and Wang Zhende shouted.

"Hey, hurry up, please come inside!" Wang Zhenhou said very enthusiastically.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Mrs. Wang got off the carriage, and the two brothers were even happier.

Mrs. Wang is now wearing a royal uniform, not to mention very gorgeous, it shows her identity even more.

But at this moment, Wei Hao's carriage was the one behind, Wei Hao got off from the carriage, walked over and called Wang Zhenhou and the others: "Uncle, Uncle!"

"Hey, Shen Yong, why are you sitting in the carriage behind?" Wang Zhenhou immediately greeted with a smile.

"This child likes to lie down and sit with us. He is uncomfortable!" Wang said with a smile.

"I met uncle, aunt!" At this time, the four Wang Fu brothers came over immediately and shouted at Wei Furong and the others.

"Hmm!" Wei Furong smiled at them.

"Meet four cousins!" Wei Hao also bowed his hands to them.

"I've seen the Duke!" The four brothers clasped their hands together again. Although some of them couldn't clasp their hands, they still needed to make a gesture of clasping their hands.

"Come on, come on, please come inside, please come inside, it's cold outside, and knowing that you will come over this year, I ordered someone to make a greenhouse as well, with a stove inside, come on!" Wang Zhenhou said very enthusiastically.

"Well, please!" Wei Furong said, Wei Hao didn't speak anyway, here, he had nothing to say.

"Hurry up, carry all the things in!" Mrs. Wang said to the servants she brought over, and went in together.

When he arrived at the living room, Wei Hao first wished New Year greetings to his grandfather Wang Fugen and his grandmother. Of course Wang Fugen liked it, but this was his nephew, his only nephew.

Grandpa and grandma hurriedly pulled Wei Hao to sit down, and immediately a maid came over to pour water, and the two aunts also stood aside and did not dare to speak, but with smiles on their faces, they knew how powerful Wei Hao was. In the scene three years ago, they were knew.

"Wear warmly? I asked my mother to send some cotton, but I made clothes?" Wei Hao asked while sitting there, touching his grandpa and grandma's clothes.

"It's done, look, it's all done, and I made two quilts, but it's warm! I made the rest for the children. In the past two years, I have added a few children to the family. They've done it, so don't catch the cold!" Grandma smiled and opened her coat and showed it to Wei Hao.

"That's good, just do it!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, everything is ready, but don't dare to let them catch the cold!" The aunt immediately said to Wei Hao with a smile.

They also know now that if the two old people are not around, it will be more difficult for this relative to leave in the future, and there will not be so many things sent over every year. These things are all given to the two of them, at least most of them It was given to the two of them, it was Wei Furong's filial piety to the elderly.

"Well, mother, what's missing, you can send someone to send me a letter, and I'll send it to you." Wang Shi also said to his mother with a smile.

"No shortage, I just want to see your grandchildren, but it's too cold, otherwise, mother would want to go and see them!" Grandma said affectionately.

"I haven't returned to Chang'an yet. Now Hao'er is working in Luoyang and lives in Luoyang. When Xia Tian returns to Chang'an, I will pick you up and live there for a while!" Wang said to her grandmother.

"Come on, Fu Rong, the tea is all given by you, and the snacks were brought over by you years ago. These are made at home, and I don't know if they suit your taste!" Wang Fugen greeted Wei Furong.

"Father-in-law, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!" Wei Furong said hastily.

"Come on, drink tea, wait a minute, let's make tea too. I also got one, and my second brother also got a tea set. Now I like drinking tea too!" Wang Zhenhou said to Wei Furong.

"Okay, I also brought tea, let's drink tea and chat together!" Wei Furong also nodded with a smile.

And the four brothers and four women standing behind were all holding dolls in their hands.

"Well, these are my nephews, right?" Wei Hao stood up with a smile and went over to look. "Yes, they are all your nephews!" Wang Fu immediately said with a smile.

"Well, come here, bring me the gifts I gave to those nephews and nieces!" Wei Hao said with a smile, and he was about to send someone to pick them up. There are six copies in total, and Wei Hao gave them one by one. Each person has a high-quality jade pendant, a gold lock, and a pair of silver bracelets. Wei Hao asked someone to make these.

"Thank you Shenyong, we haven't sent your child yet!" Wang Fu said embarrassedly.

"Did you send my child? Haha, no need to send it. I have everything at home and I don't need it. You saw it in Luoyang. I still need this. As long as you are willing to walk the right path, you don't have to worry about other things!" Wei Hao looked at Wang Fu with a smile and said.

"Yes, what Shen Yong said is right, we will go to my yard to drink tea later, all the yards we sold before have been redeemed, and we have also bought some surrounding land and expanded some! "Wang Qi also said, Wang Qi is the eldest among their brothers.

"Okay, we can drink tea together then!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

Then they sat there and chatted for a while. After the chat, they started to have lunch. For this lunch, the Wang family also put in a lot of effort.

They have eaten at Wei Hao's house and know how delicious Wei Hao's food is, but they can't find such a good chef even if they search the whole town. Hao is not used to eating, anyway, the ingredients are the best, Wei Hao is not unaccustomed to it, it is good to have a meal once in a while, after the meal, Wei Hao and Wang Qi went to his small courtyard.

"It's not bad. Although it's a little smaller, it's very clean, and it can accommodate a dozen people!" Wei Hao looked at the small courtyard and said.

"Yes, I didn't mean to spend money to buy a foundation and rebuild a yard, and leave it to the third child. After all, it's not appropriate for so many brothers to gather here, and there are people around, and they won't Sell, no way!" Wang Qi nodded and said.

"Well, it's a good thing to have this idea. As long as you work hard, the business is still easy to do. As long as you follow the right path and don't think about it, I can still get you the goods from the workshop!" Wei Hao nodded. nod.

"Shen Yong, don't worry, don't dare!" The second child Wang Ren also said hastily.

"Yes, I dare not, I really dare not, and I don't want to. At that time, I was really obsessed and did such a stupid thing. Now, I just want to make more money and raise those children. I hope They are promising!" The third old Wang Zhi also nodded and said.

"Well, that's good!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Come here, please, the water is already boiling, let's drink tea, you will go back later, I know, you are busy, but fortunately, uncle and aunt will stay here for a day, otherwise, you Grandpa doesn't agree." Wang Qi said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Yes, there is no way!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile. Seeing that they are mature now and stop gambling, Wei Hao is also happy for them. Just follow the right path. Gambling has no future and must be Those who will go bankrupt can be rescued if they can rein in the precipice.

Wei Hao sat here chatting for almost an hour, and couldn't stay any longer, so he went to the front yard and said goodbye to his grandparents. They sent Wei Hao to the gate, Wei Hao got on his horse, bid farewell to them, and ran towards Chang'an , Wei Hao didn't plan to take the carriage when he went back, he had no choice but to fear that he would not win.

As for Li Shimin in Luoyang, he had already received the information at this moment, and the information was uploaded from Li Ke's residence.

"This bastard, does he want to die? Huh? Shen Yong is not qualified to be called my father, he is qualified. With such a son, he might as well be gone!" Li Shimin shouted angrily after seeing the information.

He knew how hurtful Li Yin's words were, Wei Hao had done too much for Datang, and this bastard almost vomited blood out of his anger when he said such words.

"Your Majesty, Xia Guogong was also dumbfounded after hearing this, and said bluntly, he dare not shout anymore!" Eunuch Chen said again, of course it was also written in the information.

"I just said, this kid is soft-hearted and kind-hearted, let him follow his father, Li Min is a fart, he is qualified to say this, okay, come, write me an imperial edict, I have to be ruthless I can't deal with him ruthlessly, I would rather not have this son, so I don't have to worry about it!" Li Shimin was very angry and shouted loudly.

Empress Changsun was next door, and when she heard Li Shimin's anger, she hurried over.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Empress Changsun shouted at Li Shimin.

"Li Yin, that bastard, actually said to Shen Yong that Shen Yong has no right to call my father emperor, saying that he is not my son, but my son-in-law. This bastard is half a son-in-law. Why not!" Li Shimin was still very angry.

"What? Well, how could he say such foolish words? Shen Yong didn't offend him, did he?" Empress Changsun was furious when she heard it.

Then Shen Yong is his own son-in-law, his own son-in-law, how could he say that?Empress Changsun was quite unhappy, but now that Li Shimin was angry, she endured it.

"I don't care about him, let him get out of Chang'an, demote him to a commoner, and send him to the south. He is out of sight and out of mind. My son is not much more than him, and he is not much less than one son!" Li Shimin said angrily.

Before making out the armor and wanting to rebel, he wanted to deal with him, but he also knew Wei Hao's worries, worried that dealing with Li Yin would affect Li Ke, and he didn't want father and son to be jealous, who knew that this bastard not only If you don't turn Tuen, but bite back, is that okay?

Will I still be soft-hearted? If at any time, this bastard really rebelled and succeeded while I was not paying attention, then I really have no place to cry. I dare not stay with such a person who does not report kindness and repays kindness with grievances , the more he is his own son, the less he can stay.

When Empress Changsun heard this, she looked at Li Shimin in surprise. This treatment was very serious, and she was demoted to a commoner.

"Your Majesty, isn't this a serious punishment?" Empress Changsun said.

"Seriously, it's fine if I didn't kill him. I've made up my mind about this matter. Don't try to persuade me anymore. It's useless to persuade anyone!" Li Shimin said to Empress Changsun, because Empress Changsun didn't know the whole story yet, he Don't blame her either.

"After drawing up the imperial decree and sending it over, I still don't believe it. I can't deal with him. He is mad in front of Shen Yong. What right does he have to be mad? He is not even worthy to lift Shen Yong's shoes!" said the official.

"Yes!" The officials nodded quickly.

Soon, the imperial decree was drawn up and handed over to Li Shimin. After reading it, Li Shimin directly stamped it with a big seal, then passed it to the officials below, and said, "Send it to the East Palace immediately, and let Gao Ming personally announce the decree!"

"Yes!" As soon as the official heard it, he went out with the imperial decree in his hands.

"This bastard, if he wasn't considered my son, I would have killed him for calling my son-in-law like that!" Li Shimin still said angrily.

"Your Majesty, what the hell is going on? Shen Yong has just returned to Beijing, so it is impossible to offend Li Yin!" Empress Changsun still said anxiously.

"You don't know. Years ago, Shen Yong found out that this bastard was making armor and weapons privately, so he kept it secret and let Sanlang deal with it. He just didn't want to tell me. He was afraid that I would be worried, so he wanted to deal with it first, and at the same time asked Sanlang to warn him. After a while, I didn't expect that not only did he not remember his kindness, but he also hated Shen Yong, how can I forgive him?" Li Shimin said to Empress Changsun.

"Ah, are you so bold? He, he, ah, you are so confused, kid!" Empress Changsun said anxiously.

"You don't care if he is confused or not. When he was young, this bastard is a rebellious and reckless person. He was considered small before. Forget it. Now he is so big and so arrogant. In the capital, he threatened many businessmen. , to plunder other people's wealth, they have nowhere to sue, and Ke'er keeps it a secret, he thinks I don't know!" Li Shimin said angrily.

"This, don't blame Saburo too much. After all, it's his brother or not. If you can hide it from him, you will definitely hide it!" Empress Changsun persuaded Li Shimin.

"You don't need to persuade me. I knew that when he was making weapons and armor, I wanted to deal with him. Shen Yong persuaded me. I just said that this child is soft-hearted and he won't listen. Okay, have you seen it?" Li Shimin said at this moment He waved his hands and said, he didn't want to listen to Empress Changsun's advice, but wanted to deal with him.
On the other side of the capital, Li Yin was still in the palace and couldn't come out. It was useless for Li Ke to call the door outside. Li Ke was so angry that he couldn't help it. He found a big piece of wood and knocked open Li Yin's door directly. He rushed in, thinking that today he must deal with him severely, if he is so unteachable, how can he do it?

(End of this chapter)

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