Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 628 Design Framed

Chapter 628 Design Framed
Chapter 624

When Lu Dongzan heard Wei Hao's words, he was a little skeptical. What did these words mean? Could it be that his own news was wrong, or that Datang had no intention of taking down Baekje and Silla at all.

"This, isn't it? Datang didn't mean to take them down?" Lu Dongzan looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"So, do I still need to report to you about my Great Tang? I said Prime Minister, do you want to know too much? If you continue like this, I will arrest you. You have to believe it. It's okay for me to arrest you, and I guarantee that your Zanpu will come, and there is no way to get you out!" Wei Hao said while staring at Lu Dongzan.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, just to discuss, to discuss!" Lu Dongzan waved his hands quickly and said, jokingly, if he was caught by Wei Hao, would there still be a chance to come out?
As long as Wei Hao doesn't nod his head, no one dares to let him out, including Li Shimin. Li Shimin respects Wei Hao's opinion very much, and Wei Hao has single-handedly developed Datang to such a strength.

"That's good, come on, drink tea, why are you talking about other things, it's rare that you come from Chang'an to drink tea with me!" Wei Hao smiled, picked up the teacup, and said to Lu Dongzan.

"Yes, yes, Xia Guogong, come and drink tea!" Lu Dongzan didn't dare to talk about those things now, knowing that he couldn't get any news from Wei Hao.
However, if he had this effect, when the time comes, if outsiders know that they know the news, they will think that it was Wei Hao who told him. In this case, Wei Hao will be attacked in Datang.Of course Wei Hao didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't say anything.
After chatting for a while, Lu Dongzan left.

"Dashan!" Wei Hao shouted to Wei Dashan behind him after seeing Lu Dongzan leaving.

"Master!" Wei Dashan came over.

"Send someone to follow him and watch his every move in Luoyang, including who he met and how long we talked. It would be best if we could find out what he was talking about!" Wei Hao said to Wei Dashan.

"Understood, master!" Wei Dashan went out immediately, and then Wei Hao returned to his study, and it was time to teach Li Shen.

In the next few days, there was no movement, but Ludongzan in Luoyang did a lot of actions. It was said to the public that Datang was going to attack the Western Turks, Tuyuhun, Tubo, etc. In addition, Baekje and Xin Luo is also going to perish. Datang doesn't care about that now. He doesn't say who is going to clean up the surrounding countries, but Lu Dongzan doesn't visit other people, and he doesn't even visit Changsun Wuji's house.

"My lord, someone outside said that you told Lu Dongzan, my lord!" Wei Dashan stood beside Wei Hao and said.Only now did Wei Hao know Lu Dongzan's purpose. He wanted to drive a wedge between himself and the emperor, to get those ministers to impeach him, and to make Li Shimin alienate him.

"It seems that he doesn't want to live anymore. Send someone to watch him and don't let him run away!" After Wei Hao heard the news, he also sneered. , Some people who have trouble with themselves are worried that they have no excuses, but now they want to see who will jump out first.

And these news quickly spread to Chang'an. Some officials were stunned when they heard the news, because the news came that Wei Hao told Lu Dongzan. It stands to reason that Wei Hao was It is impossible to do such a thing, but the evidence from the news is solid, saying that Lu Dongzan did not go to anyone else's house except Wei Hao's house.
And some other people didn't like Wei Hao at first, because Wei Hao's transcendent status in Datang made some ministers jealous, so they began to write memorials, which were sent directly to Li Chengqian to impeach Wei Hao. When Li Chengqian saw such a memorial, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said angrily to Fang Xuanling: "What's the matter with the Ministry of Education? Why are such memorials sent over to impeach Duke Xia? Just to impeach him for catching wind and shadows?"

"Your Highness, I originally wanted to suppress this matter, but there are more than 20 impeachment memorials, so there is no way to suppress it. It can only be sent to your Highness, and you need to handle it!" Fang Xuanling immediately explained to Li Shimin.

"How else to deal with it, arrest all those people alone, so credulously believe in the other party's rumors, don't investigate where the rumors come from, but attack my Tang's Gen Guogong, what about their brains?" Li Chengqian was very excited. angry,

He is well aware of Wei Hao's character, and such news will definitely not be leaked out. Besides, these rumors are now uttered by Lu Dongzan, and some people believe what a foreign minister said, so why not annoy Li Chengqian?
On the Luoyang side, someone impeached Wei Hao and sent the memorial directly to Li Shimin. Check it out, why are you so credulous about rumors.

"Your Majesty, Duke Zhao please see me!" Wang De came in at this moment and said to Li Shimin.

"Well, let him in!" Li Shimin nodded, and soon Changsun Wuji arrived at Li Shimin's study.

"Auxiliary machine, here you go. Sit down. I don't have anything to do today, so I'm still thinking of someone to drink tea with and chat with me!" Li Shimin said to his eldest grandson Wuji with a smile.

"Ah, if your majesty is free in the future, you can send someone to find me at any time!" Changsun Wuji said happily when he heard it.

"Well, okay, originally I wanted to go to Shen Yong for tea, and you just came, but what's the matter?" Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji and asked.

"Your Majesty, do you know about the rumors in Luoyang?" Changsun Wuji looked at Li Shimin and asked tentatively.

"What rumor?" Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji pretending to be confused and asked.

"It's the rumors about the court's policies towards neighboring countries. It is said that the Tang Dynasty wants to conquer the three Northeast countries, as well as the Western Turks, Xue Yantuo, Tuyuhun and Tubo. Some people say that it was Wei Hao who leaked the news to Lu Dongzan. Now Lu Dongzan Zan is here to ask the ministers for help, and I hope His Majesty will not attack Tubo!" Changsun Wuji looked at Li Shimin and said, he wanted to see the change of Li Shimin's expression,
After Li Shimin heard this, he smiled, and said, "There are still such rumors, which means that Wei Hao told Lu Dongzan on purpose. Since Wei Hao told it, it doesn't matter, if you tell it, you tell it!"

Li Shimin looked indifferent,
When Changsun Wuji heard it, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, this is not acceptable. If they know the news in advance and let them be prepared, or in other words, they invade the border in advance, it will be very stressful for my frontline soldiers." what!"

"Pressure, what's the pressure? It's not that my Tang soldiers have never fought against Tubo. Since we want to fight, we can come here at any time. I'm still worried about this. What I'm worried about now is that there is no reason to deal with them!" Li Shimin asked back with a smile Say it in one sentence.

"Yes, Your Majesty, then, do you want to investigate this matter?" Changsun Wuji asked after hearing what Li Shimin said, knowing that Li Shimin didn't want to deal with Wei Hao.

"Of course we need to investigate. Cha Lu Dongzan, this person has malicious intentions and wants to use alienation methods. I have to say that Lu Dongzan really knows a lot about my culture in the Central Plains!" Li Shimin nodded. Said, and when Li Shimin heard it, that's wrong, didn't he want to investigate Wei Hao?It was Wei Hao who leaked the news.

"Your Majesty, if something goes wrong with this matter, we can't punish Lu Dongzan, right?" Changsun Wuji looked at Li Shimin and reminded him.

"Well, that's what Lu Dongzan thinks. He is a foreign minister. If I really find out something, I probably won't do anything to him. After all, the two countries are still in communication, and he has status in Tubo. Yes, that's why he dared to attack a Duke of the Tang Dynasty so unscrupulously, does he really think that a Duke of the Tang Dynasty is so easy to bully?" Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji and said,

After hearing this, Changsun Wuji sneered and didn't continue. Now that he knew Li Shimin's attitude, it was impossible to punish Wei Hao.

On the side of the post house, Lu Dongzan has also been secretly inquiring about the news, asking who got the impeachment memorials, and whether those memorials are now in Li Shimin's hands, but he couldn't find out about the latter one!
"Great Prime Minister, this matter has been fermenting for several days. Why is there no movement in the court of Tang Dynasty? Could it be that our method is not working?" A servant came to Lu Dongzan and said.

"It's impossible that it won't work. It's just started now. Just keep releasing the news. I don't believe that Wei Hao has done so well in Datang, so no one is jealous. Not to mention other people, just the eldest grandson Wuji, The first one didn't deal with Wei Hao, and there were some officials of the aristocratic family, they also didn't deal with Wei Hao!

As long as we focus on this point, someone will take care of Wei Hao. Besides, Wei Hao's power and prestige are too high now. I don't believe it. The emperor of Tang Dynasty doesn't fear him. At that time, Wei Hao will definitely die! "Sitting there, Lu Dongzan said with a sneer,

He just figured this out, and believed that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty would deal with Wei Hao one day, even if it wasn't now, it didn't matter, he would plant the root of this disaster for Wei Hao.

"If this is the case, then there is nothing we can do about it. If Wei Hao finds out that we framed him, what if he suggests to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to attack us in advance?" The subordinate looked at Lu Dongzan worriedly and said.

After hearing this, Lu Dongzan sighed. He was just afraid of this, but he also thought about it carefully. Do it in advance.

"There is no way ahead of time. We Tubo are facing such a powerful Tang Dynasty. What can we do? In the words of the Han people, let others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?" Tubo still sighed, and the subordinate nodded and said nothing more. what,

On the side of the palace, after Li Shimin asked his eldest grandson Wuji to go back, he just sat there thinking about it, and after a while, he called Eunuch Hong.

"Your Majesty!" "Have you found out everything?" Li Shimin asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I found out that it was all rumors spread by Lu Dongzan's subordinates. Some civil servants were taken advantage of without knowing the benefits. It seems that Lu Dongzan is going to have trouble with Wei Hao this time, but the reason cannot be explained. !" Eunuch Hong stood there and reported to Li Shimin.

"The reason, the reason is that Shenyong made my Tang Dynasty stronger. If my Tang Dynasty is stronger, they will be in danger. He blamed all this on Wei Hao. He wanted to drive a wedge between me and Shenyong. My hand, getting rid of Wei Hao, is really vicious, and those officials in my court, are they fools?
Being used like this, they believed that the news was spread by Shen Yong?Shen Yong will spread such news?He is wholeheartedly for Datang, will such news spread?asshole! "Li Shimin sat there, cursing very unhappily. After hearing this, Eunuch Hong nodded.

"You have to find out exactly where Lu Dongzan has been and who he has visited in the past month. Also, his subordinates are the same, keep an eye on them!" Li Shimin then ordered Hong Gonggong, Hong Gonggong hurriedly nod.

"I'm going to visit Shenyong's mansion, and I'm going in person!" Li Shimin said and stood up. Originally, it would be fine to let Wei Hao come to the palace, but it's not a deterrent. Look, let Lu Dongzan take a look too,

Wei Hao was also sitting at home at the moment, teaching Li Shen. Not long after, the porter ran in and said to Wei Hao, "My lord, Your Majesty is here!"

"Ah, Father? Come here at this time?" After hearing this, Wei Hao was stunned. Why did he come here at this time, and there was no news at all, so he followed Li Shen and walked towards the gate, while Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan who were in the backyard He also got the news very quickly, and rushed over to the front yard. Wei Hao and the others had just arrived at the gate when they saw Li Shimin get off the carriage.

"My son has seen the father!" Wei Hao and Li Shen immediately stood there and said with cupped hands.

"Well, okay, Shenyong, I'm bored in the palace, and you don't even enter the palace, so I just come to your house to sit and sit when I think about it. By the way, tell me, I'm going to have dinner at your house tonight!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao with a smile and said.

"Yes, Father, please come inside!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Shen'er, how are you doing?" Li Shimin went over and asked, stroking Li Shen's head.

"Fortunately, it's getting more and more difficult now, but Master's teaching is good, and I can understand it!" Li Shen immediately said with a smile.

"Well, it's Shen'er who suffers on his own!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, study hard, your master's ability, if you have learned half of it, you can help your elder brother to govern the world." Li Shimin said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Yes, father, my son will definitely work hard!" Li Shen also said solemnly, clasping his hands.

"Father, slow down, the steps!" Wei Hao went to support Li Shimin and said.

"You are too honest, not like you. If you followed your previous personality, Lu Dongzan could still live so comfortably?" Li Shimin turned to Wei Hao and said, Wei Hao smiled wryly upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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