Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 629 The best excuse

Chapter 629 The best excuse
Chapter 625

When Li Shimin arrived at Wei Hao's mansion, Wei Hao and Li Shen went out to greet him in person. At this moment, Li Shimin also told Wei Hao that Wei Hao was too honest now, why didn't he do anything.

"Father, it's not that I'm being honest, it's that I'm in a high position now, and my every move is related to the face of the court. If it was before, I would definitely kill him with a spear. How dare he slander me like that?
Father, son-in-law is just thinking, if he does this, at least, we can find out who leaked the news and who took his benefits. I believe that if there is no benefit, no one will give it to him. The tip-off! " Wei Hao said with a smile when he helped Li Shimin go in.

"Well, that's true, but Lu Dongzan, don't think about leaving Datang!" Li Shimin nodded when he heard this. It was easy to kill him, but after the killing, there were many things to do.

"Father, this son-in-law also means the same thing. This person can't stay. He knows my Central Plains culture too well, and now he still knows how to use countermeasures, and he also knows how to use alienation tactics. Moreover, this person has been in Chang'an this year, using Tubo Traded with our merchants, and made a lot of money,
I guess his main purpose in Chang'an now is to keep an eye on those workshops in my Tang Dynasty, especially the gunpowder workshop and the grenade workshop. , Therefore, this person cannot stay for a long time. At about the same time, he can be put in prison and let Tubo send another person to explain. In addition, it can also be used as an excuse to attack Tubo at that time!

Erchen thought so, so he never moved him. When my Tang Dynasty needs to attack Tubo, Lu Dongzan is the best excuse! " Wei Hao reminded Li Shimin again.

When Li Shimin heard it, it made sense. He still worried about how to send troops to Tubo, so he sent the reason now.

"Okay, then use him as an excuse, Shenyong, tell me, how about we clean up Tubo next year? We will start fighting after the beginning of spring!" He said and looked at Wei Hao.

"Fight next year?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin in surprise.

"Yes, we will fight next year. If we don't fight, we won't be able to. Tubo's strength is also increasing now. They are constantly invading the territory of Tuyuhun. At the same time, they are also expanding to the north and west, and even have conflicts with the Jieri Dynasty. Yes, we have occupied a lot of land, if we continue to wait, the strength of Tubo will be even stronger by then!" Li Shimin nodded, looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Well, that's fine!" Wei Hao nodded upon hearing this.

"My son has seen his father!"

"I have seen the emperor!"

At this time, Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan also came over.

"Oh, I just told Shen Yong that I will have dinner at your house tonight, you two have made arrangements!" Li Shimin said to Li Lizhi with a smile.

"Yes, father!" Li Lizhi immediately said with a smile.

"Okay, you are busy with your work, there are not so many rules, I want to talk to Shen Yong! By the way, Siyuan, send someone to call your father over, and I want to have a drink with your father tonight!" Li Shimin said. Commanded Li Siyuan.

"Okay, I'll send someone there now!" Li Siyuan said with a smile, and soon, Wei Hao and Li Shimin arrived at the greenhouse, and Li Shen went to do his homework.

"Come, father, drink tea, this year's new one!" Wei Hao sat there and poured tea for Li Shimin.

"Well, there are a lot of things in the palace. Lu Dong praised this person. I have to say that there are still tricks. However, the wrong person was used, and he dared to come to the Tang Dynasty to make trouble. He really underestimated our Tang Dynasty. Be careful. Yong, when do you think it will be in prison?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Prison? Well, it's better not to be imprisoned. If you are imprisoned, those who submitted the memorial will think that I have really done something. Let him be like this. Just control him and don't leave Datang. Others, let him,

I think that the ministers will eventually know what the purpose of this person is, and now that so many ministers are impeaching the son-in-law, the son-in-law can't say anything now, let them watch slowly, and they will eventually understand who said it ! When Wei Hao heard this, he immediately objected.

Now it's not a matter of imprisonment, I still need Lu Dongzan to continue to die, continue to dig out those traitors in Datang, so as to clean up the officials of Datang.

"Well, it makes sense, but, Shen Yong, tell me, who spread the word at this time?" Li Shimin nodded when he heard it, and continued to stare at Wei Hao and asked.

"Father, the people who know this news are nothing more than people from Luoyang. I estimate that there will be no more than ten people who know it. Duan Zan knows it. However, he will not say it. Duan Zan is not stupid. I am old. Dad is fighting on the front line, and in the future when he fights against Tubo, his own father might also join him, so how can he inform his enemies? Others, I don't know!" Wei Hao stopped on purpose when he said this, Li Shimin actually knew who Wei Hao wanted to talk about.

"He, it's probably impossible, right?" Li Shimin turned to look at Wei Hao and asked.

"I don't know, I don't understand many things about him. It seems that I deliberately made trouble with my son, but it doesn't matter if I can't get through. It doesn't matter, right? But it seems that he was also involved in the pig iron smuggling before. The method was exposed!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said to Li Shimin, knowing that Li Shimin also had doubts about Changsun Wuji.

"Well, father still can't believe it, let's watch it first, don't make a conclusion beforehand!" Li Shimin said with a heavy tone, he really didn't dare to think about it.

"Father, if he spread this matter, it will be troublesome. He is really insane, and I am sorry for the queen mother and father." Wei Hao said while drinking tea.

"Well, if that's the case, I really can't be soft-handed. Hey, I hope he's not so confused. In order to get rid of you, I'll do this!" Li Shimin also nodded with a sigh.

"By the way, how about the seeds here?" Li Shimin didn't want to talk about this anymore, so he looked at Wei Hao and asked about the seeds.

"It's not bad, the ear is coming out. I estimated it. As far as rice seeds are concerned, the amount of rice in our rice ears is double that of ordinary people, and the grains are bigger. Now I don't know if it will be full. Now we have to wait until they continue to grow, if there is no problem, the output of this batch of rice seeds will double the grain output!" Wei Hao said very happily when he heard Li Shimin say this.

"Doubling the output? Here, Shen Yong, if the output of rice is doubled, do you know how much my Tang's grain output will increase?" Li Shimin was also very excited at the moment.

"My son has calculated that if the output is doubled, the grain output of our Datang can increase by about [-]%. In other words, we can feed tens of millions more people!" Wei Hao said with a smile and nodded.

"Okay, okay, Shenyong, this is a good job! Hey, do it well, do it well, now our food is barely enough, if the output of rice is doubled, we can save a lot in Tang Dynasty these years Food, when the time comes, I will order each city to build warehouses, just like here in the capital, the food inside must be eaten by the people under the rule for a year. I won't starve to death, and I don't have to leave my hometown!" Li Shimin was very excited and very happy. With so much food, Datang could really guarantee long-term peace and stability.

"Well. The wheat seeds have actually achieved good results, but the seeds still haven't been screened out. The current batch of wheat seeds can only increase the yield by about [-]%, which is not enough, the yield is too low!" Wei Hao continued. Li Shimin said.

"Thirty percent, thirty percent is a lot, thirty percent can support more people!" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao in surprise and said that Wei Hao had not reported this matter to him.

"No way, father, it's still not possible. Since I want to do it, I must do it well. Thirty percent of the output can't support many people. The population of my Tang Dynasty will only grow faster and faster. Let's say the son's house. Adults, including my parents, are only 21 people, but now 19 children have been born, and now there are 40 people.

If in another two years, I continue to have children, let me say that a woman will give me three children, father, the population of my house will reach 80 people, how many people will be added, and this time, Goguryeo The women over there, after arriving in the Tang Dynasty, many poor people also married their wives, and the population here can increase a lot.
I estimate that the number of new children born next year will not be less than 800 million, or even more. Think about it, Your Majesty, there are already 5 more children in the Wei Palace, and the East Palace has also increased this year. 3 children, the food must need to break through quickly,
The other is the expansion of my territory in the Tang Dynasty. The Northeast side is occupied. I estimate that the land there can support at least 5000 to [-] million people. If the seeds break through, it will not be a problem to support [-] million people. It's the problem of seeds, fertilizers, and the prevention and control of virus damage. These all need to be specially studied. Hey, I don't have time now!Erchen thought, I will not do anything in the future, and just focus on agriculture. This is the foundation of my Tang Dynasty! Sitting there, Wei Hao said with a sigh,
Li Shimin, on the other hand, sat there, nodding his head non-stop. He agreed with what Wei Hao said.

"Well, I will do it in Chang'an in the future. You can make whatever you need. If you need money, you can get it from my father. You are right. Food is the foundation. The population is increasing too fast. Last year, more than 600 new children were born. million, this year it may exceed 800 million, or even 1000 million, I estimate that in a few years, the children of my Datang will be several times more than adults!" Li Shimin sat there, nodded and said,
Now that the people can live on, they are trying their best to give birth to children, not to mention in Chang'an, but in Luoyang, it is very noisy at night, and it is all the crying of children. When this child finishes crying, that child cries.

"Your Majesty, my lord, Li Pushe is here!" At this time, the butler here came to the greenhouse and announced.

"Well, I'll go and greet you!" Wei Hao stood up after speaking.Just after leaving the warm room, I saw Li Jing coming.

"father in law!"

"Hey, where is the emperor here?" Li Jing said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Sit inside, slow down!" Wei Hao immediately went over to support him and said, Li Jing is not young, but he is in good health,

I have been happy for the past few years, and I have nothing to worry about. I was worried that Li Shimin would take care of him. After all, I have done too much, but I didn’t expect that after Li Siyuan married Wei Hao, these worries were gone, so life became easier. , This body is getting better and better.

"Pharmacist, hurry up, come over to drink tea. We will drink together at night. Unfortunately, Jin Bao is not here. If Jin Bao is here, the three of us will have a good time drinking!" Li Shimin said to Li Jing, Wei Furong is basically in the capital now.

"It's okay, when we go back to Beijing, we'll go to Juxian Building for a drink. Let's have a private room and drink slowly!" Li Jing sat down with a smile.

"Yes, my father is also worried about my grandparents. They are all old. My father is worried that they will feel worried and scared when they see this son is not there, so now he has to visit those grandmas every day!" Wei Hao smiled. He sat down and poured tea for Li Jing.

"Well, what Jin Bao did is really nothing to say!" Li Shimin nodded when he heard it, and after chatting for a while, Li Jing also talked about Lu Dongzan to Li Shimin, and Li Shimin immediately shared his thoughts with Wei Hao's. Tell Li Jing about it, and when Li Jing hears it, he strokes his beard and thinks about it.

"Okay, good idea, keep him, if you want to keep him, isn't he dancing happily now? Then let him bear the infamy of wronging the country, humiliating Shen Yong like this, that's what he deserves!" Li Jing touched Beard said very excitedly.

"Why did you insult Shen Yong?" Li Shimin didn't react for a while.

"Say Shenyong leaked the news to him. Why? What benefits can Tubo give Shenyong? These plans are what Shenyong said. He hopes that after the Tang Dynasty pacifies the northeast, it will start to develop in the northwest and north. This is Shen Yong participated in Datang's strategy and actively promoted it. For this reason, Shen Yong was worried about population growth and came to Luoyang to stare at those seeds every day. Look, this kid is tanned and dark. Why?

It is to let the people have enough food to eat when Datang is at war with other countries, and the interior will not be chaotic!Can Shen Yong tell Lu Dongzan such a secret plan?
Also, I am also angry with those civil servants in our Tang Dynasty. How much did Yong do for the development of Datang to today?In this matter, I have great opinions on those ministers! "Sitting there, Li Jing said very excitedly.

"Father-in-law, father-in-law, you can't do it, calm down!" Wei Hao quickly persuaded Li Jing,

Li Jing is old, so he can't be so angry, if he gets angry, he will be in trouble!And Li Shimin also nodded at this moment, agreeing with what Li Jing said, some officials in the Tang Dynasty have no brains at all, no position, and only have political enemies in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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