Chapter 637
Chapter 633

Xueyan said that she wanted to go back to her mother's house, but because Li Lizhi wanted to sleep with Wei Zhiren, there was no way to quarrel. Wei Hao also knew that Siyuan was not at the house, so he took Wei Zhiren and Wei Huijiao to Li Jing's house. , I have already sent someone to inform me that this time I will play at her natal home for a few days, saying that she is going back to her natal home, just across a wall, but Li Siyuan just wants to play at her natal home, so there is no way, no one at home can call the shots.

"Okay, take Zhili back tomorrow. You need to prepare the ceremonial things. Zhili is the Duke. When the Duke goes out, you should have the ceremonial guards. I will talk to Lizhi tonight. Besides, the housekeeper!" Wei Wei Hao shouted as he spoke, the butler outside heard it and ran in quickly.

"Master!" Butler Wang said after he came in, looking at Wei Hao.

"Mrs. Xueyan is going back to her mother's house tomorrow, and she is going to take the young master with her. How about you, prepare the ceremonial things. In addition, bring 2000 coins to the madam and hand them over to Xueyan. Xueyan will give it to his family at that time! " Wei Hao sat there and said to Steward Wang.

"Okay, master, it will be ready early tomorrow morning!" Steward Wang nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's go!" Wei Hao said to Steward Wang,
After Steward Wang went out, Wei Hao just teased Wei Zhili, and Xueyan also teased him. After playing for a while, Xueyan knew that Wei Hao must have something to do, so she left with Wei Zhili in her arms. Still unwilling to leave, still crying after being carried away,
Wei Hao doesn't care, his son can't be used to it, how can he rely on him for everything, not to mention, now that he is the Duke of the state, he has to develop a good character, otherwise, when he grows up, he won't be able to say that he will become a weapon. A prodigal son is in trouble.

In the evening, after Wei Hao finished his work, he went to Li Lizhi's bedroom, where Li Lizhi was reading a book.

"Well, is Saburo old?" Wei Hao asked.

"Slept, coaxed him to sleep, let the nanny take him to sleep, this kid, he is clingy now!" Li Lizhi came over and said, and then helped Wei Hao slip his shoes, and a maid came over with water immediately, Wash Wei Hao's face or something.

"By the way, yesterday the three aunts gave each of these children 100 pennies, saying it was happy money, and I asked them to take it. I will go to see the grandmas another day to see if there is any money in their warehouse. If not , I will add some more!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, take it if you give it. The old man means that if you don't take it, they will be angry. It's all their treasure. When I was young, if I ran out of money, I would go to my grandma and ask for approval. Later, I would Dad is too scared to go!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Grandma said that you were the most mischievous when you were a child, but grandma said that you are smart and likes you! You are an idiot, you can't match smartness?" Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao and said teasingly.

"Just kidding, I'm my grandma's baby. I'm the only seedling in the family. I'm a fool. In their eyes, I'm extremely smart. In the past two years, I've been busy and haven't been around grandma much. You and Siyuan have I will take the children to see them when I am free, and pick them up if there is nothing to do, they will not stay here overnight, I know this, but they will still come during the day!" Wei Hao explained to Li Lizhi.

"I know, don't worry!" Li Lizhi nodded and said.

"Well, by the way, let me tell you something, Xueyan wanted to come to you today, but you didn't dare to come because you were sleeping with Saburo, her mother was sick and wanted to go home, I agreed, Let him take Da Lang back, and at the same time prepare the guard of honor for the Duke, and let her bring 2000 coins back!" Wei Hao continued to Li Lizhi.

"Ill? Okay, I'll ask tomorrow morning to see if I can bring some supplements back!" Li Lizhi was stunned when she heard this, and immediately said,
Although they are concubines, they gave birth to Wei Hao's children, and they are Wei Hao's people. No matter what, people who come out of Xia Guogong's mansion should not be underestimated. Besides, Xueyan's son is also a Guogong. After the separation, Xueyan also lived with Dalang,

Therefore, at home, apart from Siyuan and Lizhi, Xueyan is the most special. Of course, Dalang now calls Li Lizhi and Siyuan his mother, and he calls Xueyan Sanniang, which is also his mother. This is also for Xueyan. a special treatment.

"Okay, anyway, you can arrange things like this!" Wei Hao nodded,
The next day, Li Lizhi went to find Xueyan, and ordered his servants to bring back a lot of supplements from the warehouse. At the same time, he brought the Duke's guard of honor, and took a carriage to her natal home. Xueyan's natal home was in the suburbs of Wannian County. It's not too far away, it takes about an hour to get there by carriage, Xueyan's home is in a small village, and seeing the mighty carriage and the honor guard of the state, the common people are also watching from a distance, not daring to come forward.

Xueyan hugged Wei Zhili and got out of the carriage. Xueyan's elder brother and father also came out. This was Xueyan's first time returning home in the past three years.

"Father, Eldest Brother, Second Brother!" Xue Yan immediately cried when she saw them.

"Hey, hurry up, come into the house, girl!" Xueyan's father Liu Dagou said excitedly, and Xueyan's two elder brothers also looked at their younger sister with red eyes. The geese were sold, but unexpectedly, she is now the Duke's concubine, and the son she gave birth to is also the Duke.

"Mother, how are you doing now?" Xueyan asked.

"It's about to die, I just hope you come back, I'm sorry, I want to see you again before I die, and you haven't come home for several years! Your mother misses you so much!" Liu Dagou rubbed Said with tears.

"Hey, I, I'll go in and have a look!" Xue Yan also said with tears,
Originally Liu Dagou wanted to hug Wei Zhili, but the Wei family's stewards refused to let him. Just kidding, this is the Duke of the country. If there is a mistake, their lives will be lost. Besides, Wei's mansion also has rules. The children of the Wei family, without their hands,

What's more, Wei Zhili is Wei Hao's eldest son. If there is a mistake, the old man and the old lady can't spare them. Besides, Wei Zhili can't call Liu Dagou his grandfather. Their grandfather can only be Li Shimin and Li Jing.This is also the rule of this era. The children of concubines follow the relationship between the mistress and the biological mother. When they are young, they cannot move around easily, unless they are married or separated. to move around.

Xueyan saw that her mother was as thin as bones and was in great pain, so the two sisters-in-law persuaded her, and Xueyan's mother also smiled and held Xueyan's hand, seeing Xueyan's attire, she smiled gratifiedly , comforting her daughter, Xueyan sat there, chatting with her mother,
At noon, it was the meals made by the cooks brought by the Duke's mansion, and the ingredients were also brought from the mansion.Xueyan sat there, greeted her father, elder brother and sister-in-law for dinner, chatted for a while, and then gave Liu Dagou 2500 guan, of which 500 guan was Xueyan's private money, and her private money was more, because Wei Zhili is the Duke of the state, and there is money for salary.Tell them to take the money to buy some fields, become a rich man, and tell those nephews to study hard.

"Girl, you are in the Duke's mansion, are you okay?" Liu Dagou felt sorry for his daughter and asked.

"Okay, it's really good. The Duke's family are all good people, and they have always done good deeds. The eldest lady is Her Royal Highness, and the second lady is the former lady of the Duke's mansion. They don't even know about me. In addition, your grandson has been sealed. Therefore, in Wei Mansion, no one dares to bully me. The medicinal materials are also given by the wife, and the money is given by the master. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m over there. I have a separate yard. Many servants are ordering around and helping the second wife manage the family affairs, the master is very busy and has to do errands every day!" Xue Yan looked at them with a smile and said, this is the truth,
As a poor family, I am very lucky to be able to follow Wei Hao and have a son of a Duke. In Wei Mansion, not to mention her, all the dowry girls are doing well, no There will be that kind of intrigue, dare not, Li Lizhi is a princess, who would dare?
In addition, Wei Furong and his wife are notoriously good people. In such a family, if you just want to intrigue, no one will be your opponent. On the contrary, it will embarrass yourself anyway.

"Sister, look at your eldest nephew, he is already thirteen this year, brother has been letting him study, this time he wants to study in the capital city, hoping to enter the Royal Academy, I wonder if you have a way?" Xue Yan The eldest brother looked at Xueyan and said, and the sister-in-law also stared at her, hoping that Xueyan could do her best to take their son out so that their son would have a future.

"It stands to reason that it is difficult and easy. The Royal Academy was founded by our master, but no one in the family has done such a thing. The children of the master's sisters, the oldest, are not yet old.

Well, I have time to ask the master, if there is news, I will send someone back, but if you have nothing to do, don't come to the house to look for me, the big family has many rules, don't mention you, you are the younger brother of the old lady, None of them can live in the mansion. There are many female relatives in the mansion, so we need to avoid suspicion! "Xueyan looked at them and said.

"I know, I know!" The elder brother nodded quickly when he heard it.

"I will definitely ask, but I dare not promise you now. If my nephew can pass the exam, my aunt will pay for the cost of studying in the capital!" Xue Yan said while touching her nephew sitting next to her.

"Thank you, aunt!" Xueyan's eldest nephew immediately saluted.

"Well, I look like a scholar, I love studying!" Xueyan looked at her nephew happily, and hoped that he would have a future.
At this moment, Wei Hao, Li Lizhi and the others were also holding their children and playing in the East Palace. Just after lunch, Li Chengqian and his wife invited everyone to sit in the gazebo, and Wei Hao and the others also went. Anyway, Wei Hao did not drink at noon, and neither did everyone How to drink.

"Shen Yong, sit down, we are all from our own family, feel free to sit down, brother-in-law, big sister!" Li Chengqian called them to sit down, everyone sat together, it was a family.

"It's hard this time. They're all in the capital, especially Shen Yong. He's been to Luoyang for a year, and he just came back now. He's lonely, and he can't leave Chang'an. It's hard to get together once!" Li Chengqian sat down and said to said to them.

"Yes!" Eldest brother-in-law Xiao Rui nodded with a smile and said, he just came back in the past two days and was originally an official outside, it wasn't because Xiao Yu was ill, he asked for leave to come back to have a look.

"Well, it's not easy, look at Shen Yonghei!" Wang Jingzhi also nodded.

"My brother-in-law is free. If you are talking about farming, you can direct them to do it. Does it need to go there every day?" Li Tai also said while sitting there.

"Well, Shenyong does things with his heart. No wonder the emperor praised you. I was really overwhelmed when I learned that the rice output had reached 400 catties. With so much grain, I, the people of the Tang Dynasty, would not There will be a shortage of food, and there will be no famine in the future!" Li Ke also praised at this moment.

"Well, is there a famine? However, as long as there is no chaos in the country, the possibility of people starving will be lower. Now our Tang Dynasty needs to expand, and we must expand externally. But don't worry, take your time. Datang also needs strong enemies outside to maintain the combat effectiveness of its soldiers!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Shen Yong, speaking of expansion, tell me, where are we going to expand next?" At this time, Li Ke looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"This can't be said here, everyone just chat casually, don't forget, there were rumors before, that Shen Yong leaked the news, it is estimated that this matter is related to some people with ulterior motives in the court !" Li Chengqian stopped immediately, he didn't want Wei Hao to say it here.

"Don't put your heart into it, it's those people that Lu Dongzan made friends with. I haven't met him these few days. If I do, how can I deal with him!" Li Tai sat there, disdainful Said.

"King Wei, please don't, don't do anything reckless, now is not the time to do it!" Wei Hao immediately called out to Li Tai when he heard this, but don't startle the snake, if you really want to clean up, you will clean it up yourself, not at all. Li Tai is needed, but now we have to support him. When the war starts next year, there is a good excuse. Li Shimin's intelligence personnel have been collecting information on Lu Dongzan, and when the time is right, they can do it.

"Brother-in-law? This is you?" Li Tai looked at Wei Hao hesitantly when he heard what Wei Hao said.

"Your brother-in-law is worried that you will fight. That's a foreign minister. It will be difficult for the two countries to speak at that time, so don't be impulsive. Hey, I found that you brat, your tail is up to the sky recently, isn't it? You always clean up people?" Li As soon as Li Zhi spoke, she began to grab Li Tai's ear, and Li Tai hurriedly shouted for mercy.

"Calm down, do you hear me? Don't cause trouble for the emperor and elder brother, and don't cause trouble for your brother-in-law!" Li Lizhi stared at Li Tai and warned, Li Tai nodded quickly. He was afraid of Li Lizhi. Hit the shadows.

(End of this chapter)

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