Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 638 New Town Plan

Chapter 638 New Town Plan
Chapter 634

Li Tai said that he was going to clean up Lu Dongzan, but Wei Hao refused, so Li Lizhi grabbed Li Tai's ear, and Li Tai hurriedly begged for mercy.

"It doesn't matter who he is, a person from a small country, it's useless to use such a scheme. What he's worried about now is when the Tang Dynasty will attack Tubo!" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Tai and the others with a smile.

"Well, what Shen Yong said is right, Shiro, don't make trouble for Shen Yong!" Li Chengqian also said to Li Tai.

"No, no!" Li Tai said quickly, Li Lizhi let go only at this time, and the other princesses also laughed, knowing that Li Tai was most afraid of Li Lizhi.

"Well, I don't need to talk about other things. This needs to be discussed in the court, so let's talk about our own affairs!" Wei Hao then said to them, and they also nodded.
Then we talked about business matters, Wei Hao helped them earn a lot of money, Xiao Rui, Wang Jingzhi and the others all made money, not to mention Li Tai and the others.

Then Wei Hao asked Li Tai about the establishment of the new city. Li Tai also told Wei Hao about the current situation. The second phase is already under construction, and all the houses in the first phase have been sold out. Many people have made reservations. In the second phase, Li Tai plans to build 10 houses, otherwise, it will not be enough.

"Okay, now your Jingzhao Mansion is making a lot of money, but you have to do a good job with the supporting facilities, such as night watchmen, police officers, police officers, etc., all of which must be prepared. , In addition, roads, water sources, etc. must be done well!" Wei Hao said to Li Tai with a smile when he heard it.

"Don't worry about this, I've done everything. If there are more people living in the new town, I'm going to apply for the establishment of a county there. With a population of 10, one can be established. I guess the emperor will agree!
In addition, I am also preparing for the city wall over there. The city wall must be built well. The city wall does not need to be too high. It is estimated that three feet will be enough. I have also made a budget for the money, which is almost enough. The new city is not far from Chang'an City. That is, it looks like 5 miles away. At that time, we can keep watch with the capital. Once foreign enemies attack, both sides will guard each other. Moreover, I plan to build a military camp over there. The entire new city is 8 miles from north to south and 7 miles from east to west. , if necessary, it can be raised. After all, according to our design, the new city can accommodate 300 million people, so we need to build a city! "Li Tai sat there and said to Wei Hao.

But Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai in surprise. He really didn't expect that Li Tai had such courage to build a new city, and it could accommodate 300 million people.

"Well, it's possible, but I suggest you think again, why not connect Chang'an City, the five miles in the middle can be connected, this will save a lot of things, and it will be convenient for future defenses, and at the same time , although the cost is higher, but the court is not short of money now,

Have you ever considered how many new people are born in Chang'an City every year? At the current rate, the population of Chang'an will double within five years, and will double again in seven or eight years. How can such a large population live? You need to design it in advance. Now I control all the land in Luoyang, and I will not allow people to build it privately. It will be built in a unified way at that time, and starting next year, Luoyang City will be expanded. The entire area of ​​Luoyang City will be It will increase more than ten times. After it is completed, it can accommodate 500 million people living in it, and Chang'an can also! " Wei Hao said to Li Tai.

"Ah, the expansion is so big?" Li Tai looked at Wei Hao in shock. He really didn't dare to think about it. Such a large expansion requires a lot of money.

"As you said, first make the frame well and slowly increase it to the top. First build one battle, then two battles, and increase the height to the top. It is estimated that five battles will be enough. If there is a siege in the future , as long as it is a foreign enemy, I believe that the people in the city can also assist in the defense, there are so many people!" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Tai with a smile.

"Okay, that's it. Brother-in-law, are you free these two days? I'll take you around and see how the new city should be built?" Li Tai said to Wei Hao when he heard it.

"Well, building a new city is better than building another city wall outside Chang'an City. For example, expanding the land 10 miles outside, think about it, how much area has been increased? How many people can be accommodated, but a lot of farmland has to be destroyed , but there is no way, the expansion of the city is like this,
As for the land, the court needs to replace it with the people. If it is a homestead, then do not change it, let them keep it. If it is farmland wasteland, then replace it, compensate them with farmland from other places, and at the same time subsidize them. These lands, The Jingzhao Mansion must be brought under control, and there will be no chaos at that time! "Wei Hao sat there and suggested to Li Tai. When Li Tai heard it, he also sat there and thought about Wei Hao's suggestion.

"Brother-in-law, don't tell me, you have a good idea. Chang'an City will be safer by then. It will be divided into the imperial city, the inner city and the outer city. In this case, even if the enemy attacks and wants to capture the palace, they will need to fight layer by layer! Li Tai nodded and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, that's what it means, so you have to think about it yourself and make a plan!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Okay, brother-in-law, you can accompany me!" Li Tai immediately stared at Wei Hao and said.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded.

"It will cost a lot of money to build a city like this, and it may not be enough in terms of taxation now!" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao worriedly and said.

"Enough, it's not built in one year, take your time, it can be done in three to five years, within three to five years, I believe no foreign enemies can invade Datang!" Wei Hao looked at Li Chengqian and said.

"That's true, but if it is really built, Chang'an will be more prosperous by then. But with so many people, food is a problem. Now Qingque has specially built grain terminals on the Bahe and Weihe rivers. A lot of food They were all transported by boat and then sent to Chang'an, and the fertile fields around Chang'an are not enough!" Li Chengqian said.

"It will be enough in the future!" Wei Hao said with a smile. Li Chengqian didn't know what Wei Hao meant. He didn't know that Wei Hao was staring at the northwest side. Hebei and Henan are now also opening up a lot of wasteland. When the grain transportation there is over, there will be no big problem. In addition, once the high-yield seeds come out, the grain problem will not be a problem!
"Well, since you say that, if you agree, let's expand Chang'an City!" Li Chengqian nodded and said, of course he also hopes to expand. In this case, he will become an emperor in the future, and it will be safe to live in Chang'an City, right?Then they continued chatting,

That night, Li Shimin knew the content of their conversation, and he liked Wei Hao's idea of ​​expanding Chang'an City very much, and was also very moved.Thinking about this matter, Wei Hao and Li Tai should hurry up and do it well.

The next day, Wei Hao and Li Tai went to the place where Li Tai chose the new city, and it was within ten miles. Wei Hao decided to wander around Chang'an City for about ten miles. Thinking about how to divert them, they wandered around for a day before returning to the mansion at night.

"Are you really following Qingque around? Can this be done?" Li Lizhi asked Wei Hao.

"Of course it can be done. This is a serious matter. If Chang'an City is expanded, the inner city will not be so crowded in the future." Wei Hao said to Li Lizhi, and at the same time began to draw blueprints and plans,
For the next few days, Wei Hao went out to hang around, and came back to continue planning, but Li Shimin couldn't wait, looking forward to Wei Hao's arrival every day, so he couldn't ask if he could ask, after all, no one had reported this matter to him yet. In the end, someone was sent to inquire, which means that Wei Hao and Li Tai had gone out and wandered outside the city!
A few days later, those generals were coming back. Li Shimin called the ministers together to meet them. Of course Wei Hao would also go. They sat together, and when they reached the Shili Pavilion, Li Shimin and the others stopped, and Li Shimin called Wei Hao over.

"What are you doing these days, kid? You didn't come to the palace for a while. I wanted to find you, but I couldn't find you!" Li Shimin asked Wei Hao who was beside him.

"Father, am I busy? What's the matter, Father?" Wei Hao thought there was something to do when he heard it, and immediately asked.

"It's nothing. I just want to chat with you when I'm bored in the palace. What are you busy with?" Li Shimin still wanted to inquire about the expansion of the new city, but Wei Hao didn't say anything, so he continued to ask.

"Busy to help the king of Wei with something. Doesn't the king of Wei want to build a new city? I'll help him take a look. In addition, I'm thinking about how to build the new city!" Wei Hao replied to Li Shimin.

"How to build the new city, do you have an idea?" Li Shimin continued to ask,

Wei Hao was puzzled, but he still said: "We are going to build the outer city of Chang'an, but this matter still needs to be discussed by the emperor and other ministers. You can't do it carelessly. If you build a city alone, the impact will be smaller. After all, there are so many people living outside Chang'an City. If there is no protection from the city, the people will be in trouble once foreign enemies invade. But if Chang'an City is to be expanded, there will be many things involved, so we are still continuing to negotiate stage, father, do you have any suggestions on this?"

After Wei Hao finished speaking, he looked at Li Shimin,
Li Shimin also deliberately thought about it, and said: "I agree to expand Chang'an City. It is less troublesome to build a new city, but it is inconvenient. Moreover, in Chang'an, two cities are not good. If there is any change at that time, Which city do the people listen to the words of the people in it?"

Wei Hao heard it, and nodded in agreement. He really wanted to worry about this.

"However, father, if you expand the city, it will cost a lot!" Wei Hao reminded Li Shimin.

"It's okay, take your time. I believe it can be built well. There are so many people in Chang'an City, which is a good thing for Datang. Now our population in Datang is growing rapidly. I heard that there is a special infant department in the medical school. , Children's Department, specializing in the study of diseases that are prone to premature death, and trying to cure them, this time, there are more than 1000 students in the medical school, which is very good!" Li Shimin said, Li Shimin attaches great importance to the medical school, Li Shimin also took the initiative to send money to them, just to let them do various experiments, hoping to solve various ailments, and even went to the medical school to inspect twice.

"Yes, that's fine, the minister there has made a plan, and I'll send it to you!" Wei Hao nodded, looked at Li Shimin and said, Li Shimin also hummed, looked at the distance, and there was a military flag in the distance.
Soon, those generals came back. Li Shimin went down to pick them up in person. The generals were also excited. They had been worried that Goguryeo would be difficult to fight. They were ready for heavy casualties and fought a protracted war. Thinking of defeating them in less than three months, and subjugating them in five months, and cleaning up Baekje and Silla together,

Li Shimin was happy, chatted with those ministers, and then went back to the city together, and arrived at Chengtian Palace!
"Your Majesty, where's Shen Yong?" Cheng Yaojin stood there, didn't see Wei Hao, and immediately asked.And Wei Hao was with those ministers.

"You were still there just now, Shen Yong, Shen Yong?" Li Shimin stood in Chengtian Palace and shouted.

"Here, here!" Wei Hao responded immediately. He had just chatted with Cheng Chuliang and the others. Cheng Chuliang and the others all went to the expedition this time, and Li De Award also went. The heirs of those generals, except the eldest son, did not go. His sons all went to the battlefield, so Wei Hao chatted with them.

"Good boy, haha, come here, you have the greatest contribution this time!" Cheng Yaojin saw Wei Hao, and immediately greeted Wei Hao and said.

"Uncle Cheng, have you made a mistake? What credit do I have, I just stay at home!" Wei Hao said looking at Cheng Yaojin incomprehensibly.

"That grenade is so powerful that no matter where the enemy is hiding, it is useless. One grenade will kill you. Your Majesty, you ask them. This battle is all about grenades. It is difficult for Goguryeo soldiers to get close to us! "Cheng Yaojin said happily.

"That's right, this Shen Yong really deserves great credit!" Duan Zhixuan also nodded at this moment.

"If there is nothing, if you want to say credit, it is also the credit of the Ministry of Industry. What credit can I have, and I didn't go to the front line!" Wei Hao immediately waved his hand and said, such credit, it doesn't matter.

"You want to go to the battlefield, that's not okay, anyone can go to the battlefield, you can't, we count on you to solve the food problem, and we also count on you to give advice to our Tang Dynasty!" Yuchi Jingde immediately turned to Wei Hao He shook his head and said, it is impossible for Wei Hao to go to the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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