Chapter 646
Chapter 642

Chang Sun Chong ignored Chang Sun Wuji and left, but Chang Sun Wuji was so angry that he pointed at Chang Sun Chong's back and said nothing.

"Father, brother is too arrogant now, isn't he just a county magistrate? Isn't he just on good terms with Wei Hao? He doesn't pay attention to father at all!" The elder Sun Huan next to him immediately fanned the flames.

"Huh, Wei Hao, Wei Hao is a bastard!" Changsun Wuji was yelling at Wei Hao at this moment, and he was upset when he heard Wei Hao.

Although he knew that Wei Hao was capable, he was just upset. If it wasn't for him, he would still be Zhao Guogong of the Tang Dynasty, he could still cover the sky with one hand in the court, and he would still be a minister relied on by the emperor.

But now, Li Shimin relies heavily on Fang Xuanling and Li Jing, especially Li Jing, what is Li Jing?Can you compare with yourself?My younger sister is the queen of the dynasty!
And all of this was caused by Wei Hao. If Wei Hao hadn't appeared suddenly, there would be no such thing as today.

The matter of expanding the city was also proposed by Wei Hao. If it is to rebuild a new city, there is no such thing.

At this moment, some officials have been arrested in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, also because of this land replacement.

This time, more than 40 officials, big and small, were arrested. The highest was from the second rank, and the lowest was from the fifth rank, and the aristocratic family accounted for almost half of them.

At this moment, on Wei Yuanzhao's side, Wei Yuanzhao sat there, held a family meeting, and called Wei Furong over.

Wei Furong really didn't want to come, and was dragged here by Wei Yuanzhao and several other clan elders, because the Wei family also suffered a huge loss this time, and the settlement was based on keeping [-]% of the land.

In addition, the land controlled by each family of the Wei family is also replaced one by one. In this way, the people of the Wei family below are not convinced, and they are very dissatisfied with the family's decision this time.

Originally, the agreement could have been signed in advance, so it would be completely fine, but Wei Yuanzhao did not sign it, which caused everyone such a big loss.

However, Wei Yuanzhao knew that Wei Hao's family had kept more than 4000 mu of land in the city, which was the first one. Wei Yuanzhao wanted to discuss with Wei Furong, and bought 2000 mu of land at the previous price as a distribution to the family. Those children in the house built houses.

Originally, according to the family's land, that is about 2000 mu, if you can buy Wei Furong's 2000 mu of land, then it will be about the same. Now it depends on whether Wei Furong agrees or not. If you buy it at the price of ordinary farmland, you will buy it at the price of ordinary farmland.

They also know that Wei Furong will not agree so easily. If Wei Furong sells it now, it will cost at least 500 yuan per mu of land. If he keeps it in his hands, the price will increase later.

Not long after Wei Furong entered the meeting, Wei Yuanzhao told Wei Furong what he was thinking. The other clan elders also looked at Wei Furong, hoping that Wei Furong would nod.

Now the children of the family are making a lot of trouble, and everyone is very dissatisfied.

This involves the interests of the whole family, especially the interests of ordinary people who farm the land, so they have nothing to do.

"Jinbao, do you think this will work? You can talk about the price. If it is too high, you may not be able to do it. You also know how much money our family has, so... hey!" Wei Yuan sat up. There, looking at Wei Furong said.

At this moment, Wei Furong was staring at Wei Yuanzhao with wide-eyed eyes. With such a small amount of money, he wanted to buy 2000 acres of land from his family. How about stealing money?

Besides, is my family so short of money?Isn't this bullying?But Wei Furong didn't show it directly.

"Jinbao, just tell me, can you agree to this price? If not, can we continue to increase the money? You know the current situation of the family. At the beginning, we also hoped to keep those fields, but we didn't expect that the emperor's The methods are so fierce, no, there is really no other way, the family really doesn’t have much money now, and your family is not far behind!" Another clan elder looked at Wei Furong with a puzzled expression and said.

"No, what are you doing with our land? Why don't you stare at other people's land? You think I can be the master of this land. You go to my house to inquire about it. Now I have the land of my family. The matter is all handed over to my two daughters-in-law, and I will manage the Juxian Building in Chang'an, you, you are embarrassing me!" Wei Furong looked at them and said with a depressed face.

In my heart, I was very tired of them, who actually wanted to rob their own land.

Now Wei Hao has 8 sons, and there will definitely be more sons born in the future. Those sons will also need to build mansions in the future. My family has this condition.

Although most of the land is distributed to Wei Zhili and Wei Zhiren, because their status is equal, [-]% of the property in the family is shared equally between them. Yicheng is the other son.

But Wei Hao will definitely build a mansion for those sons, and it is impossible for them to have no place to live.

Wei Furong thought, not much to say, Wei Hao must have at least 20 sons, so many sons, don't need land to build a house, what about those grandchildren in the future, don't you care?
At that time, how will the future generations scold Wei Hao, how will they scold themselves, the land in the family has been sold, it's not that the family is poor and can't open the pot, but the warehouse at home is full of money, and there is still a little money to sell the land.

"No, you can talk about your two daughters-in-law!" Wei Yuan looked at Wei Furong and persuaded him.

"If you have the ability, you should also persuade your daughter-in-law to sell the things in the house and give them away! No, aren't you deliberately making things difficult for me? If you pay 10 yuan per mu, you get 100 yuan per mu, and 1000 yuan One mu of money, our family will not sell it.

Our family is short of this money?These lands are homesteads. My grandchildren don’t need a place to build houses? "Wei Furong looked at them very unhappy and said.

"Well, you don't need so much. With more than 4000 mu, your family has the most land. You also said that your family does not lack this little money. How about you help the family?" Wei Yuanzhao continued to persuade Wei Furong said.

"No, I won't sell it. I really can't agree to this. I want to agree. If I don't want to have this old face, how can I face my daughter-in-law and grandson in the future? It's impossible.

Don't go to Shenyong either, I won't agree even if he agrees, if he agrees, the old man will kick him out of the house, he doesn't have the guts yet! "Wei Furong said very hard at the moment.

I would rather offend those family members than let my family lose so many homesteads. Now that my family has finally opened up, there are many places that need to use land. How can I be fooled like this?
"Hey, Jin Bao, can you help me?" Another clan elder looked at Wei Furong and begged.

"I can help with other things. You can find other people to buy land. If you are short of money, I can lend it to you, but don't think about my family's land! I'm not afraid to tell the truth, even if I offend you, I can't agree .

This is the wealth accumulated by my family Shenyong. People will only say that it is the son's prodigal property. When have you heard of Lao Tzu's prodigal property?Let me promise you such a thing, won't you give me a way out? "Wei Furong said very emotionally, saying that he couldn't agree to anything.

"Hey!" Wei Yuanzhao sighed, knowing that this matter would not be so easy to handle.

"If you need my help, I can help you here. Don't think about it, but don't think about the homestead. I can't make the decision, and Shen Yong can't make the decision. It's the daughters-in-law at home who make the decisions!" Wei Furong sat There he waved his hand and said.

"Master, master!" At this time, a follower beside Wei Furong came in and shouted loudly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Wei Furong looked at the servant and asked.

"The emperor summoned you into the palace and said he wanted to buy you a drink!" the attendant said to Wei Furong with a smile.

"Oh, let's go, let's go, let's go, I'll go back and get the wine, I've got some good wine there!" Wei Furong immediately stood up with a smile on hearing this, and if the in-laws invited them to drink, they would definitely be there.

"Hey, hey!" Wei Yuanzhao took a look at Wei Furong and left just like that, looking at Wei Furong's back speechlessly.

"Hey, we should really listen to Wei Hao. Wei Hao wrote to inform us, but we didn't listen. Now we don't even have the face to look for Wei Hao!" A clan elder said with a sigh.

"What else can we do now? It really doesn't work. Our family will go out and buy land, and see who sells the land!" Another clan elder said.

"What about the money, where did the money come from? Now the family has less than 8000 coins left, how much land can they buy?" Wei Yuan looked at them and said helplessly.

"It may be possible to find Shenyong. Just now Wei Furong also said that you can lend us money, but we really can't. We have no choice but to borrow money from Shenyong to buy land!" One of the clan elders said.

"Now that's the only way to go, borrow money to buy land!" The other clan elders nodded and said.

Wei Yuanzhao sighed, he really couldn't listen to those families about this matter, if it wasn't for other families to encourage him to unite with him, he wouldn't do such a thing.

Wei Hao has already sent someone to notify him, and he still doesn't believe Wei Hao, really, Wei Hao is with Li Shimin every day, he doesn't believe what he said, what did he think at the beginning!

In the palace, Wei Furong and Li Shimin were drinking in Chengtian Palace, and Li Jing was with them.

"Come, come, fill up, fill up, it's all your favorite dishes. It's not easy for you to come to the palace, and I don't have time, so if you don't get drunk today, you won't come home!" Li Shimin greeted Wei Furong with a smile.

"That's right, the three of us, drink well, we can't drink a few times a year!" Wei Furong also said with a smile.

Then the three of them drank and chatted. Some ministers came to ask to see Li Shimin, but Li Shimin said he couldn't see him and was not free.

After a few days, the affairs in the court have almost subsided, and all the land has been taken back. Li Shimin can't sit still in the palace now, and wants to go fishing.

In the past few days, I haven't gone fishing in those lakes of the palace with a fishing rod, but fishing alone is boring, and the fish in it are not big, so it's not exciting. Now Li Shimin wants to catch big fish, which is exciting.

"Come on, go to Qujiang right away and ask the prince to come back quickly. He said that I want to go out now and let him come back to sit in the East Palace. In addition, tell Xia Guogong not to come back and stay in Qujiang for a few days. Let’s talk!” Sitting there, Li Shimin became a little annoyed seeing so many memorials on the table.

Li Chengqian was not here for the past few days, and Li Shimin had to read those memorials. He was very irritable, thinking that he should let Li Chengqian come back, anyway, everything has been done, and if he doesn't come back, he can't go out.

At noon, people sent by Li Shimin found Li Chengqian and Wei Hao by the river, and told Li Shimin's order.

"No, I've only been playing for a few days. I'll go back. If I don't want to go, what are you, doesn't my father want to come out to play? It's okay. I'll play for a few more days. I've been hiding in the East Palace for more than a year. , Now I finally go out, let Gu go back, don't go back!" Li Chengqian immediately stood up and said.

Now he also likes to sit here to fish and chat, and Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde will also come over and teach him a lot of things.

At the very least, the two of them still have a very good impression of themselves, and they also hope that they can be a good prince and don't mess around. With their good impression, their confidence will also increase.

Of course, he also knew that all of this was up to Wei Hao, if Wei Hao hadn't brought them here, he would have no way to play with them.

"No, Your Highness, these days, the emperor has been going fishing by the lake every day, saying it's boring, the fish are too small, and he wants to go fishing in Qujiang, if you don't go back, the emperor may be angry!" The person who came to send the message, He looked at Li Chengqian helplessly.

"That's okay, it's not a big problem to be so angry, at most it's just scolding, what is that? Tell father, I'll play for another seven days, and I will definitely go back after seven days!" Li Chengqian said to that person.

That person is very helpless, what can he do, he is a messenger.

After that person went back, he told Li Shimin the truth.

"This bastard, what is he playing? He is still so young, why can't he play in the future? He is still competing with me to play? No, you go and tell him, if he doesn't come back for three days, I will send someone to catch him, otherwise, Send the memorial to Qujiang and let him read it, that's fine, as long as he agrees!"

Li Shimin was very angry. Li Chengqian was disobedient and liked fishing, so he was helpless.

You can't punish him for this kind of thing, it's not that big of a mistake, and it's justified, it's really busy for a year without taking a day off.

"Yes, I will inform you right away!" The eunuch had no choice but to continue to Qujiang, which was not far away.

Li Shimin looked at the memorials, thought for a while, and went to get the fishing rod. For important matters, those ministers will come to look for them. These are not very important things.

(End of this chapter)

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