Chapter 647
Chapter 643

Nothing to do in the court, Li Shimin took the fishing rod and went fishing in the lake, now he is addicted, but fishing in the lake is boring, he does not catch big fish, they are small fish, Li Shimin still wants to go to Qujiang Just go fishing,

In addition, I don't have much bait here, I don't know how to make bait, or Wei Hao can do it, Li Shimin thought, three days later, I will go to Qujiang to play, and Li Chengqian can handle the matter of Chang'an It's very good, and there is no need to worry about it at all. In fact, Li Shimin controls the most core things, and he doesn't worry about the court at all. He is very relieved to leave the matter to the people below.
Soon, three days were up, and Li Chengqian had no choice but to bring the Su family and those children back to the capital.

"Hey, I just found out that what Shen Yong said is true. He doesn't like money and power at all. Look at him, how comfortable is fishing? He goes there every day!" Li Chengqian sat on the carriage, Said with emotion.

"The concubine also found out. When it comes to fishing, Shenyong is all about it. He is not interested in anything else, including making money!" Su Mei also nodded. There are misunderstandings, and it is because of this misunderstanding that there are so many misunderstandings in the future.

"However, Hachiro learned really well from Shen Yong's side. It's great to just look at his homework. It kind of means that he wants to inherit Shen Yong's mantle, and Shen Yong also taught him. I just can't understand these things. Originally Gu wants to let Jue'er come to Shen Yong's side, but looking at the things Shen Yong taught, Gu is a little bit afraid, hey, Shen Yong is a great talent!" Li Chengqian sat there and said with a sigh. Jue studied by Wei Hao's side,

But he couldn't understand what Wei Hao taught, and Li Jue was his eldest son, so he couldn't teach him anything.

"Your Highness, it's actually quite good to be like this now. Think about it, Father doesn't care much about things anymore, you take care of them, and Father will also intervene in important matters, which also increases your authority. All of this, in fact It's still up to Shen Yong, if Shen Yong didn't go to Luoyang, and after Shen Yong came back, he would go fishing, Your Highness, you don't have such a good opportunity." Su Mei looked at Li Chengqian and said, Li Chengqian nodded.

"We don't know that Shen Yong helped me. Now that I think about it, Shen Yong is still towards us. After all, with Lizhi by my side, it is impossible for Shen Yong not to help me!" Li Chengqian smiled and said, Su Mei also nodded ,

As soon as Li Chengqian arrived at the capital, Li Shimin took Empress Changsun and Concubine Wei out of the palace and headed for Qujiang, without even seeing Li Chengqian.

"No, is the father so anxious?" After Li Chengqian heard the news, he was also surprised. Although fishing is fun, but the father is too anxious. While looking for Wei Hao, he found that Wei Hao was indeed fishing. Li Shimin was so happy that he started to do it with a fishing rod.

"Father, you, are you not afraid that the ministers will impeach me? They will say that I have spoiled the father!" Wei Hao also looked at Li Shimin helplessly and said.

"Who said, I just like this, what's the matter? Don't let me play, and I didn't play those things that are harmful to nature, just fishing for a fish. Besides, Gao Ming is handling it very well now, so I don't need to worry about it, eh , Shenyong, father thought, all the big fish we catch here will be put in the lake of the palace, how about it, it will be fine in the future, we don’t use Qujiang, we can go fishing in the lake of the palace , how nice, and how close!" Li Shimin sat there, looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"How do I get it back? It takes an hour to go there. The fish are all dead!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and asked.

In a few days, the weather cooled down. Wei Hao and the others had no choice but to go back to the capital, and it was raining every day these days. Wei Hao did not dare to stay in Qujiang. After all, there were so many children at home. What's the situation, it's time to trouble,
At this moment, Xueyan and the others were pregnant again, and Wei Hao returned to the house the next day. Originally, Wei Hao wanted to sleep in. Unexpectedly, he was woken up by those children early in the morning. Arrived at the front yard, then went upstairs to Wei Hao's bedroom, clamoring for Wei Hao to play with them, Wei Hao just got up and played with those children on the second floor,

After breakfast, Wei Hao hid in the conservatory and did not come out, mainly to check the news of the newspaper and Luoyang. At this time, a porter came in and told Wei Hao that the head of the Wei family and the elders had come. .

"En!" Wei Hao nodded upon hearing this,

Wei Hao knows the current situation of the Wei family. This time, the Wei family has suffered a lot. Several officials have been fired. Moreover, the Wei family’s land in the capital has not been kept much, and it has been expropriated. Now the subsidies The land has not yet come down, let the previous candidates finish the selection, so those ordinary children of the Wei family have very big opinions, and they have been arguing for many days in the family.

"Please come in!" Wei Hao sat there and said, he didn't want to move at all, and it's not that he didn't give them the news, they didn't listen to what they could do, and now they came to the door just for these things.Soon, Wei Yuanzhao and the patriarchs came over. Wei Hao invited them to sit down and made tea for them.

"Shen Yong, you really know how to hide, and you actually hid in Qujiang!" Wei Yuanzhao looked at Wei Hao helplessly and said, originally if Wei Hao was in the capital, then the land and officials of the Wei family would be fine. It would be good for Wei Hao to intercede, but Wei Hao is not there, so they have nothing to do.

"I didn't hide. I went to play in advance. I didn't know that these things happened. Besides, I notified you. If you didn't listen, you insisted on making trouble with those family alliances. Now you know the trouble. , so many homesteads are gone, where do you let the people of the family live? They have to live outside the city. They had a good opportunity to live in the city, but now you have lost this opportunity! "Wei Hao said to them with a smile, and they felt helpless when they heard it.

"Shen Yong, why don't you come back to be the elder of the clan? With you here, such a big thing won't happen to the clan. It's not right for you to be you, and it's not right for your father to be your father. What are you?" Wei Yuan Looking at Wei Hao, the caretaker said helplessly that they had long hoped that Wei Hao could serve as the elder of the family and provide advice for the development of the family, but Wei Hao just refused.

"I'm not, and neither is my father. What's the point of being this? I'm so busy myself, and you know that my father is very busy, and I don't have time to take care of those things!

Patriarch, things are already like this, and you don’t think there will be changes. If there are changes, they will not go in a good direction, but in a worse direction. So, stop making trouble, and continue to toss like this, it’s unlucky But yourselves! "Wei Hao sat there and reminded them.

"Yes, we know this. We came here this time to borrow money from you!" Wei Yuanzhao nodded, looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Borrow money!" Wei Hao looked at them incomprehensibly.

"Yes, borrow money. Now some people outside have started to sell homesteads and start buying and selling. It costs about 200 yuan per mu of land. If we want to buy 1000 mu of land, we need 20 yuan. See?" Wei Yuanzhao looked at it in embarrassment. Wei Hao.

"Ask me to borrow 20 yuan?" Wei Hao was even more shocked. Now, the lion opened his mouth, 20 yuan can buy more than 4 acres of fertile land, and he lent them himself. What are you kidding?
"Yes, we also know that Shenyong is owned by your family. You see, the shares that we mortgaged are in your hands. Well, within five years, we will return them to you!" Wei Yuan looked after Wei Yuan. Hao said in embarrassment.

"No, why did you buy so many homesteads? Just to settle down those family members? Besides, 1000 mu may not be enough, right?" Wei Hao looked at them and asked.

"Not enough is not enough, but there is no way, we can't afford more!" Another clan elder said looking at Wei Hao.

"I can't be the master of this money. You have to ask my two wives. If you say [-] to [-] yuan, I can still be the master. How can I be the master with so much money?" Wei Hao looked at them helplessly and said.

"No, once you say something like this, how can your two wives refuse to agree?" Wei Yuanzhao knew it was an excuse when he heard what Wei Hao said, and said quickly.

"Our family also wants to buy land. To tell you the truth, our family has a lot of children now, so we can't buy it. That's fine. I will lend you 2 yuan. You can buy 100 acres, but 100 acres can build one or two hundred. There are quite a few families, and we can’t say, everyone in the family needs an acre, right? That’s not realistic!” Wei Hao looked at them and said,

I can borrow up to 2 guan from them. Is it too much? Just kidding, 20 guan can be loaded in a carriage with dozens of carriages. People don't think that they are borrowing from themselves, but they will say that they are forcing the family to ask for money, and they don't care about the life and death of the family at all. Wei Hao has never seen such a thing, so Wei Hao can take out this money , but cannot borrow!
"Here, can't we have more?" Wei Yuanzhao looked at Wei Hao helplessly and said, he thought Wei Hao would agree, but he didn't expect Wei Hao to refuse directly, so he lent them 2 yuan.

"No, patriarch, I can only take this much money, and you can figure out what to do with the rest!" Wei Hao stared at them and said, not wanting to continue talking about this matter.

"By the way, Shen Yong, there is one more thing I want to ask you, that is, I heard that Jingzhao Mansion plans to release some land and hand it over to some businessmen to build houses, so as to accommodate those who live in the capital. Common people, can we do such a business?" Wei Yuan looked at Wei Hao and asked.

When Wei Hao heard this, he felt strange, Li Tai is too smart, he still wants to find a real estate developer?

"Well, I don't know about this yet. I don't have any specific information yet!" Wei Hao said while looking at Wei Yuanzhao.

"It's like this. Jingzhao Mansion has set aside 500 mu of land this time to build 2000 houses and sell them to the common people. The land price starts at 200 yuan per mu. As for the price of the house, Jingzhao Mansion doesn't care about it, let the merchants Set your own price, as long as they can sell it!" Wei Yuan looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Oh, that's it, then have you guys done such a thing before?" Wei Hao knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Isn't this the routine of later generations?
"No, isn't this asking for your opinion? In addition, we also know that your second brother-in-law is quite capable. He has built all kinds of houses, so we want to cooperate with your second brother-in-law!" Wei Yuanzhao pointed at Wei Hao said,

Wei Hao looked at Wei Yuanzhao and looked for his brother-in-law. My brother-in-law still needs to cooperate with you, so he can eat it himself. Money is not a problem. Wang Qixian has a lot of money himself, and there is still a lot in his warehouse. In addition, Wang Qixian There are also a large number of workers, and there are many construction sites, not to mention 500 mu, but 5000 mu. Now Wang Qixian can eat it.

"You can talk to my second brother-in-law about this matter. I don't dare to make decisions about his affairs. After all, he is the elder and I am younger!" Wei Hao said while sitting there, looking at Wei Yuanzhao.

"Here, we still hope that you can tell your second brother-in-law." A clan elder said to Wei Hao. 10 yuan is a lot of money.

"I'll tell you, but my second brother-in-law may also have a partner now, and then I will have no other choice. I don't think I want to participate in business matters!" Wei Hao said as he picked up his teacup and said.

"Yes, that's why we need to hurry up. Don't worry, we will pay half of the money. We will get [-]% of the money. Your brother-in-law will get [-]% of the money. Your brother-in-law won't suffer!" Wei Yuan looked at Wei Hao and said.

"This condition, when the time comes, you can talk to my brother-in-law!" Wei Hao said with a wave of his hand. If you don't participate in specific matters,

Soon, Wei Yuanzhao and the others left, and Wei Hao immediately asked his servants to find Wang Qixian. When Wang Qixian learned that Wei Hao wanted to see him, he immediately rejected his invitation and went straight to Wei Hao's mansion.

"Shen Yong!" "Brother-in-law, come and sit!" Wei Hao saw Wang Qixian coming, and immediately greeted him with a smile to come and sit down.

"You, I went to Qujiang just after I came back. I came to the house several times, but I didn't find you!" Wang Qixian sat down and said happily.

"Well, how is business now?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"Okay, very good. Anyway, I have endless work to do. Those jobs are all profitable. Now everyone knows that it is guaranteed to find me for construction. The people under me are still skilled!" Wang Qixian He smiled and said to Wei Hao, this is also true, Wei Hao gave him so many construction sites to do, and he was able to practice everything.

"That's good. If you have work, just do it. Don't be greedy. You have to do things well. Don't be criticized." Wei Hao nodded, happy for Wang Qixian, and reminded Wang Qixian at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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