Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 648 Li Lizhi's Worries

Chapter 648 Li Lizhi's Worries
Chapter 644

Wang Qixian told Wei Hao that he has a lot of work on hand, which is very good and he can't finish it. Wei Hao also reminded him not to mess around and to control the quality.

"Shen Yong, don't worry, I'd rather earn less myself than embarrass you. I understand such things. What we are doing is word of mouth, and we can't ruin our reputation.

By the way, Shen Yong, the king of Wei came to me a few days ago and hoped that I would take over the project of building a house in Dongcheng. The whole project covers an area of ​​500 mu. It will be auctioned for 200 yuan per mu. After the construction is completed, I will sell it myself. Ask me to take this project, Shenyong, do you think I can take it? "Wang Qixian looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Did Wei Wang look for you?" Wei Hao looked at Wang Qixian and asked, Wang Qixian nodded.

"What about your own thoughts?" Wei Hao continued to ask.

"I don't really want to take it. I know this can make money, but if I make too much money, people will scold me. I am now a construction worker. If I do it myself, I will be a businessman. I feel like I can earn money from the common people. No, when the time comes, they will only think that I am a black-hearted businessman.

I'm not short of money, but I'm afraid of discrediting you, so when the king of Wei came to me, I said I would think about it, if I was allowed to build it, no problem, I would definitely build it, but let me eat it all by myself Next, I am a little reluctant! "Wang Qixian sat there, talking about his thoughts.

"It's right to think this way. Don't make this money. Although it looks like a lot of profit, but your construction profit is also a lot. This is hard money. No one will say that you are a black-hearted businessman. As long as you control the quality yourself , I mean the same thing, don't answer!" Wei Hao sat there and nodded.

I am very satisfied with Wang Qixian thinking this way. Being able to think this way shows that Wang Qixian is really calm now and has not been dazzled by wealth.

"That's fine, don't answer, you have said that, then I will definitely not answer." Wang Qixian immediately said with a smile, now that Wei Hao has spoken, he has a bottom line in his heart.

"In the morning, the head of the Wei family just approached me and wanted me to tell you that I would cooperate with you to take this project. I didn't agree, and asked them to tell you that since you don't accept it now, reject them!
We don't earn this money. Besides, your family already has a lot of property, and there is no shortage of money. There is no need to earn all kinds of money. " Wei Hao looked at Wang Qixian and said.

"Understood, I still cooperate with them. I can eat it all by myself. I figured it out. I also have tens of thousands of coins on my side. If I am really short of money, I will tell my younger siblings. My younger siblings will definitely eat it." Give it to me, if you want to pick me up, eat it yourself, otherwise, it will be difficult to settle the score!" Wang Qixian then said to Wei Hao.

"Well, that's fine, anyway, you just need to know about this matter!" Wei Hao nodded in satisfaction.

At noon, Wang Qixian had dinner at Wei Hao's mansion, and Wei Hao drank two glasses with Wang Qixian.

In the afternoon, Wei Hao hid in the study and slept. It was very cold now, and Wei Hao didn't want to go out. He was freezing to death, so he hid in the conservatory and basked in the sun comfortably.

And in the evening, when the servants reported that King Wei was here, Wei Hao could only invite Li Tai to his study. Li Tai is really tall and energetic now, his whole body is full of muscles, and he looks very handsome. Spirit.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here for a toothbrush!" Li Tai said with a smile as he came to the study and sat down.

"You don't come here, your cook was not trained by my family? You still have tooth sacrifices. Your Wei Palace has no money to buy vegetables. If you don't have money, your brother-in-law will give you 1000 pennies, which is enough for you to eat for several years." Wei Hao said to him with a smile. Li Tai scolded.

"Hey, I have something to do with you!" Li Tai said with a sneer.

"I just said, now that you are so busy, you still have time to find me? Tell me, what's the matter?" Wei Hao looked at Li Tai with a smile and said.

Knowing that Li Tai is very busy now, there are many things in Jingzhao Mansion. Li Tai is very creditable for this. Li Shimin also appreciates Li Tai's style of doing things very much. No one else could compare, including Li Chengqian and Li Ke.

"It's like this. Money is tight here. After all, we need to build a new city, and we need to purchase a lot of food and supplies to keep out the cold. After all, there are so many people, so we don't need more preparations, so there is not enough money and food.

But people still need to live in houses, so I plan to release 20 pieces of land in the spring of next year. Each piece of land covers an area of ​​500 mu, and 2000 houses will be built, so that about 10 people can be housed. These houses I have built very large ones, enough for their family of more than ten people to live in. Do you think this will work? " Li Tai looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Of course, why not? You are really smart, let those businessmen invest money in construction and let them make money, and you have done your own thing well!" Wei Hao said with a smile, pointing to Li Tai.

"Hey, brother-in-law, that's what I think. You can't delay the people's housing. Of course, if their selling price is too high, it will definitely not work. I will give them a profit, but they can't go too far. Anyway, at this price, I There is a bottom line!" Li Tai said with a smile when he heard Wei Hao's praise.

"Okay, I can do it. Don't worry about it. However, in terms of quality, you have to pay close attention to it. If there is a quality problem, it will be a big problem. Father will definitely clean up you when the time comes. Pay attention to this point!" Wei Hao looked at Li Tai and said.

"Then don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it personally. As long as the materials used are not up to standard, or they don't follow the design drawings, I won't let them go easily. They need to pay me a deposit, and I will pay for the land sale. To build roads, I have to build the roads first, so that the people outside the city can move more easily in the future, just build those roads according to your original plan, and next year, we will have a big construction in Chang'an!" Li Tai is looking forward to it now Said.

He really hopes to make Chang'an a good place. He doesn't care if he can ascend to the throne in the future, but his name in history is certain!

"Well, that's good, let's do it. I support you. If I need money, I will go to my father, and my father will also support you. My father is very satisfied with what you are doing now!" Wei Hao Nodding his head, he said to Li Tai.

Li Tai was very happy when he heard that, as long as Wei Hao thinks it can be done, he can do it.

"That's fine, but many people came to me, hoping that I would give you those construction sites, brother-in-law, would you like to?" Li Tai looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Why do I want that thing? I'm still short of this money?" Wei Hao said with a wave of his hand.

When Li Tai heard this, he laughed, knowing that Wei Hao didn't lack this little money at all.

In the evening, Li Tai had dinner at Wei Hao's residence, and Li Lizhi also came to see it, and sent Li Tai unwanted clothes, all of which were children's clothes.

Li Tai's concubine is also pregnant with a child, and she will give birth in the spring of next year. As her elder sister, Li Lizhi must prepare some children's clothes for Li Tai.

After dinner, Wei Hao came to the study, and Li Lizhi also came.

"Why do you have time to sit here? I think you are busy every day!" Wei Hao said jokingly.

Li Lizhi is really busy every day.

"You still have the nerve to say that you help you make money every day. If you knew it, you wouldn't have so much business!" Li Lizhi glared at Wei Hao, and then said: "Qingque is doing so well now, but in the future, it may not be so good." Things, eh!"

"Why are you worried about this? No!" Wei Hao said with a wave of his hand.

"Why not? If the eldest brother ascends the throne, can he still tolerate Qingque? Qingque also has a lot of popularity now, especially among the common people. Qingque's popularity is very high. Qingque has also changed a lot and matured. A lot, the more he is like this, the more worried I am!" Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao and said worriedly.

"If I say no, then I won't. Qing Que is like this, the prince is even more afraid to touch him. Don't worry, Qing Que will give up when he thinks there is no chance. He is not stupid, he knows what he wants, The reason why he is fighting now is because of his father's instigation, otherwise, he would not dare to fight like this, but look at him, is he attacking his elder brother now? No, he is just doing things, but he is the smartest, even if it is Eldest brother is enthroned, so we have to use him, brother!" Wei Hao looked at Li Lizhi and said.

"Is there really no problem?" Li Lizhi still looked at Wei Hao worriedly and asked.

"No problem, just don't worry, I will help!" Wei Hao said with a wave of his hand.

He knew what Li Lizhi was worried about, but with Qingque like this, Li Chengqian might not dare to kill Li Tai.

Li Tai is a good official, a good official who has made contributions to the people. If Chang'an City is repaired, Li Tai must be remembered in history. How dare Li Chengqian kill such a person easily, unless Li Tai is going to die, then There is no way, otherwise, Li Tai would never have something to do!

"That's good!" Li Lizhi nodded after hearing this.

For the next period of time, Wei Hao hid at home, or went to the Weihe River, cut a hole in the ice, and then sat on it to fish.

On this day, it was snowing heavily, and Wei Hao came out to have a look. The next day, it was still falling. Wei Hao knew that the snow disaster had already formed, but there was no problem. Most of the people’s homes now have brick and tile houses. Remove the snow in time and there will be no problem.

Only the people in those mountainous areas may be in danger.

Now Li Tai has sent troops to determine the situation of the disaster. For Datang, these are minor problems. Food and cold supplies have been prepared, and the possibility of freezing to death is very low.

And news came from Luoyang from time to time that it was snowing there too, but the snow was not heavy, so Wei Hao didn't worry anymore.

But at this moment, Wei Yuanzhao and people from other aristocratic families are reclaiming land everywhere, and the eldest grandson Wuji is also reclaiming land. There is no way, the family's land is not enough.

If they signed the agreement at the beginning, it would be enough, who let them do it themselves.

Changsun Wuji also went to Yuchi Jingde, wanting to buy land from him. After all, Yuchi Jingde only had two sons, and the family still had more than 1000 mu of land, which was enough and more.

But how could Yuchi Jingde sell it to him, his family is not short of money, and if he sells it to anyone, he will not sell it to Changsun Wuji, and Changsun Wuji can only keep it in a small area now.

In fact, Wei Yuanzhao and the others didn't receive much, just received less than 100 mu. Later, they asked Wang Qixian to cooperate, but Wang Qixian also refused. If they didn't do such a thing, Wei Yuanzhao didn't know what to do now.

The ordinary people of the Wei family had great opinions on the family, thinking that they had lost the family business, Wei Yuanzhao also had a hard time to say.

And Wei Hao didn't care about outside things, he just taught Li Shen every day, he didn't care about other things, and he didn't go to the palace for almost a month.

Li Shimin was also very boring in Chengtian Palace, he couldn't fish anymore, and he had nothing to do, he could only serve the flowers and plants every day, or chat with the ministers.

"You kid, haven't you been to the palace for a month?" Li Shimin sat there and said to Li Jing.

They also mentioned Wei Hao just now, and Li Shimin just remembered.

"I don't know. Anyway, since I came back from Qujiang, I haven't gone out. I lie down in the mansion every day. It's really lying down!" Li Jing complained to Li Shimin.

"Are you so lazy?" Li Shimin also felt that something was wrong. If this kid gets lazy, it will be difficult to ask him to do something in the future.

"Isn't it? Your Majesty, you shouldn't let him rest for such a long time. Now, he basically doesn't go out!" Li Jing nodded and said.

"Come on, go and call Xia Guogong over, and tell him that I have something to do with him!" Li Shimin said to the eunuch beside him, and the eunuch went out immediately.

And Wei Hao is lying at home reading a book. In winter, lying in the conservatory and reading a book is a treat!
After receiving the notification from the eunuch, Wei Hao was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter, what happened?"

"Xia Guogong, nothing happened, but the emperor said that you haven't been to the palace for a month, and the emperor misses you!" The eunuch said with a smile.

"Why do you miss me? It's cold and you have to wear so many clothes to go out. Is your father okay now?" Wei Hao then complained, but the eunuch ignored it.

Soon, Wei Hao changed into clothes. He was wearing light clothes at home, but when he went out, he had to wrap them in several layers, which was very uncomfortable.

After arriving at Chengtian Palace, Wei Hao went straight to the fifth floor and saw Li Shimin and Li Jing playing chess there.

"So free?" Wei Hao moved a chair and sat on the side watching.

"You still have the nerve to say that you hide at home every day and don't come to the palace. How lazy you are, you don't have to think about the matter of fighting Tubo. After defeating Tubo, what direction should our army of Tang Dynasty fight next? , Is it the Jieri Dynasty or the Persian Empire, don't you think about it?" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"I think about it?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin in surprise and asked.

"Who will consider if you don't consider it? I will consider it? Or let the Ministry of War consider it? The Ministry of War can fight the war. After the war, don't think about it?" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao dissatisfied.

"That's the affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, not mine. Father, are you mistaken? I'm the governor of Luoyang. I don't have any other positions!" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Shimin with his eyes wide open.

"Look, look, what did I say, I'm lazy, and I don't want to do anything now!" Li Shimin pointed to Wei Hao and said to Li Jing.

Li Jing also smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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