Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 651 Don't Say It

Chapter 651 Don't Say It

Chapter 647

Li Lizhi was very angry, because others obviously came to frame Wei Hao, but Wei Hao sat here and did not move. Wei Hao was not such a person before. If he dared to bully him, he would beat him to death. The cells are very familiar, and every time there is a fight, they have to go to the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

"Now you don't even know anyone, how do you fight?" Wei Hao looked at Li Lizhi with a smile and said.

"Then there is always a target, right? You should know who your enemy is!" Li Lizhi stared at Wei Hao and said.

"Yeah, I guess it's the construction of the city wall that caused other people to be angry. If they want to blame you, they can't blame you, sir. It's the emperor who wants to take back the land!" Li Siyuan sat down and looked at Wei Hao to persuade him. up.

"It doesn't matter who they love, just wait, it will surface slowly, just wait!" Wei Hao looked at them with a smile and said, in fact, he was not in a hurry anymore, everything had already happened, so it would definitely happen have a result,

It is impossible for me to be ruined because of this rumor, and I still have to find out after all.

Li Shimin, who was in the palace, also knew the rumors outside at this moment.

"Has their plan started yet?" Li Shimin sat there, looking at Eunuch Chen and asked.

"Yes, after Lu Dongzan came out from Changsun Wuji's mansion, Changsun Wuji began to write letters to those people in the south. These rumors came from the south. If they didn't know in advance, there is no way to find out!" Chen said The father-in-law looked at Li Shimin and nodded.

"He's so courageous, he's becoming more and more presumptuous. I really gave him too many opportunities. Is he squandering like this? He's also in collusion with Lu Dongzan, what on earth is he thinking?" Li Shimin was very helpless. He said that he was okay with Changsun Wuji. He made mistakes a few times, but he did not punish him for the sake of his previous achievements.
He took the lead in taking back the land this time, and he didn't punish him too harshly. Unexpectedly, he would intensify and continue to do things. This made Li Shimin helpless!

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Eunuch Chen looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"Just wait, I want to see how many people he can gather, it's best for me to clean up together!" Li Shimin said with a smile while sitting there.

"Yes!" Eunuch Chen nodded, knowing that Li Shimin must have a plan. He kept Lu Dongzan at the beginning to prepare for the fight against Tubo. up.

Soon, Eunuch Chen went out,

And Li Shimin was sitting in Chengtian Palace, thinking about this matter, after about an hour, Li Shimin stood up, went to the window, looked at the scenery outside, sneered,
In the next few days, there were more and more rumors. Anyway, there were all kinds of rumors. Some people even said that Wei Hao wanted to support Li Lizhi to become the queen. The rumors kept coming.

But there was no movement at the court. Many ministers were waiting for Li Shimin to speak, but there was no news from Li Shimin's side. Many ministers suspected that Li Shimin didn't know about this matter, so some ministers wrote a letter , Write this matter in the memorial, hoping to let Li Shimin notice, but Li Shimin just didn't express his opinion.

"Here, what does the emperor mean? Have you ignored such rumors?" Changsun Wuji also pretended to be very anxious at the moment, looking at the other people and asked.

"I don't know the news yet, the emperor must be looking into it!" Li Jing looked at Changsun Wuji and said, these rumors about Wei Hao,

Li Jing is very worried. People who don't know about those rumors will really believe them. And now, no one has come forward to justify Wei Hao's name. Not to stand up now, this surprised Li Jing, but also a little sad,

In addition, no one from the crown prince's side, the king of Wei and the king of Wu stood up. Li Jing felt that it was a bit abnormal, so,
After coming down to court, Li Jing found a reason to leave early, and went straight to Wei Hao's mansion. As soon as he arrived at Wei Hao's mansion, he went straight to the study.

"Come on, father-in-law, don't you need to be on duty when you come here at this time?" Wei Hao immediately made tea for Li Jing.

"You, you still want to drink tea, these rumors can kill you!" Li Jing looked at Wei Hao anxiously and said.

"Father-in-law, it's useless for me to worry about my life. It's not up to my father. Besides, I didn't do anything, so rumors can kill me. Datang can't do that." Is it bad?" Wei Hao looked at Li Jing with a smile and said.

"Hey, I don't know where this rumor came from. How could it be so fast? The emperor has no explanation. Now everyone is guessing what the emperor means!" Sitting there, Li Jing said with a sigh.

"What's there to guess, those ministers just want to impeach me and bring me down, it's okay, I don't want to be an official yet, even if it's the governor of Luoyang, it doesn't matter if I don't, why bother so tired?" Wei Wei Hao looked at Li Jing with a smile and said.

"That's not what you said, Shenyong, you still have to think carefully, if you can't do it, go to the palace and explain it to the emperor!" Li Jing persuaded Wei Hao.

"If you don't go, what's the point of going? If the father believes in me, then this matter will not cause any disturbance. If you don't believe me, what's the use of me going, let him go!" Wei Hao waved his hands and said, he didn't want to go,

Since someone wants to attack me, I definitely can't go there. It all depends on what they mean. Now I just don't know who the opponent is. If I know who it is, it will be fun.

But Wei Hao thought in his heart, either Lu Dongzan, or Changsun Wuji, and finally the family, but the relationship between himself and the family has eased a lot now, and it is unlikely that they will deal with him, so It was Lu Dongzan and Changsun Wuji, and even said that it might not be that they joined forces, anyway, I'd better wait for this matter first.

"Hey, why don't I ask His Majesty what you mean?" Li Jing sat there and asked Wei Hao.

"No, why ask?" Wei Hao waved his hand and said, he didn't want Li Jing to go, he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Li Shimin to deal with him, if he dealt with him at this time, it would be too much loss for Datang, and Li Shimin couldn't do it either Because rumors rule the country,

If this is the case, how will those ministers who are not in danger in the future govern the world?It's just that these rumors are really heart-breaking. To actually say that you want their brothers to kill each other, isn't this forcing you to stand in line?But how do you stand in line?

Besides, Li Shimin would not agree if he stood in the team himself, as this would interfere with his entire plan of cultivating successors.Li Jing sat in Wei Hao's mansion for a while, then went back, and at the East Palace, Li Chengqian also knew the rumor and was very annoyed.

"Who is so vicious and spread such rumors?" Li Chengqian was also very angry after seeing the rumor memorial.

"Your Highness, these rumors came from the south, and now the whole country may know that Wei Hao is Sima Zhao of our dynasty!" Gao Xingxing also looked at Li Chengqian and said.

"How is it possible? Go to Gucha, who is it? Go to the source!" Li Shimin said to Gao Xing.

"Yes, Your Highness, it's just that I'm afraid it's not easy to check!" Gao Xingzheng said in a difficult way,
How can we investigate this? The opponent is very smart. In the beginning, it did not spread from the capital side, but from the south side, so there is no way to track it down.

On Li Shimin's side, a minister also reported this matter. Li Shimin didn't even look at it, so he knew it was Zhangsun Wuji and the others. ,
The land was taken back last time, and some of it was washed away, but it was not enough. It needs to be cleaned. Now those nobles are too rich. If Datang is controlled by them in the future, then Datang will be in trouble. Gui, actually still has two hearts, then I can't tolerate it!

"Your Majesty, do you know about the rumors about Shen Yong outside, Your Majesty?" Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"You already know, how can I not know?" Li Shimin said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's just that these people have vicious intentions, and they want to abolish Shen Yong. In this matter, your Majesty, you still have to make the decision for Shen Yong! Find out who is behind it, and you must be severely punished!" Empress Changsun said to Li Shimin said,
Li Shimin nodded, thinking in his heart that if it wasn't for you, he would have dealt with him a long time ago. He is greedy and narrow-minded. He has been warned many times, but he still refuses to mend his ways. This makes Li Shimin very annoyed, but still needs to wait is.

The next day, Wei Hao took his servants and went to Wei Hao's side to start ice fishing. He continued to build a tent and sat in the tent to warm up and fish. It was very comfortable. When Li Shimin learned that Wei Hao went to Wei Hao for fishing, Also very annoying.

"This bastard doesn't call me when he goes fishing? Just go by himself. By the way, do you know how to fish in winter? Do fish also open their mouths in winter?" Li Shimin looked at Wang De and asked.

"Your Majesty, I don't know the little one, I haven't fished much, but Xia Guogong does have a way of fishing, maybe there is a way!" Wang De replied immediately.

"No, what, you go to Shenyong's mansion tomorrow morning and tell him to bring his fishing tools to the palace. I want to fish with him in the lake. My hands are itchy now!" Li Shimin He explained to Wang De.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the younger one will go to inform you tonight!" Wang De immediately nodded and said,
In the evening, when Wei Hao came back from fishing, he was notified.Li Lizhi was very happy to hear the news, and immediately went to Wei Hao's study.

"My lord, you go to bed early at night, you are going to go fishing with your father tomorrow in the palace!" Li Lizhi went to Wei Hao and said to Wei Hao, originally she wanted to find Li Shimin, but her husband was said to be like this , then I must be unconvinced, but Wei Hao refused.

"Your father just wanted to learn my skills secretly. Look at the fishing gear your father made. All of them are the best. He actually asked the Ministry of Industry to make them for him. You said it's not too much? Those fishing rods, fish The thread and the float are all made by the Ministry of Industry. They are very good. I want to find some points from him, but he won’t give me any.

And those hooks, whoops, big and small!This time I went to the palace, but I came back in time, no, those things of your father are great! "Wei Hao sat there and said enviously.

"You don't know how to find someone to do it? It's not that our family has no money, how much can we spend?" Li Lizhi also looked at Wei Hao with a smile and said.

"Is that a matter of money? It's a matter of not having such good craftsmen. Good craftsmen are all in the Ministry of Industry!" Wei Hao looked at Li Lizhi helplessly and said.

"You are so familiar with the Ministry of Industry, why don't you find someone?" Li Lizhi said with a smile.

"Am I embarrassed?" Wei Hao was still helpless.

"Give me money, a lot of money!" Li Lizhi reminded Wei Hao again.

"Yes, I can give you money!" Wei Hao thought of this at this moment.

"However, if you go fishing with your father this time, you will probably talk about it. Then you have to talk to your father carefully!" Li Lizhi reminded Wei Hao.

"What are you talking about? What's there to say? It's okay, you don't understand!" Wei Hao said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Why don't I understand? There's a lot of buzz outside!" Li Lizhi said anxiously when Wei Hao said this.

"Hey, if you say you don't understand, you don't understand. It's okay, just don't worry!" Wei Hao said helplessly to Li Lizhi.

"If you don't say it, I'll tell it. You can't let those rumors go on forever, can you?" Li Lizhi said unconvinced.

"It's okay, Youyou people, you still want to stop them, it's okay, let those rumors spread? There's no way I'm going to tell my father about this!" Wei Hao still shook his head and said, no Say.

"You, you, I'm so mad, do you want them to ruin your reputation like this?" Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao angrily and said.

"What kind of reputation, I, Wei Hao, is an idiot. By chance, I met you, married a princess, made a fortune, and became a noble. What else can I ask for? It's fine. Well, I lie flat like this every day, don’t care about anything, if I want to go fishing, I’ll go fishing, and when the kids grow up, I’ll teach them how to do it, that’s great, why bother!” Wei Hao persuaded with a smile.

"Aren't I worried that they won't give you such a good life?" Li Lizhi still looked at Wei Hao worriedly.

"No, I'm still clear on this point, just don't worry!" Wei Hao said with a smile, Wei Hao still understands Li Shimin, he will not do this, and there is no reason to do it. His son-in-law, besides, has helped Datang so much, if he really has the desire for power, he can see it, but he really doesn't have it.

"Hey!" Li Lizhi also sat there and sighed. Originally, she also hoped that Wei Hao could take a break. In the past few years, she was really busy, but those people never let Wei Hao stop.

(End of this chapter)

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