Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 652 Exchange of opinions

Chapter 652 Exchange of opinions
Chapter 648

In the early morning of the next day, Wei Hao happily went to Chengtian Palace. There was a grand meeting today, and Wei Hao didn't go. Anyway, he didn't care about things. He was a governor. Wei Hao just didn't participate in those things.

"Duke Xia, are you here? The emperor will be in court now!" Wang De saw Wei Hao approaching, and immediately greeted him with a smile and said.

"I know, I'm not going, well, where are the fishing things of the father?" Wei Hao looked at Wang De with a smile and said.

"Ah, Xia Guogong, you're planning on using the emperor's fishing tackle again. I dare not tell you that!" Wang De immediately said with a smile and waved his hands.

"What are you afraid of? I know. It's on the fifth floor. I'll look for it. Let's go!" Wei Hao said to Wang De.

"No, Duke Xia, the emperor will be angry if you do this!" Wang De stopped Wei Hao with a smile and said.

"It doesn't matter, there are so many of them. If I want some, I have hooks and floats. I don't want anything else!" Wei Hao said with a smile and waved his hands.

Soon, Wei Hao went up to the fifth floor, and then arrived at the place where Li Shimin put his fishing gear. Envious, he asked the craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry to make it for him. Not a class at all.

"Hey, it's all good stuff, it's all good stuff!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said enviously.

"The emperor said, you can't take it away, he said, those are his treasures!" Wang De stood behind and reminded Wei Hao.

"I know, I know, I'll just take a look!" Wei Hao said while holding those fishing rods, Li Shimin is really a good thing, those fishing rods were sent from the south, they are very strong, he is not good find it.

Wei Hao looked at it for a while, then went to look at the hooks, those hooks were very delicate, Wei Hao took a few and wrapped them in paper.

"Hey, Xia Guogong, you can't take it, the emperor will be angry!" Wang De immediately persuaded him when he saw it.

"It's okay, are you still angry with him for a few hooks?" Wei Hao said disdainfully, and continued to pick there. At this time, Li Shimin also went down to the court. An eunuch told Li Shimin that Wei Hao had come and went to the fifth floor .

"Fifth floor? Oh, my baby!" Li Shimin immediately ran to the fifth floor as soon as he heard it. When he reached the fifth floor, he found Wei Hao touching his float there.

"Let it go, let it go, Shen Yong, you can say anything, let go of those things!" Li Shimin shouted at Wei Hao.

"Is it necessary to be so stingy? It's not like you don't!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin with contempt and said.

"That's not okay, they are all good things. I tell you, you can do whatever you want, and I can give you the land you want. Don't even think about it!" Li Shimin immediately snatched the float from Wei Hao's hand, and stared at Wei Hao. Hao said.

"Your Majesty, he even took a few hooks!" Wang De said with a smile behind him.

"Shen Yong, you, when did you steal something?" Li Shimin immediately stared at Wei Hao and asked.

"Father, you are too ruthless. I'll just take two of your hooks, and you'll just say steal!" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Shimin with a depressed expression.

"It's easy to say anything, but these things can't be moved. I tell you, even if you want to take a few concubines now, I have no objection, but this, no one!" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao and said.

"Then I won't teach you ice fishing!" Wei Hao said immediately.

"Ah? You, whoops, these are all my treasures!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao anxiously and said.

"Give me this float. I don't want the others. I'll buy them. After I'm done, I'll find craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry to make them. I'll give them a good price!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin.

"Teach me ice fishing, today!" Li Shimin said, staring at Wei Hao.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded.

"Deal, hurry up, what do you need to bring, tell me, let's go now!" Li Shimin said excitedly to Wei Hao, he didn't go fishing during this period, it was very uncomfortable,

Now Wei Hao knows how to ice fish, of course he wants to try it.
Soon, the two of them packed up their things and headed to the lake in the palace. Wei Hao began to drill holes, made two holes, and then put the nest materials inside, and then started to install the tent. Li Shimin saw that the tent was good, simple, It can also be disassembled.

"Shen Yong, this tent is not bad!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"20 hooks, 2 floats, and [-] fishing rods!" Wei Hao immediately asked for a price.

"No, I can get it myself!" Li Shimin immediately waved his hands and said, he is not stupid, if he can't get a tent like this, can't he get a big one?

Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin depressedly, Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao proudly, he was not fooled, soon the tent was set up, the stove was installed, and the stove started to burn, the temperature inside the tent immediately rose, and then Wei Hao taught Li Shimin to start ice fishing. Not to mention, there are still many fish in the lake. Wei Hao and Li Shimin were very happy to catch one in a while.

"Shen Yong, you know the rumors outside, right?" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao while sitting there fishing.

"I know!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"If you know it, you don't come to talk to Father, just hide at home?" Li Shimin continued to look at Fu Piao and asked.

"What's there to say, I wish my father would take down all my positions, so that I can relax!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"You have a good idea, and I will take them all for you. The emperor told you that it was your uncle who was playing tricks. He thought I didn't know that he colluded with Lu Dongzan and deliberately spread rumors to you. Whoever spread the news first Yes, Father knows, but Father cannot move yet!" Sitting there, Li Shimin said proudly.

"Huh? Father, what is he doing?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin incomprehensibly and asked.

"Why? I want to get rid of you, and Lu Dongzan also wants to get rid of you. He knows that with you, Datang will be strong, so he is afraid, and he also hopes that if the emperor at this time Dealing with you is good news for Tubo, you want to fight against Tubo, while other civil servants are against it, do you still understand the matter?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Oh!" Wei Hao nodded, as if he understood.

"So, my father has to wait until the spring begins. Now my father will not do anything, let those ministers impeach you, and you, leave them alone, just do what you should do, come to the palace when you are free Come fishing with father, don't go to the Weihe River, father is worried that Lu Dongzan will harm you, so don't go out of the city if you have nothing to do, if you want to fish, come here, anyway, where is it not for fun?" Li Shimin faced Wei Hao persuaded him.

"Okay, then I won't be polite. I come here every day?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and said.

"Well, when the time comes, when your mother finds out that you are fishing here, she will probably bring you meals every day. Your mother likes you!" Li Shimin said with a smile. If you come to the palace to fish, then someone will take care of the food, and it's still hot.

"Hey, that's okay, I'm not polite, starting tomorrow, come every day, it's a bit far to go to the Weihe River!" Wei Hao said happily!

"Okay, that's it. I'll come here to fish every day. Anyway, when I'm done with work, my father will come over!" Li Shimin said with a smile. The two of them sat there fishing, occasionally talking about court affairs, They exchanged opinions, and soon, those ministers also knew that Wei Hao and Li Shimin had gone fishing, and the two were fishing on the ice.

"Here, you can also fish on the ice. Isn't this fooling the emperor?" Cheng Yaojin was also very surprised when he heard the news.

Cheng Yaojin liked fishing on the river before, and Cheng Yaojin was also addicted to it. After the river froze, Cheng Yaojin stopped going and couldn’t fish anymore. Now I heard that Wei Hao and Li Shimin were fishing on the ice. My first reaction was to not believe it, how could such a thing happen?

After Li Jing heard the news, he was relieved. As long as Wei Hao and Li Shimin met, everything would be fine. Li Jing also knew that no one knew about Li Shimin's thoughts, and only Wei Hao knew about the land expropriation last time. , as far as Wei Hao knows best,

As for this rumor, Li Jing was very worried at first, but now he is relieved.

"Your Highness, this is the memorial sent by Zhong Zhongshu Province today, and I want you to review it!" Gao Xing said to Li Chengqian.

"Well, good, hey, the memorials that the father reads are getting less and less, and they are all sent to Gu, really!" Li Chengqian also smiled wryly, and now Li Shimin is getting more and more lazy.

"Your Highness, I heard that the Emperor and Duke Xia are fishing on the lake!" Gao Xing said with a smile while looking at Li Chengqian.

"Fishing, now?" Li Chengqian asked in surprise.

"Yes, it seems that I have caught a lot. Just now someone saw the eunuch carrying a basket of fish to the imperial dining room. I heard that they were all caught." Gao Xingxing nodded and said.

"Okay, Gu knows, I'll go and have a look after reading those memorials!" Li Chengqian nodded with a smile, as long as Wei Hao goes to Li Shimin's side, it means everything is fine.

And at Changsun Wuji's mansion, Changsun Wuji also heard the news, he couldn't figure it out, such a big rumor, everyone thought that Wei Hao might be investigated, why did he accompany Li Shimin to go fishing, Li Shimin Don't you doubt him?
But Changsun Wuji hoped that this is just a superficial phenomenon, and Li Shimin still cares about it, but Changsun Wuji also knows Li Shimin, if Li Shimin really meets Wei Hao, then he really believes in Wei Hao, Li Shimin will not comfort people , or just don't see it, if you see it, it means you're fine.

"Well, what are those censors doing? Why haven't the impeachment memorials been posted yet?" Changsun Wuji thought very angrily that he had originally expected those censors to impeach Wei Hao based on these rumors, but those censors didn't move. Some civil servants wrote memorials, but they have not been approved. This made Changsun Wuji very puzzled. How could such a situation happen?

At noon, Empress Changsun came over with many maids and brought food.

"Mother, how did you come here? It's cold, so you don't come out. What if you catch cold? Also, the ice is slippery. What if you fall?" Wei Hao immediately put down his fishing rod and said .

"It's okay, look at how much the empress wears, and the masks and scarves you asked Lizhi to send over. The empress is tightly wrapped, and the air inhaled is warm. You ask your father, this paragraph Mother of Time also goes out often, it's okay!" Empress Changsun said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Quickly, come in and sit down. There are stools here. My father and I are fishing here, but we have caught a lot!" Wei Hao said with a smile as he helped his eldest grandson to sit down.

"I know, the imperial dining room is full of fish, and those servants have improved their lives!" Empress Changsun said with a smile.

"Don't talk about it, this kid is really good at fishing, he can think about it, and he can fish like this!" Li Shimin said with a smile.

"Then you are happy, you can come every day from now on!" Empress Changsun said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"That is, I asked Shenyong to accompany me to fish. Anyway, Gao Ming will handle the matter, and I don't have so many things to do. Come to Shenyong, have dinner, and let's drink some wine!" Li Shimin greeted Wei Hao and said, those The servants have already prepared the meals.

"Mother, have you eaten yet?" Wei Hao nodded and asked.

"Have eaten, hurry up and eat, the queen mother will show you the fishing rod!" Empress Changsun said with a smile.

"Okay!" Wei Hao and Li Shimin went to eat. There were many dishes, all of which were favorites of Wei Hao and Li Shimin.

"Father, mother, I will come here every day from now on, and I will have hot meals here, hehe!" Wei Hao raised his wine glass, touched Li Shimin, and the two of them drank.

"Well, eat vegetables, don't worry about those things, they will be cleaned up when the time comes, you, what should you do, just come to the palace to accompany the father to fish every day, those things, let those people fight, anyway Is your father okay now, it's good to tidy up your books!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, my son knows!" Wei Hao said with a smile,

Half an hour after the meal, Empress Changsun caught several big fish, and she was very happy, but he had to go back to the Lizheng Palace. After all, there are still a few children over there, and they need Empress Changsun to teach them is,
After Empress Changsun left, Li Shimin asked Wei Hao, "When is the right time to fight Tubo?"

"Let's start spring, but this time is really a good excuse, it depends on how long it can last!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry, it doesn't matter if I delay him for a few months. When the time comes, I will take down Tubo and Tuyuhun in one fell swoop, and then I will have no opponent in Tang Dynasty!" Li Shimin said with a smile, happy in his heart,

As for those ministers and those nobles, Li Shimin just wanted to continue to clean up, paving the way for Li Chengqian or the next prince,

It wasn't until it was almost dark that Wei Hao came back from the palace and brought back a basket of fish, which Wei Hao also handed over to the people below to deal with.

"Have you eaten yet?" Li Lizhi asked when Wei Hao came back.

"I ate it, I ate it in the palace!" Wei Hao said with a smile, Li Lizhi was also very happy when he heard it, knowing that there was nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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