Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 653 The long-lost cell

Chapter 653 The long-lost cell

Chapter 649

After Wei Hao came back from the palace, he returned to his study, and Li Lizhi and the others were also very happy, knowing that as long as Wei Hao saw the emperor, he would talk about everything, so there was no need to worry. Wei Hao looked at Luoyang in the study The situation over there, deal with official documents, and then returned to Li Siyuan's room,
The next morning, Wei Hao went to the palace with his things, instead of going to Chengtian Palace, but went directly to the lake for fishing. As soon as he arrived at the lake, Wei Hao found that there were guards there.

"The emperor is here?" Wei Hao looked at the guards in surprise.

"Yes, I woke up in the morning and came here after breakfast. I have already caught a lot!" A guard said to Wei Hao with a smile. Wei Hao was very surprised. Li Shimin's fishing addiction is very big.

Soon, Wei Hao arrived in the tent.

"Haha, look, how much I caught, it's better to eat in the morning!" Li Shimin proudly displayed his fish basket, which was full of fish.

"Father, you have suffered so much to come so early!" Wei Hao said with a thumbs up to Li Shimin.

"That's right, Shenyong, you can't do it now. If you want to learn from me, you have to fish well. Now I've left all the court affairs to Gao Ming. Now those ministers can't find me, so I won't Take care of him!" Li Shimin said proudly,
Wei Hao said with a smile: "His Royal Highness will be angry at that time!"

"The world will belong to him sooner or later. He doesn't care who cares about it, but Shen Yong, my father really admires you. Your idea is good, you can make money, you can play, how wonderful! Why bother to worry about so many things!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"That's right!" Wei Hao nodded.

"By the way, father, how about we two do business?" Wei Hao thought of this and looked at Li Shimin.

"What kind of business?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao incomprehensibly.

"Selling fishhooks. Selling fishing rods and floats!" Wei Hao stared at him and said.

"Don't sell it, don't even think about it, these good things belong to me, you don't let them go fishing, this delays things, fishing is just the two of us, let those rich people make money, let those civil servants Generals go to work, let's play!" Li Shimin immediately shook his head and said, now he knows that fishing is very addictive.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" At this moment, Cheng Yaojin's voice came from outside.

"How did Lao Cheng find this place?" Li Shimin asked suspiciously when he heard this, Wei Hao shook his head.

"What are you doing here?" Li Shimin responded.

"Hey, Your Majesty. I'm here!" Cheng Yaojin ran towards this side as he said that, and soon opened the tent.

"Oh, it's comfortable!" Cheng Yaojin said as soon as he got inside and found that it was very warm inside.At this moment, Wei Hao found out that Cheng Yaojin also came with a fishing rod and all the equipment.

"You, why are you here?" Li Shimin looked at the things in Cheng Yaojin's hands, and immediately asked.

"Your Majesty, it's really ice fishing, ouch, I still don't believe it, it's done now, I have a place to play!" Cheng Yaojin was very happy, and then found that he didn't have anything to punch holes.

"Hey!" Wei Hao had no choice but to stand up and punch Cheng Yaojin to get the ice out.

Then Cheng Yaojin’s fishing rod was no good, not that short, so he borrowed Li Shimin’s. Li Shimin didn’t want to borrow it very much, but Cheng Yaojin took a fancy to it, and dared to snatch it if he didn’t borrow it. He also told him not to break it, it was a good thing, and then the three of them sat there drinking tea and fishing, bragging.

"I said Shen Yong, did you find out those rumors, and if you found out, you killed them. Really, why does Datang have everyone? Let's live a good life, but I have to court death!" Cheng Yaojin thought at this moment About Wei Hao, I immediately asked.

"There's no need to check, don't worry!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Why don't you be in a hurry, your father-in-law is in a hurry, by the way, the emperor, he is also his father-in-law, are you in a hurry?" Cheng Yaojin thought of this, looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"Worry, but it's okay, what are you afraid of? Rumors are rumors after all, and they can hurt even a single hair of Shenyong. Let him spread the word, and I will take care of it together!" Li Shimin said to Cheng Yaojin.

"That's fine!" Cheng Yaojin heard it and nodded,

At noon, food was also brought from the harem, all of which were delicious. Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, fishing in the palace would have such benefits.
In the next period of time, Wei Hao and Cheng Yaojin, followed by Yuchi Jingde, the four of them went fishing every day, and the outside world had already fallen out. Many ministers began to impeach Wei Hao, saying that Wei Hao was a wolf with ambition, saying Wei Hao is Sima Zhao, Li Chengqian sent back these memorials at first,

But I didn't expect that those ministers were persistent, they just sent it to the top, and they also said that Li Shimin would deal with it. There was no way, so Li Chengqian sent it to Chengtian Palace. Li Shimin would read those memorials at night, and after reading them, he would register.

I just want to know how many unreasonable ministers there are, such ministers, no matter what, it lasted for half a month, those ministers saw Wei Hao and they still went fishing, the fire was so big, so they started to make trouble on the lake , Ask the emperor to give them an explanation.

"Your Majesty, those ministers are waiting for you, Your Majesty, on the bank! They want you to go and give them an explanation!" Wang De came over, looked at Li Shimin and said.

"Explanation! Ha!" Li Shimin smiled when he heard it, and then asked, "Is Changsun Wuji here?"

"Go back to the emperor, he's not here!" Wang De immediately answered with cupped hands.

"I will hide. I think it is safe to hide behind. Tell those ministers to come to Chengtian Palace tomorrow, and I will give them an explanation!" Li Shimin sat there and said with a sneer.

"Yes!" Wang De went out as soon as he heard it.

"Father!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and said.

"Do you still remember beating people?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked!

"Yeah!" Wei Hao nodded immediately.

"Beat them tomorrow, and then go to the prison of the Criminal Ministry. There is a pond behind the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Go fishing there!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"Ah, am I alone?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin in surprise and asked.

"You asked Father to accompany you to jail?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"I'll go, I'll go, change the place, it may be easier to catch. There are no fish here, we have caught too much during this time!" Cheng Yaojin immediately raised his hand and said.

"Okay, go ahead, you can go in and out anyway!" Li Shimin nodded and said.

"Father, I'm not polite. I've been holding back for a long time. They bullied me like this. If I didn't see that I am the Duke of the country or your son-in-law, Father, I would have done it long ago!" Wei Hao Looking at Li Shimin asked.

"Do it, don't worry, just deal with them, there is nothing to say, it doesn't make sense!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"That's fine, just watch!" Wei Hao nodded, he hadn't fought for several years, did they forget that he was a fool.

In the early morning of the next day, Wei Hao didn't go with those things, but went straight to Chengtian Palace, and all the ministers stood here, waiting for Li Shimin to come.

"Duke Xia is here!"

"Duke Xia, you are ambitious!"

"Wei Hao, if you do this, you won't be afraid of Ling Chi's execution?" Some old pedants saw Wei Hao approaching, and pointing their noses at Wei Hao and scolding them because of the large number of people.

"Hey, you still dare to scold me!" Wei Hao punched the man directly as he said that, and the minister immediately had a nosebleed.

"Wei Hao, you still dare to hit someone!"

"What's wrong with beating you guys, come on, come on together, don't you want to kill me? Come on, let me see how you guys kill me, I'm right here!" Wei Hao shouted at them.

"Wei Hao, don't bully people too much!"

"I just bullied you and even impeached me. What are you guys doing? Besides impeachment, what else would you do?" Wei Hao punched him as he spoke.

"Come on, let's go together!" I don't know who shouted, and all the ministers rushed over,
Wei Hao just waved his fists, and the ministers who beat them all howled,
Of course, they are also experiencing, as long as they are beaten, they lie on the ground, so that Wei Hao will not beat him. After a while, in the hall of Chengtian Palace.

There were seventy or eighty ministers lying there, all howling. Wei Hao just played a ruthless hand, and this time he will not be polite to them, and Wei Hao also knows that Li Shimin is going to deal with some ministers. , It's also okay to vent your anger yourself.

"Presumptuous, who told you to fight, you are still fighting in Chengtian Palace, you are against you, come here, I will arrest them all and send them to the prison of the Criminal Ministry!" Li Shimin came down from the upstairs at this moment, and after seeing this scene , shouted angrily, those ministers were all kneeling on the ground, while Wei Hao was standing. At this time, the guards outside were much simpler.

"Arrest them all and send them to the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It's shameless. They don't look like ministers. They all go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to face the wall!" Li Shimin still shouted angrily.

The Praetorians started arresting people.

"I know to go!" Wei Hao said and walked in front, not even the Imperial Guard followed. Wei Hao was originally the captain of the Imperial Guard, and they were all his own people. Besides, it was not wrong for Wei Hao to beat someone. It's not surprising that the first time, and those ministers were also arrested and went to the prison of the Ministry of Justice, they were not convinced,
Some people who fought with Wei Hao and went to the prison of the Ministry of Justice before, they tried to get people to go to their office to fetch books and tea. After all, it is very boring to be imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. No one can be free like Wei Hao. Activities, but also play mahjong.

Soon, Wei Hao and the others arrived at the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The cell bosses inside were surprised when they saw that it was Wei Hao.

"Oh, Xia Guogong, you, you are here, brothers miss you so much!" All the prison guards gathered around and said happily, they hadn't seen Wei Hao for a long time,
Wei Hao helped them a lot, their family members, as long as anyone wants to enter the workshop, just tell Wei Hao, and even said, don't tell Wei Hao, just talk to Wei Hao's housekeeper. , it will be arranged right away, and now the jailers' homes are all doing well, but Wei Hao hasn't been in the cell for several years, and they miss Wei Hao too.

"Hey, I said you can't expect me to order?" Wei Hao looked at the jailers helplessly and said.

"How can I, I hope you are well, but the brothers miss you, go, hurry up, clean up the room for the Duke of the country, and besides, the Duke of the country, why don't you go to your house, you say, Let's go run errands!" An old jailer looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Well, quilts and the like are all useless, right? Well, go back and talk to my wife, just say, I'm going to jail, you ask me to bring you a change of clothes, quilts, tea, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, Go!" Wei Hao said to the old jailer.

"Okay, I'll call someone to go!" The old jailer immediately went to make arrangements, and the other guards surrounded Wei Hao to go in.

And those civil servants, no one cares about them, but now they are outside, it's very cold!

"No, there are still people here!" A captain of the Imperial Guard shouted.

"Wait a minute, let's make arrangements for the Duke of the country first!" An old jailer said, and then they accompanied Wei Hao to the cell. The cell was very clean, and they would clean it. No, it’s definitely not going to work. Those jailers came over, some brought water to clean the table again, and some started to burn the stove!

"Grandpa, let them work, two?" A jailer looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Okay, here are two!" Wei Hao walked over with a smile, and then a group of people started to play cards. After the jailers finished their work, they brought the officials in. There were a dozen people in each cell.

"No, him, why is he playing mahjong outside?" A civil official who was just transferred from the local government was very surprised to see Wei Hao playing mahjong outside. This is a prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Oh, don't worry about this. In the Ministry of Criminal Justice, it's Wei Hao's world. Playing mahjong is nothing. Just now you saw the sun room outside. Wei Hao can go out to bask in the sun at any time!" Those who have fought and been jailed said with a sigh.

"No, how can you not impeach me?" the official asked in confusion.

"Impeachment, let me tell you, if you are impeached, no one will care about you starving to death. The jailers here all listen to Wei Hao!" People are also sent meals!
"Duke Xia, we want to order food!" An official shouted loudly.

"I won't sell it anymore, I won't sell it today, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Wei Hao said angrily, just after the fight, it's okay to order the food?

"No, then boil some water, let's make some tea!" The official continued to ask.

"No time, you'll ask those jailers to boil water for you later, I want to finish eating quickly, and I'm going to play mahjong!" Wei Hao waved his hand and said, who has time to boil water for them.

(End of this chapter)

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