Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 654 The proud eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 654 The proud eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 650

Wei Hao was sitting in the cell, eating deliciously. Those ministers were envious. They didn't order food today, because it was not up to the cell bosses to decide whether to order food, but Wei Hao's.

The ministers have no choice but to eat the food in the prison, which is hard and unpalatable. Those officials have eaten this kind of food there, but it’s not enough if they don’t eat it. If they don’t eat it, they will be hungry.
But what they want now is hot water. It's cold here, and they don't wear many clothes. They go to the court to make a carriage, and when they go to the office, they use a heater.

"Duke Xia, get some hot water, it's freezing!" A minister couldn't bear the cold, saw Wei Hao looking at the official document, and immediately called Wei Hao.

"Crowd together, I want to teach you, don't you know it's cold in the cell? By the way, add some firewood!" Wei Hao asked a jailer to add firewood to his own stove, you are not angry , Those ministers have no choice but to know that Wei Hao is the boss here.

"Duke Xia, I'm dying of thirst, can I bring some hot water?" Another minister looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Hey, don't you bother, boil water for them, really, you can't even read official documents!" Wei Hao said helplessly, it was so noisy that he couldn't read anything.

"Xia Guogong, you, don't be too arrogant~" A minister was very unconvinced and wanted to call Wei Hao, but his mouth was covered by those ministers. Here, it is better not to offend Wei Hao. Otherwise it is really troublesome.

"What did he say? Crazy?" Wei Hao heard it and looked up.

"It's okay, it's okay, you heard wrong, you didn't say anything!"

"Yes, yes, no, you heard wrong!"

Those ministers ordered that no, if Wei Hao caught his eye, it would be really troublesome, but Wei Hao took a look at them, and continued to look at his official documents. After reading them for a while, he leaned there and fell asleep. It's afternoon nap, there's nothing to do anyway.
In the afternoon, Wei Hao's servants had already delivered the fishing items.

"Xia Guogong, you don't play mahjong, go fishing?" A jailer looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Well, isn't there a lake in the back? I'll go fishing and I'll give you extra meals then!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile.

"Can you fish in cold weather?" Those jailers looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked.

"Of course it is possible. Come on, help me carry the things!" Wei Hao said to the jailers. As soon as the jailers heard this, they immediately started to fetch things for Wei Hao, and the ministers looked at Wei Hao.

After Wei Hao left, some ministers who didn't understand looked at those familiar people.

"Is he in jail? Isn't he here to enjoy? He can still go fishing, so the emperor won't talk about him?"

"Tell him, what a joke, if Wei Hao doesn't go out, the emperor will be anxious!" A minister said with a wry smile.

"What, you can be anxious if you don't go out. If he beat us today, the emperor won't punish him?"

"Punish him, um, I don't know, I guess he's fine anyway, and we'll probably have to be imprisoned for a few days, and then we'll go out together, anyway he's fine!".
Then those ministers began to introduce Wei Hao's great achievements in prison, especially in the fifth year of Zhenguan, Wei Hao came in five or six times a year, and Li Shimin felt unaccustomed to not shutting Wei Hao for a few months.

"So powerful?" Those ministers who had just entered the capital knew Wei Hao's energy here at this moment.

"So, it's okay, sleep peacefully, eh, it's just a bit cold, Wei Hao's side is comfortable, if you can go to his cell to sleep, it will be comfortable, you see, everything is there!" A minister looked at Wei Hao enviously cell,
Now the outside of Wei Hao's cell is not a fence, but glass. The insulation effect is very good. Wei Hao specially hired someone to remodel it. There is no way, only he can sit in this cell, and others cannot enter.After Wei Hao arrived on the lake, he started fishing. The jailers were also curious, and they all came to watch Wei Hao fishing, and brought Wei Hao firewood to burn the stove.

"Hey, it's on, it's on, big crucian carp! You can still catch it!" Wei Hao caught a big crucian carp, and the guards were surprised, they really didn't know that fishing was still possible here.

"Put it in the bucket and take it to the cafeteria at night, let them cook fish!" Wei Hao said to them with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Xia Guogong, why don't you say that Xia Guogong is thinking about us all the time!" Those old jailers are very happy. Now their families have basically made arrangements, even their relatives, as long as they bring people In the past, those workshops would be arranged, and they all did good things. Anyway, the wages were very high.

Therefore, the conditions of their family are much better now, and if the children in the family are good at studying, they will find Wei Hao, and Wei Hao will send those children to school, so the jailers here are very grateful to Wei Hao,
Now that Wei Hao is in prison, they should take care of him. Anyway, Shang Shu is Wei Hao's uncle, and the emperor also knows that Wei Hao is here, and everyone is happy to do so.

At this moment, Jiangxia King Li Daozong also came over. He heard that Wei Hao was imprisoned here, so he came here with some snacks.After learning that Wei Hao went fishing, he also carried snacks to the lake.

"Shen Yong, Shen Yong!" Li Daozong opened the tent, saw Wei Hao fishing here, and immediately shouted with a smile. "Hey, Uncle Wang!" Wei Hao stood up immediately.

"Go on, yo, you can still make tea. Well, it's comfortable here. I just came to take a look. After I learned that you came to the cell, I brought some small gifts over!" Li Daozong said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey, come on, Uncle Wang, sit down!" Wei Hao said to Li Daozong with a smile, and at this moment another snakehead was caught.

"It's really good, I thought those people were bragging!" Li Daozong came over and said in surprise when he saw that the fish was really good.

"That's right, isn't the father also fishing at the palace?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"That's right, I want to learn too, but I can't. I'll go to His Majesty, but His Majesty won't give me those fishing rods and hooks. He said that if I do my job well, I can't learn to fish. Fishing will delay my work!" Li Daozong He complained to Wei Hao.

"Haha, that's really delaying things. You didn't see the emperor, so don't you read the memorial now? It's all for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to read!" Wei Hao said with a smile when he heard it.

"It doesn't matter, I want to learn. I came here today to ask you to learn this. Get me one too. When the time comes, you can make me some fishing rods and hooks. The old man is also boring. The affairs of the Ministry of Punishment are also a problem." There are not so many things, those servants can handle them, don't worry, they won't delay things, now Cheng Yaojin is proud every day, your father-in-law is angry, and I am really embarrassed to go to you!" Li Daozong looked at Wei Hao and said .

"Ah, you are really learning. When the time comes, the father will know, but he will scold me to death!" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Daozong in surprise.

"What are you scolding, he himself is like this, hurry up, get me one!" Li Daozong said to Wei Hao.

"Okay!" Wei Hao heard that he was bored anyway, so he might as well teach him. Soon, Li Daozong was sitting there fishing, and at night, he caught a lot, all of which were given to the jailers here. At night, They were eating in the tent, Wei Hao's servants brought the food, Wei Hao and him were eating in the tent,

After eating, he still fished for a while, and then he returned to the cell. The ministers just stared at Wei Hao.

"Xia Guogong, can we order food tomorrow? We are not used to it. Money is not a problem, we will give it to you!" A minister asked Wei Hao resentfully.

"I don't know, we'll talk about it tomorrow, don't make noise, I'm going to play mahjong right away!" Wei Hao said to the ministers.

"Hey, why, Xia Guogong, I need to order tomorrow. If I want to order, I can order any dish, as long as it comes from Juxian Building!" Another minister shouted at Wei Hao.

"Hey, I got it, we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Wei Hao made himself a cup of tea as he spoke, and went outside with the cup in hand.

"My lord, it's cold here, why don't you fight in your room!?" A jailer said to Wei Hao.

"Okay. Let's move the table!" Wei Hao nodded immediately when he heard this, and then everyone moved the table to Wei Hao's cell, and started playing mahjong inside. Those who were not on duty at all came to watch and go back later , I have nothing to do, I just want to play with Wei Hao, and Wei Hao’s tea here, you can drink it casually, if you are hungry, there are all kinds of snacks, Wei Hao’s servants also brought a lot of food. Dare to make Wei Hao wronged!
"Come on, have some biscuits. This is delicious. I just made it at home. I eat it with me. It's gone. I still have it at my house. Just ask them to deliver it!" Wei Hao said as he took out the biscuit and told them They also took it and ate it. They all know Wei Hao's temper, so order it as you like.

And those ministers stood up at the moment, they could see Wei Hao playing mahjong, and they could see the cards on the table clearly, of course, the premise was that no one would block them.

"Hey, this is the enjoyment. Look, how comfortable it is. How can this be going to jail?" A minister said with emotion, while the other ministers were also silent. Except him, Tang, who else has such ability to go to jail? Play majiang?

Outside, some ministers were also very happy when they learned that Wei Hao had been arrested, and continued to impeach him. Li Shimin ignored them and just registered. Changsun Wuji was also very happy at home, and drank two glasses of wine to celebrate.

The next day, Lu Dongzan came to visit, Changsun Wuji was very happy.

"Congratulations to Duke Zhao!" Lu Dongzan said with a smile and cupped his hands at Changsun Wuji.

"Hey, I'm not the Duke of the country anymore, I'm the Duke of the county, don't talk nonsense!" Changsun Wuji immediately waved his hand and said.

"The Duke of the state will not recover you sooner or later, the emperor will still rely on you, and now Wei Hao has been arrested, it is a good thing for everyone!" Lu Dongzan said happily.

"Well, that's true. Now those ministers are also continuing to write letters, hoping to punish Wei Hao severely. However, there has been no news from the emperor. Now the ministers need to increase the fire and force His Majesty to make up his mind. Wei Hao He is capable, but he is Sima Zhao, such a person, we have to be wary!" Changsun Wuji sat there, stroking his beard and saying proudly.

"Well, Mr. Zhao Guo, you have a way. You can easily deal with Wei Hao in this way. He Wei Hao is still weak. Up to now, no one has spoken for him!" Lu Dongzan also continued to pat his eldest grandson Wu Ji's horse, he knew that the current Changsun Wuji liked it, so as long as he flattered him, there would be no problem.

"Well, except for his father-in-law, no other ministers spoke for him, including Cheng Yaojin. They didn't speak up. They knew His Majesty's intentions. Therefore, Wei Hao must be punished for this matter. You can rest assured about this!" Changsun Wuji said proudly.

"That is, then we will wait for the good news. Anyway, those ministers are impeaching Wei Hao, and it has nothing to do with us. We just need to watch carefully!" Lu Dongzan said with a smile, Changsun Wuji still very proud,

The strategy I made this time is very clever, even if I want to find it, it is very difficult to find out. The rumors did not come from the capital, but from other places to the capital. Now it is estimated that the whole Tang Dynasty We all know the news, let's see how Wei Hao explains it,

This time, Wei Hao's reputation is rotten,

But at the moment in Luoyang Mansion, some county magistrates were very surprised when they learned that Wei Hao had been arrested. They believed in Wei Hao very much. Although Wei Hao didn't care much about those things, Luoyang has changed a lot now, and everyone can see it. In addition, there was a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes, which they all knew was due to Wei Hao. Now that Wei Hao was arrested, they wanted to come to Wei Chen to inquire about the news.

"I was arrested, oh, when did it happen, and why?" Wei Chen was also taken aback when he heard it, and then looked at the county magistrate and asked.

"Biejia Wei, you still don't know?" the county magistrate looked at Wei Chen in surprise and asked.

"How do I know? Because of what, was there a fight?" Wei Chen looked at the county magistrate and said.

"Hey, you don't know, you, how do you know it was a fight?" Another county magistrate also looked at Wei Chen suspiciously.

"Hey, you guys don't know my little brother, he has been in at least seven or eight times because of fights, he's fine, he'll be out in a few days, he's going to jail, that's for enjoying, you heard that there are VIPs in the cell The prison cell? There is everything inside, no difference from the outside, and his cell cannot be locked, he can go out if he wants to, and play however he wants!" Wei Chen comforted them with a smile.

"Ah, this, can't it?" When the county magistrates heard this, they looked at Wei Chen in surprise.

"Not yet, you will know when you go to the capital to inquire. The emperor is afraid that he will not come out of prison, so he will agree to any conditions!" Wei Chen said, looking at them with a smile.

"Not coming out?" The county magistrates were even more confused, they were all looking forward to coming out, and he still didn't come out?
(End of this chapter)

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