Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 660 The loneliness of the eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 660 The loneliness of the eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 656

Wei Hao took Wei Ting to his cell to settle down, and then told the jailers that there was no need to close the cell, and that he would intercede and let him come out tomorrow. After speaking, Wei Hao went back. Big,
The next morning, after Wei Hao got up, he went straight to the palace. Li Shimin was also watering the flowers. When he saw Wei Hao coming, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why are you here? What's the matter?"

"Well, Your Majesty, Wei Ting was arrested and said that he took the concubine's daughter from a previous prisoner. No, she's still in the cell. I asked last night, and he said he didn't know about it. It was a case more than ten years ago!" Wei Hao came over and said to Li Shimin.

"Just because of this kind of thing?" Li Shimin felt strange when he heard it, it's not a big deal.

"Well, it was because of this kind of thing that I was arrested. I guess Wei Ting might have to be transferred. In addition, I offended some people by helping me speak before. No, there are more than a dozen impeachment memorials every day. I hope you can Deal with Wei Ting, but you don't read those memorials now, His Royal Highness is watching, so His Highness gave it to the Overwatch Council, and the Overwatch Council directly took Wei Ting away!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin.

"Well, let's release it. You can talk to your Uncle Wang and let him release it. By the way, let Ke'er investigate clearly. The case of more than ten years, plus the daughter of a prisoner, is not a big problem. ,

Wei Tingzhen knew it, he was very cautious and would never commit a crime knowingly, so it was a misunderstanding. The daughter of the criminal officer, um, has been there for more than ten years. After hearing this, Li Shimin thought about it, and said to Wei Hao.

"That's fine, then I'll go find Uncle Wang!" Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"You son of a bitch, why don't you come here if you have nothing to do? You will leave as soon as you come, Wang De, you go and handle this matter, come and drink tea, and you are free if you are free!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"No, father, then you have to make it clear to your daughter that yesterday he blamed me, saying that I don't care about family affairs and just know how to play outside!" Wei Hao sat down with a smile, and said to Li Shimin.

"Blame me, you don't care about family affairs, blame me, I let you come over to play for a day, and you have delayed your affairs?" Li Shimin glared at Wei Hao and said.

"Don't tell me, you can ask your daughter, I have no objection anyway!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, forget it, don't tell him, this dead girl has a bad temper." Li Shimin thought about it, waved his hand and said, this girl is really not to be provoked.

After Wei Hao chatted with Li Shimin here for a while, he went back. After all, you are afraid that there will be guests at home. Sure enough, Wei Chen came over just after arriving home. He has been busy at home these days, and the other is the guests at home. There are quite a few, and I finally found time to come to Wei Hao's house for a sit-down.

"Come on, drink tea, is there anything going on in Luoyang?" Wei Hao asked Wei Chen with a smile.

"It's nothing, by the way, Shen Yong, I want to find my second brother-in-law, isn't this year's dividend money arrived? I want to build the Marquis Mansion, so I want my second brother-in-law to help with the construction, okay? "Wei Chen looked at Wei Hao and asked with a smile.

"Of course, go find him after the Chinese New Year. Now he is busy paying wages to those people. Isn't it something you want to build at any time?" Wei Hao said to Wei Chen with a smile, and Wei Chen also laughed when he heard it. When you get up, it's still easy to use by yourself, just open your mouth at any time.

"Well. Nothing else. Anyway, you will continue to go there after the next year. I don't think it will be so fast. I won't go until the beginning of spring, and I will leave things to you to handle over there!" Wei Hao turned to Wei Chen said,

Wei Chen nodded, knowing that Wei Hao didn't want to work anymore, and there was really nothing else to do in Luoyang. Wei Hao could go or not, as long as there were official documents delivered every day.

And in Changsun Wuji's mansion, just now, the palace sent gifts. It was from Empress Changsun. They were all things for the New Year. Today is 29 years old. Changsun Wuji still doesn't know the outside news.Chang Sun Chong didn't come back either. Well, tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, so I don't know if Chang Sun Chong can come back.

"Father, you don't have to look forward to Elder Brother. Elder Brother will definitely not come back. Now he is very comfortable outside. We are completely under house arrest now!" Chang Sun Huan said to Chang Sun Wuji very dissatisfied,

Changsun Wuji heard it, but didn't speak. Although he was very angry, he still hoped to see Changsun Chong.

At this time, the housekeeper from outside ran in and said to Zhangsun Wuji: "Master, the eldest son has returned with his family!"

"Are you back?" Changsun Wuji heard it, stood up happily, then felt something wrong, sat down again, and said, "I thought he forgot that he has a father? Isn't it good to live outside?" ? What are you doing back?”

"Master, the eldest son will come over soon." The housekeeper pretended not to hear, but continued to say with a smile.

"Hmph!" Changsun Wuji snorted, and then Changsun Huan also looked in the direction of the door very unhappily, and soon.Changsun Chong entered the living room, saw Changsun Wuji sitting there, immediately went over to salute and said, "Father, the child is back!"

"You know you're coming back, the old man thought you didn't recognize this family anymore?"

"It was the empress who asked me to come back. I didn't want to come back. Father, go to your study and talk to me. I have something to tell you!" Chang Sun Chong was not annoyed, but looked at Chang Sun Wuji and said.

Changsun Wuji heard this, nodded, and rushed to his study with Changsun Huan, and Changsun Huan also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Changsun Chong, and said: "I have something to say with Dad, you should avoid it first." For a moment, if you have something important, you can talk about it first!"

"I'm fine!" Changsun Huan said unhappily, then turned and left, and Changsun rushed to Changsun Wuji's study, sat down by himself and started making tea, Changsun Wuji just looked at Changsun Chong.

"Father, after the next year, the emperor will be crowned Duke of the county and take over your title. You and your younger brother may go to work in the coal mine!" Chang Sun Chong sat there and said without looking at Chang Sun Wuji.

"What did you say?" Changsun Wuji stood up in surprise, stared at Changsun Chong and said, asking himself to dig coal, that is to say, he would be punished and he would never be able to enter the court again.

"That's what the emperor meant. Originally, according to the emperor's intention, it was to completely deprive you of your title, but later Wei Hao interceded and said that he would give this title to me, hey!" Chang Sun Chong said with a sigh.

"He can be so kind, I can trust him, you trust him too much!" Changsun Wuji shouted angrily, pointing at Changsun Chong.

"I believe him, but I have nothing to do now. You don't believe him. Now, the title is gone, and you have to serve your sentence. Originally, you belonged to the founder of the country, not the county prince. Now it's fine, you can't hereditary Yes, it will be lowered every generation in the future, and you have served as a minister before, and you are an important minister next to the emperor.
Now, what's going on with the emperor now, will I ask for your advice?You still colluded with Tubo and spread rumors about Wei Hao. No one knew what you thought you did, right?
The emperor has been staring at Lu Dongzan for a long time. Do you think why the emperor has not moved Lu Dongzan before? It is because it is beneficial to keep him. If this is the case, my Tang army will have an excuse to go to Tubo. As for you, you still colluded with him, I really don't understand what you think, you are Zhao Guogong of Datang! "Changsun Chong sat there, looked up at Changsun Wuji and said very unhappy, Changsun Wuji didn't dare to look at Changsun Chong now.

"Father, the mansion of the Duke of Zhao has become like this now. My aunt is still the queen. If it wasn't for the queen, our family would have been in trouble a long time ago. Father, why?

Just because of the matter between me and Lizhi, the emperor made it clear to you at the beginning that no close relatives could be married, and also arranged for a princess for me. You know that Lizhi likes Wei Hao, so why bother about such things.

I told you earlier in the morning that I only have brother-sister relationship with Lizhi, and I have no other feelings. If you insist on doing it, you still want Lizhi to protect our family. Do you need it?There is a queen here, His Royal Highness and I are cousins, and you are His Royal Highness's uncle, as long as you are dedicated to Datang, who can shake us?Who has this ability?

You have dealt with Wei Hao over and over again, but Wei Hao has never fought back. Do you think that Wei Hao dare not do it? It is because he considers that his aunt is there, so he has not done anything. Do you think you are Wei Hao's opponent? How many people are there around Wei Hao? How many people are around you? Now His Royal Highness hopes that Wei Hao will support him, and you are still messing around here!
Dad, you are confused, what happened?Why can't the mind be wider? "Chang Sun Chong's tone was a little excited at the moment, angry, a duke of the state lost his title, so he came back with a duke of the county, can you not be angry, there is a big difference between the duke of the county and the duke of the state, the duke of the state is hereditary. He served as the governor of Luoyang, just like Wei Hao, and now he is the governor of Luoyang, and he will always be!

"Who told you that?" Changsun Wuji asked.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness said that Wei Hao interceded, and I guess His Royal Highness also went to intercede!" Chang Sun Chong said.

"Ha, do you believe he will intercede for me?" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong with a sneer and said.

"Do you really know Wei Hao? You regard him as your opponent, do you know him? Huh?" Chang Sun Chong looked at Chang Sun Wuji and asked.

"Why doesn't this old man understand him?" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong excitedly and said.

"You know him? You still spread such rumors, who would believe it? He is a power-hungry person? Now he doesn't even want to be the governor of Luoyang, he just wants to go home and lie down every day, go fishing every day, and the things in the court , he doesn't want to care about it!" Chang Sun Chong looked at Chang Sun Wuji and said.

"That's the appearance, otherwise, why didn't he expressly support His Highness the Crown Prince?" Changsun Wuji said.

"You dare to say such a thing, other princes, who dares to say such a thing? Who dares to offend one of them. Besides, if Wei Hao said it, what would the emperor think?
The emperor asked King Wei and King Wu to get up now, just to train His Highness the Crown Prince, and at the same time to train a candidate for the Crown Prince. If something goes wrong with the Crown Prince, there will be other people to take over. Wei Hao said that he would support His Highness, then the two of them Personally, what else is there to fight for?Is there still a chance?Do you think that Wei Hao didn't say anything, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't offend him, what if it was His Majesty's intention?Haven't you considered it? " Changsun Chong looked at Changsun Wuji and asked,

Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong in surprise.

"Father, wake up, until now, you are still obsessed with your obsession. If I were Wei Hao, I would have killed you long ago!" Chang Sun Chong looked at Chang Sun Wuji and said.

"His Royal Highness told you. Are all your younger brothers going to dig coal?" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong and asked, and Changsun Chong nodded.

"You can't ask for mercy and let your younger brothers stay here, old man?" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong and said.

"It's not enough for you alone. The matter is very big. What the prince means is that you go first, and you will be amnesty in a few years before you come out. Now the outside world has a lot of opinions on the collusion between you and Lu Dongzan. Some generals advocate severe punishment. People dare to say that they want to beheaded, but if they don't deal with it, it will definitely not work, and now my aunt knows about it, and my aunt now agrees to this plan." Sitting there, Chang Sun Chong poured tea for Chang Sun Wuji and said. "Hey!" Changsun Wuji sighed.

"Father, in terms of ability, the emperor must support Wei Hao, and it is impossible to support you. Although you are planning, your schemes are all schemes.
But Wei Hao's schemes are all yang schemes, which is to enhance the strength of Datang, so that those countries can be destroyed as soon as they say they are destroyed. As you can imagine, it is as simple as defeating Goguryeo.But it's that simple, destroy the Three Kingdoms in the Northeast at once, and start attacking Tuyuhun and Tubo in the spring of next year. It is estimated that the war will end soon, and the army of the Tang Dynasty will go west! "Chang Sun Chong sat there, looked at Chang Sun Wuji and said.

"Hmph, isn't it just gunpowder?" Changsun Wuji said with a sneer.

"Where is the carriage? What about the horseshoe? What about iron. How can we fight without iron? What about gunpowder?" Chang Sun Chong looked at Chang Sun Wuji and said angrily. Up to now, Chang Sun Wuji still doesn't think he is wrong.

"Father, don't worry, I will take care of other things. When you get settled over there, I will also visit you. In addition, those people in the iron workshop and coal mine are all acquaintances. I will also talk to them." Say hello, tomorrow, everyone will have a happy New Year's Eve dinner!" Sitting there, Chang Sun Chong said to Chang Sun Wuji with his head bowed.

"Okay!" Changsun Wuji said yes, but also sat there motionless, very angry.
But he didn't know who to vent this anger on. He didn't expect that Li Shimin wouldn't even give him a chance to intercede. Thinking of this, Changsun Wuji also felt resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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