Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 661 Partisanship

Chapter 661 Partisanship
Chapter 657

Changsun Wuji was very resentful in his heart, Li Shimin didn't even give him a chance to intercede, he just wanted to get him to the coal mine directly, but it was useless to say anything now, he didn't even have a chance to go out.

"Chong'er, you still have to save your younger brothers, go to the emperor to ask for mercy, and ask the prince to talk among them, there is nothing wrong with them!" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong and said.

"Father, I told His Highness the Crown Prince that it's useless. It's useless to ask for love. I guess Wei Hao is the only one who has the ability!" Chang Sun Chong said.

"Hey. Please, he will help us? Humph!" Changsun Wuji snorted coldly when he heard this, and didn't want to ask anymore.

"Father, I'm going to find Shen Yong after the next year, and tell him that the matter between you is your business. I believe Shen Yong will still help me if I'm busy!" Chang Sun Chong said.

"Impossible!" Changsun Wuji immediately shook his head and said.

"Anyway, I'm going, it's impossible, I'll know when I go, don't think too much about other things!" Chang Sun Chong didn't want to argue with Chang Sun Wuji, he knew that Chang Sun Wuji had a great influence on Wei Hao Hostility, it is impossible to persuade him, it is better to do it yourself!
And on Wei Hao's side, Wei Hao is also watching the children at home. There is no way, those children just want to play with him, and cry if they don't hug him. Hao here.

"Come on, big girl, don't pull your hair, let go!" Wei Hao just wanted to play with the big girl, but he grabbed Wei Hao's hair, Wei Hao shouted quickly, and the maid next to him also hurried over help,

And that girl was also giggling, Wei Hao didn't even get angry, but pretended to hit her hand, the girl was not afraid, she still wanted Wei Hao to hug her, Wei Hao could only continue to hug her,

In the evening, Wei Ting came over. Wei Hao saw him coming and took him to his study.

"I still have to thank you for your help, hey, this is a big deal!" Wei Ting went to the study and said to Wei Hao.

"Why are you talking about this? Isn't there nothing wrong with it? If you broke the law, then I can't help you, but you didn't break the law. I will definitely help with such a thing. However, where are you going to be transferred? Go?" Wei Hao immediately asked.

"Well, as the right servant of the household department, the official department has already been assessed, and the Overwatch Council has also issued a document with no problems, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen!" Wei Ting said to Wei Hao with a wry smile .

"That's okay, there may still be a chance at that time, the emperor doesn't think this kind of thing is a thing!" Wei Hao said with a wave of his hand.

"Now you don't know, the civil servants in the court have been divided into several factions, and they started to fight. There are neutral ones like us, and there are princelings. When there are Wei Wangdang and Wu Wangdang, talk about it, how chaotic it is. Ah, they are all in court, attacking each other, making things difficult for each other,
All positions must be contested, even if it is the position of a county magistrate. However, now that the prince has mastered the official department, he has a greater advantage, but Wu Wang and Wei Wang are not far behind, and they have been fighting for it. Now is the hardest time! "Wei Ting sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"There's such a thing, I've never heard of it!" Wei Hao looked at Wei Ting in surprise and said.

"No, that's why it's difficult to be an official in the court now. For example, those of us who have been in the court for a long time know the rules and don't want to stand in line. But now those officials who have just come up, they are all behind the scenes. of,

That's why I want to be transferred to the Ministry of Household Affairs. Other officials looked jealous and impeached me together, but His Royal Highness can't hold it down, and actually doesn't want to hold it down. If I can't get up, then their people will have a chance , and Wu Wang is also happy to do so, since someone impeached, and it is true, then arrest him! "Wei Ting sat there, looked at Wei Hao helplessly and said,

Wei Hao nodded, he didn't expect that Chaotang's side had already competed for this situation.

"However, those nobles don't stand in line now, and they don't dare to reach out to the generals. They just let those civil servants reach out. King Wu and King Wei have actually come to me and said some good things. They just hope that I can help with them,

But, now, those of us who would dare, anyway, I have some resources, and the Wei family also has a duke and a prince. In this case, I have no reason to stand in line! "Wei Ting sat there and continued talking to Wei Hao. Wei Hao nodded, and it was true.

"Well, doesn't Your Majesty know about this?" Wei Hao looked at Wei Ting and asked.

"Then I don't know, maybe I know?" Wei Ting shook his head and said.

"That's not okay!" Wei Hao said a little unhappy, how could he be forced to stand in line?You can say that you promote your own people, but you cannot force those neutral people to take sides.

"No, you have a solution? It's actually been like this in all dynasties. There's nothing to say. If the emperor knows it, he knows it in his heart. He can't stop it. Unless he directly lets King Wu and King Wei become vassals, there is no way to stop it." !” Wei Ting looked at Wei Hao and said with a wry smile,
Wei Hao nodded, and couldn't help but feel worried. The factional strife in court is not a good thing for Datang!Wei Hao and Wei Ting sat for a while, and Wei Ting left.
The next day was New Year's Eve, Wei Hao and Wei Furong continued to go to the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors, and when they got there, they still had lunch at the patriarch's house at noon.
After the meal, Wei Hao returned to his home and started to get ready for bed. At night, he had to watch the New Year's Eve, and tomorrow morning, he would go to the palace to greet the emperor and the others.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Wei Hao sat in the study, and after a while, Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan came over.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" Seeing them coming, Wei Hao immediately sat up and asked the two of them.

"It's still early, so I just came over to sit with you. This year, the three of us don't have time to sit together!" Li Lizhi sat down and said.

"Ha, that's fine, I'll make tea for you. Forget it, let's drink ginseng tea. In this way, you can sleep well at night!" Wei Hao ordered the servant girl to bring ginseng tea while he continued to make tea. drink.

"Master, there are more children now. In the future, when you do things, you should be more prudent. The children in the family are all counting on you!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Don't worry, I don't care about it anymore, I don't care about the affairs of the court, I don't believe that there is anything else that could threaten me!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, but the competition between the three princes is also a troublesome matter. There have been rumors outside, although no one has said it anymore, but these rumors may not represent the meaning of those ministers. They still hope You stand in line, including the three princes, whoever you support will be able to take that position!" Li Siyuan said while sitting there.

"It doesn't matter, they can't tell the winner now, if they can tell the winner, it will be troublesome!" Wei Hao said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Then you mean, it's still the same, can it work?" Li Siyuan looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Of course I can do it, but I can do it if I can't. This matter doesn't mean that I don't want to stand in line. It's my father who doesn't want to stand in line. You know? Now those civil servants have already stood in line. If the generals stand in line, it's a big deal for the father. It's very dangerous." Wei Hao said to them in a low voice.

"Well, I've also heard that those civil servants are now divided into several factions, which is not good!" Li Lizhi said worriedly as she sat there.

"That's no way. They want to fight. If no one cheers for them, wouldn't that be troublesome?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Anyway, you just have to be careful. Also, I went back to the palace yesterday, and the queen mother felt uncomfortable. After all, uncle is really in trouble this time. It's not easy for me to persuade him. If uncle doesn't always For you, such a thing will not happen, really, now, I heard that those cousins ​​are in trouble, and they all go to the coal mine, but the big cousin is left alone!" Li Lizhi sat there, Said very angrily.

"Those cousins ​​are going too?" Wei Hao looked at Li Lizhi in surprise when he heard that, Li Shimin had never said such a thing, and he hadn't made a decision either.

"Yes, you don't know?" Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"I don't know, Father didn't say anything!" Wei Hao shook his head and said.

"Forget it, master, you don't want to be a good person. I heard that Changsun Huan also said bad things about you outside. If you go to help, you don't know how to retaliate against you. Changsun Chong It's okay, but we are not familiar with other people, if they hold grudges, what will we do then?" Li Siyuan persuaded Wei Hao not to intervene in this matter.

"Well, my sister is right, you'd better leave this matter alone." Li Lizhi nodded after thinking about it.

"Ha, I don't care. The queen mother is over there. Just watch it. If there is a chance tomorrow, the queen mother will tell me about it. Even if you don't say it tomorrow, you will tell me the day after tomorrow when you return to the palace." , she doesn't want those nephews to go to the coal mine, either?" Wei Hao said with a wry smile after hearing this.

"Then you have something to do, don't go!" Li Lizhi said immediately, she didn't want Wei Hao to save their family.

"No, okay, let's not talk about this, talk about other things, the income of the family has been good for the past two years, and I don't want to start other workshops, just use these workshops to make money, when will I not make money , besides, in addition, the family also needs to build a few more mansions, so many children, less mansions, it’s impossible!” Wei Hao didn’t want to talk about this topic, so it’s better to talk to them about family affairs!
(End of this chapter)

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