Chapter 673

Chapter 669

Li Shimin was very angry at the moment, because Datang now has a large territory, and some people started to think about enfeoffment, hoping to build a country. At that time, those countries around the Tang Dynasty would be divided into small countries. Li Shimin didn't want to In doing so, although the territory of Datang is very large, it has not yet reached the point of enfeoffment.

"What do Qing Que and Ke'er think? He is not the only prince in the Tang Dynasty!" Empress Changsun said worryingly while sitting there.

"Hey, don't care about them. When Shen Yong comes back, I will ask Shen Yong's opinion. It is estimated that there is still half a month before Shen Yong should come back. Now the Northeast side has not been repaired, and it is estimated that it will be repaired soon!" Sitting there, Li Shimin sighed and said,
Empress Changsun heard it and nodded her head too.

And right now in Li Ke's mansion, Li Tai is sitting here, and Li Yuanchang and the others are also there, that is to say about this matter.

"We don't want to push this matter now, but let the wind out first, and test it out first. After the ministers have signed the memorial, don't let them do it. If you continue to do it, it may be counterproductive.

Moreover, although the territory of my Tang Dynasty is big now, it is not big enough. My father may go on an expedition to the Jieri Dynasty and the Persian Empire. If these two countries are defeated, I guess they will be separated. Push again! "Li Ke sat there and said.

"That's the way it is, if Brother Huang finds out, it was us who did it, and we must be punished!" Li Yuanchang said with a little worry.

"What are you afraid of? Does he know that we did it, and your father's intelligence is so bad? Even if there is no solid evidence, he will think that we did it!" Li Tai glanced at Li Yuanchang , said disdainfully.

"Well, let's forget about it now, don't talk about it, Shen Yong will be back soon, if he objects, then this matter can't be done!" Li Ke sat there, looked at them and said, they also ordered nod,
They all know that Li Shimin trusts Wei Hao's suggestion the most, and he doesn't listen to other people's words very much.
Now Wei Hao is busy setting up those transfer stations outside, and has not come back. If Wei Hao had been in Chang'an before, they would not dare to spread such news.
Half a month later, Wei Hao returned from the northeast, and just arrived at the Shili Pavilion, when he saw the prince waiting there,

At this moment, the weather was already very cold. When Wei Hao saw Li Chengqian, he dismounted immediately, walked over quickly, and said to Li Chengqian, "I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"Shen Yong, you are back!" Li Chengqian greeted the past very happily, then held Wei Hao's hand, and said: "Father and Gu have been looking forward to your return, you are outside The establishment of the transfer station has made a great contribution, and now, our Datang can receive news from all over the place at any time, it is so convenient!"

"Well, Father Lao and His Highness are worried about you, are you all right?" Wei Hao looked at Li Chengqian and asked with a smile.

"Okay, very good! Let's go, let's get in the car. Father is waiting for you at Chengtian Palace. At noon, we will have dinner at Chengtian Palace. Father told me!" Li Chengqian took Wei Hao's hand and went to the carriage. side walk.

"That can't be done, that can't be done, I'll ride a horse, you take a carriage!" Wei Hao saw that he wanted to ride in the prince's carriage, but he didn't dare.

"Hey, Shen Yong, I have something to tell you, really!" Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao.

"It doesn't matter, I'm riding beside me, I can talk about anything!" Wei Hao waved his hand and said, then walked towards his horse,
After getting on the horse, Wei Hao also rode to Li Chengqian's carriage.

"Shen Yong, you have been away for a few months this time, and a lot of things have happened in the court!" Li Chengqian sat on the carriage, opened the curtain, and said to Wei Hao.

"What's wrong? Something big happened?" Wei Hao heard it, looked at Li Chengqian in surprise and asked.

"The big thing hasn't happened yet, that is, eh, how should I put it, there is a rumor that there is a rumor that the father may divide the fiefs, that is, let those princes establish a kingdom around the Tang Dynasty. This news has been spread for several months. The alleys are all about this, and my father is also worried." Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao also felt strange when he heard it. How could it be possible to divide the land into enfeoffments? Now the territory of the Tang Dynasty is not very large. Of course, it has more than doubled from the early years of Zhenguan, but it has not yet reached the point where enfeoffment is needed.

"Shen Yong, what do you think about this matter?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"It's just a rumor, don't take it seriously, I guess it's still a test!" After hearing this, Wei Hao smiled, looked at Li Chengqian and said.

"I think so too, and now I don't know who spread the rumor!" Li Chengqian said,
At this moment, Wei Hao also arrived at the city wall of the outer city. The city wall is very tall and has been completely repaired.

"It's been repaired, King Wei is still capable, and it will be repaired in a year!" Wei Hao looked at the city wall and said with emotion.

"Well, it's been repaired, there are still some small places that haven't been built, but it doesn't matter, just take it slowly, Qingque still has some skills. Now, many people start to build houses, and some even build houses for sale.
After entering, you will know that a large number of areas are used to build houses, which ordinary people in Chang'an can afford. According to the current law, one mu of land is worth 100 yuan. At the same time, a household People can only apply for 2 mu of land, and now many people in Chang'an are applying to build houses! " Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, that's good. In this way, the common people will have houses to build. However, for many people who have no money and just came to Chang'an, the 100 guan is not easy to get!" Wei Hao nodded after hearing this. Said, and then worried about those people who just came to Chang'an to gain a foothold.

"Well, Chaotang has been thinking about solving this problem, but there is no good solution yet!" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said.

"There are many ways, how can there be no good way, two options, one option, the court builds a house and sells it to them, for example, a house costs 400 yuan, they can pay 120 yuan, and the remaining 280 yuan can be paid Paying the money in installments, and paying interest, and the establishment of a bank, people can apply for loans to build houses, these are all no problem, when the court thinks about it carefully!" Wei Hao sat on the horse and said, Is there any solution to this kind of thing?
"Well, your idea is very novel, but you can try it, Shen Yong, maybe write out a specific plan?" Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, but I don't have time right now. I'll talk about it after I go home and rest for a few days!" Wei Hao nodded when he heard it.
Soon, Wei Hao and Li Chengqian arrived at Chengtian Palace,
After arriving at Chengtian Palace, Wei Hao got off his horse and went up the steps. Just as he got up the steps, he saw Li Shimin and those ministers waiting for him on the first floor.

"My son has met the emperor, fortunately he fulfilled his mission and completed the mission!" Wei Hao went over and said immediately, cupping his hands.

"Okay, okay, it's hard work, it's really hard work, I was going to pick you up, but when I went out, there were too many things to prepare, so my father didn't come out, let's go inside and say, it's cold outside !" Li Shimin excitedly took Wei Hao's hand and said.

"Thank you, father!" Wei Hao nodded, and followed Li Shimin in. Once inside, Cheng Yaojin immediately called Wei Hao loudly.

"Shen Yong, boy, you are too powerful, how did you come up with the idea of ​​making a telegraph?"

"Ah, Uncle Cheng, you guys are back?" Wei Hao looked at the generals in surprise, and found that the generals who went on an expedition to Tubo had already returned, and the war in Tubo was over.

"It's all over, why don't you come back. Now we just need to keep some troops over there!" Li Jing also said with a smile.

"I've seen my father-in-law!" Wei Hao also said immediately, clasping his hands together.

"Well, thank you!" Li Jing also nodded and said, soon, Li Shimin took Wei Hao to the front and sat down. Li Shimin sat there and made tea himself.

"Shen Yong, it's been a hard trip, isn't it? Look at you, you've lost weight even when you're dark!" Li Shimin said after sitting down, looking at Wei Hao.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just that it's a little bit cold, and the rest is okay!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Look at your hands, they are full of chilblains, eh, but, after you have finished this matter, it is really, very beneficial to us Datang. In the future, news from our court can be sent out immediately, and the local government If there is any news, it can be sent to Chang'an as soon as possible, and the frontline soldiers go out to fight. With the radio, we can quickly know the news from the frontline, which is very helpful!" Li Shimin sat there, facing Wei Hao said.

"Yeah, Wei Hao, this matter is of great help to our Tang Dynasty. The news here has gone to other places in an instant. It is even said that the outside of the city may not know the news so quickly. It may be in the Northeast. side will know,
Shen Yong, the old man admires you, how did you do it, I heard that the emperor wants to open a school for you, I was the first to agree, those who learn can be appointed officials, such people are talents! "Fang Xuanling said very excitedly.

"School?" When Wei Hao heard this, he immediately looked at Li Shimin. Although Li Lizhi had told him about this matter before, he had never discussed it with Li Shimin.

"Yes, it's already in operation!" Li Shimin said with a smile, looking at Wei Hao.

"Ah?" Wei Hao was even more shocked, he didn't even know about it.

"Shen'er, is Shen'er here? His master is back, and he didn't even come over?" Li Shimin called Li Shen as he spoke, and Wei Hao also looked for Li Shen, thinking that there was no reason for him not to come.

"He asked for leave, Your Majesty. He said he would come over later, and he said he was taking the students to do electromagnetic experiments. I don't even understand the specifics!" Wang De immediately said to Li Shimin.

"This kid, it doesn't matter when he does the experiment, today is the day when his master comes back!" Li Shimin said a little unhappy at the moment.

"Father, it's okay. It's normal. This is how you learn it. Once you do the experiment, you can't stop. Maybe King Ji is really busy!" Wei Hao immediately waved his hand and said, and at the same time, he also knew that Li Shen was leading the experiment. those students.

"Shen Yong, my father recruited 500 people without your consent. Shen'er said that those who have no foundation in mathematics cannot be taught, and they need to be trained in mathematics, which is arithmetic. He said he will train them. , from the 500 people, select qualified people,

Now he seems to have selected 20 people, and he is also focusing on training them. As for arithmetic, he asked those people from the Ministry of Industry to teach them. Those people from the Ministry of Industry, for the one you wrote, yes, the arithmetic textbook, they are all in admiration. Now, I have ordered the printing workshop, and it is printed!Now those students have a copy, and the officials of the Ministry of Industry also have a copy. They admire you very much! " Li Shimin sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"Ah?" Wei Hao felt his head was a little messed up at the moment. He hadn't been in Chang'an for more than three months but less than four months. How could there be such a big change? Li Shen actually took those textbooks to print and recruited 500 people?He also brought 20 people by himself, this bastard, how much has he learned, dare to lead people?
"Master, Master!" At this moment, Li Shen ran in from the outside, shouted loudly, and soon reached Wei Hao's side.

"Yo, I've grown taller!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shen and found that he had really grown taller.

"You have grown a lot taller, Master, I have recruited 20 apprentices for you, they are very talented!" Li Shen said happily to Li Shen.

"Okay, I'll recruit as soon as I recruit, but the master doesn't have so much time to teach now!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"It's okay. I'll teach them, and if they learn from me, they can learn from you, Master!" Li Shen said happily to Wei Hao.

"Okay!" Wei Hao smiled and patted Li Shen's head.

"Master, you won't blame me, will you?" Li Shen looked at Wei Hao and said.

"No wonder, Master has long wanted to accept disciples, but he has no time to teach. You have only been teaching as a teacher for a year. You, don't even think about becoming a teacher in ten years!" Wei Hao said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Master, it's okay, I'll keep learning from you!" Li Shen said nonchalantly, he can study for as many years as he wants, and now Li Shen admires Wei Hao the most. For Wei Hao's invention of the telegraph, others are just shocked, but he is Only after participating in it with his own hands, did he know how powerful Wei Hao is.

"Well, Shen'er, learn from your master well, Shen Yong, you don't blame the emperor for this matter, do you?" Li Shimin also looked at Wei Hao while talking.

"Hey, no wonder, I just don't have time, and I'm afraid of delaying those children!" Wei Hao said with a helpless smile. Seeing Wei Hao like this, Li Shimin knew that Wei Hao had never planned to recruit so soon before.

"Shen Yong, it's mainly Shen'er who said that he wants to learn from you, but he needs a foundation. I think it's okay for him to cultivate the foundation of those students, so I agreed. Don't worry, this school, No matter how much money is spent, it is all from internal funds, and I will allocate [-] yuan to this school every year!" Li Shimin said.

"Ten thousand yuan is not enough!" Wei Hao immediately said with a smile and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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