Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 674 Intensifies

Chapter 674 Intensifies
Chapter 670

Wei Hao heard Li Shimin say that it is not enough to give 1 guan a year. When Li Shimin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, not enough, just a few people, 1 guan is not enough?

"Shen Yong, [-] yuan is not enough? How much do you think you need?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked.

"You need at least 10 yuan a year. This school is not enough without 10 yuan, and 10 yuan may not be enough. This school is different from other schools. This school needs a lot of things. It's very expensive!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"This, so much money?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked. The other ministers did the same. They couldn't figure out that such a school would cost so much money.

"By the way, this is a radio bill, but it's a lot of money. Father, please take a look!" Wei Hao took out the bill and handed it to Li Shimin.

"How much?" Li Shimin asked casually.

"The construction of those transfer stations cost 20 yuan. There is a purchase list below. In addition, those radio stations, not counting our wages, cost a total of 10 yuan. If maintenance is required in the future, including personnel wages, of course, this If the court goes out, it is estimated that the annual maintenance cost will not be less than [-] yuan!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin.

"So much money!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked.

"Father, what do you think, those things use a lot of precious metals, and those metals need to be purified. Basically, each radio station is worth about 3000 yuan, and this is just the cost of making it!" Wei Wei Hao smiled bitterly, and then said: "By the way, the money has not been paid yet, and the Ministry of Industry will pay the money when the time comes. Erchen didn't bring so much money!"

"Okay, the Ministry of Industry will pay for it. I really didn't expect it to cost so much money?" Li Shimin nodded, gave the account book to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and then asked Wei Hao: "So, what did you learn in this school? Things are very expensive?"

"That's right, let me give you an example. For example, the microscope I bought for the medical school before is also needed in our school. It costs about 1000 yuan to make such a microscope, and if I recruit 100 Disciple, father, do the math yourself, how many microscopes do you need?

If everyone has one, it will cost 10 guan. Also, for example, they also need to learn how to make bricks. We can’t take them to the brick factory. We still need to build one in the school, so it will cost thousands of guan.
Also, let’s talk about carriages. We need to buy some carriages for the students to study. They will definitely have to dismantle them. If they are given to those students, it will cost more than ten vehicles a year. This will cost a lot of money, anyway. There are many more, these are just the basics! "Wei Hao sat there and said to Li Shimin.

"That's what we have to do, Shen Yong. You say that, but the father feels that he has to learn. If he learns the real skills, they will definitely not only earn this little money, right?" Li Shimin immediately looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"That's true, if they can really learn, it must be more!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Why don't you just build a school, you choose the location, you decide how big it is, and how much it costs, you just go and get it, Father will give you the money?" Li Shimin then looked at Wei Hao asked.

"I'm not free, I'm very busy right now!" Wei Hao immediately looked at Li Shimin in embarrassment and said.

"What are you busy with? Others are small things. This is the big thing. By the way, the food side is not bad. This year's high production will depend on next year. If there is still such a high production next year, then what will happen next year?" It can be extended to the whole country in a few years!" Li Shimin then said to Wei Hao, the food problem is basically solved now, let the common people cultivate for a few years, and it is estimated that the population will increase by then.

"I know, Lizhi sent me a telegram. It's really good. Now cotton is being promoted. I'm in the Northeast, and I saw people planting cotton. They also use cotton to make quilts. Now there is no problem in keeping out the cold. , if there is no problem with the food, then just let the people live and work in peace and contentment!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, Shen Yong, there are a lot of voices in the court, and many people say that our Tang army should continue to fight north and west. What do you think? "At this moment, Li Daozong, who was sitting there, looked at Wei Hao and asked.

When Li Shimin heard this, he also looked at Li Daozong, and then at Wei Hao.

"Huh? This question is a bit sudden. Why do you still have different opinions? Of course Datang needs to fight outside, but it also depends on the time? In the past two years, Datang's army has been fighting outside, and it has expanded a lot. Territory, if you continue to fight, it won’t work if you haven’t digested well, right?” Wei Hao heard it, looked at Li Daozong and asked.

"Yeah, that's what we said. However, there are still quite a few people who support the continuation of the war. Now my Tang Dynasty has money, the army is also very strong, the weapons and equipment are good, and the lives of the people are good. The war will not affect the When it comes to the lives of the common people, they will not increase taxes because of wars, so many ministers have this opinion, and hope to send 20 troops to the grasslands in the Northern Expedition next year!" Li Daozong looked at Wei Hao and said,

Wei Hao heard it and looked at Li Shimin. Li Shimin hadn't said a word, so Wei Hao knew something was wrong with it. He guessed that Li Shimin was not unwilling, but had other things.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Your Majesty, I think it's almost time, can I go up to the second floor?" Li Jing asked Li Shimin at this moment,
Li Shimin looked back at the clock at the back, and it was about the same, so he stood up and said, "OK, Shenyong, let's go, go to the second floor, dear ladies, go, go to the second floor!"

Wei Hao stood up when he heard that, and followed Li Shimin to the second floor. Li Shimin asked Wei Hao to sit at the same table with him. Soon, the dishes were served.
After eating, Wei Hao went home directly. He hadn't seen the children for several months, and he still missed them very much. When he got home, those children were all waiting for him in the hall.


After one of the children found Wei Hao, he yelled, and the other children immediately followed suit, and then more children yelled, and then ran towards Wei Hao,

When Wei Hao saw it, he was overjoyed, and immediately went to squat down, and all the children came to Wei Hao's side.

"Look, look, you can't even hug him?" Wei Hao's mother, Wang Shi, also said with a smile.

"Mom!" Wei Hao immediately called out "Mum." He wanted to get up and salute, but he was surrounded by those children, and he was afraid that they would fall when he got up, so he could only squat there and shout.

"Well, it's good to be back, and I've lost a lot of weight!" Wang said with tears in her eyes. We are a family, but all of these are earned by Wei Hao outside!
"Hold those children away, look at them pressing down on the master!" Li Lizhi said with a smile at the side at the moment.When the maids heard this, they also came over to hug those children away, some of them were not happy, and started to cry, Wei Hao also went over to persuade them.

"Okay, master, leave them alone, can you handle them? Just let them cry for a while!" Li Lizhi said threateningly.

"Where's dad, didn't you see dad?" Wei Hao asked immediately.

"Your father went to Luoyang, worried that no one would take care of Luoyang's business, and the mansion over there, you haven't lived in it for a year, you are going to see it, so your father passed there a few days ago, but, I'll be back in a few days!" Wang said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Oh, it's fine to just send someone there, but you have to go by yourself?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"It's okay, your father is very happy now, anyway, he brought a lot of guards over, son, come and sit down!" Mrs. Wang waved to Wei Hao, and Wei Hao also sat down.

"Look, I'm really thin!" Wang said distressedly.

"It's okay, I ran all over the Tang Dynasty before. Except for me, no one else can do such a thing!" Wei Hao said with a smile!
"Well, okay, you should go wash up too, it's definitely not as convenient to take a bath outside as at home!" Wang then said to Wei Hao!

"That is!" Wei Hao nodded,
Soon, Wei Hao went to take a bath, mainly to take a bath. After a while, Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan also came over, and they also came to take a bath.

"Thank you, master, I'll rub it for you!" Li Lizhi swam behind Wei Hao and rubbed Wei Hao's shoulders while Li Siyuan rubbed Wei Hao's legs.

"Is there something going on recently? Why did Uncle Wang Li Daozong say that when I went to see my father today, those ministers hope to go to the west and north next year? What do you mean?" Sitting there, Wei Hao asked.

"It's not about the enfeoffment before. Now those princes are active and hope to expand the territory. In this way, they can be enfeoffed, and they can also establish a country. At that time, they will be able to be kings, not princes!" Li Lizhi Sitting there, he said dissatisfied.

When Wei Hao heard this, he turned his head to look at Li Lizhi, and then asked, "Didn't this matter subside before? Why did it start again?"

"Where is it calmed down? Because you are not in the capital, you can't suppress those princes. My father said that if you say something and don't give up the title, I guess those princes would not dare to make trouble. They just know that you are not in the capital, so they started to make trouble. Many ministers have been united!"

"Impossible, when did my words work so well? Father still said that?" Wei Hao said with a smile when he heard it.

"Of course it works. They all know that your opinion is very important to Datang, and you can see it far away. No, the problem in the Northeast has been solved, and the problem in the Northwest has also been solved. Now it is the problem in the North. It is also necessary to solve it. Sooner or later, the key is that if you are short of money, you can get it, and you won't let the common people bear it, so if there is a war, it must be up to you!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"No, there is still money in the internal funds!" Wei Hao asked.

"How much money is there? In the past few years, several younger brothers got married, and an uncle Wang also wanted to get married, which cost a lot. Father also lamented that this money is too wasteful!

Moreover, Datang built a lot of new reservoirs and bridges this year. Basically, for slightly wider rivers, some bridges have been built, and for small rivers, the localities will also build bridges by themselves. In the north, if it is a plain without reservoirs, it is also dug. Many fish ponds were built to store water,
In fact, the north is dry this year, but there is no disaster. It is because the reservoirs and ponds are filled with water. Firstly, the water for people and animals is guaranteed, and then the water for agriculture. This prevents the people from being displaced! " Li Lizhi sat there and said.

"Many people look for my father and hope that my father will support him. My father dare not make a sound. It is not good to say this matter, and it is not good not to say it. My father also said that if you come back, you must tell you and you are not allowed to express your opinion." , or offend people!" Li Siyuan sat there and started talking.

"Yeah!" Wei Hao nodded.

"Master, you must not speak easily. You are in the court hall, and many ministers are waiting for you to speak. If you don't speak, they will not agree!" Li Lizhi also said to Wei Hao.

"I know, don't care about it now, two ladies, sir, I haven't touched a woman for several months!" Wei Hao smiled and said to them.

"Dengtuzi, why are you so anxious?" Li Lizhi saw that Wei Hao had made a move, and immediately ran away with a smile.

In the evening, Wei Hao sat in his study and began to read the information. Wei Hao had no time to read the information before, but they would all be sent to Wei Hao's study.
And the key to the study is in the hands of Li Lizhi, without his consent, no one can enter the study!Wei Hao sat there and watched carefully, and there was a pot of charcoal fire beside him. After Wei Hao read the information, he would put it into the charcoal fire to burn.

"Master!" Li Lizhi came over with a bowl of ginseng soup and called Wei Hao.

"Well, the baby is asleep?" Wei Hao asked, his eyes still staring at the information. Now Wei Hao feels a little bad. Li Tai, Li Ke, and other princes have basically united, and even Li Zhi participated, and they went to find Li Shen, because now Li Shen is one of Li Shimin's favorite sons, and they hoped that Li Shen would speak, but Li Shen didn't care about those things, he just wanted to do research!
"It's so old, and there is a servant girl watching. Master, this matter is very important. Several Uncle Wangs have come to see me, but I didn't agree!" Li Lizhi sat down and said.

"Looking for you? Why are you looking for it? Can I still give it to you?" Wei Hao asked in confusion when he heard it.

"Hmph, the reason they are looking for me is you. I hope you can support them. Just watch, they will definitely come to you tomorrow!" Li Lizhi rolled her eyes and said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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