Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 675 so anxious

Chapter 675 so anxious

Chapter 671

Li Lizhi said that those princes will definitely come to Wei Hao tomorrow. Wei Hao smiled wryly when he heard it.

"Whether you agree to this matter or not, it's not true if you don't agree. If you agree, your father disagrees. If you don't agree, you will offend so many princes. What should you do?" Li Lizhi was also sitting there very depressed. With that said, this incident actually involved his own family.

"I promised a fart, the war is not over yet, and the fruit is being distributed. How can such a thing happen? If so, who will fight in the future? It's okay!" Wei Hao said while sitting there waving his hands.

"That's what I said, but they will definitely ask you for an explanation. I hope you can express your opinion!" Li Lizhi continued to say to Wei Hao.

"What do I say, I still make a statement. I have been busy for a year, and I don't know anything. They came to me and said? What do I know? I dare to make a statement. It's okay, don't worry about this matter, really! "Wei Hao sat there and said.

"Anyway, it's up to you, they all want to win you over, and they know that only you can persuade father, but father doesn't want to be entrusted now!" Li Lizhi reminded Wei Hao again.

"I understand, I understand after watching Father's performance today. Early tomorrow morning, I will go to the palace to find Father to go fishing, and they still come to look for me. If they have the ability, they will come to the palace to look for me!" Wei Hao smiled. Said, Li Lizhi heard it, and stopped talking,

Early the next morning, after Wei Hao got up, he went straight to the palace, and directly to the lake.
After Li Shimin heard the news, he was taken aback for a moment. The kid just came back, then he thought about it carefully, and immediately said to Wang De: "Prepare the fishing rod, we will go fishing too!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wang De replied immediately, and soon, Li Shimin also came over with a fishing rod.

"You boy, Daqing came here a long time ago, such a big addiction?" Li Shimin came in and cursed with a smile.

"That's right, I haven't fished for half a year, think about it, father, bring some breakfast, I haven't eaten yet!" Wei Hao said with a smile, looking at Li Shimin.

"You, Wang De, go and get some food, I guess he is hiding here now, not daring to go out!" Li Shimin said with a smile, and Wei Hao also laughed when he heard it.Two people are just sitting there fishing.

"What's the matter? It's not that there was no movement before, why did it happen again?" Sitting there, Wei Hao asked.

"What else can it be? Tubo and Tuyuhun have a large area and a small population, and the same is true in the northeast. Now the territory of my Tang Dynasty has basically doubled, and I have to go to the north. Those princes have ideas !” Li Shimin said with a wry smile.

"It can't be divided now, right? It's outrageous for them to make such a fuss over such a big matter. I don't dare to stay at home now!" Wei Hao said while looking at Li Shimin.

"Just tell your father the truth, do you want to divide the title?" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao and asked.

"It's not the present time to enfeoff. After we have laid down the land in the west, we can seal the enfeoffment, but the land in the Central Plains is absolutely not allowed. Far away places can be given to them and let them rule, but the army is still there. It needs to be controlled by Datang, otherwise, what should we do if there is chaos?
At that time, there will be another war in the Tang Dynasty. Besides, once the enfeoffment is divided, there are still many things to do. How can it be so simple? " Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and continued.

"Yeah, that's what Royal Father thinks. Now the time is not ripe. They just want a promise from Royal Father. Royal Father can't give this promise. Once you give it, what do you make the people and ministers think?" ? A good Tang Dynasty, created dozens of countries, can this work?" Li Shimin nodded and said to Wei Hao.

"Then don't agree yet, and you can't agree, why are they in such a hurry?" Wei Hao sat there and asked.

"It was made by Ke'er and Qingque. They saw that there was no hope of competing for the crown prince, so they wanted to entrust the land instead of the previous fiefdom. After all, the fiefdom still needs to send officials from the court.
But now, they arrange officials and control themselves, and even say, control the army by themselves, can this work?At that time, once the emperor of our Tang Dynasty is weak, we will fight again, that will not work! "Li Shimin analyzed Wei Hao,

Wei Hao heard it and nodded.

"Okay, don't talk to them!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"It's easy for you to say. If I can handle it so easily, can I still hide here? I just don't know how to answer them. If I agree to them, it will definitely not work on the father's side. If I don't agree to them, I can't do it." Offend them, can this work?" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"Then you agree to them, and come to the father's side to say it, and it will be fine if the father refuses!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and said,

Wei Hao nodded when he heard that, it's okay.

"Let's do it like this, don't care about them, it's more than failure!" Li Shimin said angrily. Wei Hao heard it and kept silent, but continued fishing.

After a while, Wang De came over with something to eat, Wei Hao sat there and finished his breakfast, then continued fishing,

And at Wei Hao's mansion, Li Tai had already arrived at Wei Hao's mansion. After learning that Wei Hao had gone fishing in the palace, Li Tai was very smart and knew that Wei Hao was hiding from them on purpose, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come back on the first day. Those who go fishing need to rest at home for a while. Li Tai sat in Wei Hao's mansion for a while, then went to Li Ke's mansion and told Li Ke the news.

"Not at the mansion, did you go fishing in the palace?" Li Ke was a little surprised when he heard it, which made them unexpected.

"Brother-in-law probably knew about this, and he didn't know how to tell us now, so he avoided it. Should we ask him about this matter?" Li Tai sat down, looked at Li Ke and asked.

"Of course you have to ask him what he means. He knows Father the best, and this time I went fishing, I guess Father will also go, and then he will be more aware of Father's intentions, so we still need his support. , otherwise, our matter will not be completed!" Li Ke thought about it, and said firmly.

"Okay, you can talk about it when the time comes. I've already gone here, and if I go again, I'll be deliberate. It's not good to blame me then!" Li Tai nodded and said to Li Ke,

Li Ke hummed and fell silent. He was also thinking about how to persuade Wei Hao, which is very important.
It was not until evening that Wei Hao returned to the mansion.

"Master, Qing Que came over today, the house servant She came over, and the pharmacist uncle also came. I guess they all came to talk to you about this matter. Fortunately, you avoided it. Otherwise, I don't know how to answer it." They!" Li Lizhi said when she took off Wei Hao's coat.

"Well, should I go to Luoyang tomorrow?" Wei Hao thought for a while and said, although Li Shimin asked him to agree to them, he still didn't want to. He didn't agree to this matter at all.

"Where are you going? You don't need to deal with it there, as long as you have your brother there, besides, if there is anything, he will send you a telegram, and you need to go in person?

It's okay, just ignore them, tomorrow, you continue to go fishing at the palace, and see if those people will continue to look for you then, isn't this attitude obvious? " Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao and said,

Wei Hao nodded after hearing this, but hiding like this is not a problem. He wants to rest at home for a few days, and also wants to play with those children for a few days. Now they are forcing him to do nothing. up.

"Well, it doesn't matter, whoever you love, that is, it doesn't matter. I will remain neutral on this matter, and they will do it!" Wei Hao said a little angrily. It is not good for him to do this matter, and he has to bear it The risk of being blamed by Li Shimin, why is this?
The next morning, not long after Wei Hao got up, the porter came over and said that it was King Wu asking to see him.

"So early?" Wei Hao was surprised when he heard this, but he still asked the steward to let King Wu in. Soon, King Wu arrived at Wei Hao's greenhouse, and Wei Hao went in behind.

"Your Highness, King Wu, it's so early, you haven't eaten yet, I'll ask someone to bring it over!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke with a smile.

"Not yet. I'm afraid you have something to do, so I didn't have breakfast!" Li Ke said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, let's do it. We'll make tea after we finish eating!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke, Li Ke nodded, and then Wei Hao asked, "But what's the matter?"

"Well, I guess you have heard about it. Now everyone is discussing the matter of enfeoffment, Shen Yong, what do you think of this matter?" Li Ke nodded, looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"What do I think? This is too sudden, I really haven't thought about it carefully!" Wei Hao pretended to be stunned for a moment, and then said to Li Shimin.

"Shen Yong, we need your support on this matter. Everyone knows that Father listens to you the most and trusts you the most. I also hope that you can have your own opinions. Of course, if you can support us, that is The best!" Li Ke said to Wei Hao.

"Well, I really didn't think about it carefully, but now you say that, hey, are you in a hurry?" Wei Hao immediately looked at Li Ke and asked.

"I'm really not in a hurry!" Li Ke shook his head immediately, and then said: "Shen Yong, you know, the territory of my Tang Dynasty is more than twice that of before, and whether it is the Northeast or Hope, it is The land is fertile, and it is beyond the reach of the court to manage those places. If it is distributed to us and we manage it, it will also be very helpful for the protection of the border of the Tang Dynasty!"

"That's what you say, but the territory is still too small, right? Now you have so many princes, if you divide it up, no one can get much land. Besides, now you brothers and uncles and nephews can There is nothing wrong with each other, but in the future, what about your children and grandchildren, will they still live in peace?

Isn't the Zhou Dynasty an example?After the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, how much money did it last?In the end, Qin managed to unify the world with great difficulty. King Wu, I don’t know if you have thought about your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to continue to fight, or do you want to live a good life?

Besides, it’s not now that you want to divide the enfeoffment, and you have to talk about it after you have finished fighting Persia. There is still a lot of land in the west. If you are allowed to divide it to the west, you can continue to fight west. It can also expand the territory, isn't it great?Why stare at these places?Are you too petty? " Wei Hao sat there, looked at Li Ke and asked.

"So, you support enfeoffment?" Li Ke said with a smile when he heard what Wei Hao said.

"You can't say that. I didn't say support. I just said, you are too hasty about this matter, can't you do things like this? How can you do this? You don't have much land yet, just thinking about this matter, and I don’t want to find a way to expand the territory of Datang!” Wei Hao immediately waved his hands and said, he would not admit this, and he would never admit it.

"Shen Yong, didn't you just say yes, did you want to expand and then divide? You just said that the timing is not right!" Li Ke immediately looked at Wei Hao and said.

"That's what I said, but you didn't understand what I meant. What I mean is, don't mention this matter now, and wait until the territory is large. Is it interesting to bring up such a small territory now?" Wei Hao sat there , a little impatiently said to Li Ke, Li Ke heard it and nodded.

"Next year, my Tang army is expected to start an expedition to Xue Yantuo and the Turks. By then, we can control a lot of land, but continuing to go outside the land is not suitable for farming, and enfeoffment is not acceptable, so the northern border is conquered. No one wants it!" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Well, I know what you mean, but the north side is not big, so we can keep attacking the west side, that won't work. Once the Turkic attack happens, Tang's troops will be fighting outside, so what should we do?" Wei Hao said the same thing. He stared at Li Ke and asked.

"When will our Great Tang expedition to the west and north be full of nomads, we will fight them, but it will take a long time, we don't know if we can find them by then, they will keep fleeing to the north Yes!" Li Ke was still worried that the war in the north would be delayed for too long.

"I said you, why are you so anxious? Father is still young, you can't be like this if you are in a hurry?" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke very incomprehensibly and said.

"Ha!" Li Ke said with a wry smile at the moment.

"Why, can I know?" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and asked.

"Actually, you all know, and you also understand, that is, His Royal Highness, the crown prince, is becoming more and more stable now. Tell me, what chance do we have in the capital? Can the emperor give us this position? We will continue to fight, and the crown prince will only be allowed to It’s not fun, once he takes the position, what should we do if he wants to retaliate against us?” Li Ke sat there, looked at Wei Hao and asked back, which is why they are anxious now.

(End of this chapter)

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