Chapter 677

Chapter 673

Wei Hao followed Li Chengqian to his study, Su Mei also came over soon, bringing people over with melons and fruits.

"Shen Yong, you are back! Did you work hard outside before?" Su Mei said to Li Chengqian with a smile.

"It's okay, I just have to run around, but now it's over, it's all right!" Wei Hao said to Su Mei with a smile.

"Well, you guys sit here, I'm going to arrange meals, it's rare for you to come!" Su Mei still smiled and said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded, and soon, Su Mei left and closed the door of the study.

"Did they look for you?" Li Chengqian asked with a smile.

"What do you say, I can't even hide. I thought I would go to Qujiang this morning, but I didn't expect that, early in the morning, King Wu came over. There is no way, I can't see you. Listen to his complaints. Later I thought, King Wu has already met, and Qingque will also meet, let's hear what he means!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"I was wronged in this matter, do you believe it?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said with a wry smile.

"Huh?" Wei Hao was a little surprised when he heard it.

"I know, they must have said that I forced them to be vassals, the conscience of heaven and earth, I have never done this before, it was Xiao Yu and the others who made their own claims, saying that the vassal kings are here, no good, let The vassal king is the vassal, and the other ministers also mean the same! I tried to stop it, but it didn't work!

Later, I guess they all counted on me. I explained it to my father. I said that I didn't let the ministers say that. My father probably didn't believe it. Now I tell you, you probably don't believe it either. I thought about it carefully,
Why is this so, Xiao Yu and the other ministers, what do they mean?
Now even Fang Xuanling and the others mean the same thing, and your father-in-law also means the same thing. They all hope that they will go to the feudal clan. I am not a human being, and I can’t tell if I am suffering. They still don't believe this matter, they think I'm playing tricks and tricks, I know that they are in Chang'an, it's Father's intention, I dare to challenge Father now, it's too late for me to keep a low profile! "Sitting there, Li Chengqian said helplessly with a wry smile.

"There is such a thing, why do they all mean this?" Wei Hao was also surprised when he heard it, this matter is a bit strange.

"Their reasons are also very good, that is, they hope that there will be no chaos in the court. It is good to have a prince. If two feudal kings come over, they still have such great power. It is not good, so they all hope that they will go to the feudal clan. ,
Especially Qingque, which is well-known in the capital, and the common people also praise it unceasingly. I am envious and a little bit jealous, but I dare not move!Their impeachment is like cheating me, everyone thinks that I can't tolerate brothers, hey, Shen Yong, I'm not crazy enough yet! " Li Chengqian said with a wry smile.

"There's no pushing hands here?" Wei Hao continued to look at Li Chengqian and asked.

"I don't know. I really don't know about this matter. I sent people to investigate, but they couldn't find out. So, this matter, eh, I don't know. The father probably has opinions on me. I It was explained, but Father probably doesn't believe it!" Li Chengqian said with a wry smile.

"That's strange!" Wei Hao sat there, thinking carefully.

"Shen Yong, it's just the two of us here. To tell you the truth, I am becoming more and more cautious now. Although I have a group of people, they have gained a firm foothold in the court, but I know that if I go out of line The first thing about my father is to clean me up,

I'm dealing with government affairs now, I'm free to go out of the East Palace, go outside to have a look, learn about folk affairs, other things, I really don't dare, you told me, as long as I don't make mistakes, then the emperor will take me for nothing No way, it is impossible to replace me, I am waiting,
Anyway, there are a lot of things in the Tang Dynasty now, and I can't handle them all by myself. It's good to have the emperor here. At least, he can suppress those generals and continue to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty. I still want to do so much Well, just manage the affairs in the court well, I don't care about other things! " Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded his head to express his understanding.

"I'm worried that someone pushed it, but I can't find any evidence, and I don't know who it is. I don't agree with enfeoffment. If it is enfeoffed, it will be very detrimental to me. I also asked the ministers below to write a letter objected,

But those princes have put a lot of pressure on the father, and some ministers who are close to them also support the enfeoffment, Shen Yong, look now, is there any way on your side to resolve this crisis!I don't want to, when the father is a hundred years later, we brothers will still fight! " Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said.

"I can understand, and I don't want such a thing to happen, but I haven't figured out what's going on now. By the way, have you asked Xiao Yu?" Wei Hao looked at Xiao Yu while talking.

"I asked, he told me before he wrote the letter, and I disagree, but he insisted on writing the letter, what should I do? I can't stop it! Later, Fang Xuanling followed, and so did your father-in-law Yes, the six books, and the other ministers, all put up memorials, hoping that they will become a vassal, I want to stop it, but it's useless!" Li Chengqian said with a wry smile.

"I'll ask to see if there is any pushing hands!" Wei Hao nodded and said to Li Chengqian.

"Well, you can help me ask, inquire about the news, and I will continue to inquire here. This incident is too strange. However, do you remember before that when you were working on the telegraph, there was a rumor in the capital? The news of enfeoffment subsided for a while, and now it is up again, if there is no one behind, I would not believe it if I was killed!" Sitting there, Li Chengqian reminded Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded. Of course he remembered this matter, and he was also doubting it.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what is your attitude towards enfeoffment?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Not now, we have to wait, when we take down the Persian and Jieri dynasties, we have to divide them up, and we must divide them up. Only in this way can we firmly control those areas.

After all, those places are too far away from Chang'an. Once something happens, Chang'an is out of reach, but the areas controlled by Datang will not be enfeoffed.

In addition, the north cannot be divided, and the division can only be done on the west side. However, this is a matter of a few years later, not the current matter, and it has not been defeated. Just thinking about such a thing, it will work. ? "Wei Hao sat there, shaking his head and said.

After hearing this, Li Chengqian sat there and thought about it, and said: "Yes, if Datang really controls such a large area, I will still agree, but now, I will definitely not agree, now we have straight roads , there is a carriage, there is a telegraph level, and there is no problem in controlling those areas!"

"That's what I mean. I told them today that it's also what I mean, but whether it's a distinction or not depends on what my father wants. Only my father can make a decision on this matter. We can't do it!" Wei Hao nodded in agreement. Said.

"That's good. If you have this opinion, I'm relieved. I'm just, worried that you agree. Then I have nothing to do!" Li Chengqian said with a wry smile.

"May I agree? It has just been fought, and it will be divided up. After decades, the war will resume again. Isn't it a joke?" Wei Hao also said with a wry smile.

"Okay, don't talk about this, tell me what you have seen and heard in various places this time. I know you. Every time you go to a place, you have new insights!" Li Chengqian smiled and said to Wei Hao.

"There are indeed quite a lot. I still have a lot of land in Datang. This time, I went around and found that a lot of land has not been reclaimed. In addition, our seeds are also very good now. If they are reclaimed , the people of our Tang Dynasty will never be short of food,

At that time, our population growth rate will be very fast. Maybe within 20 years, the population of our Tang Dynasty may double. In 50 years, I estimate that our population may increase tenfold or even more.
At that time, the land we control will be inhabited by people, even on the west side, I guess there will be a lot of people by then, so once we control the countries in the west, we must assimilate those countries, and we cannot let those countries Rebellion, my Great Tang has controlled those places for generations, and we must ensure that the people of our Great Tang are all over those areas. This is a strategic issue. I will discuss it with my father and His Royal Highness when the time comes! "Wei Hao sat there and said to Li Chengqian, Li Chengqian nodded.

"As for the living standards of the common people, there has not been any significant improvement in various places. The real improvement is in the capital and Luoyang. In the south, in Shandong, Henan and other places, they are all poor, and the common people are barely able to live now.

I have sat in people's homes, the food is enough to eat, but the standard of living is really average. Although the food production is high, they will have many children, but the living conditions are not good, that's not good, those children died young Too many, what a pity! "Wei Hao sat there and said to Li Chengqian.

"Well, I have also noticed this problem. I proposed before that the medical school will expand its enrollment. From the previous enrollment of 1000 to this year's enrollment of 2500, next year, I hope to recruit more than 4000. The East Palace is responsible for half of the money, and I have already sent the money to the medical school.
There are a lot of achievements in the medical school. I went to Luoyang last month, and I was shocked and excited after listening to their report. So, I ask them to continue to expand the enrollment. When the time comes, I will make all the arrangements for those doctors. it is good,

I remember you said that every state will set up a hospital at that time, and my idea is that every county must set up one in the future. Only in this way can we retain more people, so I am Dali Support the School of Medicine! "Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao very excitedly when he mentioned the medical school.

"Oh, you went to see it, and the effect is good?" Wei Hao said, looking at Li Chengqian with a smile.

"I went, the doctors over there said, thank you, if it wasn't for your suggestion, there wouldn't be this college, and I found out about the school in Balang Lane. In fact, I am also very interested, and I have asked Balang several times , He is also very hardworking, Balang just likes to study, I was worried that he had no money, so I gave him 2 yuan to spend on his students!" Li Chengqian then said to Wei Hao.

"Well, this school is actually very difficult to open. It is estimated that there will be no effect in ten years. It is incomparable with the medical school. There is no teacher in this school. I teach alone. How can I have so many students?" Time?" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"But once it's done, I know it will be very effective, right?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said,

Wei Hao nodded.

"That's fine, take your time. When you need money, you tell me that I will pay for it. I have money in the East Palace now!" Li Chengqian said with a smile,

Wei Hao laughed when he heard it, and then the two of them chatted until the evening. After dinner, Wei Hao returned home.
But when he was on the road, Wei Hao kept thinking about who was behind the scenes. He cheated the three princes in one fell swoop.

If Changsun Wuji was there before, I would definitely think it was Changsun Wuji's method, but now Changsun Wuji is at the coal mine, he can't push this matter away,
After Wei Hao returned to his study, he also sat in the study thinking about it, and soon, Li Siyuan came over.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Siyuan came over and asked with a smile, getting ginseng soup for Wei Hao.

"I didn't think about anything, the child fell asleep?" Wei Hao immediately asked with a smile.

"It's been a day in the wild, but I still can't sleep, it's very naughty!" Li Siyuan laughed when she mentioned her son one day.

"Well, why aren't boys wild? Every time I hear his grandfather say how naughty I was when I was young?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, don't talk about him, my father said, are you free tomorrow? If you are free, go to my father's place for lunch tomorrow, saying that you haven't been home for a long time!" Li Siyuan asked Wei Hao.

"I'm free. I'll go tomorrow. It's been a while since I visited their elders. Is your mother-in-law in good health?" Wei Hao immediately nodded and asked.

"It's not bad. I'm in good health. My two elder brothers are not around now. This time I fought against Tubo. The eldest brother has made a great contribution. Now he is stationed in Tubo and can't come back. The second brother is now in the same place, and he can't come back either. If it wasn't for his family There are also a few grandchildren who are making noise, and the two of them don't know how boring they are, so I often go back to accompany them during this time!" Li Siyuan sat down and said with a sigh.

"Brother is stationed in Tubo?" Wei Hao asked in surprise when he heard it.

"Well, the eldest nephew is 10 years old this year, and the other nephews are also older. The eldest brother also wants to earn some credit for them, and the father is also old. Once the father retires, the family needs the elder brother to take care of him. , if the eldest brother has no combat experience, how can he do anything?" Li Siyuan said with a sigh, and Wei Hao nodded when he heard it, understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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