Chapter 678
Chapter 674

Li Siyuan talked to Wei Hao about Li Dejian's current situation, and now Li Dejian is stationed in Tubo.

"Well, how long will it take?" Wei Hao looked at Li Siyuan and asked.

"I guess it will take two years, but it's hard to say. I heard that the elder brother means that as long as there is a war, he will apply to fight the war. Most of them have not refused, which is probably what he meant.
Father is getting old, and elder brother needs to wake up. It's like this in every duke's mansion. Those generals and dukes all want to send their children to the battlefield!The same is true of Uncle Cheng's family, and the same is true of Uncle Yuchi's family,
In addition, Uncle Qin has only one son now, but the son is still young, and he probably will be like this when he grows up. Without military achievements, how will he lead the army in the future? "Li Siyuan said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, let's go to sleep, I'll be there tomorrow morning!" Wei Hao stood up and said to Li Siyuan, Li Siyuan nodded,

The next morning, after Wei Hao finished reading the report from Luoyang at home, he went to Li Jing's mansion. Just after he arrived at Li Jing's mansion, the porter at the mansion saw that Wei Hao had come, and he was very happy. He said to Wei Hao: "Master, hurry up, please come inside, the master also said that you might come over today!"

"Well, is father-in-law at home?" Wei Hao went in and asked with a smile.

"I'm here, at home!" The manager immediately said with a smile, and then welcomed Wei Hao in,

Some servants went to inform Li Jing. Originally, Li Jing was still processing official documents in the living room. After hearing the servant's report, he hurried out of the living room.

"father in law!"

"Hey, hurry up, come in!" Li Jing said happily, the two of them hadn't chatted alone for a long time.

"Father-in-law, how are you doing recently?" Wei Hao went over to support Li Jing and asked.

"Okay, everything is fine!" Li Jing also held Wei Hao's hand, said with a smile, and soon reached the living room.Before I sat down, my mother-in-law came over.

"mother in law!"

"Hey, this kid, why is he so dark and thin!" Hong Fu looked at Wei Hao very worriedly and said, this is her son-in-law, and this son-in-law is very capable, who would not be a mother-in-law? like.

"It's okay, it's mainly because I was running outside!" Wei Hao also said while supporting Hong Fu Nu.

"At noon, I'll have dinner at home. I'll go to the back kitchen to stew an old hen. It won't do if I lose weight!" Hong Fu Nu said anxiously to Wei Hao.

"It's okay, just eat whatever you want!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, your eldest brother and second brother are not at home, so you can have a drink with your father-in-law at noon!" Hong Funu said.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded,
Soon, she went to order.

"Go, go to the old man's study!" Li Jing said to Wei Hao.

"Yeah!" Wei Hao nodded, and followed Wei Hao to Li Jing's study room. After arriving in the study room, Wei Hao sat there making tea and said, "I just found out, why did the eldest brother go to the Tubo garrison? Will he come back after the fight?" Are you still stationed there?"

"Hey, this kid is also high-minded, and I hope to be an excellent general. Your elder brother is good at defense, but not good at offense. It doesn't matter. Those who are good at defense are good at attack. He is outside, as long as he doesn't encounter more than a few times The enemy, it is estimated that the problem is not big!
The old man also knows what this child means. I am too old to be a few years. If it weren't for you, the old man would have come down long ago. The emperor was a little dissatisfied with me before. Why is the dissatisfied? , I don’t want to continue to be Zuo PU She,

But you are here, you are the old man's son-in-law, the old man has to be more protective, and it is because of you that I regained the emperor's trust. Now, your eldest brother wants to fight for a good future for himself, and I can't stop him! " Li Jing sighed and said.

"Then there is no need to be stationed in Tubo. You can come back. When the war is fought, just continue to lead the troops to fight!" Wei Hao still looked at Li Jing incomprehensibly.

"He wants to know more about the frontier army. It's nothing. It's good to suffer a little bit. He hasn't suffered any hardship since he was a child. Now it's good to go to the border to have a look. It's okay, that's it!" Li Jing waved his hand and said.

"Well, anyway, if you don't get used to it, let him come back. Father-in-law, you're getting old, and he's not by your side, he's deserted!" Wei Hao continued to say to Li Jing.

"It's okay, you are also running around. In the past few years, you have spent a few days there. The telegraph machine you got this time is really good. I have studied it with Lao Cheng for a few days. I don't know what it is. How did you send the message? I have to say, you kid is capable!" Li Jing said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Ha, this, I really need some knowledge that I don't have now. When it comes to this, I really don't have time for running a school. I really want to do it well, but there are too many mundane things, and I can't help it. Calm down and deal with school affairs, let Ji Wang teach now, see if you can pick out some good seedlings, let's talk about it when the time comes!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty knows that you think so, so let's talk about it first, otherwise, when you are free, you don't know when to wait. Your Majesty also knows your skills, which are very useful.

If it wasn't for you, my Tang Dynasty would still be so powerful?Now that the war is over, the court still has so much money. It is the second year that the Tang Dynasty has exempted the people from all over the country from renting land. The common people are taking a breather. The emperor also hopes that the people of the Tang Dynasty can have more children.

There are still not many people in my Tang Dynasty, and the rice and sweet potatoes you got are really the foundation of the country. You don’t know, when your rice fields are harvested, the emperor took all the officials to go Yes, I went to see it in person. Those ministers were very excited when they saw such a high output. They all said that after the Tang Dynasty, there will be no worries, and the people will have food to eat. From now on, the people of the Tang Dynasty will never go hungry again! " Li Jing said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Well, this one is pretty good. I still got those rice seeds out, but now I have to continue researching, but there is still no suitable person, really no suitable person!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile stand up.

"Then train yourself. After all, you really have too many things to do now. If you really can't do it, you should resign from some positions, but you don't have many positions!" Li Jing looked at Wei Hao and said helplessly. .

"I don't have any job anymore. I'm not talking about my job right now. It's my father who makes things for me from time to time. At the same time, hey, what's going on with the court this time? Okay, let's see." What enfeoffment? Also, why did those ministers let King Wu and King Wei become vassals?
This, why did such a thing happen all of a sudden? "Wei Hao sat there, looked at Li Jing and asked, today he mainly wanted to find out about this matter.

"Hey, the old man is all confused. No one thought it was like this at the beginning. Later, when we saw that the princes were going to divide the title, we ministers should stop doing it and let them go to the feudal domain. The incident was caused by Xiao Yu. He First of all, you have to submit the letter first, so there is no other way later, and enfeoffment is not acceptable, since they want to enfeoff, then we let them be feudal, enfeoffment is not acceptable, you are very clear about the danger!" Li Jing looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"I know this, is this the case?" Wei Hao looked at Li Jing with some incomprehension and asked.

"That's the way it is. The old man is confused, but now it's like this, so we can only let them go to the feudal clan. If they don't, it will be dangerous for the future of the Tang Dynasty. The crown prince is unstable. How can we it's OK?
Both the crown prince and the king of Wu want to covet the position of crown prince. This is not acceptable. The crown prince has made no serious mistakes. We cannot let the vassal king stay in the capital. We understand what the emperor means. He just wants to train the crown prince.

But the prince is doing very well now, and he is also very good at handling the government affairs, so there is no need for such training. Are our ministers in trouble?
Those of us can not stand in line, but what about the officials below, can they do it without standing in line?They were originally promoted by those three people, and when the time comes, it will cause even greater party disputes. What should I do?So I discussed it with the house servant, and we should stop this matter completely this time, Your Majesty, you can't treat the prince as a joke like this! "Li Jing sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"Does the emperor know your purpose?" Sitting there, Wei Hao asked.

"Can you not know? We have made it clear to him, and we have said it several times, but the emperor has not made up his mind. We also know what he is worried about, but the prince does not have this ability, at least within ten years. of,

Ten years later, if he has this ability, the emperor will be older, and it is a good thing that the prince needs to have a certain amount of power in the first place!Otherwise, how to hand over in the future? "Li Jing looked at Wei Hao and continued talking, and Wei Hao made sense when he heard it.

"Hey, it turned out to be like this. I thought there was a pushing hand. I couldn't figure out who it was!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile as he sat there.

Li Jing looked at Wei Hao, and then said: "There is really a possibility that there is a pusher in this matter, but they are hiding relatively deep, because it happened so suddenly, and our ministers can't do anything about it. When it comes time to deal with it, the other party This is also calculated!"

"Huh? Father-in-law, according to what you said, who is Pushing Hands? It stands to reason that the person who benefits the most is Pushing Hands. Judging from what happened, the three people benefited the most. One is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and the other is King Wu. And King Wei, but if they split up, it will be in the best interest of King Wu and King Wei, and of course, it will also benefit the other princes." Wei Hao asked

"I suspect it is the King of Wu, but there is no evidence. The King of Wu knows very well that he has no chance as the crown prince. Even if the crown prince really has some problems, it will not be his turn. First, Li Tai is no worse than him. You I will definitely give priority to supporting Li Tai,

Second, even if Li Tai is no good, there is also Li Shen. They all know that Li Shen is your disciple. He has contributed to the telegraph and is still training students. Ten years later, what will Li Shen grow into? Sample?

Also, Li Shen's mother is there, but your Wei family, your Wei family will also support him, so since there is no hope, it is better for Miao to seek other opportunities, such as enfeoffment, to manage a country by himself, to avoid A conflict with the prince is not impossible,

Therefore, this matter is possible for both King Wu and King Wei.

However, the possibility of King Wei is less. After all, if something goes wrong with the crown prince, he is the most hopeful. Among the people, King Wei has a very good reputation, and all officials admire him very much. He does things well. He has his own way. The expansion of Chang'an City will be completed in one year. He has also done a good job in the resettlement of the people. It would be good if he is the prince. Therefore, it is unlikely that King Wei will be the pusher , but it is not impossible! "Li Jing sat there, helping Wei Hao analyze,

Wei Hao also nodded, and the development of the matter made Wei Hao a little uncertain, but he also knew in his heart that the three of them were still making trouble in this matter, and the key was Xiao Yu, who was Xiao Yu? Instigated, but if you want to ask him, he can't tell the truth. In front of the prince, he didn't tell the truth.

"Shen Yong, don't worry about this matter. Don't say anything when they come to you. His Majesty will deal with it of course!" Li Jing explained to Wei Hao, Wei Hao nodded. I didn't want to take care of it, but I had no choice. They came to me, hoping that I could uphold justice.

Then, the two continued to chat, chatting about what happened in the court,
On the side of Chengtian Palace, Li Shimin is also worried. Now more and more officials are writing letters, hoping to let Wu Wang and Wei Wang become feudal vassals.

"Well, who did the firewood?" Sitting there, Li Shimin asked angrily.Eunuch Chen stood there with his head down. This matter was really not investigated.

"Why did Xiao Yu present the memorial? Is what he said to the prince true?" Li Shimin stared at Eunuch Chen and asked.

"Your Majesty, it's the truth. We investigated it. Before and after the letter was written, he had never been to any other place except the East Palace!" Eunuch Chen said immediately, clasping his hands.

"Hmm!" Li Shimin leaned back. Originally, according to his idea, the three of them needed to compete in Chang'an for a few years. No one thought that those ministers hoped that King Wu and King Wei would go to the vassal.

As for the other ministers and princes, they hope that the functions will be divided into entrustments. They are willing to guard the border. The border of the Tang Dynasty does not need them to guard it now. Now those ministers and princes are not embarrassing the prince, but embarrassing themselves. Doing so is tantamount to forcing yourself to make a decision.

"Come to find Shenyong, I want to chat with Shenyong for a while!" Li Shimin said to Eunuch Chen.

"Your Majesty, in the morning, Duke Xia went to Li Pushe's mansion and brought a lot of presents!" Eunuch Chen said immediately, clasping his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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