Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 679 Either persuade or subdue!

Chapter 679 Either persuade or subdue!

Chapter 675

Li Shimin was very annoyed and wanted to find Wei Hao. Eunuch Chen said that Wei Hao had gone to Li Jing's mansion now.
When Li Shimin heard this, he nodded and said, "Yes, he hasn't been to Li Jing's mansion for a long time, right? If he wants to, now Li Jing and his elders are at the mansion, and the others are not around. Li Jing and his wife also need Wei Haoduo to go. Just look at it, you're getting older!"

"Yes, I heard that Li Jing went to Wei Hao several times. Later, Mrs. Xia Guogong probably asked Mrs. Xia to talk to Wei Hao. Wei Hao just went there. Yesterday, Wei Hao met King Wu and King Wei at home in the morning, and in the afternoon I went to the East Palace." Eunuch Chen said again.

"It's also embarrassing for this child. He came back from the outside, and now everyone is staring at him, wanting him to express his opinion. What does he know? He just came back!" Sitting there, Li Shimin said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, after he comes out of Li Pushe's mansion, I will send someone to inform him?" Eunuch Chen said from Intercontinental.

"Well, no need, let him have a rest, let him come over tomorrow morning! Just say that I invite him to fish!" Li Shimin said to Mr. Chen.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Chen immediately nodded and said,

And Wei Hao ate at Li Jing's mansion and drank two glasses with Li Jing. Wei Hao's alcohol capacity was not bad, but he never drank too much, almost enough.

After sending Li Jing to the bedroom to rest, Wei Hao came out and said to Hong Fu Nu: "Mother-in-law, if there is anything at home, you can send someone to let me know. Come back and sit down, lest you miss me!"

"I know, Siyuan also comes back every few days, and you too, don't be too tired, look, you've lost weight!" Hong Funu also said while holding Wei Hao's hand.

"Well, okay, mother-in-law, I'll go back first, and if you need something, you can send someone to find me!" Wei Hao said to Hong Fu Nu,
Hong Fu Nu nodded, and then sent Wei Hao outside the gate,
When Wei Hao arrived at his home, he also lay down in the study and drank some wine to sleep well. When Li Lizhi arrived in the study, he found that Wei Hao smelled of alcohol, so he didn't say anything, but ordered his servants to burn the stove and pay attention Pay attention to the quilt on Wei Hao and go out.
It wasn't until evening that Wei Hao woke up, went to several small courtyards, and looked at the children. After dinner, Wei Hao sat in the study, thinking about the matters in hand.

"Shen Yong, come on, come on, your third grandma is dying!" At this time, mother Wang came over and said anxiously.

"What?" Wei Hao was in a hurry when he heard it, and he also came out of the study immediately.

"The third grandma is probably going to die. Your father is not at the house, so hurry up and go over here, and I will also take those grandchildren there!" Wang said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao heard it, and ran out too. When he got outside, he rode his horse and ran towards the west city quickly.

When he arrived at the old house in Xicheng, Wei Hao went straight to the third aunt's bedroom, went in, and found that the third aunt was as angry as a gossamer.

"Grandma, grandma!" Wei Hao immediately knelt down and grabbed the hand of the third grandma,

"Hmm!" The third grandma saw Wei Hao kneeling on the edge of the bed when she heard the voice.

"My grandson is here, get up, get up! Don't cry!" The third grandma said with a smile and grabbed Wei Hao's hand.

"Well, don't cry, third grandma, it's okay, it's okay, the doctor will be here soon!" Wei Hao immediately said to the third grandma, the third grandma is already in her 70s and almost [-] this year,
In this era, it is considered a long life, the doctor has actually been here, old, old, there is no way,
Soon, Li Lizhi and the others arrived with all the children, including Mrs. Wang, and then Li Siyuan and Li Lizhi also arrived at the third grandma's bedroom.

"Auntie, Jin Bao will be back tomorrow, don't worry, it's alright!" Mrs. Wang saw that the third grandma was looking for someone, so she knew it must be Wei Furong. I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.

"Well, my granddaughter-in-law is here! Where's my great-grandson? Where's my great-grandson?" The third grandma lay there and said softly.

"They're all here, hurry up and bring the children in!" Li Lizhi immediately wiped away her tears and said,

The third grandma was very kind to those children, and she was also very kind to Wei Hao. Up to now, she has not let go of Wei Hao's hand.

Soon, all those children came in, all calling for Grandma Grandma. The Third Grandma lay there smiling, and then said, "Let them go out, they are still young, don't scare the children!"

"Hey, third grandma, it's okay! It's okay!" Wei Hao knelt there and said,
The third grandma just held on to Wei Hao's hand. After a while, the third grandma fell asleep and did not let go. Wei Hao just sat on the edge of the bed.

"You all go out, go to the backyard to rest, as long as I am here, mother, you go out too!" Wei Hao said to Wang.

"Okay, you stay here, you can't leave people here, your father is not here, you have to stay here!" Wang said to Wei Hao.

"I know, mother!" Wei Hao nodded, and after they went out,

Wei Hao just sat there, letting the third grandma hold his hand,

Before he knew it, Wei Hao was also tired and dozed off. Seeing that the third grandma was still breathing, Wei Hao felt relieved.
Wei Hao dozed off for a while, woke up, looked at the third grandma for the first time, and found that she was still breathing, and felt relieved a lot, but his eyes never opened. Wei Hao was also worried, knowing that the third grandma's time had come, who There is no other way,
At noon, Wei Furong appeared at the gate of the mansion.

"The old man is back!" The servant at the door saw it and immediately shouted,

Wei Furong ran quickly to the third grandma's courtyard, and when he reached the bedroom, Wei Hao immediately said to Wei Furong, "Father, are you back?"

"How is your third grandma?" Wei Furong asked anxiously.

"I woke up once last night, and I haven't woken up until now, holding my hand all the time!" Wei Hao said.

"En!" Wei Furong said and went to the edge of the bed.

"Auntie, Auntie, I, Jinbao, mother, the baby is back!" Wei Furong called the third grandma, at this time the third grandma slowly opened her eyes.

"My son is back!" The third grandmother showed a smile on her face, then let go of Wei Hao's hand, and grabbed Wei Furong's hand.

"Hey, mother, my son is back!" Wei Furong immediately knelt down.

"Well, it's good to be back, good to be back!" Third Grandma smiled,
Then he closed his eyes again, and at the same time let go, Wei Furong quickly covered her with his hands, and after a while, the old man died, Wei Furong and Wei Hao also knelt there, crying, and then all the people outside came in, They were all crying, and all the great-grandchildren knelt down.

After a while, it was time to arrange funerals.

"Father, the third grandma is waiting for you to come back!" Wei Hao stood beside Wei Furong and said.

"Well, I am his son, she must wait for me to come back!" Wei Furong nodded,

For the next two days, the old house was hung with white cloths. During the funeral, many people from Xicheng came, and the third grandma was also buried in the ancestral land of the Wei family.

Although the third grandma is the concubine of Grandpa Wei Hao, she has made great contributions to the Wei family, educated the descendants well, and made great contributions, so she needs to be buried in the ancestral land.
Wei Hao, as the only eldest grandson, naturally had to send him there in person. After completing the posthumous affairs, Wei Hao also returned to the mansion.
As the eldest grandson, although Ding You is not required, he still needs to stay at home for 49 days and cannot go to other people's homes, but he can still go out, but Wei Hao didn't go out either, and Wei Furong needs to keep his filial piety, so he can't go out either.

On this day, Li Shimin was very annoying in the palace, and those things were still fermenting, which made Li Shimin very annoyed.

"Come here, go to Shenyong's mansion to announce the imperial decree, and let him come to the palace immediately!" Sitting there, Li Shimin said.

The so-called seizing love means that the emperor issued an imperial decree, there is no need to keep filial piety, but to use seizing love!
Soon, the imperial decree arrived at Wei Hao's residence. Wei Hao sighed in his heart after accepting the decree. He originally wanted to use this incident to purify himself for a while, but unexpectedly, he was robbed of his love.

"What's wrong with the father, can't you keep the filial piety?" Li Lizhi also said very irritatedly, she knew about the outside affairs.Now that Li Shimin told him to go over, there must be nothing good.

"Forget it, let's go, your Majesty, there must be troublesome things, you go to share your worries with your majesty, the family is originally me and your mother, and three aunts are fine, you can do it almost, without grandchildren The truth!" Sitting there, Wei Furong said to Wei Hao and the others.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Wei Hao nodded, and then went to the study room, where he needed to change into clothes. Before at home, Wei Hao wore plain clothes. Now, if he wants to go to the palace, of course he needs to change into the official uniform. .

"When you go over there, don't talk nonsense, don't get angry, don't fight with others, you haven't stopped this year, you might as well go fishing, it doesn't matter how good everything is, the family is not without money, nor is it without status, There are several duke titles in the family, and several duke titles as well, so it's not worth it!" Li Lizhi said while changing Wei Hao's clothes.

"Yeah, master, many things, just turn a blind eye and close one eye, don't worry about them, you don't care so much!" Li Siyuan also said quickly beside her.

"That's a matter of fussing? What are they making such a fuss about? How can it be so easy to divide the feudal lords, and whoever thought of it?" Wei Hao stood there and said very unhappy,

Now is not the time at all, if Wei Hao is forced to do it like this, can Wei Hao not be annoyed, he has been busy for a year, and he can't even take a break.

"Don't get angry, don't quarrel with them!" Li Lizhi immediately reminded Wei Hao when he heard Wei Hao's tone was not good, knowing that Wei Hao was annoyed.

"I know!" Wei Hao nodded, and then he left the mansion and went straight to the palace.
After arriving at Chengtian Palace, Wang De was already waiting for him here.

"Your Majesty asked you to go fishing in the lake behind!" Wang De immediately said to Wei Hao.

"Fishing, I didn't bring anything with me!" Wei Hao asked in surprise when he heard this.

"Your Majesty has already prepared everything for you, just go there!" Wang De still said with a smile.

"Oh, yes!" Wei Hao nodded.

"Duke Xia, my condolences!" Wang De said softly to Wei Hao.

"Thank you for thinking about it, hey, I'm getting older, 77!" Wei Hao nodded, cupped his hands and said, and then followed Wang De to the lake.

"Your majesty is very annoying these days. So many ministers have written letters, half of them are entrusted, and the other half are from feudal vassals. The court is full of smog. Your Majesty is very angry, and he doesn't know who to punish!" Wang De continued to speak in a low voice. Followed Wei Hao and said.

"Oh, okay!" Wei Hao nodded, and soon reached the lake,
After reaching the lake, Wei Hao went directly into the tent.

"I have seen my father!" Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"Well, here you go, sit down, the ice hole has been opened for you, and the fishing rod is ready for you, we two are fishing together, talking, it's very annoying!" Li Shimin pointed to the place next to him, facing Wei Hao said,

Wei Hao smiled wryly when he heard it.

"You smile bitterly, I'm so angry that I'm going to kill someone, you bastard, don't you know how to share?" Li Shimin saw Wei Hao's bitter smile, and cursed.

"How do I share? I have something at home, and you don't know about it? I originally wanted to investigate, but it was all delayed.
Besides, this matter, father, you too, if you don't know, just call the three of them and explain it clearly to them, so that those ministers don't do it! "Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"You think the father has never done this before. They all agreed and talked about it, but it was useless. Those ministers still wrote a letter. They were so angry that they would go to court tomorrow, and those ministers would still talk about it. You Come over tomorrow!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"Fighting again?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"Hit, hit hard, right in the hall, I want to deal with them!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and nodded.

"No, not long after I came back, I didn't rest for two days, so I went to sit in the cell?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin speechlessly and asked.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, you can fish in the prison cell. Just go there and hide at home. You can't go out to play. That's it. Either you convince them, or you persuade them!" Li Shimin Still very angry said.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded, he had no choice but to make a bad move.

"Well, I'm angry, it's useless to say anything, those ministers just want Ke'er and Qingque to be feudal,

And there are some ministers who are talking about enfeoffment. The territory of the Tang Dynasty is too large to be controlled. Why is it not easy to control. Now that there is a telegraph, it is not easy to control. The news now is much faster than before. , It’s not easy to control, wait for the telegraph, I will set up two telegraphs in each county, one for civilian use, and one for court use! "Li Shimin said angrily,

Wei Hao nodded. This was originally the plan. Now the telegraph has become an important tool for Chaotang to issue orders. The orders from Chaotang can go to the place soon. Li Shimin is very proud of this.

(End of this chapter)

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