Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 680 Dilemma

Chapter 680 Dilemma
Chapter 676

Wei Hao was sitting there fishing, chatting with Li Shimin about the affairs of the court. According to Li Shimin's idea, it is impossible to divide the feudal title. Now Chang'an can manage the whole country, because there is a telegraph machine, and any place can report to Chang'an as soon as possible. Come on, I don’t know how much faster it is to transmit information now than before,
Moreover, all provinces have now built straight roads, and it is convenient for horse-drawn carriages to pass. Even if they go to Tubo now, they have already built a section of straight roads. Speed, send to the front line.

"You still need to continue to produce telegraphs. Shen'er is not good at this matter. You have taught him, but he still can't do some things. You also have to go and see those students. I am now I found out that Gewu is a good thing, a real good thing!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"Well, wait until I'm done. Let's get the telegraph first. Those students, Shen'er can also teach. For now, there is no one who is better than Shen'er except me!" Wei Hao sat there, He smiled and said.

"Hey, I also want to let you be free, let you teach, but it can't be done, there are always people making trouble, now my Tang Dynasty is rich, the army is also very good, there are many scholars, and the management of the people is not bad, but Now that there is a matter of enfeoffment and resignation, what do you want me to do?
Are they willing to let the two of them go to Jiufan?Especially Qingque, the contribution to Datang is still huge, no matter whether I admit it or not, as far as it is pragmatic, Qingque has done a good job, and it is also very good to the people. Now wherever Qingque goes, there are people and people. He said hello, this point, Gao Ming is not as good as him! "Li Shimin continued to say to Wei Hao with a sigh,
Wei Hao also nodded with a wry smile. At this time, Wei Hao's body drifted a bit. Wei Hao mentioned that it was a crucian carp, not big. Wei Hao continued to fish.

"Lizhi also doesn't want you to continue to be so busy, saying that you haven't stopped all these years, how can I not know? I can't help it! They are unreliable, they don't know what the goal of my Tang Dynasty is, they are considering their own interests,
You are the only one who thinks about the people's education, the people's childbirth, the people's medical treatment, the people's food, and the army's communications. Whoever thought about it, even Gao Ming, didn't think about it. Just know how to do things step by step, who of them has taken the initiative to consider the common people?No! "Li Shimin sat there and said angrily.

"Well, father, I think there is still consideration. Didn't His Royal Highness say that he will be responsible for the medical school's expenses this time?" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"Well, this is indeed a good job, but it's not enough. My Tang Dynasty needs to move forward. There is still a lot of land on the west side, and there is still a lot of land on the north side. Those countries and Compared with our Tang Dynasty, we are far behind, and we are not at the same level at all.

We want to destroy them, it is very easy, but how to manage, my Datang has only such a few people now, and there are still many children who have not yet grown up. Now the population of my Datang is growing very fast, this is a good thing,
If it is more than ten years later, when those young people get married, the population of my Tang Dynasty will increase, so that we can control more places,
Now, father, I want to say something vicious to you. More than [-]% of the men in Tubo and Koryo Peninsula were sent to build roads and dig coal. Their women are the women of our Tang people. In the future, their children It is also a child of our Tang Dynasty, not a child of Goguryeo and Tubo, I must make the entire Tang Dynasty strong! "Sitting there, Li Shimin said very resolutely,

Wei Hao heard it and nodded. Wei Hao knew about it a long time ago. It's just that this matter is not done publicly, but secretly. It is estimated that few people have discovered the clues!

"Hey!" Li Shimin sighed again.

"Father, don't worry about it. When the time comes, the land in the west can be distributed to them if you agree to the distribution. But it's not now. Let them stop making trouble now. Now my Tang Dynasty needs to focus on development, and slowly go to the west and Fight from the north!" Wei Hao heard Li Shimin sigh, and immediately said to you, Li Shimin.

"I know, that's fine, let's not talk about it. In the past two years, I will not send you any important tasks. You will sit here in Chang'an. You are in Chang'an. They and those ministers dare not mess around. I don't worry too!" Li Shimin confessed to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded when he heard it. This is the best way, and he doesn't want to run around outside. It stands to reason that he doesn't have to do anything, and he has everything at home.

The two had been fishing on the lake. At noon, Empress Changsun brought food to the lake. Wei Hao chatted with Empress Changsun for a while. Empress Changsun also felt sorry for Wei Hao's blackmail.

After chatting for a while, Empress Changsun also went back,

And Wei Hao accompanied Li Shimin fishing until the evening before going back. When he got home, Wei Hao sat on the recliner in the study, thinking about this, he didn't want to fight with those ministers tomorrow,
Although Li Shimin meant this, but he didn't want to do this, it was a bit outrageous, everyone was for the court, since they couldn't fight, they had to be persuaded, but how to persuade them was also a troublesome thing.

"Master, it's time to eat!" Li Lizhi pushed open the door and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, good!" Wei Hao nodded. After eating, Wei Hao went back to the study. Li Lizhi also found out that Wei Hao was interested, so he entered the study not long after, carrying ginseng tea.

"What's the matter? What did the emperor say to you today?" Li Lizhi looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Hey, what else can I say, isn't it just those bad things, let me solve them, how can I solve them? Father said, let me fight them, is it possible? Now there are so many dukes in our house, fighting them, Isn't it a bully?" Wei Hao looked at Li Lizhi with a wry smile and said.

"Are you kidding? It's an honor to go to jail? Don't go, don't listen to him. The son-in-law has to solve the things his son caused. What kidding, just don't agree!" Li Lizhi immediately became unhappy Said, Wei Hao heard it, smiled bitterly, and said nothing.

"Don't think about it, forget it if you can't figure it out, just let them make a fuss, it will be bloody!" Li Lizhi persuaded Wei Hao, Wei Hao nodded, picked up the ginseng tea, and drank it .

"Also, you don't want to teach everything. Did you hear me? It's our son who wants to learn, not outsiders. After learning, they won't thank you. To accept students, you have to be careful, and you can't be so realistic. , I found that you are too real, you can do whatever your father says, and you don't know how to refuse!" Li Lizhi confessed to Wei Hao.

"Your father knows, you can't be beaten to death!" Wei Hao said while looking at Li Lizhi with a smile.

"I always said this to him. There are so many children in my family, even if one can inherit your mantle, it is enough. Now we have so many children in our family, and there will be more children in the future. Those who inherit your mantle, I will definitely beat them to death!" Li Lizhi sat there and said aggressively.

"Yes, you are mother. You have the final say. If they don't obey you, you will beat them up!" Wei Hao said to Li Lizhi with a smile.

"Fuck you, take care of it, if you can't do it anymore, I'll clean them up!" Li Lizhi said with a smile and slapped Wei Hao.

"Well, I'll take care of it!" Wei Hao smiled, and then he was still thinking about this matter in his mind, how to persuade them.

And at this moment, in Li Ke's house, Li Ke also knew that Wei Hao entered the palace today and stayed in the lake for a day. It was Wei Hao and Li Shimin. No one knew what they were talking about, but he could guess it. It must be related to the memorial during this period. Now those ministers forced the father to have nothing to do. Li Shimin had to come forward to solve this matter!

"Your Highness, tomorrow's court will definitely have to be decided at that time. If His Majesty continues to make peace with each other, it will definitely not work!" Dugu Jiayong said to Li Ke, cupping his hands.

"I know, it's more likely to be a feudal clan, or it's a feudal feudal clan. If this is the case, Qingque will definitely not do it. He must make trouble!" Li Ke pointed He nodded and said.

"Your Highness, if you are a vassal, you will actually suffer a lot. You are also the Shaoyin of the Jingzhao Mansion, and now you know a lot about managing the people. In fact, if you are allowed to govern the people in one side, you can also govern very well! "Dugu Jiayong said again.

"That's what I said, but compared to Qingque, I'm still far behind. Qingque is really good, much better than me!" Li Ke said with a sigh,

Not to mention that he is inferior to Li Chengqian, but even Li Tai himself is inferior. Of course, Li Ke is very clear that Wei Hao is behind Li Tai's guidance, and Li Tai also trusts Wei Hao very much.

"It is estimated that Wei Hao will make a decision tomorrow. It depends on what Wei Hao has to say tomorrow!" Li Ke sighed. Wei Hao entered the palace today, so he must have something to discuss.

"Well, Your Highness, tell me, which side does Wei Hao lean towards?" Dugu Jiayong immediately looked at Li Ke and asked.

"I don't know yet, but I guess he won't make Qing Que uncomfortable. Qing Que is actually very popular with Wei Hao. In addition, Li Zhi also likes Qing Que very much. Li Zhi brought her up since she was a child. It is impossible for Shen Yong not to Consider this aspect!" Li Ke said with a sigh again,

Now he doesn't know what Wei Hao means. If Wei Hao supports them, then they have to go to the feudal clan. It's useless to persuade them. Father will definitely listen to Wei Hao's words.Then Li Ke sighed again and said: "Forget it, don't think about it, let's talk about it tomorrow, and I will probably know tomorrow!"

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll take my leave first." Dugu Jiayong immediately cupped his hands and said, Li Ke nodded, and in Li Chengqian's East Palace, Li Chengqian and Su Mei were also lying there, talking about it.

"Tomorrow, will Shen Yong support them in going to the feudal clan, or will they split the fief?" Su Mei said to Li Chengqian.

"I don't know. I just can't figure this out. It's not a solution if things keep going on. After all, it still needs to be resolved, but this sign of enfeoffment is really bad. In the future, if the territory expands, it will be enfeoffed." , This is creating a problem for the orphan." Li Chengqian said with a sigh.

"That's right, I guess it was Saburo's meaning, it must be his meaning, he knew that he couldn't beat you, and he couldn't beat Qingque, so he took the next best thing and gave him a title, so that he can also be king!" Su Mei lay there , said.

"No matter who it is, it has caused huge troubles for Gu. Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Li Chengqian said helplessly. Come back, this will become the root of the disaster, the father is well aware of this, and I also know it!

Early the next morning, because it was time for the court, Wei Hao also got up early. Li Lizhi dressed Wei Hao and persuaded Wei Hao, "Don't fight with those ministers. It's okay to quarrel. If the emperor doesn't call your name, don't talk, just hide if you can!"

"Ha, it's good if I can dodge it. After Duoqing, you still want to dodge?" Wei Hao said with a wry smile when he heard it.

"Hey!" Li Lizhi also sighed helplessly. Soon, Wei Hao arrived at the living room. After breakfast, Wei Hao rode to Chengtian Palace. On the way, he met Li Jing.

"Why are you here?" Li Jing was very surprised when he saw Wei Hao.

"Hey, father-in-law, don't mention it, my father took my love for me yesterday and asked me to attend the meeting, saying that I want to discuss what happened recently!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

When Li Jing heard this, he nodded, understood, then sighed and said: "This is a big deal, Shen Yong, you should avoid it!"

"I can't avoid it, I thought, it's better to go outside to build a transfer station!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile again, and slowly, he met more and more ministers. Those ministers saw Wei Hao and greeted them one after another. I was also surprised, why did Wei Hao come here?

Soon, we arrived at the Chengtian Palace. The gate of the Chengtian Palace had not yet opened, and the ministers gathered together in small groups, talking in a low voice, but they were all talking about Wei Hao's going to court today. , I know that something big must happen today, maybe I have to decide on the recent memorials.

"Why are you out here, kid? Isn't it good to keep filial piety at home?" Cheng Yaojin immediately said to Wei Hao after seeing Wei Hao.

"You think I don't want to, there's no way, I can't avoid it!" Wei Hao said helplessly to Cheng Yaojin.

"Hey, you boy, now everyone is hoping to get wind from here. At first, I thought, you should avoid it anyway, but you are still here. If I were killed, I would not come!" Cheng Yaojin said to Looking at Wei Hao and said, Wei Hao rolled his eyes, it's not your turn, and you can't avoid it when it's your turn.

(End of this chapter)

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