Chapter 692 Fang Yi Straight Back to Beijing

Chapter 688

Li Ke was still asking about entrustment. Wei Hao heard it, stared at Li Ke, then smiled and said, "You're still worried about this? Are you?"

"Yes, I must be worried. Now there is no hope for us to hit the position of the crown prince. Unless there is some accident, otherwise it is impossible. What are you fighting for now? You know Shen Yong, and I don't want to be hypocritical. I just want to be divided. , I hope I can manage a place, I believe I can manage a country!" Li Ke nodded.Said to Wei Hao.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid that you will be too busy at that time. After some entrustment, there will be a lot of things at that time. You will have to see the map. You also know how much area the Tang Dynasty occupies, so now you just do things well. , learn more about how to manage a city and a country!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke with a smile.

"Since you said that, I'm relieved, and you should also rest assured. I'm sure I can take care of the Taiyuan side. The construction of the Beiping side hasn't started yet. When the construction starts, I still hope to go to the Beiping side! "Li Ke said to Wei Hao.

"You want to be entrusted to the northeast?" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and asked.

"Yes, it's close to Chang'an over there. I want to come back, and I can come back anytime." Li Ke nodded and said.

"Then don't think about this position. It's impossible for you to be assigned to that side, and it's impossible to be assigned there. If you want to be assigned, you will also be assigned the land in the west. It is impossible to assign the other lands. " Wei Hao said to Li Ke with a smile and shaking his head,

Li Ke heard it, and sat there thinking about it,

"It is impossible for the Tang Dynasty to divide the land in the east. If it wants to divide the land, it will also divide the land in the west. It is very likely that the land in the north will not be divided. Those places are grasslands. If they are divided, the threat to Datang is too great. , if you were sitting in that position, would you be entrusted?" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and asked,

Li Ke heard it, nodded, and then said: "It's okay, you can share it anywhere!"

"It's good to think like this, okay, there are no other things, you can take a closer look at these things, and then hand them over to the father and His Royal Highness, and let them discuss it. I don't want to take care of such things. I'm too tired. I Take a good rest for a while, this time is just busy with this!" Wei Hao said, pointing to the things in Li Ke's hand.

"I'll hand it over to them? Didn't you hand it over to them?" Li Ke said to Wei Hao in surprise.

"You go, I will go when the time comes, and there are many things, you should go, whatever the emperor says, you can do what you want!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke, waving his hands.

"That's fine, then I won't bother you to rest. If there is anything you don't understand, I will spend a day to ask you. I will study these things carefully!" Li Ke stood up as he spoke. At this time, Li Ke Lizhi came over with melons and fruits.

"Third Brother, are you leaving now?" Li Lizhi asked Li Ke.

"Well, I have a treat at my house at noon, I have to go back first, Shen Yong, remember to come at noon, Lizhi, I will go back first!" Li Ke said to Li Lizhi with a smile.

"Okay, then I won't delay your business!" Li Lizhi nodded and said, Li Ke left soon, and Wei Hao leaned on the sofa.

"Are you tired?" Li Lizhi went behind Wei Hao and held Wei Hao's head.

"It's okay, I can rest for a while!" Wei Hao said leaning there with his eyes closed.

"How about we move to Luoyang after the next year, so as not to have so many things!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"It's not enough. There will be things next year. It's okay. I just wrote those plans in the past few days. I spent a lot of time. I just want to finish writing, and I can play with peace of mind after the Chinese New Year!" Wei Hao said with a smile. .

"Okay, listen to you, if you're tired, stop doing it, anyway, it's not bad, and the emperor can't force you every day!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded. When it was close to noon, Wei Hao rode to Prince Wu's mansion. At this moment, King Wu was already welcoming the guests at the door. They were all young people from the capital, either the sons of the princes or the princes. The son of Li Ke, or those brothers of Li Ke.

"I have seen His Royal Highness King Wu!"

"Hurry up, Shenyong, please come inside, I will come to accompany you later, and His Royal Highness has not yet arrived, and the other brothers have arrived!" Li Ke said enthusiastically, holding Wei Hao's hand.

"Okay!" Wei Hao smiled and cupped his hands and said, then Li Ke asked the man in charge of the house to take Wei Hao in. As soon as Wei Hao went in, he found that they were all acquaintances.

"Brother-in-law!" At this moment, Li Zhi called Wei Hao loudly.

"You slave is here too?" Wei Hao walked over with a smile.

"Master!" Li Shen also came to Wei Hao's side at the moment.

"Hey, are you here?" Wei Hao nodded.

"Brother-in-law, come and sit down here, I'll make tea!" Li Tai is also greeting Wei Hao from a distance at the moment, Wei Hao nodded with a smile, and went to sit down. As long as it is almost an adult, it will come.

"There are quite a few people today!" Wei Hao smiled and sat down.

"Shen Yong!" At this time, not far away, Fang Yi came straight over, and said happily to Wei Hao.

"You're back too? When did you come back?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"Just last night, I originally planned to visit your house today, but later I received a notice from King Wu, saying that everyone has come here. I haven't visited those seniors yet, so I came here!" Fang Yi Zhi smiled and said to Wei Hao.

"Come on, sit down and talk, how about it? Are you okay?" Wei Hao smiled and pulled Fang Yizhi to sit down. Those people all know that Wei Hao likes Fang Yizhi very much, and also hugs Fang Yizhi with great hopes.

"Fortunately, our county's annual court tax rebate is about 8 yuan, which is not bad. Now we have also done a lot of things, including repairing roads and water conservancy. What's more, for some difficult families, we also helped,
In addition, three new schools have been built, one in the county seat and the other two outside. We just hope that there will be children studying, and we pay for the teacher's fees! "Fang Yi sat there and made a simple report to Wei Hao.

"Okay, very good. Being able to return so much money also shows that you have managed the local area very well. If you work for another two years, the emperor will probably transfer you!" Wei Hao said to Fang Yi with a smile.

"Don't worry, I just hope to manage our county well. The income of the people in our county has also increased a lot this year. I also counted this year. The workshops in our county have also paid 20 yuan in wages. , our county has a total of less than 20 people,

Including those who come to work outside, that is, more than 30 people, on average, each person in our county can get 700 yuan, which is a good income, enough to feed a family of four. land income, that is enough,

However, there are only about 3 people who are actually working, but these 3 people have driven at least 3 people. After all, they need food, clothing, housing and transportation. In our county, many shops have been opened and many people are employed. I estimate that the tax rebate will reach 12 yuan next year, and I can still do a lot of things by then! Fang Yi said happily to Wei Hao.

"Okay, okay, it's not easy to do well!" Wei Hao was very happy when he heard Fang Yizhi say this. This is strength. Relying on one's own strength to develop the economy, of course, can't compare with oneself, but there is no way Compare.

"Compared with Chang'an, it is still far behind, and compared with those counties in Luoyang, it is also far behind. I know that in Luoyang, the annual tax rebate for any county is 20 yuan. This money , but it can solve many problems, and the county magistrates in Luoyang are also very capable!" Fang Yizhi said with a smile to Wei Hao.

"That's different. You rely entirely on your own ability, while Luoyang still has some geographical factors, and Luoyang is a big city, so it must be able to drive the development of the people. You have done a good job!" Wei Hao Facing Fang Yi, he said,
The others also looked at the two of them. They also had a preliminary understanding of Fang Yizhi's ability. Before that, they knew that Wei Hao liked Fang Yizhi very much, but now, Fang Yizhi governs a county, and there is such a good The effect, that is the skill.

After a while, Li Chengqian also came in, and Li Ke accompanied Li Chengqian in, and everyone also stood up.

"Why stand up, sit down, sit down, we are here today to chat and talk, we are all young people, we can talk about anything, there is no prince, no prince, no duke, no prince, We are almost the same age, the difference is not too big,
So, let's just chat casually now, tomorrow is the [-]th day of the new year, today is a rare opportunity to have such an opportunity, and thanks to Saburo! "After Li Chengqian came in, he said to everyone with a smile.

"Brother, you're being polite. I just want to chat with everyone casually. You said that I have never treated guests on such a large scale. This time, I specially asked the chefs from Shenyong's mansion to come over to help. Anyway, I can do whatever I want today!" Li said. Ke also smiled and said,

Then everyone just chatted about him, and when it was time to eat, everyone also ate and drank, but they didn't drink much, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon, and drinking too much made things wrong, just chatting, and eating at Li Ke's mansion at night,

After dinner, everyone was still chatting and didn't go back until very late. There is no curfew now,

After seeing off those guests, Li Ke also went to the study and began to check the documents that were immediately given to him. When Li Ke read it, he kept shaking his head. Ke has seen Wei Hao's ability.

"Shen Yong, what a great talent, great talent, I'm so lucky in Tang Dynasty!" Li Ke watched Li Dawn until he finished reading those things, and he couldn't bear to let it go!Concubine Wu came over to urge her several times, but King Wu didn't move.

"My lord, eat something and go to sleep, you have to sacrifice in the afternoon!" Princess Wu came over and said to Li Ke.

"Well, Shen Yong, that's really capable, okay, get some food over here, I'll lean over here in the study for a while after eating, call me at noon, I'm going to the palace to sacrifice!" Li Ke turned to Wu Princess Wang said, Princess Wu nodded, and

At this moment, Wei Hao took his eldest sons Wei Zhiyi and Wei Zhiren to the family ancestral hall. Because both of their mothers were wives, they had two eldest sons.

Besides, both of them have a duke to inherit, so Wei Hao took them together, and a special servant girl and servants carried them there, and Wei Chen also took his eldest son to the ancestral hall. On the other side, when we arrived at the ancestral hall, those members of the Wei family saw Wei Hao approaching, and they all moved out of the way. Wei Hao also smiled and handed them over.

"Shen Yong, here we come, ouch, here are the two little dolls, and they will be the princes of our Wei family from now on!" Wei Yuanzhao saw Wei Hao coming in with the two children, and went over very happily and said, Children do not recognize birth.

"Called Zuzu!" Wei Hao said with a smile, there was no other way, his father would call Wei Yuanzhao his uncle.Immediately the two children cried out.

"Well, it's okay, come on, this is the first time I came to the ancestral hall, and Zuzu didn't bring anything, wait a minute, Zuzu sent someone to get it!" Wei Yuanzhao was very happy.

"Don't bother!" Wei Hao said immediately, waving his hands.

"Just kidding, this is the pillar of the next generation of our family. I, the patriarch, shouldn't take it seriously?" Wei Yuanzhao said with a smile. Wei Hao's family has several princes, and there may be more in the future. What's more, in the entire Tang Dynasty, only Wei Hao's family was treated like this. People from other families do not envy the Wei family.

"Patriarch, Shen Yong!" Wei Chen also came over at this time, bringing his son.

"Hee hee, brother is here too? Wei Chen's son is already very big. When he saw Wei Hao's son, he went over immediately, squatted down, and teased them. The two children also knew Wei Chen's son, so they went Playing together.

"That's great, Shenyong, Jinxian, our family is supported by you two, and these children will rely on them to protect our Wei family in the future!" Wei Yuanzhao looked at the three children at the moment and said with emotion.

"Well, it also depends on everyone working together, so that the Wei family can produce a large number of talents!" Wei Hao nodded and said,
Then the sacrifice began. After Wei Yuanzhao finished the sacrifice, it was Wei Hao who brought his two sons to sacrifice, then Wei Chen, and then those with official positions. to offer sacrifices, and Wei Hao and the others also arrived at Wei Yuanzhao's mansion.
According to the usual practice, every year at noon on New Year's Eve, we would have lunch at Wei Yuanzhao's house, and those children were also sent back. They couldn't stay outside all the time. At this moment, on Li Ke's side, Li Ke was also carrying a The dark circles under the eyes participated in the royal sacrifice, and Li Shimin also discovered this about Li Ke.

"What's going on? Didn't wake up?" Li Shimin asked Li Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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