Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 693 Another Year

Chapter 693 Another Year

Chapter 689

Seeing that Li Ke was a bit haggard, Li Shimin asked immediately.

"Did you drink too much yesterday?" Li Chengqian also looked at Li Ke with a smile and asked.

"I remember you didn't drink much?" Li Tai also looked at Li Ke and said.

"I didn't drink too much. Last night, I read all the plans Shen Yong gave me to build a workshop. I admire him so much. Father, Shen Yong is indeed a great talent. I have never read his plans before. , after watching this time,
Tsk tsk, father, why is Shen Yong so powerful?Those blueprints, those crafts, I can't even understand them, and those management methods are really unheard of! "Li Ke shook his head and said in admiration at the moment.

"Ha, you know his skills?" Li Shimin said with a smile when he heard it.

"It's the first time I've seen his plans, it's really the first time I've seen them, I knew before that he makes a lot of money, and I know a lot about Gewu, but this time, I really saw it, it's a real skill! " Li Ke nodded immediately.

"Well, that's for sure, so, the things about Shenyong, you guys have remembered, you can't force him now, he can do whatever he wants?
In the past few years, I have indeed been exhausted. Look at my current Datang, how prosperous it is?Chang'an City, Luoyang City, and in the future there will be Taiyuan City and Beiping City, which will become huge cities by then, and Luoyang will need to be expanded next year.

And Beiping has laid the foundation now, and it can be built next year or the next year. Once it is built, it will be able to radiate the entire Northeast, and my Tang Dynasty will be stable by then! "Sitting there, Li Shimin said with great emotion.

"Yes, Shen Yong is indeed very tired and wants to take a rest. I see, father, just let him watch the school next year. Don't worry about other things, including the power station.
Shen Yong really needs to rest now. Now that we have food, the medical school is also developing very fast, and many medicines have come out. Although it is still in the experimental stage, once it succeeds, it can save many people. Plus Now that there is enough food, the population of my Tang Dynasty will definitely increase rapidly,

On the other side of the border, we have already dispatched a large number of reconnaissance cavalry and secret agents. The maps and forces of those countries will soon be mastered. We will send people to fight at that time. We still need to cultivate for a few years now. ! "Li Chengqian also looked at Li Shimin and said.

"It's okay, education is a big deal, and Shen Yong also wants to train students, but he has never had time, Shen'er!" Li Shimin called Li Shen as he spoke.

"Father, my son is here!" Li Shen immediately ran over from not far away, just now he and Li Zhi were playing!

"Over there in the school, what did your master say?" Li Shimin looked at Li Shen and asked.

"Returning to my father, the master said that there are still too few people, and if it is cultivated in this way, it will be too slow. The master wants to let the court promote arithmetic. This level of arithmetic, if you pass it, you can become an official, this is the basic premise!" Li Shen stood there and said to Li Shimin.

"Well, why didn't your master ever say that?" Li Shimin felt very strange when he heard that Wei Hao had never said such a thing.

"Master said that the policy is good, but there is no teacher, no one to teach!" Li Shen immediately said with a wry smile.

"Hey, yes, but is there any way?" Li Shimin then asked.

"I don't know yet, but I believe Master must have a solution. It's just that Master is too busy now. If he can be busy, then there will be no problem!" Li Shen looked at Li Shimin and said.Li Shimin nodded.

"Father, why don't you let Shen Yong take over this piece next year?" Li Chengqian thought about it and said to Li Shimin.

"Alright, but I have to ask Shen Yong what he means. When I have time, I will ask him!" Li Shimin nodded and said,

Then, they began to sacrifice. After the sacrifice, they had a meal in the Lizheng Hall. The entire royal family and the princess who had not left the cabinet all gathered here.

Not long after Wei Hao came back from Wei Yuanzhao's residence, his family also started to eat New Year's Eve dinner. There were too many children in the family. There were several tables of children, all of whom were one or two years old, and there were babies in swaddling clothes.

Wei Hao was also very happy to see so many children, and Wei Furong and Wang Shi were even more happy, and those aunts were also happy, seeing so many grandchildren, they were happier than anyone else.
After the New Year's Eve dinner, Wei Hao and Wei Furong went to the study, and the boys also came over. They are also over three years old, a very fun age, Wei Hao and Wei Furong sat in the study, playing with the children.

"Hao'er, will you be busy again after the next year?" Wei Furong looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"I don't know, I also want to take a year off, but I don't dare to do anything, or as long as I don't leave the capital!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile.

"Take a break when you're tired. Your father has watched it for the past few years. He is indeed very busy. There are endless things to do every day. Although you have a lot of credit, you should also pay attention. Fortunately, you have the business at home. The two daughters-in-law are here, otherwise your mother and I would be too busy!" Wei Furong said while looking at Wei Hao.

"Well, yes, I'm thinking about it too, but it might not work. Luoyang is going to build a new city. If it doesn't go there, I'm afraid it won't work!" Wei Hao said.

"Why can't it be done? King Wei can repair Chang'an. Your brother can't repair Luoyang. It's just a matter of drawing blueprints. You should finish the drawing after the next year, and then come back to rest!" Wei Furong said looking at Wei Hao.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded as soon as he heard it, knowing that his father was worried about him. After a while, Wei Furong went to bed, and the children went to bed, too. morning,

So Wei Hao stayed in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, Wei Furong still needs to come. He needs to sleep for a while, and he needs to go to the palace during the day, and then go to the prince's mansion to pay New Year's greetings. In the afternoon, many people will come to him Come to the house to pay New Year's greetings!

Early the next morning, Wei Hao got up and went to open the gate. After breakfast, Wei Hao went to the palace. When he arrived at the palace, he would pay New Year's greetings and eat snacks as usual.

Everyone is very happy today. One is that the Tang Dynasty took down Tubo and Tuyuhun last year, and the Western Turks also chased hundreds of miles away, so that they dare not invade the border. The other is that everyone has made money, and they are all rich. , No one is corrupt, they all want to run the affairs of the court well, even those civil servants have made money.

After eating in the palace, Wei Hao first went to the houses of several princes to pay New Year's greetings, and came back around noon.
In the afternoon, the other princes and the children from the prince's mansion also came to Wei Hao's mansion to pay New Year's greetings. Wei Hao entertained them warmly. At night, there were no people around, so Wei Hao went to the mansions of several princes to sit. sit down, chat,
The next day, Wei Hao and Li Lizhi went to the palace with their children in their arms. Today is the day for those princesses to return to the palace. The princesses of the previous generation, as well as the princesses of Li Lizhi's generation, all have to go back.Wei Hao and the others went straight to the Lizheng Palace.

"Brother-in-law, are you here so early?" Wei Hao went over and saw Xiao Rui.

"Hey, I just arrived too. It's too noisy inside. Those are still fighting. The empress said she wants me to go to the greenhouse. I'm just about to go. You go in quickly. We'll go to the greenhouse to chat later. Come on, leave this side to those children!" Xiao Rui immediately smiled and said to Wei Hao, who also just came here.

"Okay!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile, and soon, Wei Hao went in. Empress Changsun was overjoyed when she saw Wei Hao coming over. Everyone knew that Wei Hao was Empress Changsun's heart and soul!

"My queen, I wish you New Year's greetings, call me grandma!" Wei Hao asked the child in his arms to call grandma.

"Hurry up, come in, it's cold outside, ouch, they're all babies!" Empress Changsun happily hugged Zhiren!
"Okay!" Wei Hao said with a smile.Then it was to greet Xiao Rui's wife, Princess Xiangcheng.

"Mother, my eldest brother-in-law and I will go to the greenhouse, and let the children make trouble here!" Wei Hao said, looking at the eldest grandson empress.

"Okay, you go!" Empress Changsun said with a smile, and then Wei Hao went out to drink tea with Xiao Rui in the greenhouse.
After a while, other sons-in-law also came over, some from the previous generation, anyway, they were sitting there chatting,
On the way, Wei Hao came out and went to Empress Changsun and said that he would go to Concubine Wei's place to pay New Year's greetings. Of course, Empress Changsun had no objection, so Wei Hao went directly.

"Auntie, Auntie!" Wei Hao shouted immediately after entering Concubine Wei's palace.

"Hey, Shenyong, come in quickly!" Concubine Wei Gui came out of the living room immediately after hearing Wei Hao's shout.

"My nephew is paying New Year's greetings to my aunt!" Wei Hao smiled and saluted Concubine Wei Gui.At this time, Wei Hao also noticed that Wei Qing had come out.

"I've met my brother! New Year's greetings to my brother!" Wei Qing also came to salute and said.

"Hey, New Year's greetings to your mother!" Wei Hao also said with a smile.

"Hurry up, sit in the conservatory and go, I thought you would come, so ah, my aunt has prepared delicious food early in the morning, I don't think there will be anyone else today, but you will definitely come!" Concubine Wei Gui He said happily, soon, the three of them entered the greenhouse, and some court ladies and eunuchs were also there, this is the rule.

"Have lunch at Lizheng Palace at noon?" Wei Guifei looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"That's right, so come here and sit down first, how is my aunt, by the way, how is your mother?" Wei Hao immediately asked the two of them.

"Okay, it's all good, don't call me your aunt. Outside, you can just call me your aunt. At home, you can call me younger sister. According to your seniority, you are his elder brother. Besides, you are still very close after seven generations." !" Concubine Wei Gui said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, then be bold!" Wei Hao said with a smile. "Brother, don't say that. My sister is in the palace. One is the blessing of my aunt, and the other is the blessing of you and brother Jinxian. They all know that there are two capable people in our Wei family, especially you, brother.
Girls from other aristocratic families don't get such good treatment in the Eastern Palace, but I am in the Eastern Palace, both the prince and the princess are good to me, and my aunt has also taught me a lot of things about life. With you, I am in the Eastern Palace. , no one dares to bully me, and I will not bully anyone! "Wei Qing immediately said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"That's the reason, don't talk about you, it's my aunt and me. With these two nephews, no one in the harem dares to trip up my aunt. My aunt is not afraid of those things. They also know that they offended me, our natal family Don’t agree, but don’t cause trouble, let’s, don’t cause trouble but don’t be afraid of trouble!” Wei Guifei also took the topic with a smile and said.

"That's wrong, it's our children who entrusted you with blessings. It's good for you in the palace, and it's good for us outside!" Wei Hao said immediately, waving his hands.

"We are all family members, so don't be so polite, come, drink tea!" Wei Guifei said with a smile,

For Wei Hao, the Wei family really relies on him. Those Wei family children are now low-key and don't cause trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble. They know that once the bullying is too much, Wei Hao can't ignore it, and no one Dare to bully their Wei family.

"Another day, bring those children over here, it's lively and lively. Shen'er is not married yet. If she gets married, aunt will be more lively. However, Shen'er has learned a lot from you as a master, and aunt is very satisfied!" Concubine Wei looked at Wei Hao and said.

Wei Hao immediately waved his hands with a smile and said: "Shen'er is smart, really smart, and will definitely become a great master in the future!"

"Well, I would like to borrow your auspicious words. If this is the case, then of course it would be better, so as not to worry my aunt!" Wei Guifei immediately said with a smile, and then Wei Hao chatted with them,
After chatting for a while, Wei Hao returned to the Lizheng Hall. At this moment, Li Shimin and Li Chengqian also arrived, saw Wei Hao coming, and immediately called Wei Hao to go.

"Father, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Wei Hao said as he went over to salute.

"Come on, sit down and go to see Concubine Wei?" Li Shimin asked with a smile.

"That's right, I'm going to visit my mother while I'm in the palace. After all, she's an aunt, so it's not good if I don't go!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile.

"Well, I'm going, but your father won't give you an errand this year. You can do whatever you like, and sleep at home if you like, but you still have to go to the school. How many people do you need to recruit?" Student, how much money do you need, you just ask Shen'er to come to the father, you don't need to run errands, just give as much as you want, even if you recruit 1 people, it's fine!" Li Shimin immediately said to Wei Hao.

"Then I can't educate that much!" Wei Hao said quickly, waving his hands.

"Anyway, that's what my father meant. You don't need to worry about other things. Take a break. My father also knows that you've been exhausted for the past few years, and my father also feels sorry for you. Just look at the arrangements yourself. It's okay, you can go fishing!" Li Shimin continued to say to Wei Hao, he really felt sorry for Wei Hao, he was too busy these few years!

(End of this chapter)

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