Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 700 Li Jing wants to retire

Chapter 700 Li Jing wants to retire
Chapter 696

Wei Hao went to Taiyuan to build a workshop, and he was accompanied by Li Ke. Now Li Ke is officially in charge of Taiyuan's affairs, so when Wei Hao passed, Li Ke accompanied him all the way.

This morning, Wei Hao was at the telegraph workshop, instructing those craftsmen to work, but some craftsmen still couldn't do it. They didn't know how to do it at all, and they didn't understand the principle. It is also very helpless.

"No way, if this is the case, the loss will be too great. These things are very expensive, and they will be spent as soon as they are used. That's not how money is spent!" Wei Hao said very distressed after he came out of the workshop.

"Yes, I also found out that the cost is huge, but the machine made has many faults, much more faults than the telegraph machines you made before!" Li Ke immediately said to Wei Hao.

"Stop work these few days, let me train those workers? Didn't Shen'er train them before? I guess they still haven't grasped the key things!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke.

"Yes, how many days will it take?" Li Ke nodded and said to Wei Hao.

"It will probably take half a month. I wrote a letter back from the capital and asked Shen'er to educate him there. The matter here still needs to be resolved. Generally speaking, he is still a person who really understands things, but in this way If you want to train people who can use them now, it will take five years at the earliest!" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke very helplessly and said.

"Either way, father attaches great importance to this school, knowing that without the support of the school, other things would be impossible. I also discovered that this arithmetic and gewu are too important!" Li Ke nodded, facing Wei Hao said,

Wei Hao also smiled helplessly.

"Then I will trouble you!" Li Ke said to Wei Hao, Wei Hao nodded,
For the next period of time, Wei Hao was in the telegraph machine workshop. Wei Hao personally checked every process, trained them personally, and let them master the core secrets.

This busy work lasted more than ten days. During this period, Li Ke also came here every day. Seeing Wei Hao training those people, I admired him in my heart.
It took more than ten days for Wei Hao to solve the problem of the telegraph machine workshop, and then went to the generator workshop. This process should be a little easier. The very small ones and the big ones can't be made now, there's no way, too many things are missing.

"After these generators are finished, they will still be sent to Chang'an, where an electric utility bureau will be established!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke.

"It has already been established, and my father asked me to be responsible, and I don't understand, so I am going to ask you to learn, but I also know that you are busy, and I don't know when to come to ask you for advice!" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao Said.

"Well, in half a month, I will give you the plan of the Electric Power Bureau. Some skills can only be done slowly. There are not enough talents. If we really want to develop quickly, we in Datang need to cultivate arithmetic in a year. Hegewu has more than 10 talents, I'm afraid it's not enough!" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said with a smile.

"With so many people, when will this, this, be realized?" Li Ke said in shock when he heard this.

"Soon, ten years from now, the problem will not be too big. Now I'm in the school, and I'm also focusing on cultivating some talents. I plan to set up a small class starting next month. Those who are good at mathematics have to be alone. Raised to cultivate, to speed them up,

Ordinary students finish their studies in three years. They estimate that they can finish their studies in one year. After three to five years of training, these people can come out to train those students alone, and at the same time continue to study. Grade students, if I am not around, he is completely competent, but there are still too few such people,
If there are 50 such people, then we can recruit 5000 people at one time. From the 5000 people, we will continue to select outstanding students, and then let them continue to study. The lower grades only learn arithmetic. They are classified, some specialize in arithmetic, some specialize in physics, some specialize in chemistry, and some specialize in biology and agriculture, but these are all things in the future, and it will take time! "Wei Hao explained to Li Ke.

"Ten years later, can it be achieved?" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Yes, it's almost the same, but after 10 years, I guess Datang has developed so much that you don't even know it!" Wei Hao said with a smile and looked at Li Ke.

"Then I'm really looking forward to it, Shen Yong, it's all up to you!" Li Ke said with a smile and nodded,

After Wei Hao stayed in Taiyuan for a few days, he returned to the capital again, and continued to teach those students and give lectures. The second monthly exam started again.

After the exam, Wei Hao selected 20 outstanding students and set up a small class. Wei Hao will teach them individually. These people are talented in mathematics.
The class in the big class is mainly given to Li Shen. Of course, Wei Hao will also go there, and Wei Hao will also teach Li Shen to cultivate his knowledge of Gewu.

In a flash, it's summer vacation. At this moment, those students are completely different. Their understanding of arithmetic can be said to surpass those of the court ministers.
As for the people in the small class, they have reached the level of elementary school graduates of later generations in one semester, and during the summer vacation, other classes have a one-month holiday, but the small class does not have a holiday, and they still have to continue studying. Knowing that Wei Hao set up a small class, Li Shimin originally thought that Wei Hao would select disciples from it, but he didn't.

That afternoon, when Li Shimin learned that the school was closed, he immediately summoned Wei Hao to the palace.He also ordered the people in the palace to prepare all kinds of delicious fruits.

When Wei Hao learned that Li Shimin summoned him, he went to Chengtian Palace.

"Father, are you looking for me?" When Wei Hao reached the fifth floor of Chengtian Palace, he saw Li Shimin sitting in the big garden, looking at the scenery below, and immediately went over to salute.

"Well, come on, my father knew you were resting, so I specially called you over!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey, rest for a few days. I used to be at the school. I have a holiday these days, and I will teach those children again in a few days!" Wei Hao said with a smile!

"Well, but, Shenyong, you are all focused on the school now, and you have to manage the affairs of the court, so you should come up with suggestions, right?" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"What's wrong?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin incomprehensibly.

"Well, it's nothing, I just feel that after you don't care about the affairs of the court, the officials below are messing around! In addition, your father-in-law is getting old. During this time, he has been asking for resignation, saying that his health is too much. Please The people from the medical school came to check on him, and there was no major problem.

Later, I found your father-in-law, and he said, I can't bear the energy and body, and I can understand it, after all, at such an old age, but if your father-in-law doesn't do this right hand shot, who will do it?
I am also worried!And your father-in-law is a capable person. You have always said before that you want to establish a military academy. Your father asked your father-in-law what he meant. He said that if he no longer holds the position of the court, he is willing to establish my military academy in Datang. It made my father's heart flutter, and now my father is also hesitating! " Li Shimin sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"Well, I don't know about my father-in-law. I haven't been there for a while!" Wei Hao nodded, looked at Li Shimin and said.

"Father knows, and the other thing is that the officials below are messing around. Some small officials have started to corrupt. Before the Overwatch Council found out that a prison in Chang'an County had been corrupted for more than 1 pennies. money, and it was all obtained from those prisoners,

There are also several county magistrates in the south who took all the money that the court subsidized for their county's development as their own, and corrupted tens of thousands of dollars. For this reason, Ke'er personally supervised the whereabouts of the funds, right? It really works! " Li Shimin continued to speak to Wei Hao.

"That's fine, there's no way, such things are unavoidable, since they dare to move, then we dare to kill them!" Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"The key point is that there are also people involved in the court. Two officials from the household department, three officials from the Overwatch Council, and one official from the official department participated in the process. Their salaries are not bad. If one person supports a family, then It's easy, and the house father also solved it for them, they are not satisfied!" Li Shimin said while sitting there, still a little sad.

"Then kill them!" Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"Well, I'm already investigating, Shenyong, you still have to be on duty in the imperial court, my father has an idea, otherwise, how about you being a member of Zhongshushe?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked up.

"Don't do it, father, don't lie to me. I'm too busy with the things in the school right now. I still have to be a Zhongshu Sheren. Besides, the Zhongshu Sheren are the busiest. Do you have that time?" Wei Hao immediately shook his head and said.

Li Shimin also nodded, and then said: "Father always wants to give you a position in the court, so that you can shock those officials. You don't know, those officials are comfortable now, without pressure. There is also a lot of money,
Moreover, the court is also rich now, and all the application funds are getting bigger and bigger. It is obvious that it does not need to spend so much money, but they still apply in this way. On the contrary, Chang'an and Luoyang have never applied for it, just to build new cities It needs money, but the local area also pays a lot of money. If it takes a long time, it won't work! "

"Father, what's the use of my going? We still need to establish a mechanism, an audit mechanism, that is, whether the money was spent according to the plan, how much was spent, and if it was not spent, it needs to be interrogated. In addition, the money If you don't spend where you should, you will be punished!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said to Li Shimin.

"Well, if that's the case, Shen Yong, you can write a memorial, it's good, just how to supervise those officials, Ke'er is too busy now!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and said,

When Wei Hao heard this, he nodded.

"Okay, if it's not inappropriate, don't be inappropriate. Father also knows that the school has involved too much of your energy. Father can't continue to add burdens to you. You said it yourself. It takes ten years to cultivate people and a hundred years to cultivate talents. , It takes time and energy, and it also needs money! By the way, will we continue to recruit students next year?" Li Shimin asked Wei Hao.

"Yes, I need to recruit a group. Every year, I need to recruit a group. The students I am leading now are the students in the small class. It is estimated that next year, they will be able to undertake some teaching tasks. Then they will train those students!" Wei Wei Hao nodded and said.

"That's good, let's recruit, my father will give you ten years!" Li Shimin nodded with a smile and said, then Li Shimin sat there making tea, poured it for Wei Hao, and Wei Hao immediately bowed his hands.

"Your Majesty, please see Li Jing!" At this moment, Wang De came in and said to Li Shimin.

"Oh, the pharmacist is here, just in time, let him in!" Li Shimin said happily when he heard it, and soon, Li Jing came up.

"I have seen the emperor!"

"Meet my father-in-law!"

"Well, come here and sit down, do you know that Shen Yong is here?" Li Shimin asked Li Jing with a smile.

"When I was in the office, I happened to see Shen Yong coming here, so I came over to sit. This kid hasn't been to my house for half a year. His mother-in-law said, why is this kid so busy in the capital! " Li Jing said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"It's the son-in-law's fault. I'll go see my mother-in-law tomorrow!" Wei Hao immediately smiled and cupped his hands.

"It's nothing, just talking, I know you're busy, the boys in the family are the ones who are most afraid of you, and also admire you the most, saying that you know everything!" Li Jing said with a smile and waved his hands.

"Yes, come, father-in-law sit down!" Wei Hao immediately supported Li Jing to sit down.

"Your Majesty, I'm really old and I can't do it anymore. Now that Datang is developing too fast, I should make way for the young people and let them manage my Datang. If I keep occupying this position , is not good for the development of Datang!" Li Jing sat there and said to Li Shimin.

"Hey, pharmacist, it's okay, those things will be left to the people below!" Li Shimin waved his hand at Li Jing and said.

"Your Majesty, I know that my Majesty's kindness to me is as great as a mountain. I also know that my Majesty trusts me, but I have to think about the future of the Tang Dynasty. In the future, the Tang Dynasty will continue to expand. The old man's lack of energy will delay things. , So, my lord, I have brought three candidates here this time, the emperor, you think anyone is good!" Li Jing sat there, took out his memorial, and said to Li Shimin.

"Three people, you have already considered it. Do you have to retreat?" Li Shimin looked at Li Jing and asked.

"Your Majesty, it's impossible not to retreat, minister, I'm afraid of delaying the Tang Dynasty's affairs, I can't delay my Tang Dynasty's future, I can't delay!" Li Jing said very resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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