Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 701 3 years later

Chapter 701 Three years later

Chapter 697

Li Jing wanted to retire, but Li Shimin still hoped that Li Jing could persist for a while longer, but after seeing Li Jing, he wanted to recommend three candidates for Li Shimin to choose. Li Shimin knew that Li Jing really wanted to retire.

"Hey, all right, I'll think about it, think about it!" Li Shimin said with a sigh.

"Your Majesty, I am really old, and I am afraid of delaying things. Now my Tang Dynasty is developing so well, and the position of Pushe is in charge of the overall situation. If there is something that is not done well, it will be delayed by the court. Big things, these two years, I really feel powerless, want to contribute to Datang,

But it can’t be done, the energy is too much, but this is also good, let the young people manage Datang, now my Datang is flourishing, I am happy when I see it, happy for His Majesty, happy for the people, and happy for myself , Datang is really developing very well now,

Ten years ago, the ministers would not have dared to imagine such a day. Now, in my Tang Dynasty, it can be said that the soldiers are invincible, the people live and work in peace, and the officials perform their duties. It's great! "Sitting there, Li Jing continued to sigh.

"Well, yes, you are responsible for this, so how about I discuss it with those ministers? Besides, after you quit, what do you plan to do? Or do you really want to play tricks on your grandchildren?" Li Shimin looked at Li Jing and asked.

"I have thought about it, Shen Yong mentioned it before, and the emperor also mentioned it. I just want to build a military academy. I wonder if those generals will build a military academy together, and I will serve in the military academy. See if it can train us for the Tang Dynasty. Military talents, this is the only thing I can do for His Majesty!" Li Jing thought about it and said.

"Okay, that's good, this way, you are fully responsible for this matter, how much money you need, just come to me, by the way, I will give you 50 yuan in advance, you can go to construction!" Li Shimin was very happy when he heard that,
He has also always wanted to prepare for the construction of a military academy, but he has never had the time. The generals in the court are all going to lead the army outside, but no one has the time. If Li Jing comes to operate it, it will be very good, everyone knows Li Jing's ability!
"Okay, thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Jing also said immediately, cupping his hands.

"That's fine, you are indeed old, hey, but my Tang Dynasty needs talents!" Li Shimin said with emotion.

"It will be fine when they grow up. Fang Yizhi, Wei Chen and the others are all good, and Wei Hao is actually good, but this kid is still too young now, and he is indeed tired. Wait until later." Let's go!" Sitting there, Li Jing said to Li Shimin,
Li Shimin also nodded. Wei Hao will definitely need to be in charge of the court in the future, but not now. After all, Wei Hao is still young and there are people available in the court. If no one is available, then Wei Hao must be in charge.

Then the three of them sat there drinking tea, chatting about the affairs of the court and those officials. The three of them could say which official did a good job and who did a poor job.
After finishing lunch at Li Shimin's side, Wei Hao and Li Jing left the palace side.

"Father-in-law, why are you thinking of stepping back at this time?" Wei Hao asked while supporting Li Jing.

"One is getting old, and the other needs to make room for young people. You know how many people will follow when the old man moves. If the old man keeps occupying this position, people will hate him. Especially in this case, it is better to retreat bravely. This will leave a good impression on everyone!" Li Jing said to Wei Hao while walking.

Wei Hao nodded after hearing this.

"The old man is worried about you now. Although there is nothing to worry about now, your contribution is too great and your influence is too great. Now His Majesty is able to tolerate you because he understands you and what you are like. However, if What about the next emperor, can they still trust you so much?
Therefore, the old man is worried, worried that after a hundred years from His Majesty, the next emperor will deal with you! "Li Jing said to Wei Hao while walking.

"I don't think so much anymore. Anyway, I just have a clear conscience about what I do. Now I try not to participate in the affairs of the court, and let them do it themselves!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile, and he also knew his credit. Too big and it will be hated.

"If you don't engage in it or participate, they will let you go, but it's right for you to hide in the school now, try not to show your edge as much as possible, the outside things have nothing to do with you, if they really If you dare to deal with you, I guess you have a way." Li Jing said to Wei Hao,

When Wei Hao heard this, he smiled wryly. He really hadn't thought about it so far, he just thought about running the school well.
After sending Li Jing back to the mansion, Wei Hao sat on Li Jing's mansion, chatting with Li Jing and his wife. After all, he hadn't been here for a while, so he must have dinner here.
After dinner, Wei Hao returned to his mansion and began to look at his own intelligence. Now Wei Hao is focusing on building his own intelligence team. Wei Hao will train those intelligence personnel himself.

There is no way, I have a big business now, so I can't ignore the following things. If the emperor really deals with me at that time, then I won't leave a way out, and I will be courting death.

But Wei Hao also hopes that this day will never come to Wei Hao. In the next time, Wei Hao will go to the school to continue to train those students, so that those students can master the knowledge as soon as possible.

This training lasted for three years, and in three years, the changes in Datang were also huge.
In the past three years, the population of Datang has grown to more than 8000 million, and most of them are children. Basically, all you see on the street are children. At the same time, Wei Hao's school has also recruited more than 2000 people. people,

For those who are gifted, Wei Hao also let them take lower grade courses, let them start to lead students,

And Li Shen has mastered a lot of knowledge now, basically the mathematics courses and physics courses in the university have been mastered, but there is still chemistry courses that are not as good. At the same time, Li Shen is now responsible for more and more things. Not only manages this school, but also serves as the sacrificial wine of several schools at the same time,

Moreover, several schools in the capital have already started arithmetic courses.

Basically, Wei Hao would not go to the palace if he had nothing to do. Instead, he would go fishing when he had time.At this point, when Wei Hao came back from fishing, he saw many carriages parked in front of his house.

"Master, you are back, His Royal Highness is here!" The steward at the door saw Wei Hao coming, and said to Wei Hao quickly.

"Why is His Royal Highness coming to our house?" Wei Hao looked at the steward in surprise and said,

In the past three years, Li Lizhi gave birth to another son, and Li Siyuan also gave birth to a daughter. There are now more than 50 children in the family. It is noisy and there are fights every day. Anyway, there is no way to stay at home!

"I don't know, I just came here not long ago, and now Madam is accompanying His Highness the Crown Prince!" The steward said to Wei Hao. Wei Hao nodded and walked up to the hall. When he arrived in the hall, he saw Li Chengqian and Li Lizhi sitting Chatting in the living room.

"I've seen His Royal Highness the Prince!" Wei Hao went over and cupped his hands to Li Chengqian.

"Hey, Shen Yong, I saw you!" Li Chengqian said happily when he saw Wei Hao came back.

"Well, I'm a little busy!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"You don't have to lie to me about this. Even the emperor knows that you are hiding and going fishing now. For the things in the school, you are teaching those senior students, and those senior students are teaching Students in the lower grades are in class, and you still lie to Gu Gu that you are busy?" Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey, be lazy, what's the matter, why did His Royal Highness come to my house suddenly?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, I have something to ask you!" Li Chengqian nodded and said.

"That's okay, go to the greenhouse and talk!" Wei Hao said to Li Chengqian immediately after hearing this, and he brought Li Chengqian to the greenhouse to sit down.

"What's wrong?" Wei Hao asked while sitting there making tea.

"I don't know if you have heard of this news recently? Many feudal lords hope that Tang's army will go out and hope that they can conquer Persia. Now our Tang Dynasty has basically figured out the situation in Persia. Now they say it is a The empire is actually a melee between several forces, and no one will obey the other.

So, those feudal lords have been writing letters, hoping that my Tang army will attack at this time, Shen Yong, I don't know what your suggestion is? " Li Chengqian sat down, looked at Li Chengqian and said.

"At this time of attack, how to solve the logistics and materials? How to solve the problem of people's immigration? They don't want our people to walk there with their families. Now basically every family has a large number of children, and those children can't walk. It’s not such a long way, now is not a good time!” Wei Hao frowned and said,

Of course he knew the news, but he just said that he didn't expect the prince to come to him to tell him in person, which shows that the court is also facing pressure.

"Well, that's what I meant too, but those vassal kings said that now that Persia is in a separatist regime, we won't deal with them at this time. If they complete the unification, it will be difficult for us to fight. So, it's all about the father. Fighting, and the father is also a little moved, and also hopes to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and now he has ordered the Ministry of War to make a plan, and may dispatch the Ministry to fight at any time!" Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao,

When Wei Hao heard it, he sat there and thought about it.

"Father didn't ask you what you mean?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao carefully and asked, he thought Li Shimin had asked Wei Hao what he meant.

"No, you also know that in the past two years, I haven't been to the palace very much, mainly because I'm busy with my own affairs! What's wrong?" Wei Hao looked at Li Chengqian and asked.

"Hey, in the past two years, my father has changed a lot. Now my father has money, and the people's lives have improved. In the past few years, there has been no famine in my Tang Dynasty, and catastrophes can be cured. , the people are very supportive of the father,

So, I don’t know how to say it. Anyway, now the emperor wants to clean up Persia. He even said that he even cleaned up the Ridge Dynasty. But according to our previous plan, we don’t have so many people now. It’s normal. Next, but we still have to wait seven or eight years,

Seven or eight years later, some of the children will grow up, and our population will also increase. At that time, we will be able to completely control those lands, such as the current Northeast region, the entire Northeast region because of our people, and we open schools there. , the customs in the Northeast are almost the same as ours in the Central Plains now. After two generations, I believe that the Northeast is no different from our Central Plains. Only then will we truly control the Northeast! " Li Chengqian sat there and said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao can also feel the changes in Li Shimin now, not only the changes in this area, but also taking good care of Li Ke, Li Tai, and even Li Zhi who only started to live last year. This prince is getting more and more wary.

"Well, according to the plan, it is ten years, but I also said at the beginning that after three years, we can consider fighting, but the premise is that the traffic problem needs to be solved. Now, the traffic problem has not been solved, and it is not a big deal to start a war rashly." Good thing!" Wei Hao said while sitting there thinking.

"Yes, ah, I mean the same thing. At the beginning, you said that you want to build a means of transportation, but now, there is no movement. Therefore, those ministers and vassal kings have opinions, and some people even wrote to the father. I hope that the emperor can order you to get this vehicle out as soon as possible,
Say you go fishing every day, and don’t care about things, Shen Yong, you still need to go to the palace to see if you can convince your father, if you can’t convince your father, you may have to fight in the spring of next year. up! " Li Chengqian looked at Wei Hao and said.

"I'm going to convince my father? That may not work, and now my father may not listen to me!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile,
In the past three years, Li Shimin has realized a lot, and he can't listen to different opinions. Even if he advises Li Shimin himself, he is very careful, and he dare not directly attack him.

"Then what should we do? If you can't convince Father, you can only fight, but it may bring endless trouble to Datang." Li Chengqian also said with a worried face.

"Those ministers, do they all mean this?" Wei Hao sat there, looked up at Li Chengqian and asked.

"Isn't it? However, although Fang Fushe didn't want to fight, he didn't dare to persuade his father, and Gao Shilian, Pushe, didn't dare to persuade him. Although they knew that it was radical now, they also said , It’s okay to fight, my army of Tang Dynasty, it’s no problem to beat them!” Li Chengqian nodded and said to Wei Hao.

"But they haven't considered how to immigrate there?" Wei Hao continued to stare at Li Chengqian and asked.

"No, they don't think about it, it's not that they don't want to think about it, it's that they can't think about it!" Li Chengqian said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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