Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Hagrid's Troubles

Chapter 302 Hagrid's Troubles

"Hurry up, Fred, Lee Jordan has been killed, I saw Albert, double-team from behind, don't let him run away."

In the forest, George's shout came.

The three are chasing Albert and trying to beat him with a spell.

It was Albert who came up with the idea of ​​practicing in the Forbidden Forest.

If they are going to enter the Forbidden Forest to find the secret treasure of Gryffindor, they need to know how to fight enemies in the forest. There are many trees in the Forbidden Forest. It is very difficult to hit moving objects with spells. matter.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the four of them need to learn to deal with possible sneak attacks, and by the way, improve everyone's physical strength to avoid exhausting themselves in the Forbidden Forest.

Last time, the matter of the acromantula made Albert [-] points cautious. He believed that those big spiders were malicious to all wizards who entered the Forbidden Forest. When they went deep into the Forbidden Forest next time, they might It will cause them a lot of trouble.

"Except your weapons."

A red light flashed, and Albert, who had just rushed out from behind the tree, quickly shrank back, and a large piece of bark was blown away from a tree behind him by the spell.

"Blocked?" Albert grumbled.Just now, he successfully used the Disarming Curse to eliminate Lee Jordan, but he was still blocked by the twins.

"Catch Albert, and he will treat you to the Three Broomsticks next time." Fred blushed and shouted excitedly.

This is not the first time this happened, but the previous few times, they were defeated by Albert.

Later, everyone stipulated that the Illusion Curse and the Iron Armor Curse cannot be used. In the case of one-on-one, the shooting magic really depends on their accuracy.

It's like shooting a gun. Once the distance exceeds a hundred feet (about 30 meters), the accuracy of the head will not work. Whether you can hit the target is purely based on feel.The current actual battle is actually training the accuracy of the spell and the ability to dodge the spell.

Albert took a deep breath, rushed out, and fought the accuracy of the spell with the two of them.

"I expected you to do this." Fred and George said in unison.

"Except your weapons."

They now have several ways to deal with Albert, whether it is to attract attention or to confront him head-on, they have already experienced it.

As for detour and escape, Albert has no chance.

"Explode your weapon." All three of them missed their spells, and mud splashed around them.

"Disarm you." Albert stopped and used the disarming spell on Fred. The spell successfully hit the target, and Fred's wand flew out of his hand.

Before he could duck behind a nearby tree, another disarming spell flew at him.

Albert stretched out his hand and swung it, and the Disarming Curse was slapped and hit the tree with scorched black marks.

Seeing this scene, George was stunned on the spot, and was also eliminated by Albert's disarming spell.

"You cheated." George yelled at Albert angrily. When he came back to his senses, he realized what was going on. Albert actually used a protective bracelet. Otherwise, how could he slap the spell away? fly?
"You didn't say that the use of protective bracelets is prohibited." Albert said confidently.

Just as Fred and George were about to talk, they heard a voice not far away.

"Who is there, come out for me, I saw you."


Albert's heart skipped a beat, and he dodged behind a nearby tree, cast a disillusionment spell on himself, and prepared to sneak away.

"Where's Albert? That bastard actually slipped away by himself!" Fred and George rushed to their wands. When he picked up the wand and was about to use the Disillusionment Charm on himself, Hagrid had already appeared in their field of vision. Inside, he stared at the two of them with an unkind look on his face.

"What are you doing in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Practice magic." The twins were quick to wit, "The Obstacle Curse and Stunning Curse, you know, magic is not allowed in the castle, so we can only go to the outskirts of the forest to practice."

"Practice magic?"

"Albert is here too. He sneaked away when he heard you coming." George directly informed him, planning to drag his roommates into the water together.

"Albert, what about the others?" Hagrid looked around and asked with a frown.

"I guess I hid on purpose when I heard you coming." Fred gritted his teeth.

"Don't try to slip away." Hagrid warned. He looked around and frowned, "Albert, come out, it's time to go back."

However, nothing happened, as if no one was around at all.

"He must have slipped away by himself," said Fred and George angrily.

Well, don't let me see you hanging out in the Forbidden Forest, maybe Professor McGonagall should teach you a lesson.

"There will be no next time, Hagrid, we promise." The twins said in unison.

"Promise a fart." Hagrid didn't believe the nonsense of the two at all.

When they returned to school, they found Albert and Lee Jordan feeding Fang by Hagrid's hut.

"You two bastards actually sneaked away."

"We are looking for you." Lee Jordan blinked his innocent little eyes and said, "Albert said you are coming towards the Forbidden Forest, so we will come and have a look."

"Hmph, you two little bastards, come with me to see Professor McGonagall." Hagrid snorted softly, dragging Fred and George towards the castle.

"Hagrid, can't we discuss it?"

"Why don't you come and discuss with me when you enter the Forbidden Forest."

"What a pity they are!" Lee Jordan gloated.

"Who told them to slip slowly?" Albert looked innocent, two unlucky is better than three unlucky!

"That's right." Lee Jordan laughed maliciously.

When they saw Fred and George for the first time, they were full of resentment and ignored Albert, "They said to themselves, Professor McGonagall asked us to copy the school rules."

"It's good. If you know the school rules, you can take advantage of the loopholes in the future." Albert said heartlessly, "Okay, don't be angry, I will treat you to Three Broomsticks next time."

"You actually know the school rules?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Of course, I've seen it before." Albert began to gloat again, "There are quite a lot of them, and it may take a long time to copy."

"Thank you for your reminder." Fred gritted his teeth.

"I just heard who wanted to copy the school rules?" Katrina walked over, her eyes stayed on the twins for a moment, and she handed a letter to Albert.

"Love letters?" George quipped.

"Obviously not." Albert couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and Katrina next to him gave George a hard look, then turned and walked away.

"I remember Percy wrote that stuff to a Muggle girl in the village before," George explained casually.
"I remember that girl's name is..."

"Thank you so much for your open mouth. Also, I haven't written a love letter to her, nor is it a lover's relationship, just an ordinary pen pal." Percy appeared from nowhere, and turned to Frey with a gloomy face. De and George said, "I heard that you got into trouble again and were imprisoned by Professor McGonagall."

"We're headed to the library, and there's a ton of homework left to do. See you, Percy." The twins were about to slip away, not at all expecting to meet Percy at this point.

"I just saw that Gryffindor's gems are much less." Percy's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he warned coldly, "Also, if you let me know that you are spreading rumors about me ..."

"No, we're not going to do something that egregious."

"Ahem, we won't talk nonsense." Albert said and walked towards the library with Lee Jordan.

(End of this chapter)

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