Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 303 Choosing a New Course

Chapter 303 Choosing a New Course

The Easter holiday is approaching, and the students of Hogwarts are starting to get restless again, wishing that the school will be closed immediately so that they can have a good time.

However, the professors at Hogwarts did not seem to intend to let the students have a peaceful Easter, and more and more homework assignments were piled up on the desks.

If you finish all your homework during the Easter holiday, you may not even think about having a good holiday.

Fred and George's tempers also became irritable. Not only did they need to be busy with those homework assignments, but they also had to find time to fight magic with Albert every day, plus Quidditch training three times a week.

Speaking of Quidditch, it makes the twin brothers depressed that the next Quidditch match for the Gryffindor team is against the Hufflepuff team.

Although he has already lost two games, Charlie insisted that the players train hard to ensure better results in the next semester.As a result, Fred and George had little time to do anything other than Quidditch practice, magic spells, and homework.

"I feel like I'm losing weight!"

In the Transfiguration class, Fred was trying to turn the little white rabbit into slippers. While poking the poor little guy with his wand, he complained to Albert beside him that he was too busy to breathe recently.

If the little white rabbit in front of them can't be turned into slippers, it means that Easter still needs to find time to practice transfiguration. This is not good news, they have enough things to do.

What made Fred most angry and depressed was that Albert had successfully turned the little white rabbit into slippers after only one attempt. After several consecutive times, his slippers became more and more refined.

Albert is far ahead of them in Transfiguration, and even Ravenclaw's Katrina has been left far behind.

Everyone is so busy just learning magic and dealing with heavy homework.Albert can always find time to do other things, making the three wonder whether Albert really only has 24 hours a day?
There is really no comparison between people. If there is a comparison, it will feel that the gap is really big, and it will make people feel extremely bad.

"Weasley, don't bother that poor little white rabbit, or you'll be locked up." Professor McGonagall's stern voice interrupted Fred's complaints, and many people in the class turned their heads to look at him. come over.

"Sorry." Fred muttered, he caught the little white rabbit that was trying to escape, and stroked its head like Albert did, trying to make it settle down again.

"It's much harder than turning a beetle into a button." George's face was full of distress. His little white rabbit was still a little white rabbit, but Shanna's little white rabbit had some changes, but the slippers were still there. There are obvious rabbit ears, and it can move, obviously it didn't work out, but it is a good sign that changes have occurred.

"Do you have any secrets to success?" Fred couldn't help asking.

"There is no shortcut to learning Transfiguration, Weasley. Transfiguration is a delicate subject, you need very hard training to succeed, and you still have a long way to go in this regard." Professor McGonagall said calmly , this is not the first time she has heard someone ask such a question.

"I haven't seen how much time Albert spends on this!" Fred couldn't help muttering, he felt that Albert recently spent far less time on metamorphosis than magic confrontation.

However, Fred shut up immediately after noticing that Professor McGonagall looked over again.

"Easter is coming. I hope you don't just play and forget about your homework. It's best not to have what happened last Christmas. I suggest you finish your homework before going to play." Professor McGonagall walked back to the podium, took out a pile of papers from the roll and distributed them.

Everyone took the list, looked at the content on it, and started whispering in low voices.

"This is the list of new courses. When you are in the third grade, you need to choose new courses. You have enough time to think about it during the Easter holiday." Professor McGonagall has a serious expression, "Everyone needs at least Choose two courses. If you don’t understand, you can ask me, or ask your elders, you need to be careful, this will affect your future.”

"Professor, can you introduce these five new courses to us?" someone said.

"Divination pays more attention to talent. There are very few people in the magic world who can truly predict the future. Most of them are liars who use divination." Professor McGonagall said.

Many students couldn't help smiling. They had heard about Professor Sybill Trelawney's deeds. Many students thought she was a liar and couldn't foresee the future at all.

"If you want to engage in work that is closely related to Muggles in the future, you'd better choose Muggle Studies. Of course, I know that some wizards grew up around Muggles, so they should be better at this." Professor McGonagall continued, " A lot of wizards don't know how to get along with Muggles."

"Unless Professor Caredi Bubbaji, who studies Muggles, is a wizard who grew up around Muggles." Albert said in a low voice, "Otherwise, I don't think that professor may know much."

From Arthur Weasley asking what rubber ducks do, it can be seen that wizards have a very superficial understanding of Muggles.

"If you like being outdoors and working with magical animals, you can choose the Care of Fantastic Beasts class."

"Charlie just chose the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class. He said that there are not many students in the improvement class of the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class." George whispered.

"Arithmetic divination and ancient runes are suitable for wizards who like to study magic. If you want to become spellbreakers, you also need to be proficient in these two subjects."

"The former need to be sensitive to numbers and can use numerology and grammar to predict the future. Wizards and witches who learn and practice arithmetic are called arithmeticians."

"The latter has something to do with archaeology and alchemy. It requires your talent in language. There are very few wizards who are really good at ancient runes." Professor McGonagall's gaze stayed on Albert for a moment, and continued: "Of course , if any of you plan to choose all subjects, you can come to me in private. But I don’t recommend that you choose all, because the busy study pressure may overwhelm you. select."

"Isobel will choose all of them." Katrina muttered softly, she was considering whether to choose all of them.

"It depends on what you plan to do in the future." Professor McGonagall reminded, "Go back and think carefully before making a decision."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan are not afraid that the courses they choose will be very difficult to learn. Even if it is really difficult, Albert is willing to help them, not to mention that they only choose relatively easy divination and protection of magical animals. There are no plans to develop in that direction in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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