Chapter 182
Cinderella and Nightcrawler.

The two advance teams for the assassination have now lost one.

To be honest, the death was a bit unsatisfactory. In terms of the strength of the word spirit of "Bloodline", it is easy to carry out an assassination when the other party lacks information about this word spirit.

In fact, there is only one condition for Cinderella to win, and that is to let the blood under his control enter the blood circulation of the target, so that the speech spirit can take effect, gain direct control over the opponent's body, and then make the opponent commit suicide, surrender or something Only in one thought.

But it's a pity that until he was locked in the computer room and suffocated to death, Cinderella failed to cause even a wound the size of a fingernail on the target's body, or he didn't even make the target get a drop of blood. .

But this is expected, after all, it is a miracle that the guys found on the hunter website can break into Genji Heavy Industries.

On the top floor of Genji Heavy Industries, a man with no make-up was sitting on the edge of the roof, blowing the cool wind from high above, playing with a purple potion with a little bit of color in his hand, his crimson eye shadow was reflected on the reagent glass, behind him on the roof Dozens of corpses wearing the black windbreaker of the executive bureau piled up on the ground to form a hill, and each corpse was killed with a single blow and cut its throat.

If the former Cinderella card on the hunter website is considered a test, then the latter, which the king spared no expense to find, means "must kill".

'Holy Judgment'.

One of the most difficult speech spirits found by mixed races in the world today. This speech spirit has touched the rules of the world itself. After all, even the four monarchs themselves cannot escape the shackles of the rules, but it can provoke the rules. The chords have some supernatural impact on this world.

Under this situation, the king even used himself to create a real chance for the 'Holy Judgment' to kill.

General Wang, what does that boy mean to you?What made you try so hard to erase his existence at all costs?
A few hours later, the man with plain makeup lightly clenched his fist and squeezed the reagent itself, and his sight fell on the bottom of Genji Heavy Industries. The distance of [-] meters still couldn't stop his sight from penetrating the lingering white mist, and he landed on the ground floor of Genji Heavy Industries. The man who was as cold as steel got off the taxi at the entrance of the building.

"Looks like it's time to hurry up." He said softly.

At the bottom of the Genji Heavy Industries building, Sakura got off the co-pilot of the taxi and walked to Yuan Zhisheng, who was dragging a comatose woman in his hand. The wall showed the tragedy of the scene when the crisis happened. The storm even broke some fragments of tables and chairs to the side of the road where they were standing.

"We're late," Sakura said.

"It's not that it's too late. The attacks happened at the same time. This was a premeditated explosion." Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were a little irritated. When he knew that Lin Nian was wanted by Xuanhong, he expected the worst in the future What will happen to the situation, it is nothing more than Genji Heavy Industries being infiltrated by people with intentions to assassinate, but he never thought that these people would be so courageous that they set up an ambush in the street to blow up his car, and then carried out a direct mob attack on Genji Heavy Industries.

Do these people really know what kind of place Genji Heavy Industries is?

It's just that as soon as this question came up, he asked himself and answered the answer.

Of course, these people don’t know what kind of place Genji Heavy Industries is. The hunter website said that no matter how big it is, it’s just a small group of mercenaries in the dark net. The Blackwater Group in the United States is several grades more professional than them. The hunter website The only advantage is that it has gathered a lot of "unique talents" who are suspected of having blood among the people.

However, this group of guys actually made such a big show today, blasting the facade of the largest mixed-race organization in Japan, and rushing into the building with weapons majestically to snatch people. This kind of operation is simply amazing.

After all, the security forces of Genji Heavy Industries are mainly concentrated in the upper-middle-level document storage and the computer room on the top floor. No one dares to think that in this place in Tokyo, who would dare to openly attack the front tooth tower of their Sheqi Bajia? Even if all the ghosts can't do it, they won't do it.

After all, Genji Heavy Industries can be regarded as the central brain of the Snaki Eight Families that handle various information and affairs. Apart from Genji Heavy Industries, the Iwaryu Research Institute, Maruyama Construction Industry, and the Ryoma family have infiltrated the fighter group of the Self-Defense Force. Those are the snakes. The real strength of the mixed-race family of the Kihachi family lies.

In addition, the Eight Snake Qi Family is the classic one, and the head of the family has full power to manage affairs. As long as the head of the contemporary family can still speak, the power of the other seven families can be dispatched at any time to destroy the enemy, so in a sense Attacking Genji Heavy Industries itself is a thankless act, and the building itself in the downtown area can't do too much armed defense-can't you put a few artillery pieces in the lobby to defend against foreign enemies?
So today's achievement of "breaking through the gates of the Eight Houses of Sheqi" really caught a group of laymen. Although they were suppressed by the elites of the executive bureau who were driven down immediately after reaching the stairwell, this cannot be avoided in the early stage. The fact that it was quite effective caused quite a huge confusion in the personnel transfer of Genji Heavy Industries itself.

Chaos means opportunities to take advantage of. Yuan Zhisheng is not worried that this group of rabble really rushes to the VIP suite on the 33rd floor and drags out the headquarters commissioner inside to hang himself at the gate to receive the 2000 million dollar bonus.

Not to mention rushing up to the 33rd floor, if this group of people can break through the encirclement and go up to the fifth floor, then tomorrow the executive bureau can be disbanded collectively and go to plant potatoes in Siberia. He, the director of the executive bureau, will also switch to a professional potato wholesaler in the future. He has already thought about the brand, so he called it Yuansheng Tudou, which is a homonym of his name, and reflects the natural nature of potato cultivation.

What Yuan Zhisheng was really worried about was whether the fierce ghosts hidden in the dark would intervene in this chaos, or whether the power of the fierce ghosts was involved in this frontal raid, although if the fierce ghosts participated The possibility of a frontal surprise attack on Genji Heavy Industries is extremely small. This kind of behavior is tantamount to directly declaring war on the Eight Snaki Clans. determination and reason.

But after all, Xuanhong was announced by General Wang himself, and it is reasonable to mix some power of ghosts in the process of assassination. If the ghosts intervene, in what form and how much trouble it will cause to them.

Yuan Zhisheng, who was dragging one of the mob in his hand, had countless thoughts in his mind. He let go and threw away the swollen bag on his head. At least a Middle Eastern woman with a severe concussion. She should also have a catchy and daunting name in the hunter website world.But at least, in front of Yuan Zhisheng who rushed out of the explosion scene, before she could pull out the scimitar hidden under the robe, her hands were cut off by the spider, and her head was hit by Sakura's full-strength high leg, directly hanging on the ground. fell into a tree and passed out.

Now it's just been dealt with briefly, the two broken arms were dragged into a taxi by two people, and they were transported to the gate of Genji Heavy Industry under the driver's expression of horror. news.

"Resolve the civil strife first, Sakura, call Patriarch Sakurai to inquire about the current internal situation, she should be staying in the building today on duty, she is not a combat person, I hope nothing goes wrong." Yuan Zhisheng put down his hands The woman in the room walked towards Genji Heavy Industries quickly, but suddenly he seemed to have noticed something, trembling uncomfortably like an electric shock, suddenly raised his head and looked at the top floor of Genji Heavy Industries like a torch.

It's just that at this height, he can't see anything except the blue sky and white clouds. It's just that he vaguely feels that someone is looking at him, the gaze is so condescending yet familiar.

Suddenly, a bad premonition surged in his heart for no reason.

"...Don't worry about the phone, find the commissioner first to ensure their safety."

"But those hunters should hardly pose a real threat to the life of the commissioner." Sakura subconsciously said.

"...I hope so." After finishing speaking, Yuan Zhisheng rushed into Genji Heavy Industries.

 ps①: The plot of the Japanese chapter has been accelerated.

  ps②: As a preview, the next volume of Freedom One Day will welcome Brother Chu (junior brother?) to enroll.

(End of this chapter)

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