Chapter 183 Wine and Maid
"Oh, oh, oh!" The man wearing the Pikachu headgear ran wildly between the corridors, and the hail of bullets followed behind him, hitting every corner of the corridor with stone chips flying.

The captain of the fire-breathing dragon clenched his teeth and followed Pikachu with a hellish face. From time to time, he held a submachine gun in one hand and shot behind him to force the pursuers to stop. Let alone the planned 33rd floor, they were caught by this group when they were on the fifth floor. The man in black, who is the super soldier king per capita, was forcibly suppressed. This is not an ammunition company, this is simply a proving ground for superpowers-these guys chasing them can glow and tweet!The special effects are much more expensive than the Charizard captain!
"If you have any special skills, don't hide them, you won't even be able to retreat if you don't have to come out!" The fire-breathing dragon captain glanced at the metal box in Pikachu's hand and said coldly.

"Although it is reasonable and reasonable for you, captain, to be able to breathe fire while wearing a flame-breathing hood, I chose Pikachu only because I like Pikachu, not because I really know one hundred thousand volts. This guy Pikachu can't fight, but he is a first-class player. The wind blows under his feet and he speaks bad words at the same time. In the complicated corridors, he kicks off walls and jumps fancy, just like a street parkour player. And dangerously avoid stray bullets.

"People are coming from below, we are surrounded." The fire-breathing dragon captain wanted to say something in despair, but his expression suddenly changed and he stopped. The mercenary instinctively sensed the huge pressure coming from downstairs!It was like a bloody flood surging up, although no one was seen yet, the heavy pressure had already passed through the chest, giving people a feeling of suffocation due to poor breathing.

"I've only heard that China treats captives preferentially. Japan probably doesn't have this habit, right?" Compared to Captain Charizard's loss of composure when he sensed the danger approaching, Pikachu didn't have much reaction. With the wrist of the captain of the fire-breathing dragon, he kicked open the door of the passing floor and ran in.

As soon as he entered the floor, the leader of the fire-breathing dragon knelt down and slid, holding the bag on his back in front of him, took out two or three pieces of broadsword landmines, pulled up the trip wire, and within a few seconds roughly arranged a triangular trip trap, which was quite sophisticated. Before coming to accept Genji Heavy Industries' order, she was also a heroine in the Middle East battlefield.

But for the turtle in the urn, this is just a little more time and more anger from the enemy after stepping on the trap. When they rush into this floor, it is no different from throwing themselves into a trap, and every safe passage has been blocked. , there is only a rustling sound in the infinite channel, probably the other mercenaries have also been wiped out, and there is no news of a successful assassination from Geng Gui. How to complete the task, but how to successfully get out of the devil's lair.

To be honest, Captain Charizard has realized that he has stepped into a terrible pit. The last time he was trapped like this, he took a mission to sneak into an isolated castle city in ice and snow in Siberia. The road leading to that city The only way is a railway track built in ice and snow. She tried every means to get on the train, but unfortunately exposed her identity on the way, faced with the pursuit of various gun threats, and finally successfully jumped off the train and survived.

After trekking tens of kilometers, in the extremely cold Siberia, he killed wild animals to keep warm, ate meat, and hid in the belly of a Siberian tiger to keep warm at night. After such hardships, he barely made it to the human city, and was met with non-stop rush Chased by his pursuers, he finally hid for several months before being repatriated back to China and survived.

Since she survived that mission, she must be able to escape successfully this time.

Think about it carefully, calm down, and think about it. Before attacking Genji Heavy Industries, they had already figured out the structure of the building. There is not only one way to escape between floors. For example, ventilation ducts and water pipe channels in the wall compartment can also accommodate The next adult climbs down.Now they are on the fourth floor. As long as they jump from the fourth floor, as long as there is a buffer at the landing point, they will not die if they resist the impact force. As long as their legs are not injured, they can easily avoid being chased and killed by mixing with the dense crowd on the streets of Tokyo. up.

Think about it, think about it, there is always a way to help yourself out of danger.

The leader of the fire-breathing dragon hid behind a printer panting and bandaging his neck scratched by bullets. While his brain was running wildly, he took the time to look at what his teammates were doing. He saw a man carrying a metal box in the corridor not far away. Comrade Pikachu quickly pressed the button of the elevator, like a worker who was late for work and waiting for the elevator.

The fire-breathing dragon captain wants to say that you don't have an electronic card to press your mother's VIP elevator button, what are you doing when everyone else is swiping their card?Brush your face?

The VIP elevator opened, and Pikachu clenched his fists and let out a soft "Oh yeah" joy, and finally added "A big thief" as the Romans did, turned around and waved to the dull-faced fire-breathing dragon vigorously: "Captain, let's go!" Here!"

What is this guy's background?So his super power is to summon the elevator?The fire-breathing dragon captain was a little confused for a while and couldn't figure out the situation, but the sound of the broadsword and landmine exploding in the corridor, hundreds of steel balls directly smashed the safety door and the walls on both sides, but it was a pity that some of the men in black The spirit of speech is related to electromagnetic force, and the defense preparations have been made when entering the door, and all the steel balls are blocked by a blue electric grid.

"Damn." The fire-breathing dragon captain rushed out of the printer and rolled into the elevator with an acceleration donkey. The elevator door closed and left the floor.

"It's okay, Captain!" Pikachu stretched out his hand to pull his own captain up and asked for warmth.

"It's okay. I won't ask how you called the elevator, Pikachu, you did a good job."

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu saluted with a serious face, which probably meant "these are what I should do."

The fire-breathing dragon captain finally heaved a sigh of relief as he leaned against the side of the elevator. He looked up at the elevator's floor display, and his face froze for a moment, because she found that the elevator was not traveling downwards. It was the tenth floor, and it was still going up, and the button for the 33rd floor on the floor button was suddenly lit up.

"I wondered if there should be a beginning and an end, so you can't give up halfway, right?" Pikachu scratched the back of his head and said with an embarrassed smile.

In the fourth floor where the fire-breathing dragon captain and Pikachu had just left, the iron grille on the ceiling was removed, and the first pair of beautiful legs that could not help but applaud were protruded, and then wrapped tightly in black leather clothes. The good-looking ninja turned over and landed silently like a cat's foot.

"Huh, the little white rabbit has entered the elevator, but there is an unrelated person with him." Potato Chip Girl's voice sounded in the Ninja's headset, "Mai, can you handle these pursuers?"

"The elites of the Sheqi Bajia, there are many types of speech spirits, but they don't seem to have a particularly tricky perceptual speech spirit. In this case, it is difficult for 'Kama Itachi' to capture 'Mingzhao'?" Mai Tokuku said at this time On her head was a bandai genuine limited edition charizard headgear. She actually wanted to wear Pikachu, because she is also a half fan of Bandai's pokemon games, and she has no resistance to cute things, but it's a pity The user of Pikachu's headgear is a man whose figure is too flat, and the chasing soldiers can recognize it at a glance.Anyway, the fire-breathing dragon captain has chest and legs. Although he can't compare with Mai's supermodel figure, he can still temporarily confuse the opponent. figure.

"The director of the executive bureau of Snaki Bajia is also chasing after him, don't be careless, Mai, if you are caught with your looks, it is very likely that a restricted-rated plot will happen!" Potato Chip girl kindly reminded.

"Restricted level? Can these five-short Japanese reach my ass?" Mai Shikutoku never changed her face when she teased her housekeeper, but she seemed to have forgotten that she was also an ass Native Japanese.At the same time, he took out the tear gas bombs in the package, pulled the ring and threw them on the floor of the corridor. The elites of the executive bureau who rushed in through the dilapidated gate coughed and fell into the white mist. White smoke swirls and dances around Jiude Mai.

After a round of shooting, the gunfire stopped, and Mai Jiude slightly raised his thumb and put his thumb on the knife sandalwood, looking at the man who walked out of the white mist.

In the smoke of the tear gas, a tall and straight figure stepped out through the white mist. The spider-cut knife handle lifted up pieces of white mist and lingered in the light of the one-inch knife drawn out. The man's indifferent and sharp eyes crossed everything The obstacle fell on Mai Shutoku, who was wearing a Pikachu headgear in the middle of the corridor and was holding a good black knife in one hand.

"Well, I've changed my mind." Seeing the director of the executive bureau walking out of the crowd, Mai Jiutoku raised his eyebrows and whistled: "There are also handsome nine-headed men among the Japanese, and now I have one in front of me."

"Take a picture and see? The camera in the corridor is blocked by tear gas." Potato Chip Girl said, chewing gum.

Then the line on her mobile phone actually received a photo. She opened it to see the stern and domineering head of the Yuan family, and immediately let out a wow sound, and then whispered softly: "Mai, Mai, but Don't be seduced by beautiful men during missions, and be taken to the basement and forced to sleep on your own!"

"Shut up." Mai Shutoku said lazily on the radio.

Afterwards, there was the sound of long knives sweeping through the corridor and the sound of Qingming and shocking. It was obvious that the two people in the corridor had already drawn their swords and fought without hesitation in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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